Apprenticeship in Action - Spring 2016

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Apprenticeship in ACTION

Sask Apprenticeship Spring 2016


Charity Cochet ...................................................1 Jeff Ritter...............................................................2 Innovation in Apprenticeship Training......4 Accuplacer and MyFoundationsLab...........6 Celebrating Achievement - 2016.................7


Technical Training Survey Winner ............7 Al Loke.................................................................8 BUILD TOGETHER ...........................................9 Skills Canada Saskatchewan 2016.......... 10 Harmonization Update............................... 12

Charity Cochet

A Grade 10 carpentry class at Melfort and Unit Comprehensive Collegiate combined with a Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) presentation laid the foundation for Charity Cochet to set her sights on a career in the skilled trades. “I took a carpentry class in high school as one of my electives. I was surprised by two things – how challenging the carpentry class was and how much I enjoyed working with my hands. I then joined the SYA program and began working on completing my passport of challenges. I enjoyed writing the essay and developing a portfolio.” continued on page 3

Spring 2016

From the desk of


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follow-up assessment through Accuplacer and start apprenticing. While we continue to implement tools and services that make apprenticing more accessible to people across the province, we are also working to recruit more people, particularly young people, into the trades—through, for instance, the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Program and by partnering with Skills Canada on the Skills Canada Saskatchewan Competition.

With the mild weather Saskatchewanians have been enjoying, I bet most folks are already looking forward to sunny summer days and weekends at the lake. Even with summer on the horizon, however, Sask Apprenticeship is pleased to highlight in this issue several exciting new learning tools that have been rolled out to apprentices and future apprentices across Saskatchewan—before school lets out for the summer. You’ll read about two young carpenters who’ve taken advantage of the hybrid training model, a flexible learning method that allows apprentices to complete most of their technical training online and on their own time. You’ll also learn about Accuplacer and MyFoundationsLab, two online tools that help potential apprentices meet their programs’ entrance requirements. If individuals don’t have the necessary high school courses to gain automatic entry into their desired trade, they are assessed by Accuplacer. This assessment tool determines whether they meet the requirements, or whether certain areas—math or reading, for instance—need to improve in order for the applicant to begin an apprenticeship. If the individual needs to upgrade, that’s where MyFoundationsLab comes in, creating a personalized learning plan, so that applicants can enhance their knowledge, fill in any gaps, successfully complete a

This year’s Skills Canada Saskatchewan Competition takes place April 22 in Regina at Campus Regina Public, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Regina Trades and Skills Centre, and Winston Knoll Collegiate. There is a career fair onsite, where students can learn about job opportunities in various trades and a Try-a-Trade Expo that gives young people the chance to grab some tools and learn what it’s like to work in the skilled trades. Similarly, the purpose of the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Program (SYA) is to build awareness of the trades among high school students. Sask Apprenticeship launched a new project last winter targeted at students in Grades 7-9 in partnership with the Prairie South School Division. Together, we created curriculum lessons related to the skilled trades and a hands-on activity to keep young teenagers busy and interested in the classroom. Finally, I’d like to welcome our newest board member, Al Loke, to the team. Loke, who lives in La Ronge and represents northern Saskatchewan, was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2016. I hope everyone continues to relish this early spring weather. Keep learning, keep studying—summer will be here before we know it.

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Cochet’s teacher was a great mentor throughout high school. He saw her as a leader and encouraged her along the way.

very unfortunate, but my parents knew my passion and fully supported me.”

“My first high school project was a loveseat. I wanted a functional, challenging item. It turned out well and I got great marks,” she said. In fact, Cochet impressed her teacher so much that he nominated her to receive the $1,000 SYA Industry Scholarship, which she was awarded in 2009.

“I’ve always pushed myself to prove my abilities. I want to do my best.“

Charity Cochet

“Before the end of high school, I decided I wanted to get a good post-secondary education without having to worry too much about finances, so I chose to apprentice in carpentry and start learning on the job,” said Cochet. Her parents were also very supportive. “One day I remember being called to the principal’s office to discuss my class options and career decisions. I had a scheduling conflict between taking Calculus AP and Carpentry – both of which I loved – sadly I had no choice but to drop Calculus in lieu of Carpentry. It was

Cochet, now 24, noted that throughout the SYA program, and even into her apprenticeship, there were few, if any, females. “I think more youth, and especially girls, need to really give careful consideration to a career in trades when they are assessing all their options. Being in the trades has allowed me to purchase a new truck and first home before achieving my journeyperson status in 2014. I have since gotten married and am now starting a family. While that’s not for everyone, many people my age are frustrated that they are just finishing their post-secondary education, have an accumulated debt load, and need to look for work.” What is Cochet’s motto? “I’ve always pushed myself on the job to really prove my abilities. I want to do my best.”

Charity’s loveseat designed and built as part of her high school carpentry project.

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Charity Cochet continued “I’ve had great mentors along the way who taught me tricks and tips on how to do things better or more efficiently. In the process, I’ve learned how to be a good mentor myself because now I’m the journeyperson teaching apprentices, some who have never even held a tape measure before. I try to make sure I cover off all the basics and progress step by step from there. Above all else, I encourage them to never be afraid to ask questions, no matter how silly they might think it is. My high school teacher told me no question is too silly; and I think even a journeyperson has to be willing to learn new things while mentoring. We all learn new things every day.”

“I have appreciated the employers I’ve had who were really receptive to women in the trades – Meridian Development from Saskatoon was one of them. They were always willing to hire and train females. The site foremen were there to see and observe the worksite and to notice the skills and productivity of all workers. To me, that was really positive because they could see how much effort all workers put into their projects.”

There are many aspects Cochet likes about working in the trade. “I like working up a sweat and knowing that I worked hard. I like to visibly see my productivity at the end of each day – building something and seeing progress day after day. I take before and after pictures because to me, carpentry is like a work of art. I also enjoy constantly learning new techniques. Even in finishing carpentry there is always something new to learn.”

Cochet has set both short-term and long-term goals. “In the short-term, my husband and I are expecting our first child soon, but when I go back to work, my goal is to keep learning new skills. I don’t want to get in a rut of repetitious work, so I’ll look for new employment opportunities where I can learn a wide variety of new skills beyond finishing, such as framing and concrete. It’s important to me to be a well-rounded carpenter. In the long-term, I’ve always thought about starting my own business. My husband is a Carpenter apprentice, but time will tell if owning and operating a construction business together is a good idea,” she joked.

As a female in a traditionally male trade, Cochet advises other women to take the chance to prove themselves once they find that first job.

She also thinks employers see benefit in hiring women in the trades, especially finishing carpentry. “Women often have an eye for fine detail plus a smooth touch and employers really appreciate that ability.”

Innovation in Apprenticeship Training The Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) has always been focused on creating innovative ways to ensure apprentices’ success. Hybrid training is the latest initiative to do so. Eight-five per cent of an apprentice’s training occurs on the job. The apprentice spends the other 15 per cent of the time in a classroom or shop setting, learning the theoretical knowledge of the trade through technical training. Saskatchewan Apprenticeship contracts a training provider, such as Saskatchewan Polytechnic, to provide this technical training.

In the Carpenter trade, an apprentice must successfully complete seven weeks of technical training and compile enough onthe-job experience to total at least 1,800 hours each year for four years.

However there is now an alternative for Carpenter apprentices – a combination online/in-class program called the Carpenter Online Hybrid Program, available for Levels 2, 3 and 4.

Sometimes, depending on where an apprentice lives and works, attending training sessions in another location for seven weeks can be difficult.

Strueby heard about the program when he was a Level 2 apprentice. “Leaving for seven weeks was not a good option for me. I also liked the idea of only having to be away from work for three weeks instead of seven,” said Strueby, who has now taken Levels 2 to 4 through the hybrid program. “If not for the online program, I would not have finished my carpentry training.”

This was the case for Apprentice Carpenter Shaun Strueby. He has two small kids at home and lives an hour and a half away from the closest Saskatchewan Polytechnic campus.

Innovation in Apprenticeship Training continued The hybrid learning approach combines the advantages of two kinds of instruction – online and in-person. Selected apprentices begin by learning their theory materials through a guided online environment. Sask Polytechnic Carpenter instructors are available to provide assistance during evenings and on weekends through a variety of electronic methods. Apprentices then reinforce these important skills by attending in-person shop training for three weeks.

Ahead-of-the-curve thinking demands innovation and flexibility. Sask Apprenticeship wants to see apprentices successfully access theory-based training online to reduce their time away from home. This also allows them to earn full wages during part of their technical training.

“I would recommend the program to other people,” she said. “I think it opens the door to more people who maybe can’t take two months off work or can’t spend two whole months away from their families.”

The program is similar to the Carpenter hybrid program, incorporating both online and inclass training. In this pilot project, apprentices will be able to complete up to two weeks of their training at home, using the interactive online format, before going to a Sask Polytechnic campus for the remainder of the training. The FIATT pilot project includes programming for Construction Electrician, Plumber, Heavy Duty Equipment Technician, and Truck and Transport Mechanic apprenticeship technical training. The FIATT hybrid training is available for Levels 1 and 3 in the 2016/17 academic year, and Levels 2 and 4 in the 2017/18 academic year.

This hybrid approach allows apprentices to support their families and communities by being at home and working while accessing their training online. This need can be met using online training blended with face-to-face practical training. Like Strueby, Cassandra Lasko took Levels 2, 3 and currently 4 through the online hybrid program. She said she is always willing to try something new and be part of something innovative. At first she was unsure about the online portion because she likes to visually see what she’s learning, but the online program does this by including videos and diagrams.

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Not only do individuals reduce their time away from home and work, but employers have their apprentices available for more work hours. Sask Apprenticeship and Sask Polytechnic are now involved in another joint initiative with funding support from Employment and Social Development Canada. It’s called a FIATT pilot, which stands for Flexibility and Innovation in Apprenticeship Technical Training.

Sask Apprenticeship is confident in the success of hybrid training programs because they have been successfully implemented in other jurisdictions. The Province of Ontario, for instance, completed a three-year study with Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) apprentices in two community colleges in Ontario. Results showed that in half the time, the hybrid program delivered completion rates and average student grades that were comparable to those in traditionally delivered (entirely in-classroom) programs.

Spring 2016

Accuplacer and MyFoundationsLab

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The SATCC is working hard to ensure that people find success in the apprenticeship program and that begins when new candidates want to register as apprentices. Positive changes are making a big difference. Prior to 2013, the SATCC used entrance exams for candidates who did not meet the academic prerequisite requirements. The entrance exams though did not diagnose the math or reading skills of the candidate. Inadequate math, reading and problem solving skills can lead to failure in technical training and be a barrier to successful completion of an apprenticeship.

An Accuplacer diagnostic assessment takes place for each individual. Following that, In a continuous effort to support a personalized learning path, apprentices, the SATCC introduced which includes a variety of Accuplacer/MyFoundationsLab interactive learning activities (ACC/MFL) in 2013-14. ACC/MFL to teach and reinforce skills identifies and helps to upgrade (MyFoundationsLab), is provided academic deficiencies for at no cost to the client. Those potential apprentices. who successfully complete the program will have higher basic The computer-based skill skills, which will allow them assessments and online learning to enter into or continue in helps people to update their apprenticeship. literacy and math skills. People are referred to ACC/MFL by the Now that the ACC/MFL has been SATCC’s Assessment Unit. Most underway for a full year, how do commonly, clients who do not the two methods stack up? For have the necessary entrance the years 2008-09 to 2012-13 requirements or need to upgrade when the entrance exams were various skills during technical used, the evaluation showed that training will be referred to the 72 out of 349 individuals (20.6 program. per cent) who wrote the exam became registered apprentices. In comparison, during 2014-15– the first full year the SATCC started

using ACC/MFL– 28.7 per cent of the 237 individuals referred to ACC/MFL that year completed one or more elements to become apprentices, which is 8.1 per cent more than the five-year entrance exam results. Similar results continue in 2015-16. Through the first six months of 2015-16, 25.5 per cent of the 110 individuals referred to ACC/MFL became registered apprentices. The SATCC will continue to monitor ACC/MFL and new numbers will be available this fall.

Celebrating Outstanding Achievement - 2016 The 2016 Apprenticeship Awards are fast approaching. Mark your calendars for Friday, October 21, 2016 at the Queensbury Centre in Regina. Details will be coming out this summer.

Nomination Form Please print clearly. Use additional pages if required and attach to nomination form. Instructor Name (first & last)_____________________________________________________________ Trade________________________________________________________________________________ College or Technical Institute and Location__________________________________________________ Apprentice/Journeyperson (nominator) Information: Name (first & last)______________________________________________________________________

In the meantime, give consideration on who you’d like to nominate for the most Outstanding:

Address______________________________________________________________________________ Town/City_____________________ Postal Code____________ Phone Number (


Email________________________________________________________________________________ This instructor provided my technical training from _______________ to _____________________ 20__ I completed my Level ___ period of technical training with this instructor.

1. Instructor 2. Employer Award with fewer than 50 employees 3. Employer Award with more than 50 employees

Please note that comments provided may be used at the SATCC Apprenticeship Awards and in the media, but your name as a nominator will be kept confidential. Please answer all four questions below. 1. Why do you believe this person is a top instructor? Share a personal experience you have had with this instructor that demonstrates what he/she has done to go beyond what is expected. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Pass the word around, watch our website for details, and send your nomination forms in early.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

For a complete list of all 2015 winners, please see the Awards web page.

Technical Training Survey Winner - Scott Dufault Congratulations to Scott Dufault from Saskatoon who won an iPad Mini because he participated in the SATCC Technical Training Online survey. Scott recently completed Level 3 TTM (Truck and Transport Mechanic) technical training and is now a Level 4 apprentice. If you are an apprentice who recently completed a level of technical training, you can enter your name for the next draw for an iPad Mini. All you have to do is complete the SATCC Online Technical Training survey. You will receive notification about the survey with your technical training marks. Your feedback is important to us, so please complete the survey and enter your name to win!

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Spring 2016

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Al Loke Al Loke was appointed to the Commission Board of Directors in 2016 to represent northern Saskatchewan.

world in a variety of roles.

Mr. Loke was born and raised in Ontario. At the age of 16, he enlisted in the military, and served with distinction for the next 30 years all over the

Despite wounds sustained in the mid-east conflict in the early 1990s, Mr. Loke continued to serve, retiring into civilian life in 1995. He worked full-time in the successful construction and renovation business he had established in Moose Jaw in 1991, and succeeded in attracting many high profile clients, including Walmart and Sears Canada. As well, Mr. Loke’s talent for business development saw him partnering in a number of unique business ventures, including Powertime Ltd, a company building electrified parking meters.

With his children grown up, Mr. Loke moved to La Ronge, where he now resides. Since moving, he has been heavily involved in building the local community, including in his role as a Town Councillor, where he was instrumental in driving home a number of important infrastructure initiatives, such as the building of a regional water treatment facility. He has been a strong advocate of local business and housing development, working as an advisor and consultant to a number of innovative northern business developments, such as the award winning Ainsi Gravel Crushing business. Additionally, Mr. Loke was instrumental in building several new homes in the La Ronge area. Al Loke is presently the Chief Executive Officer of New North SANC Services, a non-profit municipal association, in northern Saskatchewan, a position he has held for 11 years, with a five-year break from 2006-11 when he worked for the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. In this role, Mr. Loke liaises with the highest levels of government in Saskatchewan in promoting the interests of northern communities. In his spare time, Al enjoys the abundant recreational lifestyle the north has to offer, including boating in summer and snowmobiling in winter.

Tap into your future in the trades with Youth Apprenticeship.

BUILD TOGETHER - Women of the Building Trades

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BUILD TOGETHER is a national Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) program that promotes, supports and mentors women in the skilled construction trades.

In Canada, women represent only four per cent of the construction trade workforce. In other skilled trades, that number is even smaller. Studies and industry reports show that a large population of skilled trade workers are gearing up for retirement. An estimated 300,000 new workers will need to be recruited from outside of the construction industry over the next ten years to fill this gap.

Contemporary advertising strategies perpetuate the assumption by heavily gearing industry images and language towards men. The BUILD TOGETHER program has tailored strategies to actively recruit and retain women to the industry. BUILD TOGETHER is represented by tradeswomen of

This is an enormous opportunity for women seeking secure, well-paid, and fulfilling employment.

Canada’s Building Trade Unions across the country. They are apprentices or journeypersons from the skilled trades under the building trades umbrella.

Construction is seen as the “last frontier” in terms of increasing numbers of female representation. Other industries and sectors, including the military and law enforcement, have surpassed 15 per cent female representation. The numbers of women in construction has remained unchanged for years. The tradeswomen of BUILD TOGETHER, together with industry support, plan to change this.

These representatives are responsible for: • Exposing women to the trades — both women and men need equal exposure to the trades in order to consider it as a career. BUILD TOGETHER operates as a classroom speaking program to connect students with strong female role models that are active in the industry.

For centuries, construction workers passed on the knowledge of their craft from father to son. This generational “passing of the torch” led to insular recruiting strategies in the past.

Mentoring women in the trades — support for women in the trades should not stop at recruitment. Mentorship is key. BUILD TOGETHER is developing a structured mentorship program specifically geared towards the retention of women in the trades.

Making space for women in the trades — women face a number of unique challenges in the trades ranging from washroom facilities to inadequately fitting safety gear. BUILD TOGETHER is working with industry to give a voice to women’s issues on the tools and identify ways to create workplace cultures that are inclusive of women.

Exerpt taken from the BUILD TOGETHER initiative. For more information, and how to get involved, visit www.

Spring 2016

Skills Canada Saskatchewan Competitions 2016

Skills Canada Saskatchewan is holding the 18th Annual Skills Canada Competition & Try-a-Trade Expo in Regina, SK on April 22, 2016. Events will take place at Campus Regina Public, Saskatchewan Polytechnic Regina Campus, Regina Trades and Skills Centre, and Winston Knoll Collegiate. Skills Canada Saskatchewan’s Olympic-style competition provides a forum for students to compete and showcase their skills in numerous trade and technology areas, from welding to machine shop to 3D animation. Gold medal winners qualify to represent Saskatchewan at the Skills Canada National Competition in Moncton, NB in June 2016. Competitors and students from all over Saskatchewan will also have the opportunity to visit the Career Fair and Try-a-Trade Expo onsite to explore trades and technology career options at fun, handson, interactive booths. This expo brings together the excitement and energy of a young emerging workforce and the proactive organizations who understand that engaging youth is the best strategy for addressing labour challenges. “The competition offers students an opportunity to succeed with their brains, their hands, their problem solving ability and their intelligence. These experiences put them ahead of their peers once they leave school and are into the work force. I am absolutely hooked on this program!” said Mrs. Cindy Lowe, Business Education Teacher & Instructional Leader- PAA at Swift Current Comprehensive High School. “The competition demonstrates the vast number of career opportunities available to people interested in pursuing a career in a trades or technology field. We promote excellence and safety in everything we do,” said Al Gabert, Executive Director for Skills Canada Saskatchewan.

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“The provincial Skills Canada competition is a highlight of the year and provides contestants an opportunity to demonstrate skills that equip them for rewarding careers,” said Dr. Larry Rosia, Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s President and CEO. “The competition profiles a broad range of applied learning opportunities and showcases the exciting and rewarding careers available through a polytechnic education.” “The Skills Canada Saskatchewan competition is a phenomenal display of talent,” Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) CEO Jeff Ritter said. “These skills can be developed into an enjoyable and rewarding lifelong career.” “Skills Canada competitions are a wonderful way for young people to demonstrate their skills and talents to the public and potential future employers,” Skills Canada Saskatchewan Chair and SATCC Executive Director of Apprenticeship Loreena Spilsted said. “Additionally, the Try-a-Trade Expo exposes Saskatchewan youth to the skills trades, which benefits them and our province. They will be the next generation of Saskatchewan tradespeople.” The competition areas are open to the general public and media are encouraged to attend. Thursday, April 21: Opening Ceremonies @ 7:00 p.m. Campus Regina Public - 1069 14th Ave. East, Regina, SK Friday, April 22: Competition & Try-a-Trade Expo @ 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the following site: 1. Campus Regina Public - 1069 14th Ave. East, Regina, SK 2. Saskatchewan Polytechnic/Regina Campus - 4500 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK 3. Regina Trades and Skills Centre - 1275 Albert Street, Regina, SK 4. Winston Knoll Collegiate - 5255 Rochdale Blvd, Regina, SK For competition details follow this link: Competition Information.

SYA - Middle Years Since 2005, the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship program (SYA) has been very successful, particularly in building awareness of the skilled trades among high school youth. Through research as well as anecdotal evidence, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship determined the next step to grow the SYA program was to develop interest in the skilled trades among youth in Grades 7-9. This is the age range when interest in a particular area begins to develop. In the spring of 2014, we launched a pilot project in which we developed a presentation aimed at this age group. Youth Apprenticeship Manager Paul Blankestijn has presented this to classrooms throughout the province. The interactive presentation aims to get students excited about the possibilities of apprenticeship: what sort of trades they can pursue in Saskatchewan, what apprenticeship entails and how they can get involved early on by registering for the Youth Apprenticeship Program. Feedback was gathered from both students and educators. It demonstrated that the presentation was engaging, informative, and that there was a real need for this information in schools. When we began looking beyond the pilot project, the challenge was how to broaden our reach within our resources. In 2015, we were fortunate to be invited to work with Prairie South School Division and partners, including the Saskatchewan Construction Association, on a project aimed at the middle years age group. The project included developing curriculum on the skilled trades, in addition to a hands-on trade activity in order to capture the attention of youth.

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The activity was to create wall kits. Westridge Construction donated their time in developing blueprints for the walls, and then cut small pieces of wood into the proper dimensions. These kits were put together to give youth a hands-on experience within the classroom. Prairie South also developed the curriculum to be taught along with the wall kit lessons. After a series of meetings, curriculum was developed, which included information from SYA and our middle years presentation, essential skills lessons, and lessons around the wall kits themselves, such as reading blueprints, converting from metric to imperial, and more. We created a version of Blankestijn’s SYA presentation that could be presented through video. Teachers were also encouraged to follow up with additional activities to teach about the many different types of skilled trades. This curriculum was successfully tested within the Prairie South School Division. The school division is also willing to share the curriculum with other interested school divisions. Through a continued partnership with the SCA, Sask Apprenticeship will be working with other school divisions that may be interested in the curriculum. Blankestijn is still available to provide the in-person middle years presentation to engage students. However, now it can be worked into curriculum and there is follow up available to ensure that the skilled trades continue to remain top of mind for students. We are very appreciative to be able to work with partners who understand the importance of providing accurate, engaging information to youth, and who are willing to share their ideas to further the skilled trades.

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Harmonization Update The goal of the Harmonization Initiative is to substantively align apprenticeship systems across Canada by making apprenticeship training requirements more consistent in Red Seal trades. Priorities include: 1. Use of Red Seal trade name 2. Consistent total training hours (in-school and onthe-job) 3. Same number of training levels 4. Consistent sequencing of training content, including use of most recent National Occupational Analysis (NOA) or Red Seal Occupational Standard (RSOS). In January, significant strides were made in the Mobile Crane Operator Trade. Participating jurisdictions agreed to adopt the recommendations of the Red Seal name, training hours (on-the-job and technical training) and the sequence of training. Further consultation was required to determine consensus regarding weight restrictions. It was understood that the provinces and territories had a wide range of variables to consider when establishing a benchmark for weight restrictions. Based on consultation with industry, it was recommended that provinces and territories adopt the weight restriction recommendation as follows: •

An apprentice wishing to receive Red Seal endorsement as a Mobile Crane Operator must have work experience on a mobile crane greater than 15 tons (imperial) or 13.6 tonnes (metric). Individuals with work experience on a combination of equipment must demonstrate the majority of their work experience on a mobile crane greater than 15 tons (imperial) or 13.6 tonnes (metric).

The SATCC continues to work with its industry partners and provincial/territorial partners as it progresses through implementation. RSOS is taking the place of the former National Occupational Analysis (NOA). This transition will take place as each trade comes up for renewal. As part of the advancement of the Harmonization Initiative, the development of the RSOS included a discussion among stakeholders regarding the sequencing of curriculum. Post-workshop, provinces and territories

(PTs) were invited to “flag” issues regarding the proposed sequencing. Part of Harmonization also includes the implementation of a new process called the Red Flag Report . The Red Flag Report is a version of the Action Report on which Program Development staff and Industry Boards will document programming concerns addressing the subject matter expert recommendation. This report compiles feedback on the Curriculum Sequencing Workshop from provinces and territories, and is used during facilitated panCanadian webinar sessions to build consensus on sequencing. As part of Phase 2, the Automotive Service Technician RSOS, in conjunction with Harmonization, was the first of its kind to employ a new style of development workshop as well as sequencing, followed by Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) RSOS, in March. Jurisdictions were required to send feedback to the Harmonization team in February 2016. This was in advance of two national webinars, one for Program Development Officers and one for trade stakeholders and their apprenticeship authorities. Currently, the results of these calls are being compiled, and next steps are being put into place. During the last couple of months, further progress resulted from the collection of jurisdictional feedback for the following Red Seal Trades: • Heavy Duty Equipment Technician • Truck and Transport Mechanic • Agriculture Equipment Technician • Construction/Industrial Electrician • Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) Feedback and details continue to be tabulated and action reports are being developed for each trade or family of trades. This will assist facilitators during future webinars in March, April and May. Finally, the Harmonization Taskforce, the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship and the Interprovincial Standards Examination Committee are working together to secure the next series of trades of implementation September 2018 - September 2020. Watch the newsletter for future updates.


at the SATCC New Director of Communications

Chelsea Coupal will be the Director of Communications over the next year while Julie Woldu is on maternity leave. Chelsea began her term on March 21, 2016. She came to the SATCC from the Ministry of Agriculture where she was the Assistant Director of Communications. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Honours in English and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from the University of Regina, and is currently working to complete her Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing at the University of Regina.

RVST - New Trade!

Effective December 2015, the Recreation Vehicle Service Technician (RVST) became a designated, apprenticeable trade. RVSTs inspect, diagnose, service, repair, replace and overhaul all systems and components on recreation vehicles. This includes exterior and interior components, electrical, plumbing, and propane gas components; appliances, structural frames and towing systems on motor homes, travel trailers, van conversions and licensed towable vehicles. Click here for more trade information.

Form Changes

The SATCC occasionally updates applications and forms. Most recently, there has been a slight amendment to Form A, Form A Powerline Technician and Form B to include the employer’s email address.

PROVINCIALLY Congratulations to the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) as it celebrates its 40th anniversary on April 21, 2016 at a gala at Prairieland Park in Saskatoon. SIIT is dedicated to delivering quality post-secondary education for First Nations people. The gala also raises funds for the SIIT Scholarship Fund.


The national Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) conference, Apprenticeship: Hands on the Future, will take place June 5-7 in Vancouver, BC. This is a great opportunity to hear about innovative programs and approaches to apprenticeship training, while networking with people from coast to coast. Register soon!

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Women & Apprenticeship in Canada

Women represent close to half of the Canadian workforce yet their participation in the trades remains low and primarily in fields with lower earning potential. This new report provides a snapshot of existing research and data on women’s participation in the trades, as well as future considerations. CAF worked closely with The Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology to develop on this report.

Apprentice Mobility in Canada Following a discussion about “Addressing Barriers to Mobility” that CAF hosted in October, this report provides an overview of the advice shared by educators, employers, labour, jurisdictional apprenticeship authorities and equity-seeking groups on topics such as the: • Challenges associated with apprentice mobility in Canada • Supports required for employers and apprentices • Potential impact of apprenticeship harmonization and mobility protocols

Spring 2016

BOARD OF DIRECTORS As of January 1, 2016: Commission Board Chairperson Doug Christie Commission Board Vice-Chairperson vacant Agriculture, Tourism & Service Sector Joe Kleinsasser - Employer Karen Zunti - Employee Construction Sector Jeff Sweet - Employee vacant - Employee Wayne Worrall - Employee Doug Christie - Employer Rhonda Hipperson - Employer Drew Tiefenbach - Employer Production and Maintenance Sector Lorne Andersen - Employee Brian Marshall - Employer Motive Repair Sector Tim Earing - Employee Bryan Leier - Employer Other Doug Mitchell - Persons with Disabilities Leonard Manitoken - First Nations Brett Vandale - MĂŠtis Roxanne Ecker - Women in Trades Al Loke - Northern Saskatchewan Terry Parker - Saskatchewan Polytechnic Alastair MacFadden - Ministry of the Economy Brett Waytuck - Ministry of Education

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Call (306) 787-0187 or email

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SYA Industry Scholarship Sponsors

The sponsors of the SYA Industry Scholarship provide many opportunities for Saskatchewan youth. We recognize our donors below. Allan Construction AIM Electric Ltd. Alliance Energy All-Rite Plumbing and Heating Ltd. Breck Scaffold Solutions (2009) CAF-FCA Conference Canada West Equipment Dealers Association Canadian Welding Association - Regina Chapter Christie Mechanical ltd. CLR Construction Labour Relations of Saskatchewan Inc. EECOL Electric Ensign Energy Service Inc. General Contractors Association of Saskatchewan Inc. GESCAN Division of Sonepar Canada Inc. Highlander Crane Husky Energy Ltd. K+S Potash Canada GP Korpan Tractor and Parts Merit Contractors Association Inc. Moose Jaw Construction Association Mosaic Canada ULC Pagnotta Industries Inc. PCL Construction Management Inc. Peak Mechanical Partnership Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Prairie Mines & Royalty Ltd. Prince Albert Construction Association Pro-Western Mechanical Ltd. RNF Ventures Ltd. Saskatchewan Construction Association Saskatchewan Provincial Building Trades & Construction Trades Council Sheet Metal Workers Local 296 Saskatchewan South Country Equipment The Taylor Automotive Group Thyssen Mining Construction of Canada Ltd. United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #179 Wallace Construction Specialties Ltd. Westridge Construction Ltd. W. Hunter Electric (2005) Ltd. Wright Construction Western Inc. Yara Belle Plaine Inc.

Become a sponsor!


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.