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Fulton Comics Club

By Ad Britton


The comic book club here has done a lot for young artists, writers, and simple nerds alike! It provides a space for us to geek out about whatever we are interested in! It also takes its members to local conventions like Fanboy Expo, where they set up a booth in Artist Alley and sell issues of the comic to the public! The comic also makes its authors into real published names! All issues are kept in the University of Tennessee’s permanent collection inside the McClung library.

Some have said it creates a sense of self. In an interview with WATE, Sandra Campbell, one of the co-sponsors of the club, says “It helps them create number one, a sense of self, but it also helps them have something that they can be proud of, that they can show off to others and know that they are now published artists, published writers. That their work is going to be seen...” Both current and past members of the club have had nothing but positive experiences inside the club. Both cosponsors are always there to help and guide the members. Have a question about setting up? They’re here! Don’t know what to start on? Brainstorm with them and the rest of the club! Even if you just want to talk about everything comics and movies, the comic book club is always here with friendly faces and open ears.

The club is open for all from 3:45 to 4:45 on Fridays in room 201.

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