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SPRA Grants and Funding Guide



City of Regina – Hosting Grant

The Hosting Grant is for amateur championship events that contribute to building community pride and encouraging community interaction and spirit. www.regina.ca/about-regina/grants-scholarships/community-investment-grants/sport-recreationgrants/index.html#Hosting

City of Regina – Special Event Grant

Major Special Event Grants provide funding support (from $5,000 up to $50,000). Minor Special Events Grants provide funding for organizations up to $5,000 for new or unique one-time events that contribute to building community pride and encouraging community interaction and spirit. www.regina.ca/about-regina/grants-scholarships/community-investment-grants/complimentary-investmentgrants/index.html

City of Saskatoon – Special Events Grant

This program provides grants to groups/organizations registered under the Saskatchewan NON-PROFIT Corporations Act wishing to host major events in Saskatoon. Events must have an event operating expense budget of $100,000 or greater to be eligible. www.saskatoon.ca/community-culture-heritage/get-involved/grants

Tourism Saskatchewan – Funding Opportunities

Tourism Saskatchewan offers financial assistance for event organizers, communities and organizations to grow the economy and promote a positive image of Saskatchewan as an event hosting destination. www.industry.tourismsaskatchewan.com/apply-for-funding

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