Christmas food your dog can and can't eat

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Christmas Food Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat

When preparing your Christmas dinner, do not forget your furry friend. It is a festive time for them too in terms of the variety of food they get to eat. But not all food is safe for dog to eat as some human foods may .cause digestive upsets in them and some have severe results like death Moderation is the key during festivals. No doubt human food should be fed to dogs but it should be properly modified first. Like removing skin .from meat, removing seeds and stoned from fruits

foods- which can be fed! Turkey .Small amounts of boneless, skinless white meat Cranberry sauce Pure cranberry sauce with nothing else added like sweeteners or other .fruits, nuts etc Potatoes Plain mashed or boiled potatoes with nothing else added (e.g. salt, butter). Potatoes, no matter how they are prepared or cooked are very

Christmas Food Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat .starchy, which dogs can struggle to digest Vegetables Some carrot, parsnip, green beans, Brussel sprouts, broccoli florets (very small amount only), peas, spinach, cauliflower etc... Most green or .mixed veg is fine for dogs Eggs Eggs are a great source of protein, vitamins and minerals and are good for our dog’s health. Scrambled is a great way to cook eggs for your dog, .but don’t add milk, butter or salt of course Fruit Can be high in sugar and can also be acidic, which can upset your dog's .digestion so give in moderation and remove the pips/seeds first

Food- which cannot be fed! Bird bones They are hollow and whether raw or cooked they can easily splinter, .making them a dangerous puncture or choking hazard

Christmas Food Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat Gravy Very tasty but too salty and fatty for dogs. They will enjoy their turkey .dinner just as much without gravy. It is best avoided Onions, garlic and other bulb vegetables (e.g. chives, leeks, shallots) . Onions are a definite no as they are poisonous to dogs. This includes any variant such as onion powder. Also avoid feeding your dog other bulb .vegetables e.g. chives, leeks and shallots Herbs and spices Dogs are not used to eating herbs and spicy food and stomach upsets .may result Grapes, raisins, currants, sultanas These are fatal to dogs, even in small amounts. Seek veterinary help .immediately if your dog eats these foods Mince pies, Christmas pudding and fruit cake Apart from being full of dangerous fat, these festive treats contain dried .fruits, spices and sometimes alcohol

Christmas Food Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat

Chocolate It contains Theobromine which can be deadly to canines, even in small .amounts Yeast and uncooked dough It rises and ferments in the stomach. Not only painful but can be fatal. Keep yeast and dough safely away from your dog when doing your .Christmas baking Human deserts and sweets These are way too sugary or if they are sugar-free they contain artificial sweeteners. The sweetener Xylitol is very dangerous to dogs and sugar is .bad for your dog’s weight and teeth Milk and dairy products Take it easy when it comes to giving your dog any milk and dairy products. Dogs have difficulty digesting lactose resulting in upset .stomachs

Christmas Food Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat Mushrooms .Some are OK but some are not so be on a safe side and avoid the same

Enjoy the festive season but make it enjoyable for your four-pawed !friend too. Merry Christmas

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