Aleksandra Vasquez Graphic Design Portfolio
About Me Name : Aleksandra Vasquez Protsenko Date of Birth: November 12th, 1989
Secundary Studies: Saint Andrew’s School, 1996- 2007 Key Biscayne Community School Miami,USA, 2001
Superior Studies: Graphic Design and Visual Communication Faculty, Universidad Catolica Boliviana “San Pablo”. Fifth semester. Alliance Français, french courses, in process.
Others: Free Ilustration Requests at Lenguages: Spanish(native), English(fluid), Russian(basic), French(basic)
School Project: Logo redesign for Ketal Hipermercados School Project: Logo design for a coffee shop
School Project: Logo design for a liqueur
School Project: Logo design for a children aid organization
La Merienda Organic Catering
urban landscapes
School Project: Design of cover and three pages for Metropoli Magazine
School Project: Design of a variety magazine.
Musical Instruments poster for French Alliance
Poster against HIV people discrimination
Memorial Posters, Shigeo Fukuda
Freedom of speech poster