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CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION Name Nickname Gender Place, DoB Age Blood Type Religion
: : : : : : :
Putu Sastika Adiningtyas Tika Female Jakarta, February 5 1997 21 O Hindu
CONTACT INFORMATION Phone Number Mobile Number Address E-Mail
: +6281291841846 : +6281291841846 : Jl. P dan K II - 22 Parung Serab, Gledug, Kota Tangerang, Banten : sastikadngtys05@gmail.com
MEMBER IDENTIFICATION CIMSA ID Number : Year joined CIMSA : Member of SCO : CIMSA National : Meeting Attendance
12 16 02 017 2016 SCOPE 1. National Leadership Summit 2017 2. May Meeting 2017 3. October Meeting 2018
EDUCATION Elementary School : SD Budi Luhur (2003 - 2009) Junior High School : SMP N 111 Jakarta (2009 - 2012) Senior High School: SMA N 8 Jakarta (2012 - 2015) University : Universitas Gadjah Mada (2016 - now)
Local Exchange Officer Treasurer II
May Meeting, Yogyakarta Training New Trainers Regio V
Event Team Fundraising Team
Batch Project CIMSA UGM: Portrait SCOPE CIMSA UGM Project: Alohomora Training New Trainers Regio V PPSMB Morfogenesis FK UGM SCOPE CIMSA UGM Project: Legendary Bakti Sosial KMHD UGM SCOPE CIMSA UGM Project: Explore
Event Team Project Officer
SCOPE Active Member Active Member Public Relation Team
Pekan Aksi Sosial FK-UAJ BPM FK-UAJ
Volunteer Student Organization Relation Team
Subseksi Upacara SMA N 8 Jakarta Subseksi GENESYS SMA N 8 Jakarta
Secretary II Treasurer II
Fundraising Team Pemandu II Fundraising Team Health Team Public Relation Team
Credits on International Competitions and Assessments (ICAS) in Science
Participant on International Competitions and Assessment (ICAS) in English
Highest National Examination (UNAS) SMP N 111 Jakarta
Credits on International Competitions and Assessments (ICAS) in Science Yogyakarta, 26 Maret 2018
Putu Sastika Adiningtyas
MOTIVATION LETTER To Whom it May Concern I am Putu Sastika Adiningtyas—or simply Tika— a second-year medical student in Medical Science major, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada. Time slips away when you enjoy things, and it does not feel like it has been two years since I have walked out of my comfort zone and started a new adventure in Yogyakarta city. I have been blessed to be able to study here due to the profound support I’ve gotten from my surroundings that pushes me to pursue my passions and talents, to snatch every opportunities and experiences that will only be beneficial when I become a doctor. Hence, I chose CIMSA and became a member of SCOPE. It was such joy to be a part of it that I could not help but to love every single activity: from an internal project to capacity building, and of course, National Meetings. Surprisingly, I fell in love throughout every opportunity that both my local and CIMSA Nasional have offered. The feelings never stopped and only got stronger when I decided to step up and was chosen as LEO (Local Exchange Officer) CIMSA UGM 2017-2018.
Taking care of an exchange system at the local level was not easy and I do admit to flaws I made during my time as LEO. Nevertheless, it became an opportunity for me to learn, and even until now I am still eager to learn more about managing CIMSA’s SCOPE exchange system, especially towards outgoings. Sending Indonesian student abroad has been a crucial part of my time as LEO and I was honored to be given the chance to facilitate Indonesian medical students with a horizon of opportunities to learn medicine in a clinical-based environment abroad, to play even the smallest part of making them the next global doctors towards a healthier Indonesia through SCOPE’s mission in exchanging knowledge and culture beyond countries’ borders. And I would be beyond honored to do that again in an even wider scope as a National Officer.
Throughout my time as LEO, I’ve dealt with issues that were eye-opening, especially in terms of outgoings. Speaking with my fellow LEOs, I gained other perspectives and an understanding that the implementation of the outgoing system in CIMSA locals is still somewhat problematic in several Organization was not a new thing for me as I’ve areas. Thus, I did not want my journey to end here. I wanted to keep on learning with all 13 SCOPE been involved in several ones before. But, of locals and observers that will continue to grow and course, it is not the same when you’re a mediwith SCOPE CIMSA’s big family, to figure out a socal student. And so, I have to adapt and learn lution and improve this SCO’s capacity by engaging to manage my time, to communcate and interall sources, especially in managing outgoing—with act with people, be it foreign students or every parties involved in a project—the dean, hospital, regards to the general exchange system. doctors, seniors, juniors —how to manage your As I write this letter, I am sincere in proposing my financial along with my treasurer on SCO, and candidature as CIMSA Indonesia’s official: Natiomost importantly, I learned how to love & give nal Exchange Officer for Outgoing CIMSA 2018back to SCOPE even more with everything this 2019. SCO (and CIMSA) has provided me with. Yogyakarta, April 24 2018 Warmest regards,
Putu Sastika Adiningtyas
VISION SCOPE CIMSA as a vessel for all medical students of Indonesia to experience professional clinical clerkship while sharing cultural diversity abroad for a better nation’s health with standardized system as well as maximizing outcome of the professional exchange itself
MISSION 1. To proceed and ensure SCOPE CIMSA’s activities in accordance to CIMSA’s vision and mission 2. To proceed, evaluate and advance professional exchange system 3. To maximize the internal component of SCOPE CIMSA in terms of supporting professional exchange program (NEC, LC, and observers) 4. To make sustainable partnerships and expansion for SCOPE CIMSA exchange purposes and existence
OFFICIALS AND NATIONAL OFFICER Menyelaraskan aktivitas SCOPE CIMSA dengan visi dan misi CIMSA dan rencana strategis SCOPE CIMSA Bertanggung jawab terhadap aktivitas SCOPE kepada CIMSA
LEADER FOR SCOPE Memaksimalkan kapasitas pemberangkatan outgoing dengan penerimaan incoming bersama dengan NEO IN - Kaderisasi observer to LC - Revisi SCOPE Manual - Alokasi outgoing dan incoming
Meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kualitas agent of exchange untuk memaksimalkan potensi dan promosi SCOPE exchange melalui aktivitas wajib nasional bersama dengan NEC - PDT guideline and presentation, with additional content ‘Exchange Learning Objectives’ – untuk kemudian di pergunakan oleh outgoing sebagai acuan academic quality yang di assess secara nasional - Exchange fair lokal - SCOPE local training for outgoing (bersama VNI) - LEO handover report - SCO national meeting / Joint SCO national meeting (PRET CIMSA)
CAMPAIGN AND ADVOCACY Exchange Fair campaign - Memaksimalkan fungsi social media SCOPE-CIMSA, SCORE-CIMSA dan CIMSA nasional - Melanjutkan dan memaksimalkan konsep video promosi exchange yang telah ada bersama dengan MCC SCOPE SCORE dan NORE - Menyelaraskan promosi exchange baik SCOPE maupun SCORE - Berkolaborasi dengan seluruh lokal CIMSA dalam mengajak lokal non SCOPE/RE dan non CIMSA sekitar agar dapat menghadiri exchange fair lokal tersebut atau dengan membantu penyebaran informasi exchange SCOPE dan SCORE
Mengedukasi dan mempersiapkan LEO terkait advokasi lokal ke Rumah Sakit, Dekanat maupun pihak terkait program pertukaran pelajaran SCOPE CIMSA
EXTERNAL Menjaga dan meningkatkan eksistensi SCOPE CIMSA melalui acknowledgement letter oleh Governmental Organizations - Kemenristekdikti - IDI - IDAI - POGI - PABI - PAPDI
Memaksimalkan, mengevaluasi dan menambah kerjasama NGO - English test evaluation (ILP) and alternatives for long term partnership - AITS - STATRAVEL - AXA
Ekspansi lokal SCOPE dalam meningkatkan kapasitas exchange
OUTGOING Mengembangkan dan memonitor pelaksanaan exchange fair serta penggunaan guideline seleksi outgoing bersama dengan PC SCOPE Meningkatkan jumlah kontrak dengan negara yang terafiliasi dalam IFMSA (SCOPE Active) dengan memperhatikan kapasitas lokal dalam menerima incoming Academic quality sebagai outcome SCOPE exchange - Mengevaluasi pengumpulan dan pengerjaan academic quality SCOPE - Guideline pengerjaan academic quality
Website SCOPE CIMSA sebagai media publikasi academic quality of professional exchange - Academic quality untuk tujuan audiensi lokal maupun audiensi SCOPE CIMSA ke partner eksternal - Mengolah academic quality sebagai bentuk luaran pelaksanaan program professional exchange
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world; Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead