Peace Village in Wangulei Wangulei,, Sudan Conceptual Conceptual Master Master Plan Plan 2009. 02. 21
CENAL Consultancy BY
Bird eye perspective Shall be updated on 5th of March
CENAL Consultancy
CENAL Consultancy
Introduction of the New town
Project Project Survey Survey 1
From the client
““Town Town to be taken to people in the rural areas of Sudan. ” Sudan.” CENAL Consultancy
Objectives of the New town
Project Project Survey Survey 2
From the client
CENAL Consultancy
Project survey Site Information Location Map Aerial Photo
Site information – Wangulei, Jonglei state
Project Project Survey Survey 3
The project site is located approximately 70km away from Bor city of southern Sudan.
The site is coordinated at 07.04~07.06 N, 31.21~31.23 E. Wangulei is the head quarter of Nyuak Payam in Twic East county, Jonglei State
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Wangulei, Jonglei state
Project Project Survey Survey 4
The satellite photography of the existing site area with significant building’s coordinate (Informed by the client).
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Wangulei, Jonglei state
Project Project Survey Survey 5
The aerial photography of the existing site area with village buildings and location of JG (Dr. John Garang) memorial park.
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Initial Requests
Project Project Survey Survey 6
From the client
Village household view
Village views from main road
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Village photo views
Project Project Survey Survey 7
Scattered houses view in the village from the air
Village over all views from air
Main road to Bor with village view
Residents with prairie
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Village photo views
Project Project Survey Survey 8
Village ground views with water tank photo and village folks
CENAL Consultancy
Site information – Village photo views
Project Project Survey Survey 9
Single household typical layout
CENAL Consultancy
Project program Memorial park Public Residential community Basic infrastructure
Space program
program program 10
CENAL Consultancy
Space program
program program 11
CENAL Consultancy
Space program
program program 12
CENAL Consultancy
Master Plan Site condition Preliminary master plan Land use plan Master plan Memorial park plan
Preliminary Master plan – Site condition
Master Master plan plan 13 Main road crossing the project site connects to Malakal and to Bor.
Project site boundary
Existing level of land consists from level 413 through 419 measured from the sea level from the survey map. The topography is un even with trees and looks prairie with some beautiful scenery. Dr. John Garang’s cemetery is located at the center of the village near the main road. From the main road there is a main approach along with JG Cemetery and central space of the village. Single family residents are scattered into the village. The components of single family are master’s room, children’s room, kitchen, Luak, small parcel for farming Two schemes are proposed based on the existing condition.
Project site boundary
Note : Site information is based on the survey data from the client
Main road view with village scene CENAL Consultancy
Preliminary Master plan – Alternative 1
Master Master plan plan 14
Alt-1 is a linear type of the new town concept designed with grid circulation system. Residential neighborhood communities are scattered along the main road and centered by the service zones such as government, education, commercial, sports, industry. 100 residents are accommodated in the one community with kinder garden, market, community activity space. The merit of the linear town is that the town expansion is unlimited in vast land.
CENAL Consultancy
Preliminary Master plan – Alternative 2
Project Project Survey Survey 15
Alt-2 is a radial type of the new town concept designed with circular street system. Residential neighborhood communities are radial location along the center service zones such as government, education, commercial, sports, industry. 200 residents are accommodated in the one community with kinder garden, market, community activity space. The Neighborhood community is surrounded by the park with vegetation where residents can recreate and play. At the center of the community flea market and other community activities can be taken place. Since the distance from neighborhood community is equally distributed from the centered service areas, circulation system is efficient, however horizontal expansion of service area is limited due to the boundary of the center of village
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Land use plan
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 16
Green belt
Green belt
Green belt
Green belt
Conceptual Conceptual Land Land Use Use Plan Plan CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Selected
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 17
Conceptual Conceptual Mater Mater Plan Plan
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Traffic circulation
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 18
Main road connecting to Malakal and to Bor crosses the center of the new town. Along the main road arterial roads are planned as radial shape to concentrated on the center of the town. From the center of the town loop roads are circulated to connect radial roads. By pass road is created to avoid traffic jam when the main road is in heavy traffic. At the 200 units resident neighborhood community, front street is designed with additional connecting roads among the front streets. Each residential commune is connected to the center of the service areas where knowledge, health, economic, cultural villages are located. -Main road is 28 m, 8 lanes+ pedestrian walkway -Radial and loop road are 22m, 4 lanes+ pedestrian walkway -Arterial roads connecting radial and loop are 20m, 4 lanes+ pedestrian walkway
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Zoning Plan
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 19
At the center of the town Dr. John Garang memorial park is created as symbol of the town. From the center memorial park government, education, commercial, industrial zone planned. Another layer of the commercial strip is created for future growth of the town economy. From the central service zones, five residential communes which house 200 single family household for each commune are designed as radial shape. In each residential commune kinder garden, market place, recreation + play area, worship center are designed to serve the family houses. On the edge of the town sewage treatment area are facilitated for sanitation. CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Green system
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 20
The new town of Wangulei is created as “ Green Village”. Each resident community is surrounded by the trees and park. The residents enjoy walking and playing. Between residents zone and service zone there is Green Belt to limit spreading of commercial zone. Another designated Green Belt is planned to alleviate the industrial pollution from the factories.
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Water system
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 21
The new town is called” Water Town”. Large scale water reservoirs are planned to reserve water to supply plenty of the water for drinking, cooking, farming, producing goods. The reservoirs are used as holding the water when heavy rain falls to protect flood during the rainy season. The water way is also created toward the town central area to supply water for fountains and streams for better atmosphere of the village.
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Green & Water Village
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 22
Concept of “ Green Water Village”. The new town with parks and water. It is sustainable and environmentally livable town. The water reservoirs are surrounded by the trees and parks where residents take rest in the area along the lake like reservoirs.
CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Neighborhood community plan
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 23
Each resident neighborhood community houses 200 units of single family housing where 5~7 family members reside. The house is located along the street that connects to the center of the town where service facilities are such as post office, shops, fire station, police station, government offices, parks‌ Within the community there are markets, kinder gardens, pre school, and worship center for the resident convenience. In each property of the house small farming land is provided for every day instant food supply. CENAL Consultancy
Master plan – Memorial park & Monument
Conceptual Conceptual Master Master plan plan 24 Landmark Tower of the town as a monument
At the center of the new town Dr. John Garang Memorial Park is designed to commemorate the contribution of his life long achievements forSudan. The large ponds are created at the memorial park to symbolize the eternity of peace and prosperity of Sudan and the Dr. J Ggarang’s dream. At the very end of the memorial park the symbolic tower is monumental to celebrate the vision of the town and to be recognized as the landmark of the new town as the first modernization of southern villages in Sudan.
Dr. John Garang Memorial Park
CENAL Consultancy
Buildings plans Government Public Commercial Resident
Building Plan – Location of Public Services
Building Building plan plan 25
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Government Village excluding administration & court house
Building Building plan plan 26
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Government village
Building Building plan plan 27
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Government village
Building Building plan plan 28
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Knowledge village
Building Building plan plan 29
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Knowledge village
Building Building plan plan 30
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Health village
Building Building plan plan 31
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Sports village
Building Building plan plan 32
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Hotel
Building Building plan plan 33
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Economic village
Building Building plan plan 34
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Economic village
Building Building plan plan 35
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Economic village
Building Building plan plan 36
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Economic village
Building Building plan plan 37
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – House unit – A type
Building Building plan plan 38
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – House unit- B type
Building Building plan plan 39
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Commune center, Mini market
Building Building plan plan 40
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Kindergarten, Primary school
Building Building plan plan 41
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Worship place
Building Building plan plan 42
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Typical section
Building Building plan plan 43
CENAL Consultancy
Building Plan – Prototype of typical elevation of buildings
Building Building plan plan 44
CENAL Consultancy
CENAL Consultancy