Primary Programmes Start the chain reaction by enthusing and inspiring your pupils about the world of STEM and business with SATRO
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100% of children taking part in primary programmes in 2014 said that they had improved their knowledge and understanding of science, technology, engineering and maths as a result
SATRO is an educational charity and social enterprise which has been working with young people in Surrey and the South East since 1984. SATRO provides real-life experience of all aspects of the working world, particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) through a diverse and challenging range of programmes. We work closely with schools, businesses and volunteers to inspire young people, fuelling their passion and enthusiasm for their future careers. SATRO deliver a range of bespoke events for primary schools that bring STEM and computing to life in a classroom setting. Typically, programmes occupy the whole school day with different activities tailored for each year group, supported by enthusiastic, knowledgeable and professional volunteers, all coordinated by a SATRO Associate.
Scientific Working Enquiry Scientifically
Electricity, Forces, Levers & Evolution & Coding & Maths Programming Light & Mechanisms Inheritance Sound
Fascinating Fossils
Rocks & Soils
Junior MegaStructures
Junior Business Game
Fun Maths
Lego WeDo®
Key Skills
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Expand horizons
PRICING All our workshops are excellent value for money and as a registered charity we are able, from time to time, to secure funding to subsidise our costs and make the events available to schools
who otherwise would not be able to afford them. Do contact us to discuss your requirements, particularly if you have any eligible Pupil Premium students. Our aim is to ensure that as many young people as possible have the opportunity to be inspired by STEM and the working world! Per Pupil Cost
Up to Maximum Number of Pupils
Per Day Cost (Minimum Cost)
Fascinating Fossils
Rocks & Soils
Lego WeDo®
Circa £6
Junior Mega-Structures
Junior Business Game
Circa £3
Fun Maths
Prices for a limited period due to securing subsidy from charitable benefactor.
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FACINATING FOSSILS Fossils and changes through time is a workshop designed to fit in with the primary science curriculum. Delivered by an experienced geologist, the workshop will include looking at what fossils are, and how they form. A practical session on how ammonites or graptolites have changed through time demonstrates the basics of evolution and inheritance. Discussion on animal and plant adaptation through time can be included if required. The activities will enable pupils to understand more about how living things on earth have changed over time. A timeline exercise gets children to order changes in atmospheric conditions and life styles. The workshop can include a brief introduction to the work of palaeontologists.
Evolution & inheritance Science/Physical World Living things & scientific enquiry
How pupils benefit
Good enquiry science session from a professional geologist
Identification of specimens brought to class by the presenter
Bringing subject to life with practical examples of fossils
“It has made
me more interested in science and more confident”
How teachers benefit
Accurate information from an accredited Earth Science Specialist
Simple experiments that can be carried out in the classroom at minimal cost
The workshop supports the delivery of this programme of study within the National Curriculum
How schools benefit
Assists with meeting requirements to achieve speciality status in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Business & Enterprise. Helps strengthen the school’s reputation and develops links to local companies through the volunteers involved in the workshops
100% of pupils said that they learnt more about science and technology
“I want to learn more about science, especially fossils”
£12 per pupil Up to 90 pupils Min. cost £1,000
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ROCKS & SOILS Rocks and Soils has been one of SATRO’s long standing workshops filling a vital gap in the primary science curriculum and delivered by our own geologist, who brings enough samples for all of the pupils to examine. Workshops can be tailored to all year groups in KS2, introducing appropriate vocabulary and going into more depth where necessary, or where the pupils are most interested. The session looks at the formation of the Earth, the rocks and minerals within it and how to go about identifying them. The Soil session provides a ‘build-up’ cartoon interactive lesson, with ideas for experiments to be carried out later. The rocks and starter for the soils sessions can be delivered in a morning session —about two and a half to three hours.
Typical objectives:
An understanding of where rocks have come from, e.g. formation of Planets/Earth
Ways of identifying rock characteristics
Use of rocks based on characteristics
Formation of soils
Team working, fair tests, practical skills, optimising designs
KS2 CURRICULUM LINKS: KS2 Sc3d Materials and their properties
Scientific enquiry “The children were fascinated with the rocks/ minerals. They were able to impart the knowledge they had already. The children were able to learn how to identify different types of rock. A great day, thank you.” Teacher comment
Link to STEM curriculum 97% of pupils
How pupils benefit:
Science session from a professional geologist
Identification of their specimens brought to class
Bringing subject to life with practical examples of use of rocks and soils
How teachers benefit
Accurate information from an accredited Earth Science specialist
said that the event helped them learn more about science/ technology.
“Today has made me feel more confident with science.” Year 3 pupil at a Rocks and Soils event
How schools benefit
Helps strengthen the school’s reputation and develops links to local companies through the volunteers involved in the workshops
£12 per pupil Up to 90 pupils Min. cost £1,000
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LEGO WEDO® ROBOTICS WORKSHOP Lego WeDo® is a cross-curricula robotic system designed for primary age children that enables pupils to learn, construct and then bring their models to life using an intuitive drag-and-drop block programming language. What happens on the day?
Pupils work in pairs, 30 at a time, to design, engineer and program robots using Lego bricks, a
computer, a motor and other special elements.
KS1 & 2
CURRICULUM LINKS: Computing Maths Language &
Pupils learn to incorporate tilt and motion sensors into their design.
Pupils test their designs and programming.
After reflecting on what did or did not work pupils can consult with peers, adapt programming and adjust their designs.
“A great workshop, all pupils were engaged and the teamwork was great!” Teacher comment
How pupils benefit
Key skills:
Designing and making
Brainstorming to find creative alternative solutions
Learn to communicate, share ideas and work together
Programming, using software, designing and creating a working model
Work with simple machines, gears, levers, pulleys, transmission of motion
Measuring time and distance, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, estimating, using variables
How teachers benefit
Supports parts of the new Primary computing curriculum and introduces the theory of basic physical science concepts, bringing STEM topics to life in the classroom
Levels of activities can be adapted to different abilities
Offers an exciting, flexible workshop to support pupils’ learning
How schools benefit
Helps enhance the school’s reputation for offering innovative learning.
Great example of effective use of technology for learning and meeting many criteria mentioned in the Computing at Schools Primary Curriculum guidance:
100% of pupils said that they learnt more about science and technology
“Before I wasn’t into ICT, but now I love it! It has inspired me to be an engineer,” remarked a pupil after a Lego WeDo session
Circa £6 per pupil Up to 90 pupils Min. cost £550
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MEGA-STRUCTURES CHALLENGE (JUNIOR) This structures challenge which can be tailored to suit Year 5 to Year 13. This activity is suitable for a whole year group, an interschool challenge or transition event. Pupils of a wide range of age and ability will explore ways of making structures in an exciting environment, whilst inspiring creativity, developing problem-solving capability and providing opportunities for team building. The session is led by experienced personnel, who will bring specialised kit—all you need to provide is the paper. The challenge is supported by our volunteers from a business or engineering background, giving participants the opportunity to talk to experts about careers in engineering and construction. What happens on the day?
The challenge is held over a full school day
Pupils work in small groups of six taking on designated roles
The teams must use their creativity and problem solving ability to design a structure on a themed topic, eg, bridge building, sports stadium or iconic London buildings
All team members will be involved in the practical construction element
Teams will be required to give a presentation to a panel of judges, explaining the design and key features of the structure
Expert engineering volunteers will be on hand to give support and answer any questions. The volunteers will also act as judges
Physical processes Design & Technology Maths
“A very engaging day, every child achieved something.” Teacher comment
90.1% of pupils said that they improved their knowledge of engineering, maths and structures
How pupils benefit
Engages them in problem solving, working as a team to very tight deadlines
Brings maths and science to life in a practical and applied manner
Raises awareness of the built environment
Gives pupils experience of working with external visitors and an opportunity to discuss careers
“I now understand the importance of engineers, I would like to be one,” remarked a pupil
How teachers benefit
Brings functional maths and English to life and kick-starts a problem solving approach
Provides a ready-made activity requiring little preparation
Ideal ice-breaker to mix up new year groups or different sets
How schools benefit
£7 per pupil Up to 120 pupils Min. cost £840
Helps enhance the school’s reputation and develops links to local employers through the volunteer engineers involved in the challenge
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BUSINESS GAME (JUNIOR) SATRO has been running successful Business Games in schools for many years. All our games are delivered by expert personnel who will bring with them all the equipment required, and involve volunteer business people from all areas of the working world, giving young people a chance to talk with ‘business ambassadors’ about their day jobs. SATRO Business Games are suitable for all abilities—whether to provide a challenge for your Gifted & Talented pupils or to inspire the less able by enabling them to succeed at something practical and exciting. SATRO Business Games are regularly used by Junior Schools, as an introduction to the world of work and for transition events. This workshop is an ideal way to mix up teams across year groups, or for an inter-school challenge.
CURRICULUM LINKS: Numeracy Enterprise
What happens on the day?
Teams of pupils run a manufacturing business for the day, taking on the roles of CEO, Head of Marketing, Finance Director, etc
All companies manufacture products, buying supplies and selling their products at a profit
Companies must manage their finances and operate their bank accounts
They must also deal with occasional emergencies, such as stock market crashes and strikes
Volunteer business people are assigned to each company to act as an advisor and facilitator — giving young people the chance to talk to the volunteers about their day jobs.
“Thank you for a memorable day. The children learnt a lot about working as a team and about different roles within a business.” Teacher comment
93.5% of pupils
said it helped them understand more about how a company works
The day is fast and furious, sometimes hectic (just like the real working world!) and hugely exciting. How pupils benefit
Engages them in problem solving, working to very tight deadlines, individually and as a team
Brings numeracy and literacy to life in a practical, hands-on way
Gives them experience of working with business people and an opportunity to discuss careers
Makes enterprise extremely exciting!
“I learnt how to work under pressure and how business works in the real world,” remarked a pupil
How teachers benefit
Helps enhance the National Curriculum and reinforce learning objectives
Assists with development of functional skills
Helps teachers to develop links with businesses for the future
Contributes towards continuous professional development programmes
How schools benefit
£7 per pupil Up to 120 pupils Min. cost £840
Helps enhance the school’s reputation and develop links to local businesses for the future
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FUN MATHS This Fun Maths challenge can be delivered to Years 3 to 6 and offers an opportunity to develop young peoples’ functional skills, team building and effective participation, as well as meeting numeracy objectives. What happens on the day?
The challenge is held over 1 ½ hours and can accommodate between 30 and 60 pupils at a time
A maximum of three sessions can be delivered in a day
Pupils work in pairs or threes on a range of mathematical tasks that are graded to cater for all abilities
“The children loved it, they felt that they got a sense of achievement and that maths can be fun.” Teacher comment
How pupils benefit
Engages them in problem solving
Brings maths to life in a practical and applied manner, in a fun format
Provides a team building opportunity
How teachers benefit
Brings functional maths to life
SATRO provides a complete package, with materials, supported by a team of volunteers
Helps enhance the National Curriculum and reinforce learning objectives
CURRICULUM LINKS: Maths Language & Literacy
96.6% of pupils said they had improved their maths knowledge and learnt how to solve problems
How schools benefit
Helps enhance the school’s reputation for
“It has made me feel more confident in maths. I hope SATRO come again,” remarked a pupil
creative learning
Ideal ice-breaker to mix up new year groups or different sets
Circa £3 per pupil Up to 180 pupils Min. cost £550
Start the chain reaction
Start the chain reaction
Start the chain reaction
Surrey SATRO, Unit 23, Surrey Technology Centre, 40 Occam Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7YG
Tel 01483 688070 Fax 01483 573704 Email
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under No. 2957349
Registered office as above Registered Charity Number 1040572 Š Surrey SATRO 2017
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