4 minute read
Canteen Issues
from Creative Leadership
Issues In Canteen
• Seating at the Canteen
• Protection from Heat
• Social Anxiety
• Quantity of Food
• Cleaning at the Canteen
Social Anxiety In Canteen
What is social anxiety?
Social Anxiety disorder also known as social phobia is a chronic fear of social situations. It is a common issues which can be found in youngsters but mainly it starts in teenage. This is a major issue which should be overcome with time or else it can be very stressful and can effect once career.
Symptoms of social anxiety
• Feelings of shyness and discomfort
• Fear with situations where there is a chance to be judged
• Being tensed about embarrassing yourself in a situation
• Being worried that people will notice that you are anxious
• Avoiding a situation of public speaking
• Expectation of the worst in any situation
Physical symptoms:
• Fast Heartbeat
• Sweating
• Nausea
• Muscle tension
• Feels lost
Result of anxiety
Group 3
M22 | IR2728 : Creative Leadership
Faculty: Satyam Parikh
TA: Dhavlesh Suthar
• Low self esteem
• Negative approach
• Low self Confidence
• Sensitive towards criticism
• Isolation
• Depression
• Lack of social relationships
• Low progress
• Addiction
The ideas that people have when they experience social anxiety, particularly in the canteen.
Challenges We Faced and How We Overcame it While Making the Presentation
• First and foremost, it was challenging to choose just one final topic to work on because there were so many options for topics to choose from.
We spoke with our lecturer, Mr. Satyam Parikh, who gave us the greatest advice possible on how to solve this difficulty.
• The other difficulty was finding time to work frequently despite our busy schedules.
Major issues
• Walking to canteen with tables full of people and bust out laughing which seems as if they are laughing on you and talking about you.
• Walking to canteen and thinking that everyone is looking at you.
• Thinking that people will know how anxious you are and will see that in your behavior.
Creative Solution
• Keeping a journal
Doing this would help to know what are the causes of stress and anxiety and will help to overcome.
• Setting Priorities
Managing once life would help him/her to manage their time and energy.
• Avoid unhealthy Substances
Use of drugs, alcohol or caffeine increase extreme anxiety as it makes you feel dependent.
• Facing the fear if going to the canteen is scary then one should face the situation multiple times which will help to reduce the phobia every time.
Confidently interact with a group of people regardless they are strangers. As once a stranger may become one's best friend. (Mr. Satyam Parikh)
• Mindfulness training
Learn not to focus on oneself during a social situation which will allow one to concentrate on the conversation happening.
• Challenge your thoughts
Seeing the situation in a more positive way would reduce the anxiety.
Mr. Satyam Parikh assisted us in overcoming this by teaching us how to manage our time and collaborate for just 20 minutes each day at 11 p.m.
I would like to thank Mr. Satyam Parikh for his constant individual mentoring which helped us to reach here. Without him this project could not have been existing.
Seating At The Canteen
What's coming next!?
Identifying the Problem
Statistical data to indicate the problem
Identifying the problem
Creative solution
Innovative solutions to tackle the problem
Administrative solutions

Collaboratively working with administration to come up with viable solutions.
CEPT being a national university and a place of international fame, thanks to its architecture and architect BV Doshi, is visited by several people from all over India as well as the world. This leads to a congested space for the students in the canteen All the classes break for lunch at the same time and have a lunch break for the same duration of time. This extends the queue at the canteen and one has to wait for long hours to get lunch and even after that gets no space to sit and eat. Suggesting getting food from home is also not an option as most students have come here to study from all over the country and live in hostels. This space crunch is a very problematic issue right now considering the new batch consisting of 300 more students have also come to the campus. Thus, the key issue is that there is insufficient seating available for all because of not using the existing spaces to their full capacity and the placement of the existing structures
Statistical data
Solutions To Specific Problems
A higher surface to put your food while eating
This is necessary as often the dogs on the campus are always looking to grab food. The lack of this also creates a very uncomfortable position for eating which is harmful for one's health
Minimum Requirement For Seating
These low height plinths can be put to efficient use with the addition of small tables. These tables could be foldable and placed only during the lunch break.



Extra Chairs
Often it so happens that a large group of people intending to sit together, collect all chairs and accommodate themselves on one large table. However if there can be extra chairs the tables wont go unused and maximum capacity of seating can be achieved.
No of people it can accommodate
No of people effectively using

Existing layout of the North Canteen
Pros of the suggested layout:
1. Joining tables together and adding chairs on either sides will not only save space and accommodate more people but also form more clusters ensuring that there is more collaboration among the students from various faculties of various batches.
2. Since separate tables are joined to form a larger table, basic privacy issues are addressed on some levels
3 Adding tables to the plinth on the bottom left forms various small clusters which can be a space where interesting discussions and exchange of ideas can take place informally without social pressure.
Suggested layout of the North Canteen
Suggested layout of the North Canteen