Tips For Hosting A Guest With Diabetes

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Tips For Hosting A Guest With Diabetes

Satjit Kumar Writes informational articles on health benefits and side effects of south indian diabetic diet plan / south indian food for diabetes.

Diabetes is serious, but it is not the end of the road. Whether you are diabetic or know someone close with these conditions – it can turn tricky to host a party or go out. If you are living with diabetes, then take all the precautions before hitting the restaurant and sitting with the menu. However, if you are inviting guests with this condition, check with them before shopping for the meal. Planning a dinner party is overwhelming when it comes to a guest who has dietary requirements then it becomes daunting. Whether planning to host a simple lunch or grand dinner for a friend who has diabetes, it is imperative to keep some points in mind. Here are the tips for hosting a guest with diabetes:

Keep it simple and compassionate • Reminder: If you are hosting an elderly with diabetes, start the service by reminding them about their medication. Most insulin regulators are before the meal, and therefore your guest needs to take the injection or tablet before heading for the meal. • Small meal but more dishes: Start by planning the menu and keep it simple but elaborate. It means not to plan heavy dishes but rather a sixcourse meal. As you are aware that diabetics must not have heavy meals in a single sitting, and therefore when you plan an elaborate meal with six courses the portion size is less.

• Hydration is key: Diabetic tends to drink plenty of liquid, and the best way to plan your hospitality is by serving water and sugar-free drinks regularly. Avoid buying soda and candy drinks that are not only unhealthy for a person with glucose intolerance but are not good for anyone. • Dessert plates for all: The ideal approach to reduce or control the portion size of the meal is by hosting the meal using dessert plates for all the courses. The golden rule is simple. If the plate size is small, the serving will be small automatically.

• Be smart with dessert/pudding: Diabetes does not mean you must deprive yourself of the sweetness. You can always plan a healthy alternative to the pudding or dessert as one of the six-course meals. Serve freshly cut fruits like grapes, melon, and berries and top it up with sugarless yogurt or whipped cream (fat-free). • Space out the time: Don’t serve all the six courses one after another like in restaurants. When you host a gathering at home or in a private venue, you can space out each course and include an activity in the middle. You can plan a small board game or card game to keep the guests entertained and also help the diabetic to digest the meal.

You must understand that you can live a full and healthy life even with diabetes. It means you can eat everything in moderate quantity, plan a healthy routine with exercise and take your insulin regulators on time to enjoy every phase of life. Prevention is always better than cure – a wise one said. It is better to check for the dietary requirements of any guest before inviting and planning meals for them.

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