GARAGES DETERMINE SUITABLE MBTA GARAGE FOR BRT FLEET New BRT service along the Glendale Square-Haymarket and Chelsea Station‒Kendall Square corridors will require space at MBTA bus garages for layovers, recharging/refueling, and maintenance. Especially if the BRT fleet is electric, the MBTA may need to expand existing garages or construct new ones (see Appendix L: Where to Recharge Electric BRT Buses). If the garage where the BRT buses will overnight is far from the BRT route, it will increase non revenue service hours and in turn require a larger fleet to provide the same service frequency. The draft service plan assumed the BRT buses would charge overnight at the MBTA Southampton Garage, where the five new Silver Line BEBs charge. Having the option to charge overnight at the Everett Main Repair Facility or the Charlestown Garage would reduce non revenue service hours.
Source: Ad Hoc Industries