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Why I Give” Featuring Linda Barnes

Southern Arkansas University™ Division of Advancement

Why I Give - Linda Barnes ’72


I’ve never had a second thought about giving to SAU. I hope that, someday, my gift may be there to help a student.

For Linda Harris Barnes, giving back to Southern significance of what it meant. It is so easy to take it for Arkansas University is not only the right thing to do, but a granted.” way to help future students in need. Her SAU experience meant more than textbooks and

Barnes, a 1972 sociology graduate and current board classrooms. “I saw the most caring and compassionate member of the SAU Alumni professors. They made a huge Association, made the impactful impact.” decision to include SAU in her At graduation, one of her planned giving – a choice that came professors presented her with an from her heart. encouraging poem written on the

“My friends would say I am very occasion of Barnes’ father’s passing. analytical,” Barnes explained, “but “I still have that poem,” Barnes I’ve never had a second thought said. “I have thought a lot about the about giving to SAU. I hope that, example that was set.” someday, my gift may be there to Many faculty influenced Barnes help a student.” in ways large and small. She recalled

Barnes, a native of Nashville, the help of Dr. Ann Thomas, who Arkansas, who retired from encouraged Barnes to apply for Entergy Corporation, made her an internship with the Arkansas decision based on her memories of Department of Corrections at SAU as a compassionate institution, Cummins Prison. “They were hiring to which she feels a strong personal only male interns and I didn’t know connection. what to do when I applied. Mrs. T, as

Her inspiration came, in part, I called her, told me I should speak to from meeting Dr. Trey Berry, SAU the superintendent. I did and ended president. “I thought immediately, up getting the job. My husband of 45 ‘this person is genuine.’ There Linda Barnes ’72 years also worked there, so she gets is a warmth about him I was so credit for that, too!” delighted to see. It reminded me of my days at SAU and Barnes said it is important to remember where the the people I encountered.” financial resources come from to fund scholarships.

A subsequent visit to campus further energized her. “It From growing up on a farm, to working internationally brought back so many memories,” she enthused. “I saw all for a major corporation, Barnes expressed amazement at the progress that has been made, the expanded programs her life’s trajectory. Now she is expressing her gratitude to and facilities.” SAU for helping her get started.

At an awards ceremony on campus, Barnes realized “I feel strongly that it’s the right thing to do,” Barnes that, as a student, she had received a scholarship endowed said of giving back to future Muleriders. “It truly is a by one of the persons recognized. “I remember that matter of the heart. I hope that ‘paying it forward’ has the scholarship,” she said. “At the time, I didn’t realize the same impact on someone else’s life as it had on mine.” For more information on how to include SAU in your estate plans, contact the Division of Advancement at 870-235-4078 or visit https://saufoundation.planmygift.org/.

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