Apprenticeship in Action newsletter - Spring 2017

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Sask Apprenticeship

Spring 2017

Apprenticeship in ACTION


Jennifer Dubois......................................................................1 From the desk of Jeff Ritter................................................2 SATCC 2017-22 Strategic Plan...........................................4 SYA Industry Scholarships..................................................5 Nomination Call - Employer & Instructor Awards......6 Skills Canada Saskatchewan 2017...................................7

Commission Board of Directors.......................................8 Harmonization.................................................................... 10 Technical Training Survey Winner................................ 10 SYA Industry Scholarship Sponsors............................. 11 Board of Directors.............................................................. 12 News Bites............................................................................. 12

Jennifer Dubois Red Seal Hairstylist, Jennifer Dubois, opened Miyosiwin Salon, the first Indigenous hair salon and spa in Regina, at the end of February. While people of all backgrounds are welcome, her salon specializes in offering cuts and colours with sensitivity to First Nations culture.

“It’s not so much about services we offer: we’re a hair salon, we’re a spa. We offer the same services as other salons,” she said. “The difference is we have that knowledge base to promote First Nations culture in a positive way.” continued on page 3


Spring 2017

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From the desk of

JEFF RITTER We are very warmly welcoming spring at the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission! Another welcome this spring was extended to six new members of the SATCC’s Board of Directors, who lead our organization. In this month’s newsletter we profile three of these members. We look forward to working with them and relying on their expertise in their sectors. On March 8th we celebrated International Women’s Day. The skilled trades provide a wide variety of career opportunities and rewarding work for women in every sector, from construction to agriculture to manufacturing. Women are capable of all jobs and we celebrate their many achievements. This month we have profiled one woman who not only works in a trade, but began her own business and is flourishing. Many of the 100 Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Industry Scholarships recipients are women who are aspiring to work in the skilled trades. The scholarships will be awarded this spring to students who are graduating from grade 12, completed the SYA program, and are dedicated to pursuing their chosen trade. We thank all of our industry sponsors for their generous contributions to the scholarship. The scholarship fund is administered by the SATCC, but the bulk of the funds are donated by industry organizations who

believe in the apprenticeship system. We encourage additional organizations to contribute to the scholarship fund in order to support young people entering the skilled trades. As a sponsor, a scholarship will be awarded in your name to a deserving student. We are also looking to our apprenticeship partners to help spread our message. Much of the continued success throughout the last 18 years in Saskatchewan can be attributed to the synergistic partnerships developed between industry, labour and training institutions, and the industry-led SATCC. We have many promotional objectives, and we invite our apprenticeship partners to approach us with any opportunities to work together to promote the benefits of apprenticeship training and certification. The reduction in funding to Saskatchewan Apprenticeship announced on Budget Day aligns with the softening in demand we’ve experienced recently within the apprenticeship system – as apprenticeship training so closely follows the economic cycle. We would like all of our apprentices, tradespeople and employers to

know that we will continue to provide the best apprenticeship and certification system with the resources available to us. Moving forward, we will finalize a business plan incorporating this reduction -- one that still provides high-quality services to apprentices and tradespeople across the province. Economic slowdowns are an ideal time to certify current staff – the tradespeople. A certified workforce provides many advantages for employers. Certification helps demonstrate that staff members have the knowledge and skills necessary to perform quality work. And, by employing journeypersons, businesses build a more competitive workforce. Plus, journeypersons play a key role in training a company’s next generation of workers. We hope you enjoy this issue of Apprenticeship in Action!

Jennifer Dubois

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downfall to taking [a trade]. Having a trade makes you that much more valuable.” She said it’s a skill she can always rely on. Jennifer’s love of the trade is apparent in how she speaks about it. “Throughout all the jobs and careers I’ve ever had, hair has always been there. I’ve always done it,” she said. “I love everything about [being a hairstylist]. Never got bored of it. Never got sick of it.” A self-proclaimed people person, Jennifer also enjoys interacting with the clients and building those relationships. “Being able to see the client’s instant pleasure with a new cut or colour tells me I’m doing my job right,” she added. The skilled trades were not part of Jennifer’s initial plan when thinking about her future. Originally she wanted to study physiotherapy, but when a friend of hers was accepted into cosmetology school, she got the idea to pursue the hairstylist trade. “I wanted to do something fun,” she said. “I knew that it would be beneficial. To me there was no

In 2004, Jennifer started her apprenticeship at Richard’s Beauty College in Regina, which is now known as The Style Academy. She remembers her training at the college with fondness. “All the teachers were great,” she commended. She said they got their students involved in the industry, they had a lot of connections, and also kept in touch with former graduates. She completed her apprenticeship, and earned her Journeyperson and Red Seal as a Hairstylist in 2006.

was working in the hair industry, Jennifer worked for someone who she saw struggling to maintain many roles as a hairstylist, a manager, and a business owner. Jennifer recognized she had more to learn about how to own and run a business. From 2009 to 2015, Jennifer took classes at the First Nations University of Canada (FNU) which eventually earned her a Bachelor’s Degree in business, as well as a certificate in Indian

“Don’t be scared to get out there and talk to others about your business ideas.” Jennifer Dubois

Even before Jennifer started in the hairstylist trade, she aspired to be her own boss. “I wanted to make my own schedule, have my own clients,” she said. Owning her own salon would allow her to realize that dream. When she

Communication Arts. During the time she completed her degree, she and her husband had two children, and she still managed to work full time during the day by doing hair at home. “A lot to balance, but my family is very supportive,” she said. Jennifer’s idea for opening a First Nations salon grew from her time at FNU. Her university projects typically focused around First Nations communities and her experience in the trade made her realize that there was a gap in the industry. Jennifer came one step closer to her dream when continued on page 5

Spring 2017

SATCC 2017-22 Strategic Plan

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The Commission Board approved the SATCC’s new five-year Strategic Plan for 2017-22 on April 5, 2017. The current five-year strategic plan, for 2012-17, will be completed in June 2017. As a result, management drafted a new five-year strategic plan for 2017-22 in consultation with industry stakeholders, through the Commission Board of Directors. The four goals in the approved 2017-22 Strategic Plan are: 1. Satisfy industry demand for a skilled and certified workforce in Saskatchewan; 2. Deliver high quality services relevant to industry/stakeholders; 3. Equip staff with the training and tools to deliver high quality service; and 4. Manage financial resources efficiently and effectively. Objectives, strategies, actions and measures are identified under each of the four goals listed above and make up the Strategic Plan Framework. To measure progress in achieving the goals set out in the Plan, SATCC management and the Board have identified 30 performance measures for the Balanced Scorecard. The majority of these measures are the same as in the Balanced Scorecard for 2016-17, but there are a few additions and deletions, as well as a name change for one measure. The updated Balanced Scorecard will be included in the 2017-18 SATCC Business Plan. Watch for upcoming issues of Apprenticeship in Action for more details. See the complete plan.

Jennifer Dubois continued she placed second in CBC’s Boom Box Indigenous business competition with her idea of a First Nations salon. As well as a cash prize, she received three months of mentorship with John Lagimodiere, editor and publisher of Eagle Feather News. Jennifer started Miyosiwin Salon in her home in 2013, and then transitioned into a brick-and-mortar salon at the end of February 2017. Currently, she has three stylists including herself. One is her apprentice, and she plans on hiring a few more stylists in the future. She does have an esthetician starting soon and her salon will offer pedicures, manicures, waxing, body

Pg. 5 wraps, and massages. Jennifer is planning a grand opening once renovations are fully done. When Jennifer started in the skilled trades over 10 years ago, she didn’t know how her journey would really impact her future. Her advice to other entrepreneurs is to network as much as you can and learn how to sell yourself and your business. “Don’t be scared to get out there and talk to others about your business ideas,” she said. “People are so helpful and willing to help you because they want to see you succeed.” She found there were lots of resources for entrepreneurs, especially women entrepreneurs. “Do your research and know what’s out there for your industry.”

SYA Industry Scholarships One hundred high school graduates from Saskatchewan communities will receive the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Industry Scholarships at their graduation ceremonies this spring. The $1,000 scholarship is unique because it can only be redeemed within two years of graduation after a recipient has demonstrated they are actively pursuing a career in the skilled trades—either by apprenticing with an employer and completing Level 1 technical training, or completing a preemployment program. The scholarship, launched in 2009-10, is administered and overseen by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), but the bulk of the funds are provided by industry partners and the Government of Saskatchewan. High schools that participate in the SYA Program are asked every year to nominate at least one outstanding graduating student who has completed the SYA Program, and is working to build a career for themselves in the trades. Graduates of programs administered by Campus Regina Public, the Regina and District Industry Education Council, the Regina Trades and Skills Centre, and the Saskatoon Industry Education Council, also receive scholarships. The SYA Program, an initiative started in 200607, encourages high school students to explore opportunities in the skilled trades through research and hands-on learning. To successfully complete

the program, students must finish 12 challenges that range from taking a Practical and Applied Arts course to assembling a portfolio of work samples to interviewing a journeyperson to attending a career fair. Graduates who complete the program receive big benefits. When they register as an apprentice with the SATCC, their registration fee and their level one of technical training are waived, and they receive 300 trade time hours. They also have a chance at receiving an SYA Industry Scholarship. Currently, there are more than 300 schools registered in the SYA Program and over 3,000 students are participating. The scholarship is sustained largely through the support of industry partners. To date, 46 businesses, labour organizations and industry associations have contributed $706,000 to the scholarship. The Government of Saskatchewan has also provided funding via the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunities Scholarship (SIOS) bringing the total contributions to the SYA Industry Scholarship fund to over $1.2 million. Watch our website in June for a list of the winners! To learn more about the SYA Program, or to contribute to the SYA Industry Scholarship, please visit or call 1-877-363-0536. You can also like us on Facebook (Sask Apprenticeship), or follow us on Twitter (@SKApprentice).

Spring 2017

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Nominations Call - Employers and Instructors Awards

The Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) is hosting its seventeenth annual awards presentation and dinner to honour outstanding achievement in journeyperson certification. The Apprenticeship Awards will be held at the Conexus Arts Centre, Convention Hall, in Regina on October 27, 2017. Eligible outstanding journeypersons from each trade in Saskatchewan will be recognized for their achievements. Other awards will also recognize the role employers, instructors, technical training teams and trade boards play in the apprenticeship program. We are now accepting nominations for outstanding employers and instructors who have gone above and beyond in providing a quality apprenticeship training experience. Below are two requests for nominations. We ask you to strongly consider nominating someone you believe would deserve one of these awards, and to share this message with others in your organization.

2017 Outstanding Instructor Award - Al Beamish, Dundurn (left) with SATCC CEO, Jeff Ritter.

We are also providing the opportunity for our apprenticeship partners to show support as a sponsor of the awards. Please view our website for a list of the sponsorship options, the benefits, and the sponsorship form.

Employer Award The success of individual apprentices and the success of Saskatchewan’s apprenticeship and industry training system are largely due to the efforts of employers. Nominations of exceptional employers for formal recognition are requested. A recipient will be selected from two categories of organizations - under 50 employees and over 50 employees.

2017 Outstanding Employer Award fewer than 50 employees - Keys Welding Service Ltd. , Dundurn (left) with SATCC CEO, Jeff Ritter.

The nomination will determine that the employer: •  Demonstrates a strong support of apprenticeship training •  Works to increase the probability of an apprentice’s success in the trade •  Creates an environment of excellence.

Instructor Award Instructors are key to the success of an apprentice’s technical training. Apprentices are asked to nominate an outstanding instructor who taught theory, shop, or a combination of both in an approved apprenticeship technical training program between July 1, 2016, and June 30, 2017 at institutions contracted by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission. The nomination will determine that the instructor: •  Goes above and beyond the requirements •  Has excellent presentation skills •  Is fair, approachable, professional and firm. To nominate an instructor or employer, please download the form from our website and submit it to the SATCC. For more information, please call 1-877-363-0536 or email

2017 Outstanding Employer Award more than 50 employees - JNE Welding , Saskatoon (left) with SATCC CEO, Jeff Ritter.


2017 Apprenticeship Awards Friday, October 27, 2017 Conexus Arts Centre, Regina

Skills Canada Saskatchewan 2017

Skills Canada Saskatchewan held the 19th Annual Skills Canada Competition & Try-a-Trade Expo in Saskatoon on April 7, 2017. Skills Canada Saskatchewan’s Olympic-style competition provides a forum for students to compete and showcase their skills in numerous trade and technology areas, from welding to machine shop to 3D animation. Gold medal winners qualify to represent Saskatchewan at the Skills Canada National Competition in Winnipeg in June 2017. Competitors and students from all over Saskatchewan also had the opportunity to visit the Career Fair and Try-a-Trade Expo onsite to explore trades and technology career options at fun, hands-on, interactive booths. This expo brought together the excitement and energy of a young emerging workforce and the proactive organizations who understand that engaging youth is the best strategy for addressing labour challenges. “The competition demonstrates the vast number of career opportunities available to people interested in pursuing a career in a trades or technology field,” Skills Canada Saskatchewan Executive Director Al Gabert said. “We promote excellence and safety in everything we do.” “The competitors at Skills Canada competitions displayed such talent and dedication to their fields,” SATCC CEO Jeff Ritter said. “Their enthusiasm and drive for the skilled trades can turn into a fulfilling career.” “The Skills Canada competitions are a great way to bring together young people from across the province who are passionate about the skilled trades and technologies,” Skills Canada Saskatchewan Chair and SATCC Chief Operating Officer Loreena Spilsted said. “Additionally, the Try-a-Trade Expo gives students a handson experience, hopefully inspiring them to pursue a career in the skilled trades and technologies.” See the 2017 competition results.

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Spring 2017

Commission Board of Directors

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Ryan Cunningham Ryan Cunningham became the Employee Representative of the Motive Repair Sector in April 2017. Ryan is an Automotive Service Technician (AST). He took a pre-employment course at Saskatchewan Polytechnic (formerly the Saskatchewan Technical Institute) in 1986. Following that, he became an apprentice and took his 3rd and 4th levels of technical training in 1989 and 1990, and attained his Red Seal AST in June of 1990. “My vision for apprenticeship training would be to ensure seats are available to those that need

them in a timely manner and that the apprentices are receiving the instruction they need to do their jobs,” said Ryan. “I believe harmonization of the trades and technical training across the country is very important. Having been involved in the process for AST, I see how the differences in delivery between the provinces could cause issues for the mobility of apprentices.” “I’ve been a technician at Moose Jaw Ford Sales for about 27 years. I’ve served on the AST Trade Board and continue to serve on the Curriculum and Examination Development Board. I’ve been

involved in Red Seal Item Banks to develop the National Occupational Analysis, that are now called the Red Seal Occupation Standards.”

Blaine Braun Blaine Braun became an Employer Representative for the Construction sector on April 5, 2017. He has been working in the trades for many years, but did not get involved in an apprenticeship program until he joined Flynn. “Here I was enrolled as an apprentice in Architectural Sheet Metal and the apprenticeship program was being offered through the Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia at that time. It was tailored to focus on building envelope, roofing and sheet metal details. I truly enjoyed my time performing this work. While it was my goal to achieve journeyperson status, I was offered a roofing superintendent position with Flynn Vancouver in 2011, which did not

allow me to return to school. In June of 2016, I transferred to Regina to take on the role of Roofing Manager at the Regina branch.” “One thing that I noticed when I came to Saskatchewan last year is that due to low enrollment, there was no provincial training provider. Fortunately, a new service provider has recently been secured. I believe that apprenticeship is one of the vehicles to creating high quality tradespersons. I envision a program within Saskatchewan that provides the highest quality training for our apprentices. It should be up to date with all of the manufacturer’s recommended details and conform to the latest in building envelope design. Although I am specifically concerned about the trade that

I manage here, these principles are transferrable among all of the trades. Our expectation of apprenticeship training should be that it provides the best opportunity for success with highest quality outcome for our men and women.”

Jesse Tiefenbach

“Since moving to Saskatchewan in 2010, I have found the apprenticeship program in Saskatchewan to be very strong. Shortly after moving to the province, I began an apprenticeship as a Guest Service Representative. In 2011, I received my Journeyperson certification. The opportunity of becoming a Journeyperson Guest Service Representative was very appealing to me. Working in the hospitality industry for 10 years, this was the first time that I had seen an Industry led certification process. I recently joined the Commission Board as an Employer Representative for Tourism, Agriculture & Service Sector in April 2017. As an employer in Tourism, I am proud to work in one of Canada’s fastest growing industries. My role with the Commission will allow for me to be a voice for these growing sectors. My goal is to help broaden the appeal towards apprenticeship in the Agriculture, Tourism and Service Sectors. These are very important employers in our province and they are among some of the strongest areas of our economy. As the province

continues to grow, and these industries grow, we will need more and more trained professionals. It will be very important that we continue to ensure that people have awareness of the apprenticeship programs and the vast number of industries included. My goals are to ensure that people understand the variety of apprenticeship programs available and that these programs are easily accessed.

Pg. 9 Since 2007, I have worked with d3h Hotels Inc., one of Saskatchewan’s leading tourism employers. In my role as the Chief Human Resources Officer, I oversee all aspects of employment with d3h. As a company, we have continuously encouraged employees to participate in the apprenticeship program and we have had many employees complete their Journeyperson status. We look forward to supporting and encouraging apprenticeship in Saskatchewan.”

Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives is Accepting Proposals Until

May 26, 2017

The Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives (AAI) program promotes awareness of apprenticeship training and understanding of the trades as a career choice. The AAI is accepting proposals which can include a variety of projects, including apprenticeship courses with First Nations and Aboriginal partners, mentoring projects, career exploration and other opportunities. For information about submitting a proposal, contact: AAI Coordinator

306-787-2439 /workers/aboriginal-apprenticeship/

17SATCC014_Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives Alberta Native News 1/8 page (3.25”x5”)

Spring 2017

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Harmonization The Interprovincial Standards and Examination Committee (ISEC), under the direction of the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA), continue their work of aligning Phase Three trades, which are scheduled to implement Level 1 technical training by September 2018. The Phase Three trades include: Boilermaker, Concrete Finisher, Landscape Horticulturist, Sheet Metal Worker and Sprinkler System Installer. Final sequencing recommendations for the Boilermaker trade were submitted to the CCDA for final approval. Approval was given for the final recommendations on November 25, 2016. During the course of consultations on harmonizing the Sprinkler System Installer trade, industry requested a change to the official Red Seal trade name from Sprinkler System Installer to Sprinkler Fitter. After surveying industry across Canada, this change was officially approved by the CCDA on February 20, 2017. In early February, the first meeting of the Harmonization Standing Committee was held. This committee will act as a bridge between the Interprovincial Standards and Examination Committee and the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship. The Concrete Finisher trade had two webinars in February. Program Development Officers met on February 7, 2017, to discuss the action report related to curriculum sequencing. On February 14, 2017, stakeholders from across the country met to discuss

the proposed sequencing. The call was very productive ending in consensus; however, further feedback is required by Newfoundland and Labrador as their jurisdiction was unavailable for the webinar due to a winter storm. No major obstacles are anticipated. During March, work continued on the alignment of some of Phase Three trades, specifically Sheet Metal Worker and Landscape Horticulturist. Activities included a workshop in Ottawa and a series of webinars for Landscape Horticulturist. In early March, Sheet Metal Worker subject matter experts met in Ottawa to develop the new Red Seal Occupational Standard (RSOS) for their trade. At the conclusion of the workshop, proposed sequencing was developed by industry stakeholders. After provincial and territorial reviews are completed, national webinars will commence in May of 2017. The Landscape Horticulturist trade is making progress on the sequencing of technical training. After the RSOS Workshop, work started on reviewing the proposed sequencing. On March 14, 2017, industry stakeholders and apprenticeship authorities met by webinar to resolve outstanding “red flag� issues, with additional discussions held on March 28, 2017. Resulting recommendations will be sent to the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship for final approval. Upcoming curriculum sequencing workshops in Ottawa include Machinist on April 28, 2017, and Insulator (Heat and Frost) in October 2017.

Technical Training Survey Winner Congratulations to Scott Dufault from Saskatoon who won an iPad Mini because he participated in the SATCC Technical Training Online survey. Scott recently completed Level 3 TTM (Truck and Transport Mechanic) technical training and is now a Level 4 apprentice.

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SYA Industry Scholarship Sponsors The sponsors of the SYA Industry Scholarship provide many opportunities for Saskatchewan youth. As of March 31, 2017, we are proud to recognize these donors: ($100,000+) EECOL Electric PCL Construction Management Inc. ($50,000 – $99,999) CLR Construction Labour Relations of Saskatchewan Inc. Saskatchewan Construction Association ($25,000 – $49,999) Canada West Equipment Dealers Association ($10,000 – $24,999) Allan Construction Alliance Energy Ltd. Breck Construction Canadian Welding Association – Regina Branch Christie Mechanical Ltd. Ensign Energy Service Inc. General Contractors Association of Saskatchewan Inc. GESCAN Division of Sonepar Canada Inc. Husky Group of Companies (Husky Energy Inc.) K+S Potash Canada GP Korpan Tractor and Parts Merit Contractors Association Inc. Moose Jaw Construction Association Mosaic Canada ULC

Become a sponsor!

PEAK Mechanical Partnership Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Prince Albert Construction Association RNF Ventures Ltd. Saskatchewan Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council Sheet Metal Workers Local 296 Saskatchewan South Country Equipment The Taylor Automotive Group W. Hunter Electric (2005) Ltd. Wallace Construction Specialities Ltd. Westmoreland Coal Company - Poplar River Mine Westridge Construction Ltd. Wright Construction Western Inc. (Up to $10,000) AIM Electric Ltd. All-Rite Plumbing and Heating Ltd. CAF-FCA Conference Highlander Crane Ltd. Hipperson Construction Industrial Parts & Equipment Ltd. Iron Workers, Local 771 Pagnotta Industries Inc. Pro-Western Mechanical Ltd. Synergy Electric Corporation Tarpon Energy Services Techmation Electric & Controls Ltd. Thyssen Mining Construction of Canada Ltd. United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #179 Yara International ASA (Yara Belle Plaine Inc.)


Spring 2017

BOARD OF DIRECTORS As of April 5, 2017: Commission Board Chairperson Drew Tiefenbach Commission Board Vice-Chairperson Bryan Leier

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NEWS BITES at the SATCC Director of Communications Welcome back to Julie Woldu, who returned from maternity leave March 27, 2017. Strategic Plan 2017-2022 The SATCC Commission Board approved the next Strategic Plan for the Commission on April 5, 2017. See the 2017-2022 plan.

Agriculture, Tourism & Service Sector Jesse Tiefenbach - Employer Karen Zunti - Employee

Trade Name Change! The official Red Seal trade name for Sprinkler System Installer is now Sprinkler Fitter following Harmonization (see page 10). Saskatchewan’s regulations are in the process of changing to reflect this.

Construction Sector Jeff Sweet - Employee Wayne Worrall - Employee Vacant - Employee Mike Berkes - Employer Blaine Braun - Employer Drew Tiefenbach - Employer

Calling for Roofer Apprentices! Roofer technical training will now be provided by Prairie Arctic Trades Training Centre. Apprentices needed!

Production and Maintenance Sector Aaron R. Laughlin - Employee Brian Marshall - Employer Motive Repair Sector Ryan Cunningham - Employee Bryan Leier - Employer


Other Doug Mitchell - Persons with Disabilities Leonard Manitoken - First Nations Brett Vandale - Métis Roxanne Ecker - Women in Trades Al Loke - Northern Saskatchewan Terry Parker - Saskatchewan Polytechnic Alastair MacFadden - Ministry of the Economy Maria Chow - Ministry of Education

Construction Week! The first-ever Saskatchewan Construction Week — was proclaimed April 3-7, 2017, by the Government of Saskatchewan to celebrate the important economic and social contributions made by the construction industry. Events of the week included: a launch breakfast, Construction Day at the Legislature, Deputy Ministers Dinner, and a Construction Entrepreneurs

Roundtable. SCA calling for donations! The Saskatchewan Construction Association (SCA) is looking for donated items in support of the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Industry Scholarship Fund! The $300-$500 items will be used in a Silent Auction at their annual summer meeting June 1-2, 2017 at Elk Ridge Resort, and they need your support! Their goal is to raise $10,000 for the scholarship fund, which was developed in conjunction with the SATCC. Contributions help support graduating high school students who are nominated for $1000 SYA scholarship. Contact Megan at 306-525-0171 for details.


Youth + Jobs = Better Future The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is inviting youth from across Canada to participate in a discussion about youth unemployment and learn about the excellent opportunities in the skilled trades. Twenty youth from across the country will be invited to Ottawa (travel and accommodation provided) to participate in the conference on November 9th, 2017 at Algonquin College in Ottawa. Learn more here.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Call (306) 787-0187 or email

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