Apprenticeship in Action Summer 2016

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Apprenticeship in ACTION

Sask Apprenticeship Sask Apprenticeship @SKApprentice Summer 2016

Matt Stovall ................................................................... 1 Jeff Ritter......................................................................... 2 Reap the Benefits of a Certified Workforce............. 3 2016 Apprenticeship Awards................................... 5 Regina Apprentice Wins Silver Medal................... 6 Harmonization Update.............................................. 7

Matt Stovall

Matt Stovall’s childhood aspiration was to be a doctor. He wanted to help people. Little did he know then, that his future would involve helping people, but in a very different way. “I was in university to become a doctor, but in my second year, I realized it wasn’t a dream I wanted bad enough,” he said. “Instead, I found myself wanting to get back to the worksite every summer to build stuff.”

Before and during university, Matt worked on a commercial construction site and he really enjoyed his work.

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Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives................ 8 Are Students Considering the Trades..................10 New Red Seal Occupational Standards..............11 Apprentices in Canada ePanel...........................12 News Bites.................................................................13 Board of Directors & Scholarship Sponors......... 14

Summer 2016

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From the desk of


Summer is here and I’m sure many of you are already out golfing, boating and fishing. Enjoy it. I think we all deserve some recreational time after a busy spring. The past few months have meant change and progress here at the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC). The provincial budget was announced June 1, 2016. Our General Revenue Fund grant was reduced by $1 million to just over $22 million for the coming fiscal year. This reflects the slight reduction we are seeing in the number of registered apprentices in the system. We’ve experienced unprecedented growth over the last decade and our numbers are just now beginning to level off. While we will be training fewer apprentices next year than we did this past year, we are still going to train more than we did several years ago. For complete provincial budget information, visit: // The Skills Canada National Competition took place early in June in Moncton, New Brunswick. Loreena Spilsted, SATCC Executive Director of Apprenticeship and Skills Canada Saskatchewan Chair, attended, along with a team of talented Saskatchewan competitors, many of whom brought home medals. Congratulations to everyone from our province who competed and helped out.

June was National Aboriginal History Month, and National Aboriginal Day was celebrated June 21. In this issue, we’ve profiled Matt Stovall, a Journeyperson Carpenter from Nekaneet First Nation who is featured in one of our current advertising campaigns. We’ve also highlighted a recent successful Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiative—a Level 1 Carpentry course that took place on Cowessess First Nation. Thank you to Mr. Stovall, as well as everyone who coordinated and participated in Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives this past year. You are all terrific role models who are raising awareness of, and making significant contributions to, the skilled trades in Saskatchewan. The Harmonization intiative continues to make great progress, and the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) recently announced the next set of trades to be harmonized by 2020. Those trades are listed in this issue’s Harmonization update. I remain the Chair of the Harmonization Taskforce, and Loreena Spilsted remains the Vice-Chair, although I have completed my term as the Chair of the CCDA. My thanks and appreciation to everyone involved with the CCDA and harmonization. I am confident we will continue to make great strides on harmonization in the coming months and years. And finally, we continue to raise funds for the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Industry Scholarship, which provides $1,000 to high school graduates who’ve completed the SYA Program and are pursuing careers in the skilled trades. Thank you to our most recent donors, Hipperson Construction and Iron Workers, Local 771, for your generous contributions. Have a safe and enjoyable summer, everyone.


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“It’s a real point of pride for me to look around the City of Saskatoon and say ‘I did that.’” Matt recalls the turning point for him. “At the time I was working, I thought I was a Carpenter already.” he laughed. “Until one day, my site superintendent pulled me aside and said I should think about becoming an apprentice and further develop my skills.” Matt was quick to register as an apprentice with his employer and has never looked back since. “At first, I was a bit intimidated thinking of the four year time commitment for apprenticeship. But, I found that time went incredibly fast! I enjoyed going to school and learning new things, especially in those upper years, when you really start to learn more technical stuff related to your trade. The whole process was really engaging and the time just flew by. There are all kinds of supports in place to help apprentices along the way that I took advantage of. There is the Incentive Grant, the Apprenticeship Completion Grant, and tool tax credits. There were also tutorial type programs. I did find that my work experience helped a lot and I was able to ride along through the levels. ” Matt achieved his Carpenter Journeyperson Certification in 2012, and then achieved the position of Job Coach/Employment Coordinator with the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) in 2013, where he remained until June 30, 2016. There, Matt helped apprentices, rather than patients. In the fall, Matt will attend Saskatchewan Polytechnic in Saskatoon to complete his preemployment Industrial Mechanic Certificate. Once he receives his

“My goal in life is to keep learning, keep building on the knowledge I have, and keep passing it on.” Matt Stovall, Nekaneet First Nation, Journeyperson Carpenter and SIIT Job Coach/Employment Coordinator certificate in May 2017, he hopes to indenture as an apprentice in the trade. “I’m building people, which, to me, is part of my trade. It’s one of my greatest accomplishments. I really enjoy working with First Nations people and helping to set them up to be good examples for other First Nations people coming into the trade.” “My advice to other First Nations people is to find what you love to do, what really makes you happy, and then go do it! ... I see many people starting out at the same point I was at once. My goal in life is to keep learning, keep building on the knowledge I have and keep passing it on.”

Summer 2016

Reap the Benefits of a Certified Workforce Our province has experienced unprecedented growth over the past decade. Our population reached an all-time high. And at the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission, we’ve trained more apprentices and certified more tradespeople than any time previously. Today, the extraordinary growth we’ve experienced in the construction sector and across Saskatchewan is slowly levelling off. “Levelling off” is the key phrase. We are still going to train more apprentices this year than we did last year, and while we expect some contraction in training demand next year, we will still be training more apprentices than we did just a few short years ago. Although activity in the construction sector has slowed, now is the perfect time for companies to plan for and develop a strong labour force. According to BuildForce Canada’s 2016-2025 Construction and Maintenance Looking Forward forecast for Saskatchewan, nonresidential construction will expand from 2016-2021, creating 4,000 jobs. Their forecast also shows that almost 18 per cent of the construction workforce in Saskatchewan is expected to retire over the next 10 years. To fill this gap, they predict that the industry will need to recruit young people to replace as many as 8,800 skilled workers reaching retirement this decade. This means that there will continue to be a demand for skilled tradespeople in the construction sector in Saskatchewan. Companies will still need to recruit, train and retain workers.

The right people are essential to the continued success of our province’s construction sector. While companies might not be looking to hire new apprentices right now, they should consider certifying their existing tradespeople. Tradespeople work in noncompulsory trades and have learned their skills on the job over many years, but have never tested their knowledge to obtain their Journeyperson Certificate. They may be eligible to challenge the certification exam as trade

qualifiers. This is the same exam that apprentices write at the end of their apprenticeship. Increasing the number of journeypersons on staff is win-win for both employers and employees. Employees achieve a designation that is recognized as the standard of excellence across Canada. It is a credential that proves they have honed the necessary skills in their designated trade. Certification benefits employers, too. Journeypersons can help sustain and enhance a company’s reputation. Some clients may

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inquire about how many journeypersons are on staff, or even demand that a journeyperson be on site while work is being performed. Employing journeypersons can help guarantee a company’s long-term competitiveness, since certification demonstrates to potential clients that staff members possess the skills and abilities to do skillful, high-quality work. Journeypersons are also key to training apprentices—they can help develop a company’s next generation of workers. Certifying existing tradespeople also has the potential to increase employee satisfaction and engagement, which could boost productivity and reduce turnover. Businesses and organizations that are committed to the growth of their employees are often seen as desirable places to work. By encouraging trade qualifiers to challenge the certification examination, employers are cultivating a supportive environment, one that will make it easier to recruit and retain staff members in the long run. A certified workforce is a reputable workforce. The Interprovincial Red Seal recognizes tradespeople’s proven skills and abilities. And it instills confidence in clients—that a business’s staff members have the know-how and experience to complete a job effectively and efficiently. Please call 1-877-363-0536, or visit our Workers | Trade Qualifiers webpage, to learn more about the application process.

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Mark Your Calendar: 2016 Apprenticeship Awards The 2016 Apprenticeship Awards will be held at the Queensbury Centre in Regina on Friday, October 21, 2016! The annual Apprenticeship Awards presentation and banquet is an evening of celebrating success through apprenticeship training and trade certification. Industry awards are presented for oustanding achievement in training and certification. The awards honour oustanding new journeypersons and acknowledge the contributions of employers to training and certification in the designated trades. There are many opportunities to participate. This will be the second year that we are calling for nominations for an Employer (2) and an Instructor Award! The success of individual apprentices and the success of Saskatchewan’s apprenticeship and industry training system are largely due to the efforts of

employers. Nominations of exceptional employers for formal recognition are requested from apprentices, journeypersons, or stakeholders. Two recipients will be selected, from the categories of more than and fewer than 50 employees. Find the employer nomination form here. Instructors are key to the success of an apprentice’s technical training. Apprentices are asked to nominate an oustanding instructor who taught theory, practical, or a combination of both, in an approved apprenticeship technical training program. Find the instructor nomination form here. We are always seeking sponsors for the event. If you would like to donate, please fill out and email us the sponsorship form located on our website. Letters outlining sponsorship and scholarship opportunities will also be sent out soon to employers, industry associations and unions who have participated at the awards in past years, so watch your mailbox. If you have not been involved in the awards, and want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Audrey Wolf-Kaminski (306-787-5284) or Tamara Sentes (3067872368) before August 31, 2016.

An SATCC THANK YOU! The SATCC would like to give a big THANK YOU to the two latest employers to contribute to the SYA Industry Scholarship: • Iron Workers, Local 771 - $5,000 • Hipperson Construction - $1,000 We needed space for all the latest contributions and developed a new SYA Industry Sponsor sign! If you would like to donate to the SYA Industry Scholarship, please complete and send us the donation form.

Summer 2016

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Regina Apprentice Wins Silver at Skills Canada National Competition

Daniel Nelson, 19, lives and works as a Level 2 Electrical apprentice in Regina, and recently stood on the podium at the Skills Canada National Competition with a silver medal around his neck.

of the welding competitions saw participants welding lighthouses from a few pieces of metal.

Due to international rules rendering the gold medal winner too old to compete at the upcoming WorldSkills competition, Nelson will soon start training to represent Canada at the international event in Abu Dhabi in October 2017. This year is Nelson’s first time entering Skills competitions, so his event at Skills Canada Nationals, held in Moncton, New Brunswick from June 5-8, was Nelson’s first time competing nationally, which made it especially surprising—and exciting—for him to discover that he’d won a medal. “It was amazing. I honestly never expected for it to be my first year, and winning at Nationals. I couldn’t even believe it when they called my name,” he said. The competition welcomed more than 500 competitors and 4,000 students who toured the competition site and participated in more than 40 try-a-trades. Saskatchewan had 55 competitors participate in 39 competition areas. Twenty of those competitors won medals, and four of those medal winners—including Nelson—will potentially travel to Abu Dhabi to compete at WorldSkills. In Nelson’s field, post-secondary electrical installation, competitors have two days (six hours per day) to complete their installations. The organizers give participants a blueprint that requires them to

demonstrate a variety of electrical skills. They have to hang panels, run wires and bend conduit, all while competition guests watch, comment and take pictures. The projects need to be completed neatly and to code requirements. In some competition areas, the assignments give participants a chance to demonstrate their creativity. One of the Sheet Metal competitions had competitors creating lobster traps, while one

Loreena Spilsted, Chair of Skills Canada Saskatchewan and Executive Director of Apprenticeship at the SATCC, said that Skills Canada competitions teach participants a variety of skills—both trades-related and life-related. Sometimes competitors might be trying to do a tradesrelated task in competition for the very first time, and they have to learn it on the spot through trial and error, or observing the other competitors. “Skills teaches competitors to be adaptive, resourceful, and to think on their feet,” Spilsted said. It also teaches them skills like scheduling, planning, public speaking and teamwork. Skills Canada was established in 1986, while Skills Canada Saskatchewan established itself as continued on page 9

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Harmonization Update The Harmonization Initiative continues its momentum with all 18 of the first 18 trades having moved through the facilitated process. All Phase One and Two trades are complete, and the Harmonization Taskforce is looking forward to working on Phase Three trades in the coming months, which are scheduled to be completed by September 2018. Phase One trades consisted of Mobile Crane Operator, Mobile Crane Operator (Hydraulic), Tower Crane Operator, Carpenter, Welder, Metal Fabricator and Ironworker (Generalist, Structural / Ornamental and Reinforcing). Phase Two trades consisted of Automotive Service Technician, Truck and Transport Mechanic, Agricultural Equipment Technician, Construction Electrician, Industrial Electrician, Industrial Mechanic (Millwright), Plumber, Steamfitter / Pipefitter and Heavy Duty Equipment Technician. The only Phase Two trades outstanding in June were the Construction and Industrial

Electrician trades, and on June 21, 2016, pan-Canadian stakeholders, including employers and employees from industry, and in some cases instructional staff, finished their work on the sequencing of technical training for these trades. The sequencing recommendations will now move through the final approval process via the Harmonization Taskforce, and the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA). Final approval is expected by the end of the summer. Five trades—Boilermaker, Sprinkler System Installer, Concrete Finisher, Landscape Horticulturist and Sheet Metal Worker—make up Phase Three of the work plan. Work has already started on Sprinkler System Installer and Boilermaker. The Boilermaker Red Seal Occupational Standard Workshop and Sequencing Workshop were held in Ottawa June 12-17, 2016. Industry representatives worked on the standard and the proposed sequencing for the Boilermaker trade. The next step in

this process is to send the “Red Flag Action Report” to provinces and territories for feedback in advance of the pan-Canadian webinars, which are scheduled for the fall of 2016. This report compiles jurisdictional feedback on the Sequencing Workshop and is used for context, and to build consensus, during the pan-Canadian webinars. Looking further ahead, Phase Four trades—Rig Technician, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic, Insulator (Heat and Frost), Machinist, and Tool and Die Maker— are scheduled to be implemented by September 2019 and Phase Five trades—Cook, Powerline Technician, Motor Vehicle Body Repairer (Metal and Paint), Automotive Painter and Hairstylist— are scheduled to be implemented by September 2020. The Harmonization Initiative’s goal is to align apprenticeship systems across Canada by creating consistent training requirements for Red Seal trades. The specific target is to harmonize 30 Red Seal trades in most jurisdictions by 2020.

New to the YouTube Channel We’ve added TWO new 30 second videos to our YouTube channel. One is an interview with Sarah Nagy, a Journeyperson Welder and Co-Owner of Leading Edge Welding in Biggar, Saskatchewan. The other is an interview with Matt Stovall, profiled in this newsletter. He’s a Journeyperson Carpenter, as well as a former Job Coach/Employment Coordinator for SIIT in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Listen to their stories, then like and share the videos with others to promote the benefits of the skilled trades for Aboriginal people and women in traditionally male trades.

Summer 2016

Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives Successful Level 1 Carpentry Training Wraps Up at Cowessess First Nation A Level 1 Carpentry course offered at Cowessess First Nation with funding from the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives recently wrapped up. The course had a 100 per cent graduation rate. Twelve participants started the program, and 12 successfully completed it. One of the course graduates was Mathew Sangwais, who has been interested in Carpentry ever since he was a young boy. His father was a Carpenter, and growing up, Sangwais used to visit jobs with him on the weekends and help him by completing small tasks like spray painting nails. Sangwais, 27, and a resident of Sakimay First Nation, said that people were so impressed at the projects that he and the other apprentices created throughout the course—everything from sawhorses to stepstools—that some offered to purchase them. Sangwais sold his projects after they were graded to a woman who worked for the Cowessess school and admired his work. “It’s always a sense of accomplishment when you do a job,” he said. “It brings a sense of pride and joy to one’s self knowing that you’ve done something that’s going to provide to other people in the future.” Offered from April until June 2016, the course received funding through the Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives, administered by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC). The SATCC receives provincial government funding that is then allocated to promote trades in Aboriginal communities.

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Promotion might mean awareness programs, residential renovation and construction programs, or trades training. A call for proposals is sent out in January to Aboriginal partners and proposals must be submitted by May 30. Projects are chosen based on selection criteria that consider cost, location, number of participants, and potential for future employment. Loreena Spilsted, SATCC’s Executive Director of Apprenticeship, said while some of these programs eventually lead to certification, others provide good basic skills for people who might be living in rural or remote communities. With residential renovation and construction programs, students are repairing and upgrading existing buildings and homes, so not only are they learning construction skills that will help improve their employment prospects, they are enhancing the infrastructure of their own communities. With Level 1 Carpentry training, the focus is on gaining skills that will help participants progress through their apprenticeships. The Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT) Joint Training Committee (JTC) indentured all 12 participants who participated in the training at Cowessess, so that they could complete Level 1 training and start gaining enough hours to eventually take their Level 2. Participants were 35 years old or younger, and came from Cowessess, Sakimay, Kahkewistahaw, Ocean Man and Star Blanket First Nations. “All 12 of them had really good high school marks,” SIIT JTC Coordinator Shelley Macnab said. “That’s why we were able to indenture them all without a hitch. It was probably one of the most successful AAI programs in terms of level training that we’ve done.” The work of SIIT’s rural coordinator, who helped organize the training program, combined with the continued next page

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Aboriginal Apprenticeship Initiatives community’s ability to pull together 12 dedicated people who were interested in apprenticeship, and had a desire to further their educations and obtain careers in the trades, also likely contributed to the course’s 100 per cent graduation rate, according to Macnab. “It’s a group effort. It’s the community. It’s the Joint Training Committee office…and then it was the instructor, who was key in this case. The students can really relate to him and he can relate to them.” Matthew Lerat, the course’s instructor, completed his journeyperson certification in 2014 and is only 29 himself. He works for Points Athabasca Contracting Ltd., and is currently contracted to K+S Potash. He was seconded to SIIT to teach the course at Cowessess; it was his first time teaching.


The training was conveniently located for the participants. Apprentices living in Cowessess could walk, and it was still only a short drive for those who lived in the surrounding communities. Sangwais said his classmates’ similar backgrounds— combined with an engaging instructor—helped to make the course successful. “It was a really good time because everybody was First Nations. We were kind of similar to each other from living in the surrounding communities. Everybody got to know everybody. There was cooperation during the practicals. And when it came to study time, everyone would make sure everyone had the notes, that everyone had what everyone else had… It was just an awesome time.”

He said he shared his own personal experiences in the trades with the apprentices, and what paths he took to eventually obtain his certification. “I think I motivated them enough to keep them coming back every day and wanting to succeed. I’m a young guy. They could relate to that.”

Although he currently works for Sakimay First Nation, Sangwais is seeking out Carpentry positions in mines across the province, so he can start building up hours toward his apprenticeship. His long-term goal is to become a Journeyperson Carpenter. “I really feel like (Carpentry) is where I’m supposed to be because I’m pretty good at it…I can really see myself doing it for the rest of my life.”

Regina Apprentice wins Silver


a non-profit organization in 1998, joining a group of Skills jurisdictions already in place all over the world. The organization continues to recruit apprentices to compete in Skills competitions. Spilsted said they’ve seen growth in the number of post-secondary competitors participating. From now until February 2017, Nelson will be “train(ing) like crazy” to prepare for the upcoming Skills Canada trials that will determine whether or not he qualifies for the WorldSkills competition. He’ll also be preparing for the competition through the tasks he performs daily at his job in a field he loves. He enjoys working with his hands and the fact that he doesn’t

have to sit at a desk all day. “I’m not a sit-down person. I have to be up on my feet, moving around. I’ve always enjoyed it, so I figure I might as well do it as a job.” Nelson said he’s known he wanted to be an Electrician since he attended high school at Winston Knoll Collegiate in Regina. “I decided to take that course and after that first week or so it was: ‘yeah, this is what I want to do with my life.’” For more information on Skills Canada Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan’s results at the Skills Canada National Competition, visit

Summer 2016

Students: Are They Considering Careers in the Skilled Trades? What sort of Canadian teenager is interested in pursuing a career in the skilled trades? According to a recent study, that teenager is likely to be a male living in a community with fewer than 100,000 residents in Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, Alberta or Manitoba. In fact, he is most likely to be from Saskatchewan. These results come from a report, released in April 2016 by Employment and Social Development Canada, entitled Attitudes and Perceptions of Canadian Youth Towards Careers in the Trades: Results from the 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA is an international survey designed to assess the skills, knowledge and attitudes of 15-year-old students around the world. In 2012, about 470,000 students from 65 different countries participated. In Canada,

approximately 21,000 students from 900 schools across 10 provinces took part in April and May 2012. The Youth Attitudes Towards the Trades component, included as part of the PISA survey for the first time, is unique to Canada. It consisted of six questions designed to assess student perceptions of the trades and their intentions of pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Among the provinces, Saskatchewan students showed the greatest interest in pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Twelve per cent said they were definitely interested, while 27 per cent responded that “they would consider it.” The other Western provinces showed similar, though slightly lower, results. Seven per cent of BC students, 10 per cent of

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Alberta students and 11 per cent of Manitoba students responded that they were “definitely” planning to pursue a career in the skilled trades. Twenty per cent of BC and Alberta students, and 21 per cent of Manitoba students answered that they “would consider” pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Canada-wide, eight per cent of students responded that they would definitely consider a trades career, and 18 per cent responded that they would consider it. PISA was conducted again in 2015. Results should be published in December 2016, including the Youth Attitudes Towards the Trades component. See the full report.

New Red Seal Occupational Standards

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When the Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship (CCDA) launched the Strengthening the Red Seal initiative, one of the top priorities was to achieve an improved standard. After all, quality standards are the backbone of the Red Seal Program. They provide all partners with industry’s guideposts for describing the trade, for designing useful and consistent apprenticeship training tools and for developing fair and consistent tools for assessment.

the trade is also an improvement. These additions will help apprenticeship training providers to develop technical training programs that meet the needs of industry that are in the standard. These features align well with the CCDA’s priority of supporting the harmonization of apprenticeship training across Canada.

It has been an exciting time for the Program. The piloting of the Red Seal Occupational Standard (RSOS) in the Construction Electrician and Steamfitter/ Pipefitter trades was completed! The experience was marked by innovative ideas, extensive partnerships with industry, and continual questioning about what we were doing and how we could do it better. The CCDA worked closely with industry from the Construction Electrician and the Steamfitter/Pipefitter trades to develop the RSOS.

The RSOS will take the place of the National Occupational Analysis (NOA). What sets it apart from the NOA? A primary enhancement being implemented is the broader engagement of stakeholders in setting the standard. Not only are active tradespeople involved, but insight from employers and trades instructors is gathered to better inform the expectations of the trade and how they can best be taught in apprenticeship training. An impressive level of industry engagement can be harnessed through all provinces’ and territories’ on-the-ground connections, as well as through strong national industry voices. As for the content of the new standard, there are a number of features that have been added. Descriptions of the performance and evidence of attainment help to better define the skill requirements for the trade. Setting specific learning outcomes and learning objectives necessary to acquire the knowledge behind

With all of the features collected in the new standards, there are a number of products that can be derived from them, with content compiled specifically for particular users and applications. These include: •

informational products, such as the occupational standard, standards posters and trade profiles; tools that support assessment, such as exam development guides, exam preparation guides and declaration of trade work experience forms; and apprenticeship training products, such as curriculum outlines, logbooks, on-the-job training guides and essential skills outlines.

All of the RSOS informational products will be available for download at in 2016. Other products and tools will be available for use by apprenticeship authorities to implement and adapt within their own jurisdictions. The CCDA plans to roll out the new standard to all Red Seal trades as part of their regularly scheduled revisions. This bulletin was sourced from The Red Seal Secretariat.


of employers think apprentices measure up! *Apprenticeship & Employer Satisfaction Survey Report – 2015



16SATCC017_Regina Chamber of Commerce Ad 1/3 page (4.78" x 4.46") October

Summer 2016

Apprentices in Canada ePanel Are you an apprentice? Come voice your opinion and share your experiences. Join this free online panel to: 타 Share your views with industry 타 Talk about your experiences on topics such as employer-sponsors and onthe-job training 타 Influence public policy on the skilled trades 타 Suggest supports and resources that would help other apprentices be successful You will be asked to complete a few short surveys each year. Survey respondents are eligible to win gifts such as free iPads. If you are an apprentice and would like to join this ePanel, please visit All responses will be confidential and your privacy will be protected. The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is a not-for-profit organization that promotes apprenticeship training across Canada. For more information, please contact Emily Arrowsmith at

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at the SATCC Exam Dress Code

A dress code has been developed for clients writing an examination. The SATCC wants to retain the integrity and security of all trade examinations. All examinations are “closed-book” examinations and no books or notes may be brought in. Under the code: Personal belongings: • Calculators, erasers, pencils and work sheets are supplied. • Purses and backpacks will not be accessible during the examination. • Water bottles are permitted, provided that they are CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY. Personal apparel not allowed: • Sunglasses • “Hoodies” and hooded sweaters • Hats, toques, ball caps * • Coats ** • Watches*** • Electronics: All electronic devices are prohibited from the examination area included but not limited to cell phones and headphones. SATCC employees may request a client to display any items for inspection. Refusal will result in an immediate suspension of examination and review by the SATCC. Questions or concerns should be directed to the local field consultant in advance of an examination sitting, or call 1-877-363-0536. *Hats or head covers must not be worn, except for religious or medical reasons. **Outerwear such as parkas, jackets or coats may be hung on a clothing rack

or hook, which will be in plain view of the invigilators at all times. *** If worn, candidates may be asked to remove any jewelry deemed to be a security risk to the examination.

Locksmith Changes The Locksmith program changed effective for the 2016-17 academic year.

To graduate from each level of the apprenticeship program, an apprentice must successfully complete the required technical training and compile enough onthe-job experience to total at least 1,800 hours each year. Although technical training has been reduced from four to three levels, the total trade time required is still 7,200 hours and at least four (4) years in the trade. The three levels of technical training are delivered by Red Deer College in Red Deer, Alberta in eight week blocks for all three levels. For more information, see the Guide to Course Content or call 1-877-363-0536.

Form Changes

The SATCC occasionally updates applications and forms. To date, the following forms have been reviewed and changed: Consent to Release, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6A, Form 7, Form 8, Form A, Form A - Powerline Tech, and Form B. Please be sure to visit the SATCC website for the most recent version of all forms.

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The June 2016 national Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF) conference in Vancouver, B.C. Apprenticeship: Hands on the Future - wrapped up a few weeks ago. More than 500 people attended to share practices and learn about apprenticeship initiatives from across the country. Participants also heard about the benefits of CAF-FCA membership, the Apprentice ePanel and a new web resource called the Skilled Trades Network. SATCC CEO, Jeff Ritter, and John Erickson, Dean (Acting) School of Construction, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, delivered a special presentation on online and hybrid learning in Saskatchewan.

Summer 2016

BOARD OF DIRECTORS As of June 28, 2016: Commission Board Chairperson Doug Christie Commission Board Vice-Chairperson Brett Vandale Agriculture, Tourism & Service Sector Joe Kleinsasser - Employer Karen Zunti - Employee Construction Sector Jeff Sweet - Employee Wayne Worrall - Employee vacant - Employee Doug Christie - Employer Rhonda Hipperson - Employer Drew Tiefenbach - Employer Production and Maintenance Sector Lorne Andersen - Employee Brian Marshall - Employer Motive Repair Sector Tim Earing - Employee Bryan Leier - Employer Other Doug Mitchell - Persons with Disabilities Leonard Manitoken - First Nations Brett Vandale - MĂŠtis Roxanne Ecker - Women in Trades Al Loke - Northern Saskatchewan Terry Parker - Saskatchewan Polytechnic Alastair MacFadden - Ministry of the Economy Vacant - Ministry of Education

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Call (306) 787-0187 or email

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SYA Industry Scholarship Sponsors

The sponsors of the SYA Industry Scholarship provide many opportunities for Saskatchewan youth. We recognize our donors below. Allan Construction AIM Electric Ltd. Alliance Energy All-Rite Plumbing and Heating Ltd. Breck Scaffold Solutions (2009) CAF-FCA Conference Canada West Equipment Dealers Association Canadian Welding Association - Regina Chapter Christie Mechanical ltd. CLR Construction Labour Relations of Saskatchewan Inc. EECOL Electric Ensign Energy Service Inc. General Contractors Association of Saskatchewan Inc. GESCAN Division of Sonepar Canada Inc. Highlander Crane Hipperson Construction Husky Energy Ltd. Iron Workers, Local 771 K+S Potash Canada GP Korpan Tractor and Parts Merit Contractors Association Inc. Moose Jaw Construction Association Mosaic Canada ULC Pagnotta Industries Inc. PCL Construction Management Inc. Peak Mechanical Partnership Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc. Prairie Mines & Royalty Ltd. Prince Albert Construction Association Pro-Western Mechanical Ltd. RNF Ventures Ltd. Saskatchewan Construction Association Saskatchewan Provincial Building Trades & Construction Trades Council Sheet Metal Workers Local 296 Saskatchewan South Country Equipment The Taylor Automotive Group Thyssen Mining Construction of Canada Ltd. United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #179 Wallace Construction Specialties Ltd. Westridge Construction Ltd. W. Hunter Electric (2005) Ltd. Wright Construction Western Inc. Yara Belle Plaine Inc.

Become a sponsor!


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