PDP FRAMEWORK Create a good class is a key for effective education
PDP Framework This lesson framework helps teachers plan and deliver effective listening, video and reading lessons. The framework is based on research and using it helps ensure students are motivated, engaged and active before, while and after (pre, during and post – PDP) listening to, watching or reading a text.
Teacher need to consider these:
Pre-Stage Student need to know key vocabulary they will hear or see, and they need to understand why they are going to listen to/ watch/read the text. Activities Categorize vocabulary under headings Predict from a headline, title, group of words, pictures, etc Talk about the main topic(s)
During-Stage Student do a series of tasks which help them understand the text and which may help them develop listening and reading skills. The first task(s) should help students understand the text at a very general, non-specific level. Then, tasks can move students into a more detailed and deeper understanding of the text. Activities Listen/read and draw Listen/read and arrange pictures or events in order Listen/read and find the mistakes Complete a grid
Post-Stage After the During tasks, student need a chance to work further with the text, its topic, its content and/or vocabulary, functions or grammar used in it, OR to speak and/or write (also to read and/or listen) further based on the text - for example for student to tell the story of something that happened to them, to write a letter of complaint to a restaurant, to carry out a similar interview, etc. student need an opportunity to personalize what they have heard or read; they need to see how the text relates or is applicable to them and the world outside the classroom. Activities Make and tell a similar or personal story
How can I know the best methodology to teach English? As a teacher It’s a decision to implement all methodologies in classroom, because some students can learn in different ways. As a result, teachers need to have a strength idea of knowledge to apply all concepts and format in class. Applying the most appropriate method for that learner’s specific objectives, learning style and context.
Each teaching method is based on a particular vision of understanding the language or the learning process, often using specific techniques and materials used in a set sequence. The main methodologies are listed below in the chronological order of their development: Grammar Translation – the classical method Direct Method – discovering the importance of speaking Audio-lingualism – the first modern methodology Humanistic Approaches – a range of holistic methods applied to language learning Communicative Language Teaching – the modern standard method
Different language around the world. Classmates showed different languages during some presentations and ideas to consider why every of them are important. I really love French, but I know utilitarianism need to be consider before my decisions.
What is second language acquisition? Second language acquisition, or sequential language acquisition, is learning a second language after a first language is already established. Many times this happens when a child who speaks a language other than English goes to school for the first time. Children have an easier time learning a second language, but anyone can do it at any age. It takes a lot of practice!Â
Enroll to learn Gnomio could be an excellent platform in the future to teach some subjects considering not all the people can be in class. Abilities to work with technology need to be develop.
My point of view I enjoyed creating this platform because I could use many forms to evaluate students and use technology to improve skills. Students can easily enroll in my course and share details about it. I didn’t have too much time to create this tool, but I can access in whatever moment and time to continue in my project and this make me feel so happy.
Awesome Experience as a Teacher I didn’t would like in platform again because I feel better in classroom, but I know not all students have this time. Most of the time, I didn’t see my students neither chat with them online for this reason I prefer classes, but I'm sure in other kind of major this course can be perfect for students.
Considering personal effort in each student. I saw my students gave a briefly summary in forums, but I considered effort of them to do the time for my course. Based on this the grade upload was not only for the opinion or the evaluation also for the effort and time to complete many points. Grades show how the knowledge or skills are in each students, but behind that the life and challenges of them can be seen sometimes. I gave grades and notes seeking in them how is the life and the importance they show me.
Too much activities, taking in consideration I need to complete 5 courses I try to work in three courses, but I saw many activities in some of them and completed evaluations and forum to get a grade. Also, some evaluations were problems in grammar and spelling.
In another hand One course has good activities and topics with interesting forum to comment and share details. I feel kind of bad with my grades design for teachers. However, I needed to work more in their course and complete every point for this reason I’d like to work just in two courses to do my best in each one. Some teachers never appear to help or provide guidelines but instructions helped me a lot in this case.
Values presented in Online Course My students did a great job I have three enroll and work so properly all the time. Responsibility Punctuality Challenge My three students show me this values because two of them work and make the effort to do everything and get good grades.
Attitude through the Online Course Many students didn’t work in the platform and avoid many responsibilities because they didn’t care this activity or just relax in this project. I try to do mu best but my time didn’t permit me to do it. I didn’t like many mistakes in grammar and how some teacher act in this process.
Sunday from 7 to 10 a.m. Reading and conversation II I can declare it was so hard because classes was in a good level and questions never stop. Also, I learnt a new form of how to work with time. Some students try to learn every moment and practice with all the time, but having a class one day per week affect them in the development of their skills. However, I help them through WhatsApp to practice and others for all subjects.
Expositions and evaluations. Teacher in this class give awesome evaluations and explanation for all kind of questions in TOEFL skills. I felt lucky to work in this class and check my abilities to study. Expositions left students can improve their speaking and listening as a normal conversation with others. Diversification of topics permit students get new vocabulary and properly form to use in the normal life.
Student talking is so difficult. I like this topic because for me was so stressful motivate students speak during the class and create activities which can influence in them to participate and provide some opinions. Trying to determine this time for each part as a teacher and students is not easy, but I can consider I improved my skills to work with students and strengths some abilities during this short period.
Class should have interaction of teacher and students all the time When you design a good class students can see it and identify if the topic is given perfectly. Also, they see your character and personality as a teacher and vice versa. Help students in personality can be part of your class.
CONLUSION Many activities to do and some of them help me to improve my abilities of how to give a class and work with students in different subjects. Apply basic knowledge in the best form leave feel comfortable because all previous ideas take form when I can give a class with ideas from people who design books as a guidelines for teachers.
Now, I can give a class based on knowledge that I acquired through this course. Some activities are perfect for English Major and others not, but I can apply my criteria to identify which of them are better for English teacher.