1 minute read
Message from President David Smith
There are times in our lives when God may feel far away, when the darkness of this world threatens to smother our faith.
Yet God is always there, longing to connect with His children, offering direction and comfort as only He can. We read the biblical stories of God communicating audibly to Abraham, Elijah, Moses, and others, and if you’re anything like me, you feel a small twinge of jealousy.
While we wish for the clarity of His words spoken directly to us, God is not silent. His written Word, which is of inestimable worth, speaks across the centuries, as relevant today as when the verses were first penned long ago. Additionally, as Martin Luther once said, “God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone, but on trees and flowers and clouds and stars.”
God longs to communicate with us, if we will only stop long enough to listen. In an uncertain and often chaotic world, I challenge you to accept His call to “Be still, and know that I am God.”
David Smith, president