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Official Publication of the Saskatchewan Angus Association
Spring 2018
Publications Mail Agreement #40019886
Saskatchewan Angus Commercial Producer of the Year Iron Saddle Ranch - Lemberg, SK Iron Saddle Ranch is located in the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley just eight miles north of Sintaluta off Highway 1. It is there in the valley, where you will find 2500 acres of pasture, occupied by their highly sought after black and red brockle faced cattle. Iron Saddle Ranch is owned and operated by Richard and Barb Krupski. Their cow herd is largely Angus based consisting of 340 females. The blood lines in their cow herd can be traced all the way back to Richard’s grandfather’s herd, which began in the early 1900s. Richard and Barb met in 2000 and were married in 2002. They have two sons - Dylan who is an electrician, and wife Mikaela who is a nurse, and Dustin who is a firefighter as well as an EMT and lives with his girlfriend Haley who is also an EMT. Barb says, “The boys, and their girls, can always be depended on to come help on our big days, such as spring processing and fall preg checking.”
Barb is a book keeper by trade and has a number of clients she handles out of their home. As well, Barb works side by side with Richard on a daily basis, calving cows, fencing, and everything Mikalya, Dylan, Dustin, Barb and Richard Krupski receiving else that ranching their award from Sheldon Kyle, SAA President life throws at her. Barb is originally from Imperial, SK old and doing very well; Richard where she grew up on a mixed farm. says, “Especially considering we Her parents, Earl and Donna Baht, thought she worked herself to death were Polled Hereford breeders as years ago.” well as grain farmers, until their retirement a few short years ago. Richard’s grandfather, Steve Earl and Donna still enjoy coming Krupski Sr., started farming in this out to lend a hand wherever needed. area in 1905 about 10 miles NE of Richard’s mother Mona, is 89 years Continued on page 8
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Saskatchewan Angus Association - 2018 Board of Directors President
Sheldon Kyle Redvers, SK 306-452-7545
Geoff Anderson Bethune, SK 306-731-7921
Kodie Doetzel Junior Director Lipton, SK 306-336-2245
1st Vice-President
Sarah Buchanan Caron, SK 306-681-5340
David Johnson Canadian Director Peebles, SK 306-224-4341
Trent Liebreich Radville, SK 306-869-7207
2nd Vice-President
Kristine Sauter Wawota, SK 306-739-2240
Sarah Davidson-Coward Swift Current, SK 306-741-0081
Tracey Willms Canadian Director Dundurn, SK 306-492-2161
Executive Director
Glen Gabel Regina, SK 306-536-1927
Gord Roger Balgonie, SK 306-771-2305
Robin Hogberg Langenburg, SK 306-743-2840
Past President
Chad Hollinger Neudorf, SK 396-331-0302
Michael Wheeler Saskatoon, SK 306-382-9324
Dale Easton Canadian Director Wawota, SK 306-739-2805
Honourary President Barry Young Carievale, SK
Michelle Potapinski Hodgeville, SK 306-677-7540
Published by: Saskatchewan Angus Association Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Phone: 306-757-6133 Fax: 306-525-5852
Spring 2018 Distributed to approximately 750 Angus Breeders’ and 2000+ Commercial Producers in Saskatchewan. 3 Issues per year Summer deadline - May 15 Fall deadline - October 1 Spring deadline - January 15 Page 4
Belinda Wagner, General Manager Ruth Watch, Office Assistant 2nd Floor, Canada Centre Building, Evraz Place, Regina, SK Phone 306-757-6133 Fax 306-525-5852 Office Hours - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Publications Mail Agreement #40019886 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Saskatchewan Angus Association Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Commerical Producer of the Year... the valley, where Richard’s oldest brother Garry and his wife Claire still operate their grain farm. In 1948 Steve Krupski Jr. took over the farm from his father. Steve and wife Mona had 13 children, Richard being the second youngest. He states, “it was a busy place.” It was Steve’s love of cattle, and the valley, that prompted him to expand his land base and purchase the valley farm in 1968 from Mr. Alf Goodwin, which is now the home of Iron Saddle Ranch. A large part of the cow herd goes back to the original Goodwin cows. They were a hardy bunch, and according to Garry, old Doc Wilson used to say
“Only the tough survived”! Richard went to school in Lemberg, and afterwards worked with his brother Kelly on his dairy farm. That was until the “west” called he says. It was then that Richard took the opportunity, and went to work on a ranch at Bragg Creek, AB. Being the junior man on the payroll, he was later laid off at freeze-up. After that, he came home and worked for Pattison Bros. Agro, primarily as a welder. It was there that the name, “Iron Saddle” came about. Coworker Page 8
Brad used to say “I worked with iron all day and was in the saddle on evenings and weekends.” Hence the name, “Iron Saddle Ranch”. Richards father Steve passed away suddenly of a heart attack in 1988. At that point, the cow herd was looked after by Garry and many of the other actively f a r m i n g brothers. In 1996 Richard purchased the cow herd and rented the land and in 2000 Richard and Barb also purchased the land. There was the original 12.5 quarters to which he and Barb have since added to. The Ranch now consists of 17 owned quarters and 16 rented. A large part of this is made up of valley hills, native grass, coulees and creeks, which is ideal cow country. 330 acres of workable land is annually seeded for silage. They seed a blend of 70% oats and 30% barley. Over the years they have seen yields anywhere
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from 5-14 ton per acre, depending on the year. All of their feed is put up with their own equipment and the help of Richard’s brothers, their sons Dylan and Dustin, and occasionally some part time hired help. 160 acres is also seeded at the beginning of June into sorghum or barley, which is later used for fall or winter swath grazing. The main cowherd is wintered in a pasture that is made up of valley hills and coulees with plenty of natural shelter in the trees, as well as 60 acres of flat land where the cows are fed. They are wintered on 48-55 lbs of silage and free choice barley or pea straw. The remainder of their cows are wintered close to the yard where the early calving group as well as first calvers are fed. That way the first group is nearby when calving begins in March. Free choice mineral and salt are available to all livestock but closer to calving they will force feed mineral in their TMR until spring turn out. Each summer, bulls are turned out on June 12th with around 50 heifers and 30 cows. These are calved primarily in the yard starting March 20th. This enables them to keep a close eye on the heifers before the main herd starts around April 20th. Richard says splitting the calving into two groups takes the pressure Angus Edge - Spring 2018
off, having the heifers mostly done when the main herd starts. He feels it is more efficient calving the heifers and small group of cows early as it spreads out the work load for them. As well, they can be monitored more closely under the watchful eye of Barb on their barn camera system that they have had for the past four calving seasons. Their heifers are primarily bred to easy calving Angus bulls, and a small group are bred Hereford. In early to mid-April, they move the main cow herd from their wintering hills to the calving hills, which are closer to the yard in case a cow needs to be brought into the barn. The cows are able to calve on the north hills allowing for the most amount of sunshine on sometimes cool April days. This has worked very well for them as the cows are mostly left alone to do their thing.
The cows are checked first thing in the morning and again an hour before dark. All calves are tagged and calvings recorded in a detailed manner. Calf size, colour, weight, sex, date, sire and dam, as well as outside temperature. Each calf is also given its ANGUS CCIA button Angus Edge - Spring 2018
tag with the corresponding number recorded for each calf. Calves are given an ID ear tag which is the same number as the cow, as well as a shot of Vitamin A + D and Selenium Vitamin E. This herd is given a 60-day calving period. They begin processing, which in turn is done in three groups. First group processed by midMay, the second at the end of May, and the last in June when calving is done. This allows them to start moving pairs out as weather and grass permits.
between 30–100 pairs, with 25 cows for every bull. Their cross-breeding program produces what they have determined, over the years, to be the most efficient and most productive brood cow, the “Baldie”.
When processing, all bull calves are surgically castrated by knife and given penicillin. All calves are given IBR BVD and Blackleg vaccinations. At this time, the cows are also given their full prebreeding vaccines as well. On normal years, the yearling heifers are sent to summer pasture starting May 10th; all heifers are tattooed, vaccinated and retagged into the herd at this time. The majority of cows are trailed to summer pasture with the exception of 15 heifers and 45 pairs which have to be hauled to the furthest pasture 8 miles away.
The first Angus bull the Krupski’s bought was purchased in 1991 from Ron Drinnan of Cumnock Red Angus. Following that, the Krupski’s selected three Black Angus bulls from Ron Englot which were purchased in the spring of 1993. After using Angus bulls they saw immediate results from this cross, and have never looked back. The use of Angus bulls on their ranch has increased dramatically over the years. They believe the Angus/ Hereford cross has combined all of the best traits in one. The Angus for their muscling, mothering, and marketability and the Hereford for their docility, hair, and efficiency.
Breeding and pasture groups are sorted according to type and breed, with white faced and brockle faced, larger framed cows being bred to more moderate framed, wellmuscled Angus bulls. Solid black and red cows are sorted and turned out with Hereford bulls. Each pasture at Iron Saddle Ranch holds
It is Richards meticulous nature and his attention to detail, that has earned him the reputation of being the go-to ranch if you’re in search of top quality commercial females. His breeding plans begin a whole Continued on page 10 Page 9
Commerical Producer of the Year... year in advance and he match’s each female into their carefully planned breeding group. When sourcing herd bulls, it is extremely important to him that the bull be out of an excellent dam backed by a proven, consistent cow family. When selecting bulls, it is with great pleasure that Richard goes touring through various herds looking for their next purchase. He says it is very important to him to see the dam of the bull he is interested in, whether
steers direct, off farm, with many of the buyers being repeat each year. They retain a portion of replacement females each year for themselves to maintain their cow herd, while the remainder are sold private treaty each year, off farm, as open replacement heifers. As well, they consign select packages of three heifers to the Hollinger Land and Cattle Bull and Female Sale each year. They feel this has broadened their customer base and helps get their product out for more producers to see. Their open heifers are developed in a 10 acre paddock that is ideal for them to get adequate exercise
it be his next calving-ease sire or his performance bulls, he says, “Every great bull is backed by a great cow and those maternal traits are very important in the business of selling replacement females!” If seeing the cow is at times not an option when purchasing out of province, or during their calving season, they trust the producer’s opinion as they maintain a good relationship with their bull suppliers. They have selected bulls from reputable breeders right across Canada in both breeds. Richard says that they are extremely happy with the service that most breeders offer, both in helping with selections as well as wintering and delivery.
and maintain a steady growth rate. They are fed around 25 lbs of silage and 8 lbs of a 13% protein developer pellet. It is Richard’s and Barb’s love of the cattle business, and the Angus breed, that make Iron Saddle Ranch a great recipient for the award of Saskatchewan Angus Association’s Commercial Breeder of the year.
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President’s Report ... As our 2018 calves arrive we enter a new production cycle with excitement a n d anticipation of what these calves have the potential to become. Soon we will also be faced with a postal box jam packed with bull sale catalogs that will include some of the freshest and finest genetics to offer the beef industry. Roughly twothirds of our great nations beef herd is currently Angus influenced. Consumers recognize Angus Beef at the retail space as a quality product and branded Angus Beef programs are continually driving the demand for Angus influenced feeder calves. There is no doubt that these are exciting times to be involved in the Angus breed in Canada. The Angus breed is not the only beef breed to have ever established this prominent position at the top of the Canadian Beef Industry. You don’t need to drive very far in my neck of the woods to find the old and weathered farm signs at the end of drive ways that once proudly promoted a breed that was on top of the pile back in the 1980’s. Recently one of these retiring breeders told me that I needed to purchase a few of his cows because his breed was going to be extinct. This breeders’ comments may be a bit extreme, but it got me thinking, how does something that was once a dynasty crumble into ruins in such a brief period of time? “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana As a breed we need to remain diligent, adaptive and prepared. We all need to continue to be diligent that we do not lose sight of what has made our breed Page 12
by Sheldon Kyle
such a force in the industry – The mother cow. Angus is a maternal breed that has been often duplicated but NEVER fully replicated. It is said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery… well we are flattered but we won’t quit being better than the rest. Angus influenced cows are currently the backbone of the commercial beef industry and we need to keep them there.
better management practices. Our highly successful summer tour continues to be a highlight on our Saskatchewan Angus calendar. There are plans underway for a tour in the Southeastern corner of the province based out of Weyburn this August 8th & 9th. Make plans to join us as we tour the Red Coat Trail and many great Saskatchewan Angus herds along the way.
We need to be willing to recognize opportunities and quickly embrace change. I believe one such opportunity has clearly presented itself and we need to take hold of it and run with it. Currently the demand for Canadian Angus verified product is outpacing the supply. We NEED to get more Angus and Angus influenced feeder cattle identified with the Canadian Angus Tags. If you are proud enough to tell everyone that you raise Angus cattle why not clearly identify them as such? The program is simple, easy to use and convenient. The green tag visually and electronically verifies calves as 50% Angus, are CCIA compliant, offers free 3rd party age verification and can be shipped directly to your mailbox. To order your tags contact the Canadian Angus Association at (888)571-3580 or call our Saskatchewan Association – (306)757-6133 as we are able to stock a few there now that are available for pick-up. I want to challenge you to talk with your loyal Angus customers about the Canadian Angus Tag program and promote how easy it is for them to identify their calves as Angus influenced this spring.
Our annual general meeting was hosted as a part of the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference in Saskatoon. There is no doubt that Saskatoon was the place to be if you are a beef producer in the province of Saskatchewan. The speaker line-up was educational, entertaining and informative. If you don’t learn something or meet someone new at an event like this, you were simply not trying hard enough. I want to thank all the Angus breeders that made the effort to attend the conference and our AGM. The benefits of being involved and engaged in industry events are limitless. We have a new face on our board of directors with Sarah Buchanan joining us and we look forward to having her share her thoughts, vision and ideas with us over the next few years. I need to also thank our outgoing director, Mike Howe, for his tireless efforts and commitment during his time serving on the board.
As a provincial association we have implemented a successful mentorship program over the last few years in hopes of preparing a new generation of Angus breeders. Along with this program we have delivered various breeder information workshops across the province. These workshops are a terrific opportunity to learn more about industry issues, potential funding programs and
Make sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming 2018 National Convention and AGM to be hosted in the beautiful Comox Valley, BC June 7th – 10th.
I look forward to serving the membership of the Saskatchewan Angus Association as your President in 2018 and hope our paths will cross at one of the many Angus events on our busy schedule.
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From The Director's Chair ...
As my term comes to a close on the Saskatchewan Angus Association board I have taken some time to reflect back on all the very insightful individuals I have had the opportunity to work with. I am also very proud of the numerous initiatives that your Association has taken upon themselves to create for you, the members, to participate in. Eight years ago this January I received a call from Dale Easton asking if I would consider running for the board. I have to admit that I had not been very involved in the Association other than attending a few annual meetings. When I asked what the board’s mandate or direction was, he replied that the board’s big focus was Agribition with some commercial work such as presenting awards at the Commercial Shows at Agribition and Saskatoon and some promotion work. In my time with the board we have run a number of very successful Agribition shows including two National Shows.
We hosted a very successful National Convention in Moose Jaw in 2014 which the CAA had to work very hard the next year to match when we met at Angus Central. We also made two very well received Breeder Directory’s which were excellent fundraisers for the Association, in 2009 and 2014. Our Angus Edge newsletter has seen significant growth over the last few years as well. In 2015 we decided to have a strategic planning session in order to find out what the membership thinks we should be doing. From this we learned that members would like us to spend more time on the commercial side of things, juniors and member education. From these ideas we worked at making our summer tour bigger and better, supporting the hosts with administration and funding. We have run a number of producer days with informative and entertaining speakers which we encourage both members and commercial producers to attend. The board has tapped into the Growing Forward fund under their Youth Mentorship and Leadership Program and have been able to run three groups of five young members thru the program, providing a mentor for them to work with as well as great opportunities to learn about the industry at various conferences and
by Mike Howe
events; the goal being to help them educate themselves as breeders and about what it takes to be leaders in our Associations and industry as a whole. We continue to run most successful Gold Shows and provide support and funding for our junior members. Our province is in an enviable position with all this growth in our programming. I have sat on the nominating committee a number of times but what I remember the most was last year. While on the phone trying to recruit Michelle as a board member, she asked me what all the board was involved with. After reading off all of the list from the previous paragraph, it made me extremely proud of what all of the board members I have had the opportunity to sit with and the staff have accomplished in eight years. I truly believe that we are all committed to adding value to your membership. I have enjoyed my time working with Belinda, Ruth and all the board members and I encourage everyone to get involved and take part in some of the opportunities available to us as Saskatchewan members, and ask you to consider giving back some time by volunteering at one of our events, or even taking a turn as a board member. I can guarantee you will be better for it! We are extremely fortunate to have what we have.
New Director Profile ... Sarah Buchanan lives in Caron, Saskatchewan with her husband Brad and two daughters, Kaycee & Saige. They are the 3rd and 4th generations to own and operate Gold-Bar Livestock raising purebred Black Angus and Charolais cattle. Sarah also owns and operates Golden Thread Livestock Images taking photos and videos of cattle across the country. She also brings auction sales online as a rep with DVAuction. Sarah is excited to be part of the Saskatchewan Angus Board and is ready to give back to the breed of cattle that have given her family so many opportunities over the years.
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Learning, Mentoring and Socializing ... When I was approached to join the Saskatchewan Angus Mentorship program it was an easy answer, Yes! I think it’s of great importance to work with the younger, up and coming generation and lend a hand wherever need be. It’s my belief that we likely all had a mentor and certainly have benefitted having someone to bounce ideas off of. I am enjoying working with Eric Yewsiuk and first met with Eric and his young family last fall regarding what their goals were to get out of the Mentorship program. We both attended the Breeder Information Session in December and thoroughly enjoyed the speakers that we were able to listen to as well as great Angus fellowship that is always had at events like this. Our communication lines are always open and I enjoy listening to a young breeder laying out their path to their future, it’s exciting as we can all remember the opportunities that were presented before us and the buzz our heads were filled with making many important decisions each and every day. Not every choice includes success, but it sure provides experience and we all know there’s only one way we can attain experience. Eric and I both had a hand in the review of sessions that follow: On December 18, 2017, the Saskatchewan Angus Association hosted a Breeder Information Session in Regina. The session was well attended by Angus producers. If you have never attended a breeder information session, we would strongly recommend attending one. It was a great chance to meet and visit with other Angus producers in an environment that is not the usual busy, preoccupied environment of a stock show or sale. There were three very good speakers lined up for the session with very good information to share. The afternoon started with Murray Feist. He is employed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture as the Ruminant Nutrition Specialist for the Ag Knowledge Center in Moose Jaw. His presentation was concerning the water quality issues faced by producers in southern Saskatchewan this summer. 2018 proved to be a tough year on water sources across Western Canada and in many instances health issues were incurred due to the lack of quality water. Various nutrients such as phosphates tie up other nutrients causing problems with the balance of nutrition. Unfortunately, a test is the only way to identify such problems. Local vets and the Saskatchewan government has the technologies which are available to producers. The key take home point from Murray was to be sure to test your livestock’s water sources so you know what you are working with. Issues will often show up once it is too late.
by Shane Castle, Eric Yewsiuk & Coreen Langford
presentation is not only the upside to ourselves as cattle producers but the overall benefit in appearance to the retail market. Whether we like it or not the world is changing and we need to adapt and work with consumers to ensure their comfort and confidence in the product we work so hard to raise. We all take a great deal of pride in raising cattle and Deb offered some insight into how we can be accountable to our customers. I strongly encourage producers to look into the Sustainable Beef program and the many positives that it offers. She also talked about the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot, which is a program initiated by Cargill, Verified Beef Production +, and BIXS. This program could lead to financial credit going to producers, whose livestock go through a certified sustainable beef supply chain, following guidelines based on the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef framework. After supper was the final presentation by Garner Deobald, from Hodgeville, SK. He owns and operates Cedarlea Farms, a Charolais seedstock and commercial cattle operation. He also operates Hawkeye Land and Livestock, a livestock genetic supply company that provides consulting for production and management practices. His presentation, “Marketing 101,” covered tools that anyone can use to market their own cattle, from postcards, social media, to phone calls or in person. Garner also provided insight into the overseas market through his first hand experience in marketing semen, embryos and even live cattle internationally. Our customers are countries which not only need us to help lay the foundation of their countries beef genetics but to make our cattle adaptable to the many various environments which they are also raised in. No day in Agriculture is ever the same and while we go about doing our day to day work on our operations, marketing starts long before we even realize we are doing it. The day following the breeder session the Saskatchewan Angus board hosted the mentorship program participants for a communication workshop. Coreen Langford, another mentee in the program provided this review:
The Saskatchewan Angus Association board members and Youth Mentorship Program participants were able to carve some time out of their busy fall schedules to get together for a professional development workshop in Regina on December 19 (while that would technically be winter, I am sticking with fall schedules and anyone actually done their fall to do list shall be considered ahead of the pack). Attendance was in no way mandatory but as we were all STRONGLY Following Murray was Deb Wilson, the Vice President ENCOURAGED to be there I had agreed to show up bright of BIXS Co. Her presentation was entitled “Traceability, eyed and bushy tailed, for what… I had no idea. The workshop Transparency and Sustainability – What does it all mean?” The promising and exciting information provided in the Continued on page 18 Page 16
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Learning, Mentoring and Socializing ... was a Dale Carnegie training session presented by Twello Consulting Inc. entitled Communicate for Success. The sign at the door with this information didn’t actually help me understand but the room was filled with good friends and some seemingly friendly new faces so, here we go. Right off the bat the presenter was charismatic, engaging and entertaining. Active participation by the whole group in a memory game led us to a handy list of topics intended us help initiate and maintain conversation with a new person. The workshop focused on creating and strengthening relationships, building on the principal that people do business with others they both trust and connect with. The initial memory game was a group activity led by the presenter. It started with a silly list which progressed into an example of the power of association for our memories and then converted in to a straightforward list of topics to help people get to know each other. This was great information that I fully intend to keep somewhere in my brain in an effort to avoid those really fun, awkward silences. I am personally great at finding the ceiling very interesting 30 seconds after being introduced to someone because I’ve already forgotten their name and have no clue what to say next. The worst part
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Continued from page 16 is that it isn’t due to a lack of interest, it just isn’t one of my better skills. That’s just it, it’s a skill. One that we need to develop, practice and maintain. This workshop provided the information necessary and time to practice. There were large group discussions, small group work, individual quizzes, brief assignments to be completed with a person you’ve never met, then the person to your left, then 3 over and 2 up… you get the idea. I can honestly say that it did help me improve my people skills. Part of the morning was spent on branding for marketing and recognition. Discussions focused around setting yourself apart by your personal value rather than generic labels. Later on, the session addressed tack and diplomacy. This included a selfassessment to help identify if our approach to dealing with people was most likely to be passive, confident or aggressive. The assessment was quickly followed with tips and tricks to be more effective, and then some more practice. The venue was comfortable. The food was good. The company was excellent. It was certainly time well spent. I might even try getting off the farm again this year.
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Saskatchewan Angus Association Committee Reports Show and Sale... Enthusiasm and momentum both remain strong within the Saskatchewan Angus industry. As I write this report, I am reviewing last year’s notes and much of it could be “cut and pasted” to 2017. Something different for 2017 was that Saskatchewan hosted the Canadian Junior Angus National Show; “Showdown,” in Lloydminster in July. Participation and attendance were excellent; congratulations to the Canadian Junior Angus board. Our Provincial Junior and Gold Shows were again held in Lloydminster, SK, in November. There were 151 head of Black Angus and 51 head of Red Angus exhibited. 34 exhibitors paraded 63 head in our Provincial junior show. Angus once again dominated the interbreed calf competitions winning the Little Lady Classic and the King of the Ring Bull Futurity. An Angus pair also won Supreme Champion Female honours. The Agribition show continues to be our committee’s largest undertaking and it was another success by all accounts. This was the first year for the new facilities. We wish to both congratulate and thank the team at Agribition for their hard work and dedication in an extremely smooth transition. 293 head of Black Angus and 101 head of Red Angus were exhibited in the breed shows and 19 of the 28 displays in “The Yards” were Angus breeders. 18 pens of Angus bulls competed in the Bull Pen Alley Show. In the commercial heifer shows, Angus influenced pens dominated and factored into the championships in all divisions. Two very successful Angus sales were hosted at Agribition. The Masterpiece Sale grossed $184,575 on 18 live and 12 frozen lots. The Power & Perfection Sale saw 33 lots gross $414,500 with 30 live lots averaging $13,258. I would like to thank the Show & Sale Committee members for their input and Page 20
efforts in making these Angus events successful. We have a multitude of enthusiastic breeders that generously volunteer their time behind the scenes, to keep all the wheels turning. On behalf of our entire board and Angus breeders everywhere, thank-you to those that helped with check in, processing, marshaling, announcers and our ring staff. We would also like to acknowledge and thank all of our show sponsors for their continued support. Thanks to Jim “Shiney” Hallberg for once again taking on the huge task of “Barn Boss” duties. Last but not least, thanks to Belinda for her 25 years of service. She and her staff; Ruth, Chris & Teresa, make us all look good. Respectfully Submitted, Trent Liebreich, Chair Promotion... A major focus to the promotions portfolio in 2017 was the continuation of what we call Breeder Information Sessions. These sessions feature speakers and presentations on topics ranging from water quality to succession planning. Our hope is that purebred and commercial breeders can attend local sessions that provide an informative experience as well as a chance to network with fellow producers. Sessions in 2017 were held in Regina, Yorkton and Saskatoon. We continued to run two ads in the “Beef Business” magazine. One in the spring and one in the fall. We have felt that we want to maintain some kind of print presence without spending a significant amount of money. We have continued to work on expanding our social media presence and are continuing to develop our Facebook page. We have over 1400 followers and hope to grow that number in the future. Kristine Sauter has taken over managing the page and she has done a fantastic job.
The Edge continues to be one of our major projects. Adding full colour has added to the quality of the magazine and has also made production easier. The majority of ads are now sent camera ready which saves on design time. We are constantly looking for editorial content that is of interest to the readership and are open to suggestions. One of the things we have done is included written material from the speakers at our breeder sessions, to give those that could not attend a taste of what was offered at the session, and to help promote the value of these sessions to our membership. The SAA booth made its rounds attending several field days and conferences including the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference, Saskatchewan Stock Growers Conference, WBDC Termuende Field Day, Edam Fall Fair, and Agribition. We offer several awards throughout the year to our membership. Parkwood Angus was named Purebred Breeder of the Year and Iron Saddle Ranch was named Commercial Breeder of the Year. At Agribition, Heritage Awards were presented to Steve & Violet Moleski, Ron & Marilyn Mountenay and Merle Thomason. SAA also sponsored several events this past year including the T Bar C Invitational Golf Tournament, and the social at the Agribition Commercial Cattle Show. We also continued sponsorship of youth events including the Saskatoon and Yorkton Spring Steer and Heifer Shows and the Young Ranchmen’s Competition in Swift Current. The SAA is always open to input from its membership so we can continue to promote our great breed of cattle. Respectfully Submitted, Michael Wheeler, Chair Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Commercial... The continued demand for quality Angus influenced cattle was evident once again this fall. Angus cattle were very well represented during the fall calf run, at various pen shows and numerous bred heifer and cow sales this past fall. As Angus breeders we need to ensure that we do not become complacent about this demand. We need to continue to be honest with ourselves and diligent in improving the quality of the product that we are producing. Angus breeders need to take pride in our Angus genetics and identify them as such with the Angus RFID tags. The demand for Angus identified cattle continues to out pace the current supply, take the time to learn more about this program and talk to your best bull and female customers about the advantages of identifying their Angus influenced calves as Angus. The association continues to sponsor coffee at each of the sale barns throughout the fall.
there continues to be a waiting list of cattle producers wanting to exhibit in these venues. Angus influenced cattle dominated the commercial cattle pens and the Yards displays. Angus females remain the gold standard of beef production in Canada as such they have often been replicated but never successfully duplicated. We recognized the exhibitors of Angus Influenced Champions with jackets and presented sale credits towards Angus genetics.
Once again, I have enjoyed serving the membership of the SAA over the last year and look forward to doing so into the future. If you ever have an idea on how we can better engage with commercial cattle producers, I would truly enjoy the conversation.ď‚Ž Respectfully Submitted, Sheldon Kyle, Chair
These reports were prepared for our 2018 AGM.
Spring Bull sales were well attended, and commercial cattle producers continue to recognize the numerous benefits of owning Angus herdsires. The Angus breed has the genetic diversity to check any box on the commercial buyers wish list, don’t let them forget this! The SAA has continued to be committed to providing opportunities for our membership and their customers to develop a better understanding of the various genetic selection, management practices and consumer demands that are facing the Canadian Beef Industry. We have hosted a series of breeder information sessions around the province this last year and will continue this initiative during the upcoming year. If you are personally interested in attending or hosting a session make sure to contact any of your SAA directors. The new facilities were all a buzz during CWA week and the Stock Exchange was still the place to be. There were some new exhibitors in the commercial show and Yards displays this year, however Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Red Redrich Aftershock 238A
World Champion Angus Bull 2015 - Grand Champion Bull Agribition 2015 - Top Ten finalist RBC Supreme Agribition 2015 - Farmfair Supreme Champion Bull 2015 - Gold Show Bull of the year 2015. We have many daughters retained in our herd and he has raised the top selling bulls in our pen. We have sons available in our sale again this year.
at the 13th Annual
Select Genetics Bull Sale
Red Ter-Ron Hot Shot 10B
Supreme Champion Bull Lloydminister 2016 - Top 5 finalist at Farmfair Supreme 2016 - Reserve Grand Champion Bull Agribition 2016 - Top Ten finalist RBC Supreme Agribition 2016 - Gold Show Bull of the year 2016.
March 17, 2018 at the Forsyth Ranch, Herbert, SK
His mother was Supreme Champion Female at Farmfair 2015. He is a true blue calving ease performance bull. His calves come out small and have tons of performance and growth. His bull calves have also topped our sale. We have quite a few sons to sell in our upcoming bull sale.
Wood Coulee Cattle Co.
Russ and Sarah Coward & family
Box 2313, Swift Current, SK S9H 4X6 Russ Cell: 306.774.6657 Sarah Cell: 306.741.0081 Page 26
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e l a S l l u B Top Cut pm 0 :0 2 @ 8 1 0 2 , 0 1 il r p Tuesday A n's Weigh Co. kme Mankota Stoc Mankota, SK
Reserve Champion Red Angus Bull 2014 Manitoba Livestock Expo
30 Yearling & 2 Year Old Red & Black Angus 30 Yearling Charolais
Many Sons Sell!!
30Z Red WILBAR COLOSSUS 8 Your visit and inquiries are most welcome
Blake's Red Angus - Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake & family - McCord, SK
Email: Murray (c) 306-478-7088 (h) 306-478-2520 Shane (c) 306-301-9140 (h) 306-266-4870 Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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n io it d a r T y il m a F n r u b y Fre Bull & Female Sale
April 20th @ 1:00 PM At the Farm - Oxbow, SK
Freyburn Ruby 27E
Sire: Freyburn Yellowstone 11B
On offer...
50 Black Angus yearling bulls 20 Purebred open yearling heifers
Freyburn Asteroid 113E
Sire: Young Dale Asteroid
Freyburn Angus Farms
Freyburn Genesis 156E
Sire: Merit Genesis 1077
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Jason & Melissa Frey 306.485.7230 Lucas & Kayla Frey 306.485.8285 Page 29
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Twelve Bulls Selling in the 21st Annual Triple A Angus Sale Saturday, March 31st Johnstone Auction Mart Moose Jaw, SK
Progeny off... Mohnen South Dakota PA Fortitude 2500 EF Commando 1366 RB Tour of Duty 177 Peak Dot Easy Decision 114C GGA Upward 23B Hilow Tiger 1X
Three 2 Year Old & 17 Yearling Bulls in Hi Low Angus “Dare To Be Different” Online Sale Sale hosted by Sale closes Wednesday, April 4th,8 pm CST Open house Tuesday, April 3rd, 2 - 5 pm 1 Mile West - 1 Mile South of Disley, SK
Dan, Erin and Cassidy Howell Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0 Cell: 306-581-7606 Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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EDWARDS ANGUS Selling 10 Bulls March 12, 2018 Johnstone Auction Mart Moose Jaw, SK
At the
South Sask Angus & Simmental Bull Sale
Edwards Regard 175E
Edwards Banknote 469E
Edwards Regard 72E
Edwards Kozi 12E Edwards Tour of Duty 24E
Edwards Kozi 20E Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Laird Edwards Box 300, Craik, SK S0G 0V0 306-567-7456 Page 33
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NESSET LAKE & ISLAND-HILL ANGUS Invites You To The 13th Annual
BLACK ANGUS BULL SALE Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. At Meadow Lake Livestock Sales
Island Hill Double Vision 711E
Nesset Lake Logic 20E
Nesset Lake Net Worth 4E
Nesset Lake Payweight 32E
Nesset Lake Kodiak 79E
• HF Sequal 40Y • Sitz Logic Y46 • Basin Payweight 107S • Nesset Lake Payweight 69C • Family Ties Net Worth 13C • Double Vision JRH 242C • HF Kodiak 5R • Nesset Lake Kodiak 50C • Thomas Powder River 9053 • RB Tour of Duty 177 • Eastondale Laramie 120’13 • TC Aberdeen • LT Driven 8097
More pictures can be seen on our Facebook page : Nesset Lake Angus
Ivan & Julie Demmans Sheldon & Lori Shkopich Phone: 306-236-6058 Phone : 306-236-6123 Cell: 306-236-8086 Cell : 306-240-5011 E-mail : Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Out and About in Saskatchewan Hello Angus folks, As I sit down to write this Old Mother Nature is sure playing tricks with everyone across the country. Record lows, record highs, freezing rain and snow are sure keeping everyone on their toes. Here’s hoping that calving is going well as you deal with whatever is thrown at you. The Fall Feeder sale run was once again very strong. Producers were receiving the second highest prices in history and this made for plenty of optimism and happy producers. The commercial bred heifer market did seem to have levelled off from the past couple of years, however there were still some packages that would break the $3000+ mark. For the most part, really good heifers could be bought in the $2400$2600 range which in my mind is still pretty good money. The drought and feed situation in some areas definitely affected some sales but not to the extent some maybe expected. Many of the
by Bob Toner CAA Director of Business Development for SK/MB
producers I talked to were willing to sell off older and less productive females and take that money to buy feed and/or a few younger replacements to continue moving forward. The purebred sales in the fall were also very good. It’s great to see breeders being rewarded for their efforts. Attendance at these sales was good, as it also was at the shows. Exhibitors were reporting good traffic, both purebred and commercial, as producers did their research for the spring bull sale season. Speaking of the spring bull sales, your Business Development Team will once again be on the road attending sales and connecting with as many people as possible. If you go to the CAA website and check on the Events Calendar you can see our schedule. This spring we are having a “Big Push” to increase tag sales. I will attempt to always have RFID tags with me this spring and would be happy to sit down SBIC 2018
and discuss our Tag Program with you. If I’m short of tags I will have order forms with me which we can fill out and I’ll get your tags ordered for you. I strongly encourage all our purebred producers to “Take Pride In Your Product” and “Tag Em Green”. Also encourage your commercial customers to do like-wise. If you’re not comfortable talking to your customers about this, contact one of the BDT members and we will gladly talk to them. Well that’s it for now. If you have any questions or comments give me a call at 306-716-5272 and I’ll be happy to take the time to talk with you. See ya down the road
Ho st or att en d a Br ee de r ! In fo rm ati on Se ss ion in yo ur ar ea
proposals from the membership for Saskatchewan Angus will entertain the province over the next year. hosting sessions in various areas of tion contact the office at If you are interested in more informa 306-757-6133 or email office@sask
h session in Regina.
ing April 19t Mark Your Calendar for our upcom last for more information. Watch Stay tuned for an upcoming E-b re details. the web and Facebook as well for mo
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Excellence can cut costs... Working as a waitress throughout high school, I hated the sight of an empty table. It meant one less chance to make a tip. In fact, if it were a slow day at Perkins, and there were too many tables without customers, they’d just start letting servers go home early. When saving for a car that will get you to college, you don’t want your section to be the one they close. Until a few months ago, I had never thought about that from a restaurant-wide, economics standpoint. Then I heard the owner of one of the largest steakhouses in Texas talk about the cost of an empty table. Just a single, two-person table, sitting empty every night could reduce his sales by almost $100,000 annually.
By Miranda Reiman, CAB On the live cattle side, we have our own version of the empty table. Nobody wants a shallow crowd or disinterested bidders at the auction barn when your calves walk in, or a lack of response to calls about possible private-treaty sales. After a buyer procures your cattle once, you want to keep them coming back for more, just like the regulars at that steakhouse. That begs the question: Are there any places in your operation that could use a little more cost cutting, by way of adding excellence?
The strategy to keep that from happening hinges on everything from customer service to food quality to what’s on the menu, but it’s all based on the idea of getting repeat customers. Decisions on cutting costs are never taken lightly, because on the other end of that choice is a consequence. “I will refuse to make a decision on a contract, sitting in my office, looking at a spreadsheet,” the restaurateur said. “I make that decision, instead, walking down to the dining room and looking at my customers and talking to them, because if the customer doesn't benefit from my decision, I will not benefit from my decision.” He acknowledged food cost is a big deal, a large portion of the budget. That’s why it’s so alluring to try to find ways to cut corners. Substitute the cost of food for genetics or health products and that statement begins to sound like something you can relate to as well. Imagine he’s not a steakhouse owner, but rather a cattle feeder or a rancher. Doesn’t this account ring true in all segments of the beef community? “Here is the sin in my business, right here: temptation to buy cheaper. We spend a lot of time in our business trying to buy smarter. I don't want to buy cheaper,” he said. Instead, he serves the best beef he can, because “mediocracy is everywhere.” Selling excellence brings people in the door. It keeps the tables full. It’s still a matter of cutting costs, really. Opportunity cost, that is. Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Message from your Canadian Angus CEO... Canadian Angus represents 64% of Canada’s national commercial cow herd and more than 50% of purebred registrations in a given year, what we do as Angus genetic seedstock suppliers affects every single element of our nation’s cattle and beef industry. Never before has any one breed held more market share and been more dominant than we are right now. We have an awesome, incredible, humbling responsibility but my greatest confidence comes from the fact I know that our membership is absolutely up for it! Welcome to ‘The Year of the Tag’! We have long had the world’s largest branded tag program but, in 2018, we hope to grow it by 50%! So please note, through these pages, you will see a lot about our Canadian Angus tag program and what you can do to help it grow. Why should it grow? For a number of reasons… - The only way to get Red Angus cattle into ANY Angus-branded beef program in Canada is for them to be tagged with our Canadian Angus tag. - There are a number of branded beef programs in Canada that are unable to find enough verified Angus cattle to satisfy their program demands. The only way to verify? With our Canadian Angus tag! - We are moving closer and closer to where major Angus-branded programs will need and want to verify that what they are selling as Angus is, indeed, Angus! And the only way to do that is by procuring cattle that are tagged “Canadian Angus”. If you think you can’t access our tags easily enough, please try placing your order online: delivery usually takes place the next business day or, at the most, within three business days. We Page 70
By Rob Smith, CEO Canadian Angus Association
may never be available at retail locations (although we are working on this) but we are quite easy to obtain. And if you can find tags less
expensive than what we sell ours for, please contact us because we are priced at the lowest level we can find in retail. I know many of you want a premium for using our Angus tag; we can never guarantee this. However, I have to ask you… why do you want or need a premium? Our RFID tag is priced as reasonably as anyone’s. And you HAVE to put an RFID tag in your calves. So why not show Angus pride, create optimal opportunity for both yourself and those who purchase, feed and sell your genetics, and Tag ’em Angus? Please help us grow our Canadian Angus tag program to its ‘highest heights’ in 2018. Please consider giving RFID tags away to your bull customers, like some of your fellow amazing Canadian Angus members do. Or do some form of tag promotion. We will do our very best to assist you as you help to create opportunity for your customers who are, after all, the majority of cattlemen and women in our great nation. Last December we counted ballots on the six amendments to our Canadian Angus by-laws that were submitted for your consideration. About 33% more of you responded than did three years ago on our last appeal for change, and thanks to those of you who voted. We have submitted all six amendments to the Government of Canada for final approval and, hopefully, the upcoming
elections to our national Board of Directors in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan will include the option of electronic voting for those of you motivated by that. We also want to thank the even larger number of members who filled out the Comprehensive Member Survey. Our largest assessment of member input for six years, the results of this survey will form a significant part of our next strategic plan. We have submitted our first ‘broad strokes’ draft to the Board of Directors for their consideration and they have made changes, challenging us to create even more value for you. In the coming months, we will be engaging with our industry, including our commercial Angus producers along the value chain. And, of course, we will launch the new strategic plan at Convention in Comox, Vancouver Island, BC next June. We are all very excited about this process and can’t wait to share it with you at Convention. There is so much outstanding information we are getting from the Member Survey results and we want to share that with you as well. I believe that, for the next few months, part of my message to you in our electronic newsletter ‘The Angus Word’ every month will be both highlighting trends from the survey as well as answering questions that were raised. You have received your annual Herd Inventory and Membership Renewal package, most of you through e-mail and about 20% in the mail. There is a lot of information we believe is very important for you to be aware of… not just Canadian Angus information but very much about our industry and perhaps even your profitability. Please take a look at the contents of this package and let us know if you have any questions. Angus Edge - Spring 2018
As we move into our new year of 2018, with all of its excitement and challenge, I have also closed out 2017 with reflection and review. As I have done in the past, please accept my following highlights of 2017 in your Canadian Angus Association. The 2017 Top 20 Canadian Angus Achievements 20) Our effort toward the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) by-law amendments last spring was time well spent as all of these were passed. These changes make CBBC stronger in the long term from the perspective of succession. It also helps provide leadership to CBBC as it transitions into a more impactful and sustainable business model. 19) The ACE program, very controversial one year ago, was finalized by the Canadian Angus Board to commence on January 1st, 2018 as an optional
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program. Over 60 members and 2,500 cows are moving into this new way of doing business. 18) Seeing our Canadian Angus personalities influencing our communities and industry through superior and notable leadership. I cannot explain how important I think it makes Angus in Canada look when you see folks like David Hamilton (Hamco Cattle Co. – Glenboro, MB) as President of the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association and David Sibbald (Triple S Cattle Co. Ltd. – Calgary, AB) as President and Chairman of the Board of the Calgary Stampede. We count dozens of elected officials and directors on industry boards among our membership. To me, these are the ‘tentacles’ of Angus leadership and influence spreading, and I always think that is a highlight worth celebrating. 17) As mentioned above, all six bylaw amendments that were submitted
to the membership passed. Pending Government of Canada approval, this will allow us to introduce electronic voting in addition to the traditional mail-in ballot means for future Board elections and by-law amendments. 16) Our relationship with Certified Angus Beef (CAB) and cooperation with American Angus Association (AAA). I would say we have entered a ‘golden age’ of cooperation and collaboration with our American black Angus counterpart. And I consider such connectivity to be a highlight for us because it means more value for our membership. 15) After serious negotiating, our ability to offer the HerdMaster management software for FREE to our membership. 14) The World Angus Forum in Scotland, including our 12 youth competing on three teams, titled Aspire, Believe and Continued on page 72
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Message from your Canadian Angus CEO... Courage. Man… are young Angus breeders just ‘da bomb’! I couldn’t possibly be prouder of how they network and interact, what they know and how they represent us. Also, as has been the case in recent years, the total Canadian participation at the Forum was the largest; this makes me immensely proud. Just so you know, the 2019 World Angus Secretariat will be in March in Uruguay and the 2021 Forum will be in Sydney, Australia in May. My understanding of current plans is that the 2021 Forum will include a Youth Team Challenge component, so we will be fundraising for this at the 2019 and 2020 Canadian Angus Foundation Building the Legacy fundraiser auction sales. 13) Manitoba Angus’ hosting of our National Convention in Brandon, MB. They knocked it outta the park! We also saw great hosting by the Lloydminster Exhibition (with ‘heavy lifting’ by Canadian Junior Angus Board member Tyra Fox and her team) for Showdown, the Alberta Angus Association of our National Show at Farmfair with GOAL also in Edmonton. Dozens of volunteers are necessary to make these events run and we are so respectful and grateful for this extra effort. 1 2 ) O u r s u m m e r s t u d e n t s . We accomplished a huge amount of work sorting and purging in our historical archives this summer, and Kiani Evans and Megan McLeod were both absolute rock stars about pitching in and helping out wherever we needed them. With the staff turnover we had earlier this year, they were an incredible asset for us. 11) Tags, tags, tags! Our Board has doubled down on our Canadian Angus green tag program and has an aggressive goal for it in 2018 and through the next five years. We currently see 275,000 Angus calves tagged annually in Canada and the Board wants to see this be a cool MILLION each year. Given that there are about 4 million cows and heifers that Page 72
annually produce a calf, we are currently seeing about 7% of them tagged Angus when we know it should be 64% (according to CanFax market analysis data); this shows us A LOT of room to grow! And to do this, you NEED to help! Please consider the suggestions made in your Herd Inventory & Membership Renewal package, or give any of the Business Development Team Directors (Brian Good, Bob Toner and Nathan Marin) a call. 10) The 2nd annual Canadian Beef Industry Conference. I am so proud of our leadership toward this event that has, in two short years, truly become the meeting place for our industry. And, with Canadian Angus Past President Tammi Ribey as the Chair for this year’s event in London, ON, Angus support continues and will, I am confident, prove amazing and oh-so-worthwhile. 9) Developing and launching our new mentorship program. 8) The proliferation of Angus beef p r o g r a m s , i n c l u d i n g Wa l - M a r t . And the McDonald’s sustainability initiative leading to the new Cargill, BIXS, VBP+ pilot. Both related and independent, part of this highlight is our ongoing discussions with these and other processors and corporations who know that Angus = Quality + Value + Consumer Confidence & Satisfaction. 7) Being able to transition to monthly genetic evaluations for Black Angus and the use of Single Step technology. We are, we hope, just weeks (or short months) away from offering the same for our Red Angus producers. 6) Our internal audit process, including substantial member engagement and consultations, leading to operational changes and the implementation of, in many cases, individual member input that, in analysis, creates value for ALL members.
Continued from page 71 5) Yet again, we broke last year’s record! There is no way I can list highlights of the year without including the recordsetting Building the Legacy 6 that took place during National Convention in Brandon. Our members stepped up in, if it’s even possible to say, a bigger way than ever before, and our members also stepped up to ensure everything brought and maybe even exceeded expectations of value. Our members’ generosity and continued support for our Canadian Angus Foundation warms my heart and proves that involvement in Angus cattle raises and showcases our spirits way beyond our cattle and deeply into our most valuable asset: our people. And plans are underway for extraordinary donations again in 2018, so please pay attention to the incredible, valuemaximizing genetics, items, services and experiences that will be offered for your benefit on Saturday, June 9th in Comox, BC. I hope… and think… you’ll be impressed… 4) Swiftly and effectively replacing the 33% staff turnover (we have one vacancy we do not plan to fill for at least 2018) in the first half of 2017 after three years of not replacing anyone. This timeframe included creation of a new organizational structure, identifying the new Leadership Team and a largely rookie Member Service team in addition to our Member Value and Administration teams. Kajal Devani and Tina Zakowsky, long-time Canadian Angus staff members, in new roles with higher responsibility, and Carmen Koning, who came to us from Bow Valley College in Calgary, not only met but exceeded my hopes for, respectively, our Member Service, Administration and Member Value teams. 3) After two years of, respectively, 7% and 4% increases in registrations, Canadian Angus saw registrations take a dip of 3% but all other measures; membership, transfers, weight submissions and tag sales, increase. Given that 2015 and Angus Edge - Spring 2018
2016 were among of our best ever for activity and finances, to be in that realm again in 2017 is a total highlight. 2) The Canadian Angus Strategic Planning process, including the September/ October Regional Engagement Sessions, was as much a highlight as it was joyful and stimulating. Thinking about our future while in direct contact with our members is a highly inspiring thing and place to be. With over 200 members attending the engagement sessions and over 250 completing our survey, it is obvious that you care. And serving people who are investing and invested? What can be more fulfilling than that? Please remember that we will launch our new Canadian Angus Strategic Plan at Convention in Comox, BC, this June. AND THE #1 HIGHLIGHT FOR CANADIAN ANGUS IN 2017? 1) As assessed in our Comprehensive M e m b e r S u r v e y, y o u r m e m b e r
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satisfaction increased by 7%, from 86% to 93%. And a full 25% believe we are serving you better than we did one year ago. This is a highlight for me because member satisfaction was our #1 priority and focus for 2017. We have always been passionate about serving you, our members, the best we possibly can. But, in 2017, we became OBSESSIVE about our member service. And it seems that you are agreeing. Now… we will do it even more and better and for longer. Yes… making such lists makes me as proud and celebratory as it does reflective and contemplative. And it also makes me a little anxious. How do we maintain such momentum? How do we ensure constant, continual improvement? How do we earn your trust and financial investment year after year, decade after decade? And I hope it is this anxiety and perhaps even slightly affected nerves which leads to the listening to our members that leads to change, to value, and to you being satisfied with
your Canadian Angus Association. That leads to wanting to bring to life every vision your elected Board of Directors seeks… EXISTS(!)… to realize. That leads to growth and progress. That leads to where we will all be one year from now. And five. And 25. And 100! Onward and upward are two words that guide your Canadian Angus team in everything that we do. And I think, as you work through calving or prepare for your cows to calve, you mostly think this way, as well. And I want to thank you for that optimism, that commitment and dedication. That pride. May 2018 be your greatest year as Angus producers yet. And if your Canadian Angus Association can do anything to assist you, either as a purebred or commercial producers, please never hesitate to let us know. After all, we work for you. And we celebrate and commit to this each and every day.
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‘Secrets’ about birth weight and weaning weight... Calving ease equals sleep and money at this time of the year. There are extensive studies that quantify the negative impact of calving difficulties (on the calf, the cow, and the producer). So, we select for genetics that we think will ensure peaceful slumber and easy calving. Traditionally, producers have done this by choosing to use low birth weight bulls, thinking that low birth weight mean high calving ease. The two traits are associated but they are not the same. The estimated genetic correlation between birth weight and calving ease is -0.65. So, low birth weight contributes to calving ease, but it is not the complete answer. After a certain threshold, low birth weight is also correlated with calf mortality and morbidity.
By Kajal Devani CAA Member Service Team Leader
The key to profitability for cattle producers is a live calf that grows well. We wish you the best through this calving season and bull sale season.
The other trait that birth weight is correlated with is weaning weight. The estimated genetic correlation between birth weight and weaning weight is 0.29. This means selection for lower birth weight results in lower weaning weight. The same is true for yearling weight. Animals with the genetic potential for low birth weight will also have the genetic potential for low performance at every other stage in its life. Its genetic potential for growth is correlated from birth to weaning to yearling and through to mature weight. Canadian Angus members often tell me that the only performance information bull buyers ask for is birth weights. Let’s start talking about the traits that they really want, what really makes them money – calving ease and weaning weight. If you need some ‘talking points’, an explanation of traits or EPDs, or anything else for your bull sale catalogue, please don’t hesitate to contact your Angus Association. We have created several ¼ page inserts for your sale catalogues. These are a great way to share information with your bull customers. Page 74
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Six reasons to join the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot Cargill leadership outlines why producers should consider participating an operation is sustainable and what the terms are for making that claim.
There’s no doubt it has created interest. And depending on who you talk to, it could be the biggest opportunity the beef industry has had in years. Canada is taking the lead internationally for the building of a brand around beef sustainability. Beef producers will get a chance to get in on the program early by participating in the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot. Cargill has partnered with the VBP+ and the Beef InfoXchange System (BIXS) to launch the Acceleration Pilot. Starting in October 2017 and running for at least one year, it’s designed to build a dependable cattle supply, ready when a beef sustainability brand is launched. Emily Murray oversees the McDonald’s beef portfolio for Cargill in Canada and the U.S. and has been a leader in the brand development work to date. She says there are at least six good reasons why it will make sense for Canadian beef producers to consider participating in the pilot. 1. The concept is proven. As a quick recap, the McDonald’s Canada sustainable beef pilot project from 2014 to 2016 proved that verifying general sustainability practices on-farm and tracing beef through a Canadian supply chain could be done in a way that was understandable to consumers, says Murray. The Canadian Roundtable on Sustainable Beef (CRSB) is building a brand standard on how to validate that Angus Edge - Spring 2018
2. We need volume to succeed. Strong interest in a concept does not always translate into scale in the market, says Murray. “You can create a standard and launch a logo, but if you don’t have the cattle numbers behind it to meet requirements then we are not going to get anywhere very fast. “The new pilot is intended to build volume,” she says. “We know the fundamentals of the CRSB brand program will work so we don’t need to wait until they are finished to get going on it. We need to get in front of consumers sooner than later.” 3. There are benefits to participating. Build the industry, collect a reward. Those are two main reasons for producers to participate in the acceleration pilot. There will be economic benefits. VBP+ Registered producers who sign up with BIXS for the pilot will receive a quarterly financial credit for every animal that moves through an entire verified marketing channel. Producers are also helping build a viable industry longer term by helping Canada be on the leading edge of this sustainability movement. 4. There are solid partners in place and more to come. With VBP+ and BIXS, both of which Cargill has solid experience with in this work to date, Murray says the partners are in place to anchor success. McDonald’s and Swiss Chalet (Cara Foods) are also on board, funding the credits for beef delivered to their restaurants from fully sustainable supply chains. Other partners – like restaurants, retailers and groups or organizations that can help promote the effort – are welcome,” says Murray.
“If the consumer can see the brand in different places, then it won’t be just industry talking to industry, it will be a connection with consumers.” 5. There is urgency. Consumers want to eat beef, but they want to know how that animal was raised and how the environment was handled. They want to give themselves permission to enjoy the product, says Murray. “We want to give them that confidence.” Consumers have access to a lot of diverse viewpoints, and if we do not reassure them then someone else will, she says. “We want sustainability to count for something as CRSB has defined it, before somebody else defines it in another way.” 6. It’s easy to sign up. “We need producer help,” says Murray. “We are going to do our best to get the word out on the importance of participating in this pilot, but we can’t build scale alone. “If you are VBP+ Registered and you participate, that’s great and we thank you. But get others in your chain to participate as well. The real value of this effort is in fully sustainable supply chains.” There is no cost to participate in the CBSA pilot. Producers simply get trained and audited by VBP+ to certify that they are a sustainable operation. They register with BIXS and provide permission for VBP+ and BIXS to include farm data in anonymous, aggregated reports to the project administration. And, of course, provide the necessary information to collect quarterly credit payments. More information on the Acceleration Pilot is available at or from a VBP+ coordinator at Page 75
From working on the family farm in Earl Grey to mentoring youth across the country, Belinda Wagner has seen all sides of agriculture - and now she has been recognized for her exceptional contributions to the industry. Wagner is the recipient of the first ever Celebrating Women in Agriculture Award presented by the Canadian Western Agribition and BMO. ~ Leader Post
Thank You!
I want thank Saskatchewan Angus Association for recognizing my 25 years with the organization. ~Belinda Thanks also to Dale, Shelly & Erika Easton for nominating me for the Agribition BMO Women in Agriculture Award. Page 76
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Proper Way to Pull a Calf This article will describe ways and means to pull a calf either by hand or with the use of the calf jack. Different malpresentations are dealt with slightly differently. When pulling, one must be very cognizant of the stress this puts on both the calf and cow. With ease of calving now, pulling is a skill less needed but one still worth perfecting. It can mean the difference between a live calf versus a dead or stressed calf, or a cow which breeds back on time versus one which retains her placenta, has vaginal tears and never rebreeds. The very first decision comes with when to intervene and vaginally check out a cow and initiate providing a helping hand. The rule of thumb is one (1) hour in cows and one and a half (1.5) hrs in heifers giving strong uterine contractions with no progress. Exceptions to this rule are when cows or heifers are uneasy, bawling, or nesting for an extraordinary period of time. This is how some malpresentations, torsions and breech births present themselves. If you have a maternity pen it is easy to simply run them in and check them out. You can avert a disaster and often save both calf and cow. With a higher percentage of twins born in some herds, malpresentations are more common than one might think. By now all farmers should have either a commercially made maternity pen calving chute or home made device which accomplishes the same thing. The principle when pulling is you must be able to restrain the cow to clean her Page 80
and check her out, plus while keeping her head caught, have her lay out in lateral recumbency with enough room behind to fully manipulate the puller. Choked down at the end of a rope is not the place to pull a calf. Of paramount importance is cleanliness. Before examining the vagina make sure the whole perineal area is washed with warm water with surgical soap such as Endure, Betadine or Hibitane. They are designed to not be irritating to the sensitive mucosal surfaces like the inside of the vagina. You can purchase a small container from your veterinarian - they are not costly and will last a long time. Ordinary soaps, which irritate, can lead to infections potentially scarring and possibly a delay in rebreeding or an open cow. Keep clean yourself by wearing, hopefully, a calving suit or at least minimally putting on obstetrical gloves. Hold them up on your arms by a towel clamp or I use wide elastics.
This keeps you clean and dry and the cow protected. Take a few minutes to do these procedures, it calms the cow down and you are then prepared when pulling ensues. Explore the positioning of the calf first before doing anything. Make sure it is presented properly. You always want three things in the pelvis. Two front legs and a head for a forwards presentation or two back legs and a tail in a backwards presentation. Attaching the chains properly can avert damage to the calf’s legs and feet.
by Roy Lewis DVM This is especially true when a routine pull turns into a hard pull. Again take time and double loop above and below the fetlock. Make sure the links are laying flat and the pull of each wrap should be lined up. I prefer the pull to come off the bottom of the leg. I personally like one long chain, which can be double looped on both feet. The only time I single loop is with a small malpresented calf or with twins where I absolutely know it will be a light hand pull. Calving straps are an alternative. My only issue here is they are harder to keep clean. Always keep the calf jack close by, clean and well serviced. It is a good idea at the start of calving season to go over it as it may be rusted stiff or worn out. This is again where some farmer’s sterility falls down. I have seen some pretty grungy calf pullers over the years. Take a few seconds to quickly wash especially the breech (part which goes around the cows back end) and hang it back to dry. The breech straps should keep the puller just nicely below the bottom of the vagina when pulling. Keep the calving area and maternity pen clean and periodically disinfect with Virkon disinfectant to keep bacterial and viral contamination low. With the actual pull only advance with the cow’s contractions. You have a bit of time here so don’t get in a rush. The cow’s contractions will greatly reduce the force you need to use. Apply lots of sterile lubricant. This is a cheap product, which can be purchased at the veterinary clinic, and especially when applied over the head in a tight pull, minimizes friction in the vagina, which is where tears result. With long calvings or when the cow has been examined frequently, the vaginal vault dries out so don’t hesitate to use lots of lubricant in these circumstances. You will be amazed at how much easier the pulling becomes. Apply lots of lubricant over the o.b. sleeves as Angus Edge - Spring 2018
well to minimize friction. This keeps your arms from fatiguing when doing manipulations or applying the chains. Pull in a slightly downward motion following the natural curvature of the calf. This is easier if the cow is down as with a standing cow you can only get about a 45-degree angle on the puller. Always keep an eye on the tension of the chains. It is very easy in the heat of the moment to overpull or pull way too fast and injure the calf or cow. Remember calf pullers can exert 2000 pounds of pulling power which can cause great damage in the wrong hands. Two good sized people should be able to pull a calf by hand
otherwise it is too big and a caesarean section may be needed. With today’s labour shortages on farms, producers are often by themselves and the use of a puller greatly reduces fatigue by allowing a slow pull timed with the cows contractions. Backward calves are pulled pretty much straight back. Again you can take your time making sure the tail is down between the legs pulling slow until the tail and hips are presented out the back end. It is about at this time the calf’s umbilical cord breaks and the calf must be extracted fairly fast. This is the only time you will ever see me pulling a calf fast. Keep in mind cows cannot
deliver as big a calf backwards as they can forwards. If you see the dewclaws pointing skywards the calf should be assisted immediately as many found stillborn calves are the result of too long a delivery with a backwards calf. Hopefully this article will help new commercial and purebred producers and be a good review for the more experienced ones. We don’t need to intervene very often anymore but every time you do and save a calf it is a very worthwhile enterprise. Cattlemen are the best at recognizing when calving is not progressing normally.
2017 Saskatchewan Angus Heritage Awards Thank you for your perserverance, vision and dedication to the development of the Angus breed.
Ivanhoe Angus Ron & Marilyn Mountenay and Family Belle Plaine, SK Black Ridge Angus Farm Steve and Violet Moleski and Family Dysart, SK
Thomason Angus Farm Merle Thomason and Family Bethune, SK Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Same Roots, Different Field... Alabama athlete-turned-chef promotes beef in coastal town. Sitting on the back deck, seven feet from salt water, Chris Sherrill’s right where he never thought he’d be. With a drawl and handshake that reveal his roots, the Alabama chef had no plans for the title. “My dream was to play college football,” Sherrill says matter-of-factly, “so I worked toward that.” A different title – one with trophies and flashy rings – drove his daydreams. An injury at 18 sidelined them all. “The top of my body went one way and the lower half the other,” he tells. That was it. The moment that set his life on the course he now craves. At Salt, his new concept at the San Roc Cay Marina in Orange Beach, Ala., Sherrill brings skill and natural talent to a different game. He’s studied his opponents and, with a recipe book of plays, equips his team for touchdown after touchdown. “What we are doing is a little cuttingedge for Alabama,” Sherrill says. Salt features an “ultra fresh” menu that dispels traditions of fried shrimp and imports. Whole fish on ice, dirt dangling from produce, “we can tell you almost to the dot where your meal was sourced.” Suave to social media, “I may do a Facebook Live video from a farm where we are harvesting okra one day or show footage from the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand Chef Tour the next.” That break from the kitchen, a chance to learn from the people who produce his food and share with those who consume it keeps Sherrill growing and Salt, relevant. “There are great restaurants in our town, and that competition breeds excellence,” he says. “We work together Page 82
By Laura Conaway, CAB
but we’re all on our toes to outdo each other, too.” One way he does that is through his beef. “We grow the best seafood in the world and we tout that,” Sherrill says of the renowned catch common to the Gulf. “We believe that CAB goes out and finds the best beef in the world.” A visit to the company’s headquarters left the chef intrigued by the process of dry age. “I was just blown away by the smells, the pungentness, the beauty of it. I was hooked.” He wanted it to be a signature of Salt. Not one to waste or spend in excess, he took a Coca-Cola beverage cooler and a store-bought humidifier and let the coastal humidity do its thing. “It holds at 39 degrees and 80-85% humidity,” he says of his accidental artistry. “We’re hitting a home run.”
Suave to social media, “I may do a Facebook Live video from a farm where we are harvesting okra one day or show footage from the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand Chef Tour the next.” To an out-of-towner’s eye, it may seem odd, boastful beef in a coastal town, but Sherrill assures it accounts for 50% of Salt’s sales. “If you have a first-class seafood program, you have to have a first-class steak program,” he says. When you achieve “dual awesomeness,” it shows, and people start to talk about it.
cuisine backs it up and keeps tourists and regulars coming back for more. “A well-marbled ribeye’s the best steak in the world if you ask me,” Sherrill says. If it were his last meal, he’d go for a 64-oz. sirloin. “Just a big ole’ slab of sirloin,” along with truffle mashed potatoes and sautéed mushrooms and onions, “and I’m gonna get shot for this but a jar of A.1. Sauce because I love it,” he says with a grin. Just talking about food reveals Sherrill’s passion. It’s hard to imagine there was ever another in its place. Sleeves pulled up, mind running wild, the chef gig fits him fine. In fact, it allows him to work with his wife, Jenny, who runs the front of house. Together, they support their family of six. “It’s been a good and long career,” Sherrill says. Barely 41, he’s got plenty up his sleeve. To cattlemen who supply his customers with the beef they crave, he says, “Don’t give up. There are people who believe in the product and stand by it.” Feet from the salt water, he’s doing the same.
That’s the best marketing you can’t buy, the chef says. The Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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New Generation of Consumer Desires Greater Transparency... The team at BIXSco Inc. is excited about the launch of the new generation of the Beef InfoXchange System(BIXS), an answer to the needs and demands of consumers and their trusted retailers. BIXS is a web-based data management system that operates a value-added traceability system, adding transparency and verification to beef production. Recognizing that ease of data-sharing and data entry are more important to cattle producers than ever before, producers were asked what they needed BIXS to do. With those suggestions, and a group of keen cattle producers as our beta testers that test drove the new system for close to a year, it is better than ever. It is intuitive and efficient, free for producers to use and has been dubbed the “Cloud for Cows”. BIXS will support the integrity of the beef supply chain, providing transparency for all participants while protecting privacy, moving the industry from the disconnected supply chain of yesterday to true value chains of tomorrow. Using blockchain technology BIXS will increase efficiencies, building robust integrated blockchain solutions that will work alongside the web-based traceability system, which tracks cattle via RFID (radio frequency identification tags), through their lifetime. The Canadian Beef Advantage is the future of our cattle industry - traceability, transparency and sustainability. This supports a socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable beef production system, that prioritizes the planet, people, animals and progress. The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef makes Canada the first country in the world to launch a producer framework for sustainable beef production, to certify cattle operations and track chain of custody. Our country is considered one of the world leaders in sustainable beef production. With the new enhanced Canadian traceability regulations in place, the integration that BIXS has with Canadian Livestock Traceability System (CLTS) will become more important, making it easier for producers to comply. CLTS is operated by Canadian Cattle Identification Agency which is tasked by Canadian Food Inspection Agency to track animals in respect to food safety, animal and human health. The BIXS team believes that a producer should only have to enter data one time, and be able to have that data flow to whatever system needs or requires it. The data flow only can happen with the permission of producers, by registering on BIXS, to protect privacy and established business models. The new Page 84
by Deborah Wilson, Vice-President BISXco Inc.
generation of BIXS allows customization to suit multiple different situations, including the utilization of blockchain technology which is poised to revolutionize the agri-food industry. To facilitate certification of cattle operations and electronically track the cattle from those operations, through the production chain, Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) and BIXS have completed an integration which tracks cattle automatically. Once an animal is born on a VBP+ audited operation and moved/sold, the VBP+ designation is attached to the animal’s history in BIXS, provided the producer has registered with BIXS. If it moves into a VBP+ grass operation, backgrounding lot or feedlot, the recognition of that production history carries with the animal via the RFID tag, again that operation must be registered on BIXS. When the animal reaches the harvest facility it is recognized as meeting all the requirements to be considered sustainably raised, which explains why chain of custody is so important. This allows the meat from these animals to be certified as sustainable beef, either on a mass balance approach or can even extend to full or partial identity preservation. For processors and retailers, it is important that a neutral third-party, like BIXS, can track the movement of the animal through certified sustainable operations. The desire for sustainably raised animals is becoming more and more prevalent amongst consumers, in other food products, not just beef. Sustainable is not just a “feel good word”. Sustainably-raised beef in Canada is defined by the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (, which is aligned with the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (www.GRSBeef. org), but customized specifically for Canada following ISEAL guidelines. ISEAL represents the global movement of sustainability standards, establishing a Code of Ethics and Credibility Principles. Consumers want to know more about what they are eating. That the meat they are feeding their families came from animals that were treated in an ethical, humane manner, raised in an efficient, environmentally friendly way. Seems like a tall order. Canadian farmers and ranchers are already there, for the most part. All that is needed is an audit certifying that the operation is sustainable, and the ability to attach and track that information to the animal through its lifetime. Angus Edge - Spring 2018
BIXS plans to support and advance a socially responsible, environmentally sound and economically viable beef production system, part of the Canadian Beef Advantage. Canadian producers have the tools to make our beef the most desirable in the world. High quality, sustainably raised with traceability and transparency. These are the things that will ensure Canadian beef is one of the proteins that consumers choose at the meat counter all over the world.
to understand more about VBP+ audits, and BIXS www. Both BIXS and VBP+ were chosen to support the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration pilot project,, a project in which major retailers reward producers for contributing to a fully certified sustainable beef program. The major retailers currently contributing and supporting this program are Swiss Chalet, Original Joes, McDonalds and Loblaws. ď‚Ž
BIXSco Inc. is a member of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and invites everyone to visit
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How will BIXS Utilize Blockchain Technology... Google Blockchain, and the search results will boggle your mind. You will fall into endless reams of information about Blockchain, Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies spawned the birth of Blockchain, and the technology has grown and adapted to serve other industry’s needs. Wikipedia defines Blockchain as a continuously growing lists of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a hash pointer as a link to a previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way". For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority. The launch of the new generation of the Beef InfoXchange System(BIXS) is an answer to the needs and demands of consumers and retailers, and will allow the use of Blockchain technology to function with our current traceability systems. BIXS is operated by BIXSco Inc., and is a web-based data management system, a value-added traceability system adding transparency and verification to beef production. Mintel, a global and award-winning provider of market research, has found that only one in five Canadians trust health claims on food and beverage packaging. Another study out of Dalhousie University found that 63% of consumers feel the claims made on food packaging doesn’t align with what they are eating – vey often referenced as “food fraud”. The results are consumers demand more transparency and accountability from producers, processors and food retailers. The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals the largest ever drop in trust across the institutions of government, business, media and NGO’s. The good news is, of the four institutions, business is viewed as the only one that can make a difference. The belief is that a company can take actions to both increase profits and improve societal and economic conditions in the community in which they operate. The same study also identified that while this situation exists it is precarious at best. Business leaders must step up on issues that are Page 86
by Deborah Wilson, Vice-President BISXco Inc.
important to society. Businesses can illustrate the benefit of innovations but must address what those innovations mean to employees and customers. There is a tendency or preference by the consumer for self-referential media and a reliance on one’s peers for information. For over a decade, fragmentation of the beef supply chain has been a major concern of industry stakeholders. Silos function well when each sector works autonomously from the others, but with a demand from consumers for more information on their food, a fragmented system will not meet the demand for information. Issues related to privacy, competition, confidentiality and lack of trust has pervaded the industry. CAPPI, Strawman and Canadian Beef Improvement Network reports all identified that data sharing needs to happen. Until data is shared the industry will not evolve. Some of the most memorable quotes of the research BIXSco Inc. undertook when we took over the Beef InfoXchange System, Feb. 1 of 2016, were: • The Memorandum of Understanding in the beef industry is “I win, you lose” • Data is power • The easiest way to make money is at some else’s expense This illustrates the lack of trust between segments of the beef industry. The new management at BIXS took what they heard to heart, and set on a path to create new industry partnerships that have never been seen before - to respect existing business models, earn trust, respect privacy and deliver value to the industry. It has been three years of listening, challenging and learning, while sifting through all the well-intentioned advice and recommendations. The BIXS management team is unique, with business, technology, marketing and agriculture knowledge in its background. BIXS supports the integrity of the beef supply chain, providing transparency for all participants while protecting privacy, moving the industry from the disconnected supply chain of yesterday to true value chains of tomorrow. By using blockchain technology BIXS will increase efficiencies, building robust integrated blockchain solutions that will work alongside the new web-based traceability system, which tracks cattle via RFID (radio frequency identification tags), through their lifetime. Using a blockchain as a part of an existing web-based data management system is not unique to BIXS, nor is it unique to the agri-food industry. Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Blockchains come in many different forms, both public and private, able to track many things or to focus on only one thing. A blockchain can operate between two parties or multiple parties with defined rules to determine what blocks are added or followed. BIXS sees blockchain as a logical addition to traceability in the beef industry, able to easily track specific information. Traceability, transparency and sustainability support a beef production system that prioritizes the planet, people, animals and progress. The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef framework for producers make Canada the first country in the world to launch a producer framework for sustainable beef production, to certify cattle operations and track chain of custody. Our country is considered one of the world leaders in sustainable beef production. With the new enhanced Canadian traceability regulations in place, the integration that BIXS has with Canadian Livestock Traceability System(CLTS) will become more important, making it easier for producers to comply. CLTS is operated
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by Canadian Cattle Identification Agency which is tasked by Canadian Food Inspection Agency to track animals in respect to food safety, animal and human health. The BIXS team believes that a producer should only have to enter data one time, and be able to have that data flow to whatever system needs or requires it. The data flow only can happen with the permission of producers, by registering on BIXS, to protect privacy and established business models. The new generation of BIXS allows customization to suit multiple different situations, including the utilization of blockchain technology which is poised to revolutionize the agri-food industry. BIXSco Inc. is a member of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and invites everyone to visit www.crsb. ca to understand more about sustainable beef production. VBP+ is explained clearly on their website www. and BIXS which can fully follow chain of custody over an animals lifetime, or interact with a blockchain in the agri-food sector.ď‚Ž
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Bulls For Sale by Private Treaty
Red U6 Sheriff 13E
Red U6 Journey 16E
Red U6 Steel 4E
Red Trotters Stronghold 156
Red U6 Gypsy 58C
Red U6 Ripple 7E
Red 6 Mile Fill Throttle 171T
Red U6 Raspberry 3S
Red U6 Groundbreaker 11E
Red Cockburn Breakout 539C
Red U6 Alana 22Y
Red U6 Sheriff 13E
Red Cockburn Breakout 539C
Red U6 Samaria 43W
Red U6 Journey 16E
Red U6 Journey 13B
Red Sunset Ridge Divine 1Z
Red U6 Leather 17E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red U6 Lady 14B
Red U6 Peanut Brittle 22E
Red Cockburn Breakout 539C
Red Sunset Ridge Peanut 25B
Red U6 Alliance 23E
Red Wheel Alliance 83A
Red U6 Samaria 16C
Red U6 Cavalry 28E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red U6 Minola 10B
Red U6 Capricorn 31E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red U6 Delaney 56U
Red U6 Generation 32E
Red Brylor JKC Ghostrider 108Y
Red U6 Alana 65T
Red U6 Croc 34E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red U6 Alana 31U
Red U6 Tarzan 110E
Red U6 Journey 13B
Red U6 Goldie 4X
Red U6 Coleman 41E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red Double C Rosalie 11U
Red U6 Cobalt 111E
Red WRAZ Coleman 44Z
Red U6 Helena 6M 31W
Red U6 Gunpowder 49E
Red Cockburn Breakout 539C
Red U6 Gypsy 49Y
Red U6 Artillery 52E
Red Wheel Alliance 83A
Red U6 Minola 45C
Red U6 Agent 54E
Red Wheel Alliance 83A
Red U6 Chiquita 31C
(Black)U6 Rewind 37E
SAV Resource 1441
MCS Pride 22U
(Black)U6 Resource 112E
SAV Resource 1441
MCS Pride 7X
Sep 30 WW
Red U6 Generation 32E
Thanks to: • Combest Angus, AB for purchasing USX 14E at the Masterpiece Sale • L-Dee Stock Farm for the multiple purchases of EVAN 104E and 115D at the Frontline Female Sale • and Howe Family Farm for making USX 3D the high selling Red Angus at the Frontline Female Sale
Videos available by request. Stop in and check out the bull pen anytime!
U6 LIVESTOCK - Wynyard SK Garnet & Shirley Yewsiuk 306-560-8460 Evan & Brittany Yewsiuk & family 306-554-8708 Page 90 Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Behind the static, 560-lb. weaning weights... It looks like weaning weights have gone pretty much nowhere for 15 years. That’s according to a summary of North Dakota State University’s Cow Herd Appraisal of Performance Software (CHAPS) that presents genetic progress as functionally static since 2003. I couldn’t miss that summary, well-publicized and pointed out by just about every contact and source I know. Static being a relative term—there were fluctuations in the data—weaning weight hovered around 560 pounds (lb.), weaning age was 193 days and average daily gain was 2.5 lb. Seeing the flat trends, author Kris Ringwall suggests genetic progress in the commercial cow-calf sector is “mature.” The topic came up during a “Bull-Pen Session” at the Range Beef Cow Symposium in Cheyenne, Wyo., in December, where the discussion suggested the beef industry has gone astray, utilizing growth genetics while failing to increase weaning weight but driving cow size up. Well, some of that rings true. A rise in cow mature weight is evidenced by the increasing yearling weight EPD (expected progeny difference) in all major breeds. But combine that with a steady increase in fed-cattle carcass weights for more than 15 years and the idea that weaning weight remains static seems to defy logic. CHAPS is not alone in documenting the static trend. David Lalman at Oklahoma State University summarized several data sets across the country with similar results at Cattlemen’s College last year. How do weights at one sector level off while growing steadily at another? Genotype and environment combine to produce a phenotype. Across the beef industry, genotypic growth potential has certainly grown, as all segments demanded. Virtually no one aims to go backward, in genetics or any other production technologies.
By Justin Sexten, Ph. D. Director, Supply Development
pasture or range management offer differing nutrients; abundant and restricted supplies can exist across a fence. Lalman has shown data where each extra pound of weaning weight requires 27 lb. more dry matter for the cow to make sufficient milk to increase weight gain. That causes some to suggest we should reduce growth potential in all cattle to accommodate the ranch environment, the least-common nutrient denominator. However, challenges arise when we realize the required efficiencies for greater gain in the nutrient-rich environments further down the supply chain. That’s where the second aspect of the equation is often ignored. The CHAPS summary notes that these static and historical weights are matched with a historically static marketing program. It’s a program where least and greatest growth potential are typically sold to the next user rather than retained to capitalize on genetic investment. Imagine the growth you could capture at the ranch level if the same 27 lb. of dry matter the cow needs to increase weaning weight were fed to calves after weaning. Even at a poor 9-to1 feed conversion, you could triple the calf gain compared to feeding it through the cow. Backgrounding calves at the ranch rather than selling your genetic potential at weaning offers not only improvements in nutrient-use efficiency but marketing options of retained ownership or selling weaned, preconditioned calves. Backgrounding enterprises may not fit every ranching operation, but cattle selected for limited growth don’t fit in any post-weaning feeding operation. And when you don’t retain ownership, you MUST sell to one of those.
But how many cow-calf producers aspire to participate in any other segment? To the extent that number remains static, weaning weights appear static. Genetic progress aside, two aspects of this “static” equation remain constant in most operations that govern this progress.
As heifers are kept back and sires are purchased this year, look for those that continue to match the ranch environment while offering the next owner upside potential. The tools available to make such decisions have never been more available.
The environment for those genetics limit their expression at the commercial cow-calf level, lush environments less so than herds restricted by that governor. Keep in mind environment is no physical location; differences in your
And if you want to understand how important upside potential beyond the ranch can be, try setting up an new enterprise where you are the next owner.
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Thank you to the following Agribition Angus Show Sponsors... ABC Cattle Co. & Bakers Angus Allison Farms Red Angus Anderson Cattle Atlasta Angus Bandura Ranches Bar H Land & Cattle Bar-E-L Angus Bell Angus Belvin Angus Black Ridge Angus Farm Blairs West Land & Cattle Blairs.Ag Cattle Co. Blake's Red Angus Blue Collar Bull Sale Bohrson Marketing Services Ltd. Bridgeway Livestock Broken T Ranch Brooking Angus Ranch Bryces Bar B Ranch Ltd. Burnett Angus Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society Canadian Angus Association Castlerock Marketing Circle 7 Angus Cliffehanger Signs & Designs Come As U R Simmentals & Black Angus Coulee Crossing Cattle Co. Creekview Angus Crescent Creek Angus Cudlobe Angus Deer Range Stock Farm Delorme Ranch Diamond C Liberty Angus Double F Cattle Co. Double V Stock Farm Dwajo Angus Early Sunset Ranch EKW Red Angus Eye Hill Stock Farm Flying K Ranch Forsyth Ranch Freyburn Angus Gardien Red Angus Gerlei Angus Glen Gabel Angus Page 108
Hall's Cattle Company Hamilton Farms Harvest Angus Hextall Livestock Hi-Low Angus Hollinger Land & Cattle Howe Family Farm Irving Angus Ivanhoe Angus J & S Cattle Co J Square S Angus JAS Red Angus Johnson Livestock JPM Farms Ltd. Justamere Farms Kenray Ranch Lamb's Quarters Angus Lazy Creek Farms Ltd. Lazy MC Angus Lock Farms Ltd. Longview Angus Mark Stock Ring Service McMillen Ranching Ltd. Merit Cattle Company Midnight Fire Cattle Co. Miller Wilson Angus Miry Creek Angus NCJ Cattle Co. Nielson Land & Cattle Nordal Angus Northern View Angus Nu-Horizon Angus NYK Cattle Company Paetsch Livestock Perrot Cattle Co. Poplar Meadows Angus Right Cross Ranch RNR Flicek Black Angus Rock Creek Ranching RSL Red Angus Running Steady Ranch Running Steady Ranch Schwan Angus Six Mile Ranch Smart Farms Angus South View Ranch Stewart Cattle Co.
Sunny Grove Angus T & S Farms T-K Ranches Taylor Red Angus Ter-Ron Farms Thomason Angus Farms Triple H Cattle Co. Ltd. Triple L Angus Twin Heritage Farms Valley Lodge Cattle Co. Ward's Red Angus Wheatland/Michelson Cattle Company Wheelers Stock Farm Wil-Sel Red Angus Wilbar Cattle Co. Windy Willows Farms Windy Ridge Ultrasounding Wiwa Creek Angus Wood Coulee Cattle Co. WRAZ Red Angus Wright Livestock Young Dale Angus
Your support is appreciated! Angus Edge - Spring 2018
2017 Canadian Western Agribition Commercial Show Angus Champions
Grand Champion Pen of Five Open Replacement Heifers & Grand Champion Pen of Open Replacement Heifers Overall Sentes Farms, Raymore, SK
Sold for $2900/head to Moose Creek Red Angus, Kisbey, SK
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Five Open Replacement Heifers & Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Open Replacement Heifers Overall Blairswest Land & Cattle, Drake, SK Sold for $2600/head to K & P Habermehl, Macrorie, SK
Grand Champion Pen of Five Bred Replacement Heifers & Grand Champion Pen of Bred Replacement Heifers Overall Blairswest Land & Cattle, Drake, SK Sold for $3400/head to North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB Grand Champion Pen of Ten Bred Replacement Heifers Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB Sold for $2625/head to Duncan Thompson Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Ten Bred Replacement Heifers RBD Ranch, Milestone, SK Sold for $2700/head to North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB
Congratulations! Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Five Bred Replacement Heifers & Reserve Grand Champion Pen of Bred Replacement Heifers Overall Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB Sold for $3300/head to North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB
The Saskatchewan Angus Association is proud to sponsor the Commercial Cattle Show with jackets for each division Champion and Reserve, and again this year also provided sale credit vouchers of $1000 to the overall Champions and $500 to the Reserves. In 2017 we also partnered with Canadian Angus to provide ‘Angus Tag’ vouchers to the Angus winners.
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Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association Board of Directors Tyra Fox - President Lloydminster, SK - 306-825-9624 Macy Liebreich – Vice-President Radville, SK - 306-869-6740 Hillary Sauder – Secretary Hodgeville, SK - 306-677-7542 Kodie Doetzel - Junior Director Lipton, SK - 306-336-2245 Directors at Large Baxter Blair McLean, SK - 306-699-7211 Reegan Frey Oxbox, SK - 306-485-6788 Alexis Frick Neudorf, SK - 306-730-9913 Rayel Kaczmar Grenfell, SK - 306-451-0075 Brianna Kimmel Lloydminster, SK - 780-214-3643 Carson Liebreich Radville, SK - 306-815-7226 Wade Olynyk Goodeve, SK - 306-876-4420 Ty Schwan Swift Current, SK - 306-774-4494
Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association
Box 3771, Regina, SK S4P 3N8 Phone 306-757-6133 Fax 306-525-5852
Page 110
Saskatchewan Junior Angus Report... As we bring in 2018, its time for us juniors to start another exciting eventful year. Our final junior event to wind down 2017 was our annual meeting and fun afternoon at Agribition. At the annual meeting we updated the board positions and discussed upcoming events for juniors in 2018. At the meeting our scholarship recipients were announced - congratulations to Macy Liebreich and Brianna Kimmel. Both the recipients will be receiving $500 to go towards post secondary education. For our fun afternoon we had a lot of juniors in attendance and it was a great time playing games, doing a scavenger hunt and then enjoying pizza at the end sponsored by the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association. Our annual fun afternoon is always a great turn out and allows the older members to help out our junior members. Earlier in the fall we juniors had our annual Saskatchewan Junior Gold Show. The show was held in Lloydminster, SK for the third year in a row. There was an awesome turn out, many new juniors and previous juniors participated in the wide range of activities - Print marketing, Photography, Literature, Judging, Team Grooming, Showmanship and of course the conformation classes. I would like to thank all the judges, volunteers and sponsors that helped make the show a success, as well as congratulate all the juniors who did well and who came out and participated. We look forward to 2018’s show in Lloydminster as well.
by Tyra Fox
Saskatchewan Juniors making the trip to GOAL, thanks in large part to the travel bursaries provided by Saskatchewan Angus Association. After GOAL the next event on the list is 2018 Showdown, this year to be held in Barrie, Ontario. Showdown is always a fantastic time. There are conformation classes along with many other competitions such as print marketing, photography, art, sales talk, public speaking and more – you don’t need to have your own cattle there to be able to participate in a wide range of events. Showdown is a great place to see all your junior friends from across Canada and make many new friends. The Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association will be sponsoring three travel bursaries to Showdown valued at $750. The application for this will be a short essay explaining why you think you should get to go to Showdown and how you think it will benefit you. Make sure you apply for these travel bursaries as well as the national bursaries available by June 1. I am very excited to be serving the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association another year as the president. It is an exciting time in the Angus industry and I look forward to meeting more juniors and getting to know them better. If you ever have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me and ask. Tyra Fox, President
The first event for the juniors of the New Year will be the 13 th annual GOAL conference, this year it will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba. GOAL is always a great place to catch up with Angus friends, and create many new friendships with Angus juniors from all over the country as well as learn about our industry and ourselves. GOAL is a great experience and I look forward to seeing many familiar and new faces there. There are a number of Angus Edge - Spring 2018
SJA Director Profiles... Hello, my name is Baxter Blair and I am very excited to start the new year off again with the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Board. This is my fourth year being on the Junior Angus board. I am fifteen years old, and attend Greenall High School in Balgonie, Saskatchewan. I raise purebred Red Angus cattle at Double B Angus, exhibiting our genetics through spring and summer junior and open shows, and also at numerous shows in the fall all across Canada. I have been involved within the Angus breed all of my life as my family has been raising purebred and Angus influence cattle for over three generations. I am very excited to see what the year has in store for us, and cannot wait to see what the Angus breed will offer in 2018! Baxter Blair I am Kodie Doetzel of Nu-Horizon Angus and am a director on the board for Saskatchewan Junior Angus and the junior director on the SAA board. This will be my sixth year as a board member. I have attended three Saskatchewan Junior Angus shows, nine Canadian Junior Angus shows, and will be attending GOAL for the fifth time this year. Each year I attend Agribition. I live on a farm north of Lipton, SK. We raise purebred Red and Black Angus cattle as well as some commercial cattle. Between showing cattle in 4-H and Junior Angus shows, I am kept pretty busy. I am in grade 12 at Cupar School. In the winter I enjoy skiing, snowmobiling and hunting. In the summer I like quading and playing baseball. If you like meeting new people, showing cattle, and having fun, give Junior Angus a try. I know you will like it! Kodie Doetzel My name is Reegan Frey, I am 14 years old and the oldest of three. Together with my dad and mom, Jason and Melissa and Angus Edge - Spring 2018
my two brothers Dylan and Joran we live on a mixed farm north of Oxbow, SK. We run 400 cattle which are primarily purebred Black Angus and a small grain farm. I am currently in grade 9 at Oxbow Prairie Horizons School. I am a part of my schools SRC and have been for the past two years. I work at the canteen in my school and I am an active member in band. I also have been a member of SADD for the past three years. I enjoy participating in all sports and I play competitively in curling, basketball and softball. I started 4-H when I was six years old and I am in my 9th year. I have been treasurer and I am currently the newspaper reporter. Last summer I participated in a club to club exchange to Brigden, Ontario. I have shown at the following shows, Yorkton Spring Steer and Heifer show, Manitoba Royal Winter Fair, Canadian Junior Angus Showdown, Manitoba Livestock Expo, Kennedy Jackpot Show, Alameda Jackpot Show, Alameda Regional Fairs and Agribition. I have attended the SJA activities at Agribition for as long as I can remember. In the summertime’s I help run our vacation bible school at St. Peters Lutheran Church and I have babysat for the past three years. Reegan Frey
Hi Everyone! My name is Alexis Frick and I’m honoured that I have been a member on the Saskatchewan Junior Angus board for the past three and a half years. I am currently 18 years old and taking my first year of Agribuisness at Parkland College in Yorkton, Saskatchewan through the University of Saskatchewan. My farm Northern View Angus is located south of Duff, SK with purebred Black Angus cattle, we have 100 females. We participate in many Angus shows such as Agribition, Harvest Showdown, and others. We also have our annual Blue Collar Bull Sale at Heartland in Yorkton every second Saturday in April. I am a part of the Goodeve Beef 4H club and have been for eight years and have been in 4H for 13 years now. I enjoy everything about being part of this club and teaching the younger members what I have learned. This year I am very excited to be a director of the Junior Angus board and meeting new breeders and members! Alexis Frick Hello everyone, my name is Tyra Fox. I am 19 years old and in June of 2016 I graduated from the Lloydminster Comprehensive High School. My family farm, Justamere Farms, is located just east of Lloydminster SK, where we run Continued on page 112 Page 111
Director Profiles... about 300 purebred Black Angus cattle, along with a small commercial and club calf herd. I started 4-H when I was nine years old; right now I am a member of the Alberta Bandits 4-H club, and I enjoy every part of 4-H. This past fall I started my first year at the University of Regina working towards pre vet. It’s been a great experience so far and I look forward to the rest of my school journey. Going to all the Angus shows and events is also something that I love to do. I have been to many shows in both Canada and the USA with my family and I look forward to all the events yet to come. I have taken part in many Saskatchewan Junior Angus events and I am looking forward to serving the board another year as the President and getting to know more juniors. I am also excited to be serving another year on the Canadian Junior Angus board. Tyra Fox Hello, my name is Rayel Kaczmar. I am 16 years old and in grade 11. I live at Grenfell, Saskatchewan on my family farm, Longview Angus where we run over 100 purebred Black Angus cows and 80 commercial cows. I have been a member of the Neudorf 4-H club for the past four years. Last year I attended both GOAL and Showdown for the first time, and it was a great experience. I look forward to my first year as a director on the Saskatchewan Junior Angus board. Rayel Kaczmar Hello, my name is Brianna Kimmel. I am 18 years old and currently enrolled in Crop Technology at Lakeland College in Vermilion. I am the youngest sister in Twisted Sisters Livestock. We raise purebred Angus, Simmental, and SimAngus cattle. Page 112
Continued from page 111
I have been on the SJAA board for the past five years. We have a great board and I have learned so much and hope to become a mentor just like the ones who mentored me.
Hello, my name is Macy Liebreich and I’m a new member of the board and acting as the new Vice President. My family’s operation is Merit Cattle Co., we run about 200 purebred Black Angus.
I love being involved in the cattle industry. It has provided me so many great opportunities, like attending the 2016 National Junior Angus Show in Grand Island, Nebraska, attending various GOAL conferences and Showdown.
I’m currently in my second year of undergraduate studies at the University of British Columbia for my Bachelor of Commerce and am hoping to major in human resources and minor in sustainability. I also work part-time for the Vancouver Canucks on the ice team.
This year I look forward to attending more great events and meeting people in the industry. Brianna Kimmel
I’ve grown up in the beef 4-H program and have been to multiple junior shows and conferences across the country. Recently I had the spectacular opportunity to travel to Scotland for the World Angus Forum as a part of the youth competition and presently I have the honour of acting as the Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador and continuing my travels within the beef industry.
Hi, my name is Carson Liebreich. I am 16 years old. I am from Radville, Saskatchewan where my family owns and operates Merit Cattle Company. We run a purebred Black Angus operation of 200 cows. I am currently a director on the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Board. I got my start in the Angus industry when my parents gave me a calendar year heifer calf the year I was born. She produced to the age of 12. Since I was little I have been showing cattle. This is my tenth year of being a part of the Radville 4-H beef club. I enjoy showing cattle and try and go to as many shows as possible including recent Showdown’s in Weyburn, Saskatchewan; Virden, Manitoba; Olds, Alberta; and Lloydminster, Saskatchewan in 2017. I have also been very fortunate to attend recent GOAL conferences in Ottawa, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; and will be attending the 2018 conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Growing up in the cattle industry has been a great influence in my life and being able to attend all the shows and other events has helped me to grow as a individual and I look forward to what is coming in the future. Carson Liebreich
I’m excited to be a part of this board and to be more involved with the youth in the industry, hopefully I see you at some events this year! Also, if you have any questions regarding Angus scholarships or opportunities I’m happy to help! Macy Liebreich Hi I am Wade Olynyk and I am a 5th generation farmer from Goodeve, SK. I am currently in my second year of my Animal Science diploma at Lakeland College. I enjoy many activates like sports, cattle shows, and being around friends to just name a few. In my free time I’m usually around cattle or farm equipment. I do like to work with my hands and fix things in my free time as well. My plans after school is to go back and continue farming at Crescent Creek Angus and expand it in the coming years. I have a great passion for cattle, the agriculture industry and the great people that make up both. I also serve on the Canadian Junior Angus board as Angus Edge - Spring 2018
a director for Saskatchewan. I have been president of my local 4-H club and have been in leadership roles on my sports teams. I love what SJA and CJA are doing for the youth of our industry and I wanted to be a part of that!
currently Vice President of the club. I have also been our club’s representative to District #9 4-H Council for four years, this year serving as President. 4-H is something that I really enjoy and hope to be apart of for many years.
members from across Canada and look forward to more. I am very excited to be on the Saskatchewan Junior Angus board for my first year as a director and secretary. Hillary Sauder
I hope calving season goes great for everyone and I hope to see everyone out during bull sale and show seasons. Wade Olynyk
I am very active in extra-curricular school events having been on the SRC and am currently on my 5th year on the Yearbook Committee. I also play volleyball, badminton, softball and curl. I have skipped our school mixed curling team for the past three years. In 2016 we won the silver medal at SHSAA Provincials, our first year together. I really enjoy curling with my team in school events and the Hodgeville league.
My name is Ty Schwan. I am 20 years old and live on a ranch just outside of Swift Current, SK. My family and I operate Schwan Angus Ranch which consists of 100 purebred Black Angus cows and a herd of commercial cows.
Hello my name is Hillary Sauder, I am 16 years old, in grade 11 and currently attending Hodgeville School. I live on a farm with my parents, Collin and Michelle Sauder where we own and operate Windy Willows Farms. We raise approximately 300 purebred Black Angus cattle along with 50 purebred Red Angus cattle. I have my own herd of purebred Black and Red Angus cattle that run with the rest of the herd. I joined 4-H when I was five years old, so this is my 12th year as a member in the Ernfold 4-H Beef Club. I have been Secretary and am
Attending junior cattle shows, especially Angus events like Showdown, is something I really enjoy. Taking my own cattle to these events is a highlight. While attending the last two GOAL Conferences, I have made many connections and memories with Angus
JUNIORS, DID YOU KNOW? There are a multitude of opportunities and deadlines coming up over the next few months... Want to be named the Junior Angus Stockman of the Year (Nominate by April 15), or the Junior Angus Ambassador (Apply by April 30)? How about travel to the National Junior Angus Association's LEAD (Apply by May 10)?
Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Want to win a scholarship (May 15 for Dick Turner Memorial, June 15 for CJA)? Want to win a travel bursary (on-going)? You can attend national or international events thru this program including Showdown. You know you won't win if you don't apply!! Check the CAF, CJA and SAA web-sites for more information.
Since I have been six years old I have been involved in showing cattle. I have been a part of the Herbert Grazers 4-H club for 14 years. I attend many shows throughout the year and many of the Saskatchewan and Canadian Angus Junior shows. I look forward to my second year being a director on the Saskatchewan Angus board. Ty Schwan
Want to go to Showdown 2018 in Ontario? Tell us why! You could win one of three $750 travel bursaries sponsored by the Saskatchewan Junior Angus Association.
Deadline to apply is June 1st. Email There are also a number of national travel bursaries available and trucking assistance sponsored by the Canadian Angus Foundation – check it out on their website: Page 113
THANK YOU... to these Sponsors of the 2017 Saskatchewan Junior Angus Show Stockade Round-Up - Lloydminster, SK 20/20 Angus 8 C's Cattle Co. Breed Creek Angus Ranch Castlerock Marketing Crescent Creek Angus Eldem Cattle Investments Forsyth Ranch Ltd. GMACK Oilfield Services
Champion Owned Division Female MERIT FLORA 6078D Carson Liebreich
Running Steady Ranch Still Meadows Farm Twisted Sisters Cattle Co. Vee Tee Feeders Visit the NorthWest Angus Tour Group Wagner Angus Y Coulee Land & Cattle
Hi Low Angus J & S Cattle Co. Justamere Farms Merit Cattle Co. Morland Acres Cattle Company Nu-Horizon Angus Red Rose Angus Roger Reynolds
Champion Bull MERIT STING 7047E Garret Liebreich
Champion Open Division Female MERIT SOCIALITE 5121 Garret Liebreich
Reserve Champion Owned Division Female Reserve Champion Open Division Female TWST SHE’S A HEARTBREAKER RED WILBAR BLOCKANA 50D Brianna Kimmel Owen Willms
Grand Aggregate (L to R) Senior - Tyra Fox Intermediate - Darby Meyer Junior - Lexi Dietrich Page 114
Reserve Champion Bull CRESCENT CREEK MOMENTUM 5E Wade Olynyk
See you there again next fall for our provincial Junior Show during Stockade Roundup!
Angus Edge - Spring 2018
19th Annual Canadian Junior Angus Show July 19-21, 2018 Barrie, Ontario
• Marketing • Grooming • Farm Sign • Art • Photography • Conformation • Judging • Scrapbook • Graphic Design • Public Speaking • Showmanship • Literature • Angus Cook-off and • Lots of FUN!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
1:00 pm ����������������� Move In Begins
Thursday, July 19, 2018
12 noon������������������ Move in Complete 12 noon ����������������� Lunch & Orientation 12:30 pm ��������������� CJA Annual Meeting 1:30 pm������������������ Judging (Individual competition - written reasons) 2:00 pm������������������ Team Grooming 5:30 pm������������������ Supper & Extravaganza
Friday, July 20, 2018
9:00 am ����������������� Showmanship 11:00 - 4:00 pm������ Print Marketing 12 noon������������������ Public Speaking 1:00 - 4:00 pm ������� Sales Talk 2:30 pm������������������ Show Ring Team Judging (must qualify from the individual competition) 6:00 pm ����������������� Cook-off & BBQ
Saturday, July 21, 2018
9:00 am ����������������� Conformation Classes 5:00 pm������������������ Banquet, Awards Presentations, Auction & Dance
* Move out must be complete by Sunday, July 22 at 12 noon�
**The Canadian Angus Foundation will be providing travel and trucking bursaries to attend Showdown as well as signficant cash prizes for the Conformation Classes and Aggregate Winners� There will also be three draws made for vouchers to purchase Angus females - 1 at $3000 and 2 at $2000� All exhibitors will automatically be entered to win! Visit the CAF web-site at www�canangusfoundation�ca for more information and to apply for the bursaries�**
Raina Syrnyk, President - 204-648-7206 Michaela Chalmers, Ontario Director - 705-702-0085 Belinda Wagner, Coordinator - 306-537-1518 email bwagner@cdnangus�ca http://juniors�cdnangus�ca Angus Edge - Spring 2018
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Coming Events... Feb 15......... Nordal Limousin & Angus Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Feb 17-19.... CJA 2018 GOAL Conference, Winnipeg, MB Feb 23......... Standard Hill Connection Bull Sale, Maidstone, SK Feb 28......... Brookside Angus Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB Mar 2........... Cattleman’s Connection Bull Sale, Brandon, MB Mar 3........... Ward’s Red Angus & Guests Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Mar 4 & 5..... 97th Annual Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale, .................... Lloydminster, SK/AB Mar 6........... Belvin Angus Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB Mar 8........... Spring Creek Simmentals/Red Rose Angus Bull Sale, .................... Moosomin, SK Mar 10......... Wheeler’s Stock Farm Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK Mar 11.......... Early Sunset Ranch Bull & Female Sale, Edam, SK Mar 12......... Nielson Land & Cattle/Palmer Charolais Bull Sale, .................... Bladworth, SK Mar 12......... South Sask Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar 13......... McTavish Charolais & Red Angus Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK Mar 13......... On Target Bull Sale, Barrhead, AB Mar 14......... Wilbar Cattle Co. Tools of the Trade Bull & Female Sale, .................... Dundurn, SK Mar 14-16.... GBT Angus Online Sale, Wawota, SK Mar 15......... Johnson Livestock Bull & Female Sale, Peebles, SK Mar 15......... Bowerman/Wishbone/Nesset Lake/Island Hill Bull Sale, .................... Meadow Lake, SK Mar 15......... Allencroft/Border Butte Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, AB Mar 15......... Allandale Angus & Golden Sunset Ranch Bull Sale, .................... Vermilion, AB Mar 17......... Select Genetics Sale, Herbert, SK Mar 19......... Brooking Angus Ranch Bull Sale, Radville, SK Mar 19......... Triple S Red Angus Bull Sale, Calgary, AB Mar 20......... Hollinger Land and Cattle Bull & Female Sale, Neudorf, SK Mar 20......... Ivanhoe Angus/City View Simmentals Bull & .................... Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar 21......... Bar-H Land & Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Langenburg, SK Mar 23......... Top Cut Black Angus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK Mar 23......... Cowboys Angus Bull Sale, Virden, MB Mar 23......... Lakeland College Beef Day & Sale, Vermilion, AB Mar 24......... Working Stiffs Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK Mar 24......... Impact Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Mar 24......... Mantei Farms Bull Sale, Alameda, SK Mar 24......... Stockman Select Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar 25......... Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, Yorkton, SK Mar 26......... Cockburn/Merit Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar 26......... Everblack Angus Bull Sale, Vermilion, AB Mar 27......... Double C Red Angus Bull Sale, Foam Lake, SK Mar 27......... Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Swan River, MB Mar 28......... Triple J Farms Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK Mar 28......... Hamilton Farms Bull & Female Sale, Cochrane, AB Mar 29......... Double F Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Prince Albert, SK Mar 31......... Triple A Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Mar 31......... Lamb’s Quarters Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK Mar 31......... Kenray Ranch Open House, Redvers, SK Apr 2............ Eastondale Angus Bull Sale, Wawota, SK Apr 2............ Your Choice Angus Bull Sale, Maple Creek, SK Apr 2............ Four Bar X Ranch-CMT Farms Bull Sale, Spiritwood, SK Page 116
Apr 3............ Windy Willows & Guest Bull Sale, Hodgeville, SK Apr 3-4......... Hi Low Angus Online Bull Sale, Lumsden, SK Apr 4............ Whitecap/Rosso/Howe Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK Apr 4............ Peak Dot Ranch Ltd. Bull & Female Sale, .................... Wood Mountain, SK Apr 4-5......... Kenray Ranch Online Bull Sale, Redvers, SK Apr 5............ Taylor’s Red Angus Bull Sale, Simmie, SK Apr 5............ T Bar K Ranch Bull Sale, Wawota, SK Apr 5............ Crittendon Bros. Bull Sale, Imperial, SK Apr 5............ Rainbow Hills Ranch Bull Sale, Delburne, AB Apr 7............ Crescent Creek Angus Bull & Female Sale, Goodeve, SK Apr 7............ Burnett Angus Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK Apr 7............ Equinox Angus Bull Sale, Weyburn, SK Apr 9............ Justamere Farms Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Apr 8............ Spirit of the North Bull Sale, Spiritwood, SK Apr 10.......... Moose Creek Red Angus Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK Apr 10.......... Young Dale Angus Bull Sale, Alameda, SK Apr 10.......... Top Cut Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, Mankota, SK Apr 11.......... Flying K Ranch Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK Apr 12 ......... South View Ranch Bull Sale, Ceylon, SK Apr 14.......... Blue Collar Bull Sale, Yorkton, SK Apr 14.......... Six Mile Ranch Bull Sale, Fir Mountain, SK Apr 15.......... CAF Outstanding Young Angus Breeder Nomination .................... Deadline Apr 15.......... CAF Junior Angus Stockman Nomination Deadline Apr 16.......... Right Cross Ranch Bull Sale, Kisbey, SK Apr 17.......... Diamond C Liberty Angus/Dual E Cattle Co. Bull Sale, .................... Moose Jaw, SK Apr 18.......... Branding the Best Bull Sale, Edam, SK April 19........ Breeder Information Session, Regina, SK Apr 20.......... Fleury Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Apr 20.......... Freyburn Angus Farms Family Tradition Bull & Female .................... Sale, Oxbow, SK Apr 21.......... Cornerstone Bull Sale, Whitewood, SK Apr 21.......... Shortgrass Bull & Female Sale, Aneroid, SK Apr 30.......... CAF Junior Ambassador Application Deadline Apr 30.......... DEADLINE to submit YOUR Angus Story for the .................... CAF History Book May 10......... CJA LEAD Exchange Program Application Deadline May 15......... Deadline for Summer Angus Edge May 15......... CAF Dick Turner Scholarship Application Deadline Jun 1............ Deadline for Entries - Showdown 2018 Jun 7-10....... Canadian Angus Convention, Comox, BC Jun 15.......... CJA Scholarship Application Deadline Jun 20.......... Deadline for Late Entries - Showdown 2018 Jul 19-21...... Showdown 2018, Barrie, ON Aug 14-16.... Canadian Beef Industry Conference, London, ON
Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Business Directory GRANT ROLSTON Box 1562 Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0 Phone: 403-593-2217
Canadian ANGUS Association
292140 Wagon Wheel Blvd. Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E2
For all your printing needs
(306) 525-8796
Your Business Card Could Be Here! Call 306-757-6133 or email for details
Terry, Stacey, Brittany, Tyler & Megan Hunt RMB RR #1, Rose Valley, SK S0E 1M0 Terry’s Cell: 306-322-7439 Email:
Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Index of Advertisers... Abound Livestock..................................118 Allandale Angus & Golden Sunset Ranch Bull Sale............................................105 Allencroft Angus/Border Butte Angus Bull Sale..............................................96 Anderson Cattle Co.................................87 Bar-H Land & Cattle..................................2 Belvin Angus.........................................100 Black Ridge Angus Farm........................34 Blake’s Red Angus..................................27 Blue Collar Bull Sale...............................88 Bohrson Marketing Ltd............................42 Border Butte Angus...............................101 Bowerman Bros. & Guests.....................51 Brooking Angus Ranch...........................65 Brookside Angus...................................103 Burnett Angus..........................................22 Castlerock Marketing..............................15 Cornerstone Bull Sale.............................45 Cow Boys Angus Bull Sale.....................99 Crescent Creek Angus............................13 Crittenden Brothers.................................66 Delorme Ranch.......................................35 Diamond C Liberty Angus/Dual E Cattle Co..............................................91 Double C Red Angus..............................50 Double F Cattle Co..................................30 Early Sunset Ranch................................67 Eastondale Angus...................................62 Edwards Angus.......................................33 Equinox Bull Sale....................................40 Everblack Angus.....................................97 Fleury Cattle Co......................................11 Flying K Ranch........................................39 Freyburn Angus Farms...........................29 Four Bar X Ranch-CMT Farms Bull Sale..............................................59 GBT Angus..............................................79 Hamilton Farms..................................94,95 HBH Farms Inc........................................98 Hi Low Angus..........................................31 Hollinger Land & Cattle...........................36 Howe Family Farm.................................BC Impact Bull Sale......................................57 Ivanhoe Angus......................................119 Johnson Livestock .................................23 Justamere Farms....................................53 Kenray Ranch.........................................19 Lakeland College..................................105 Lamb’s Quarters Angus..........................32 Lazy Creek Farms...................................49 Longview Angus......................................69
Mantei Farms Angus...............................89 McKevitt’s Finest Angus..........................47 McTavish Farms......................................83 Merit Cattle Co........................................25 Nesset Lake Angus.................................37 Nielson - Palmer Bull Sale......................48 Peak Dot Ranch Ltd................................54 On Target Bull Sale...............................104 Rainbow Hills Ranch.............................104 Right Cross Ranch..................................44 Select Genetics Bull Sale........................43 Short Grass Bull & Female Sale...............5 Six Mile Ranch Ltd..................................38 South Sask Simmental & Angus Bull Sale..............................................55 South View Ranch...................................17 Spirit of the North Bull Sale.....................76 Spring Creek Simmentals/Red Rose Angus ...............................................61 Standard Hill Livestock.............................3 Stockman Select Bull Sale......................64 Stuart Cattle Station................................78 Taylor’s Red Angus.................................21 T Bar K Ranch.........................................58 Top Cut Bull Sale.....................................18 Triple A Bull Sale.....................................24 Triple J Farms.........................................41 Triple S Red Angus...............................102 Twin Heritage Farms...............................52 U-6 Livestock..........................................90 Ward’s Red Angus..................................46 Wheeler’s Stock Farm.............................56 Wilbar Cattle Co.....................................6,7 Windy Willows Farms..............................28 Wood Coulee Cattle Co..........................26 Working Stiffs Bull Sale...........................60 Young Dale Angus...................................63
Page 117
Page 118
Angus Edge - Spring 2018
City View Simmentals & Ivanhoe Angus 8th Annual Bull Sale
Johnstone Auction Mart Moose Jaw, SK
Crescent Creek 07 Emblazon 62W
WHEN Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - 1 PM Sandy Bar Ideal 185W 216Y
Bidding Online at: Photos and Video will be available to view in early March at
Crescent Creek Rito 139C
Ron & Marilyn Mountenay Box 23, Belle Plaine, SK S0G 0G0 Phone: (306) 345-2560 Ron’s Cell: (306) 630-5871 Angus Edge - Spring 2018
Page 119