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Corporate Governance Report

The Directors Report

The Board of Directors present their report and audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2022.

In accordance with its Establishment Order, the Board of Directors comprises six nonexecutive directors, including the Chair, and five executive directors, one of whom is the Chief Executive. All Directors are required to comply with Trust policies, including the need to declare any actual or potential conflict of interest, and must comply with the Fit and Proper Persons Test requirements.

Whilst non-executive directors are not employees of the Trust and are appointed to provide independent challenge to the Board of Directors, each board member brings a variety of individuals skills and experience to the Board.

Directors serving during the year were:

Non-executive directors Dr Catriona McMahon

Dr McMahon is Chair of the Trust, and chairs the Trust’s Remuneration Committee, Quality Improvement Committee in Common, and chairs, jointly with Jane Garvey (formerly of the BBC’s Woman’s Hour) the Trust’s Ockenden Report Assurance Committee.

Dr McMahon is passionate about the NHS, patient access to innovation and excellence in patientcare. She was the Chair of the Medical Expert Network and member of the Innovation Strategy Board and Reputation Strategy Group of the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industries (ABPI), and co-chairoftheMinisterial and Industry Strategy Group (MISG) Clinical Research Working Group until December 2014. In addition, she is a former member of the Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Appeals Panel and NICE Neuroscience Guidelines Review Panel.

As well as her role as Trust Chair, Dr McMahon is a Non-Executive Director for University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and owner of, and executive coach within, her own coaching business, specialising in supporting the development and delivery of

senior leaders in the healthcare and life science sectors. She is also Lead Industry Member ontheScottishMedicines Consortium (SMC), working with both SMC and industry on health technology assessment processes and processes improvement.

Dr McMahon attended Edinburgh Medical School and, prior to joining the pharmaceutical industry, she practised anaesthetics and critical care medicine in the north-east of England for 9 years. She is a Fellow of the Faculty of pharmaceutical Medicine and holds a Master of Public Health (Healthcare Management; Liverpool University) and a Masters in Science (Executive Coaching; Ashridge Business School).

Tony Bristlin

Mr Bristlin was the deputy chair of the Trust until 30 April 2022 when he stepped down from his role to take up a new opportunity closer to his own community.

Mr Bristlin was a member of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee, the Quality and Safety Assurance Committee, the Remuneration Committee, the Quality Improvement Committee in Common, and the Trust’s Ockenden Report Assurance Committee. He was also the Trust’s non-executive Maternity Champion and, as such, closely followed the recent improvements being made in our maternity services.

Teresa Boughey

Ms Boughey is the Chair of our Charitable Funds Assurance Committee, and member of our Finance and Performance Assurance Committee, Quality and Safety Assurance Committee, and Remuneration Committee.

She is the founder and CEO of Jungle HR, a national, award-winning strategic HR consultancy, and has more than 25 years’ of HR experience at senior manager and director level after working across a variety of sectors. Ms Boughey has served as a member of the Women and Work, and Women and Enterprise all-party Parliamentary Groups, and has authored the Amazon number 1 bestselling book, ‘Closing the Gap – 5 Steps to Creating an Inclusive Culture’.

Ms Boughey is a Chartered Fellow of CIPD, a member of the Institute of Directors and holds an MA in Human Resource Management.

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