Anthroposophy Resort

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Course title: DSGN III - ALT-INSTITUTE Instructor’s full name: Aj. Carmen Torres Date of completion: December 2017 Project description: The project has three phases; Didactic DNA, Play Gifts & Manipulatives and Fraternal Twins. All students are given each case study to do the project. The first phase is about study, research and analyze information of the case study. The second phase uses the data to make toy. The last phase is making the original building follows principles, identity, DNA and language from the previous phases. Anthroposophy Anthroposophy is one kind of philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner. It mainly talks about human’s body, mind, nature and universe. Steiner also used the ‘color theory’ from Goethe. He focusing on accessible by direct experience through individual’s inner development.

DIDATIC DNA Goetheanum From the Rudolf Steiner’s lecture, it has an evidence that he was influenced by classicism style (Greek-Roman). The proportion of Greek structure has meaning to the earth. It is related to the environment and brings the structure from nature to make the architecture to be a temple or sacred place which lead people to connect to their God. ‘Greek architecture without feeling that it very forms express the Greek experience of culture’ this DNA from Greek style are fully influenced in the Goetheanum by its forms and orientation of the building. The site is located at the Dornach hill, Switzerland. The topography map shows that the Goetheanum stands at the highest level in that area. The others buildings around Goetheanum has a different location similar to stars move around the center of the system. Goetheanum I The first Goetheanum is made of timber. It has an ‘unusual intersection domes as a dramatic illustration of the principles of a new style of architecture, simultaneously organic and functional’. It also has a strong language that borrows from Pantheon, Rome. The great detail on the pillars that support domes is very outstanding. It looks craved and sculpted, but it made of wood. This building was fired. Goetheanum II The second Goetheanum is the expressionism building. It made by reinforces concrete. Rudolf Steiner expresses Anthroposophy through every corner. The Goetheanum look like a huge mountain that has organic form and looks ‘sculpting or craving’. He put the various shape and size of windows and doors. It shows functions of each space behind them. The exterior form look symmetry even it has some tiny detail that different from the other part when cutting in vertical. It was aimed to be the center of Anthroposophy. It has the main auditorium which is the largest space in the Goetheanum. It usually held for lectures, conferences, and performances. Eurhythmy is one kind of performance that normally occurs in the Anthroposophy school or Waldorf school. It is a performance that relates the human movement, color and the meaning to nature and universe. The main auditorium has four thin and long windows where the stained glass attached which each color has its own meaning. The ceiling is painted mural and slope follow the floor. It leads audience sight to focus on the stage. The stage is connected to the second floor like the theater that has space for performers to deal with their performances. The foundation auditorium has the sloping floor as the same as the main auditorium, but its ceiling is flat. The stairs of this building show the flowing forms. It has no right angle. So, the shape of the stair looks like a growing tree to sunlight both steps and handrails.

PLAY GIFT & MANIPULATIVES Imaginature Imaginature is the combination of ‘imagination’ + ‘miniature’ and ‘nature’. It is a playhouse that every piece of the toy can be played. Anthroposophy and Waldorf’s pedagogy are the strategy of designing the Imaginature. Waldorf’s education the early children will study creative thinking, elementary children study about artistic expression, secondary children study critical thinking to prepare for college or university. In this case, this toy is designed for early and elementary children. Its objective is widening imagination of player to play whatever they want to be and tell story whatever they imagine by abstract objects. Waldorf’s toy usually colorful objects (most of them are rainbow colors). Fabrics in the toy are inspired from Eurhythmy performances. It was inspired by the costume that generates movement and colors. Three concepts of Imaginature are ‘movements, color, and light’. It it the playhouse that using organic form. It connected together with the large pole. The three plates can be removed, rotated or flipped. The smallest plate is the solid plate which is used as the main stage. The middle plate can project the color light through the color circle. The largest plate is the storage that collects all of the elements which can use to perform and play it.

FRATERNAL TWINS Anthroposophy Resort At the beginning of this phase is to find a location for fraternal twins. I use the same logic as the Goetheanum stand on the highest area in the Dornach hill and let other buildings revolve around the building. I selected area close to the Valendas village in Switzerland. The site is 840 meter above sea level. The site is stunning by itself. On the North face the mountains scenery with the Voderrhein river in between. The South- West is the Valendas village. The East is the forest, and the west is a view of gradually lower level steep with villages. The transportation is not hard to find. It takes around two hours from Zurich and another 2.2 kilometers to the site. The massing is the experiments of forms and programs that relate to the site. It has various programs in each design; lobby, restaurant + kitchen, accommodation, auditorium, sky observation, meditation, etc. The programs depend on each space in each direction. For example – the first floor should be lobby, restaurant, and kitchen because it is open space for every person to use while the other floors are designed for people who stayed at the Anthroposophy Resort white is more private. The Anthroposophy Resort is inspired by the surrounding mountain. It is the other mountain that has space inside. It gradually changes its size and rotation in every 16 centimeters. This strategy makes the building has different views from every angles or section which response to the movement of the philosophy.

Design Principles > The building must be an organic form – every single corner shouldn’t be the same. If it needs to have a similar shape, the position of the element will be different. The case study was started from a sculpture model. So, the skin of the second Goetheanum is looking like the giant mountain that was craved, pushed or pulled. > Reduce whiteness with the environment reflections – it has no ‘white’ in nature. The color of the case study comes from concrete. In the main auditorium which is the significant room in the building used colors stained glasses to make a cosmic atmosphere in the room. > Building’s orientation must relate to topography – programs and activity should be relating to the scenery of view in each direction.

Programs Each space has differences slop of ceiling and floor as it shows in section. The smaller sections demonstrate how the space changes in a different cut. > The yellow part - the space that connects all spaces together with stairs. > The lowest part - the open space where the lobby and restaurant located. > The pink part - the accommodation zone which requires more privacy. So, in this space will have ten separated rooms and the common space at the center. The windows on this floor are smaller than the other floor because it will encourage people to join activities in the resort. > The purple part - the auditorium room for audiences. Its volume in this space helps people to concentrate on the stage > The plum part - the stage has a secret pathway from the stair for actors to prepare before going to the stage. > Roof - the sky observation on the roof is directly connect from the yellow part. People can climb on the roof. Sit and lay their body to receive the aesthetic of nature.

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