can become a protracted process if the state has not previously approved the design and operation of a transit street on a state-owned corridor.42 In general, projects that cross multiple road ownership jurisdictions are more complicated than projects within a single city or town.
COORDINATE WITH EXISTING/CONCURRENT PLANNING PROCESSES Several plans affecting the Everett‒Boston BRT corridor are currently in development and implementation. Successfully implementing the BRT will require close coordination with those current and short-term future processes, and in some cases, quick design modifications of infrastructure will be needed to accommodate a future BRT corridor. See Appendix N for a list of these projects.
FINANCING THE BRT CORRIDOR INCLUDE (PARTS OF THE) BRT IN THE TIP The BRT corridor, or segments thereof, will need to be included in the Boston MPO’s TIP to be eligible for certain types of federal funding. As a multijurisdictional BRT corridor, the project could be sponsored by the cities of Everett or Boston. Each TIP takes effect in October, the start of the federal fiscal year. It is most feasible for the Everett‒Boston BRT to be included in the FFY2023‒2027 TIP. The MPO begins discussions about potential projects to program in the TIP in October of the prior year. Before a project could be considered for programming in the TIP, it must be approved by MassDOT. The steps required for MassDOT approval would need to be completed by early December 2021: 1 Initiate project with MassDOT. The project sponsor needs to submit a Project Need Form (PNF) and Project Initiation Form (PIF) online to MassDOT via the MaPIT portal. 2 Review and approval by MassDOT. 3 Review and approval by MassDOT Project Review Committee (PRC). The PRC meets in April, August, and December. In addition to the PNF and PIF forms, a project sponsor must submit a Functional Design Report to MassDOT that includes future build and no-build scenarios. Projects that are approved by MassDOT’s PRC at its early-December quarterly meeting would be eligible for evaluation by the MPO Board and consideration for programming in the upcoming TIP.
Carrigan, Wallerce, and Kodransky 2019.