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social media marketing
Social media is an essential part of the Saunders brand. We use numerous platforms to display our content and message, tailoring our posts to suit each individual site. All of our content and posts are created in-house, and we post daily on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We post photography and videos of our properties, agents, and community events that we sponsor.
We are recognized by AOL as one of the top luxury real estate firms to follow on social media, and are rated by Property Shark among the Top 10 luxury real estate firms in the country to follow on Instagram.
Saunders implements geographic and behavioral target marketing for our listings through paid search, display, and social media advertising using Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google’s targeted advertising network.
Google Display Network
Using a proprietary set of audiences and re-targeting methods, including recently searched phrases on Google, we customize digital display ads across Google’s site network. These display advertisements are presented to our targeted audience across a universe of websites that participate in Google’s display network. Such websites, which are among thousands, include the NYPost.com, CNN.com, TheDailyMail.com, TheRealDeal.com and Weather.com.
Millions of people use YouTube.com every day to view content. Capitalizing on this fact, Saunders markets your property on YouTube.com to customized audiences who have displayed online behavior that show they are interested in “Real Estate.” Our compelling, professional videos are all provided dedicated ad buys and placement, which are displayed to the user for a minimum of 15 seconds prior to the intended video the user desired to watch.
Facebook And Instagram
Behavioral re-targeting is our specialty. Saunders uses the power of social media to engage our followers, website visitors, and other interest groups with our properties. Your property will be placed within this paid network of advertisements that perform across Facebook and Instagram’s powerful network, creating a social media “buzz” and awareness of your property to the target audience.