Peru The Peruvian Beer Circle = 1 beer & 1 glass, irrespective of the number of people present! Never break the circle.
Poison of Choice: Pisco, Beer
Turkey Never drink Rakı alone, by itself or yourself!
Poison of Choice: Rakı, also called “Lion’s Milk”, an anise-flavored liquor made from twice distilled grape pomice.
Czech Republic Maintain direct & very serious eye contact while toasting. Crossing arms while toasting = 7 years of bad sex!
Poison of Choice: Beer, and lots of it.
Na Zdravie!
Canada A generous gulp of alcohol with a preserved human toe in it, make sure your lips touch the toe but don’t swallow it. Poison of Choice: Sour Toe cocktail, Moose Milk (rum blended with kahlua and ice cream), Bloody Caesar (Bloody Mary with clam juice), Maple liqueur, Ice Wine.
! argh Aaa ’s a toe e ! Ther y drink m in
Kazakhstan Never throwaway leftover Kumis, pour it back into the jug!
Poison of Choice: Kumis, mare’s milk, traditionally fermented in a jug of horse hide.
Genghis Khan!
Colombia Never orderAguardiente by the glass, a bottle for the table is minimal.
Poison of Choice: Aguardiente, meaning “Fire Water� is anise flavoured liqueur of high alcohol content that will make you dance or destroy without inhibition. We pick dancing!
Japan Make sure your neighbour’s glass is never empty & he’ll return the favour!
Poison of Choice: Shōchū, distilled from barley, sweet potatoes and buckwheat or rice, Saké
Hungary Never clink beer glasses, Hungarian deaths were celebrated with the Austrians clinking their beer glasses.
Poison of Choice: Pálinka, a traditional fruit brandy.
é Egészs
Canada A generous gulp of alcohol with a preserved human toe in it, make sure your lips touch the toe but don’t swallow it. Poison of Choice: Sour Toe cocktail, Moose Milk (rum blended with kahlua and ice cream), Bloody Caesar (Bloody Mary with clam juice), Maple liqueur, Ice Wine.
! argh Aaa ’s a toe e ! Ther y drink m in
Australia Everyone at the table buys a round of schooners.
Poison of Choice: Schooners Mate! (Beer)
Ukraine If you’re invited to a Ukranian wedding, steal the bride’s shoes, throw it around the room for a bit and then use it to drink wine.
Poison of Choice: Horilka
Holland Do the Kopstoot. You will need: - A tulip glass overflowing with chilled Jenever - A small glass of beer - One bendy, very thirsty person
Poison of Choice: Jenever, alcohol flavoured with Juniper Berry.
Russia Only mix Vodka with Vodka, there is no other acceptable mixer.Never leave an open bottle of Vodka unfinished. Alcohol poisoning is a western conspiracy theory!
Poison of Choice: Vodka, Vodka, Vodka and Vodka
Budem Zdorovy!
Sweden A traditional Swedish snapvisor: You can give us herring And you can give us sill But you will still be erring Unless you also will Give us a glass of Akvavit That sure smells sweet To Swedes in heat It gives the fish its feet It makes the dish complete...
Poison of Choice: Aquavit, alcohol flavoured with spices and herbs, mainly caraway or dill. Chase your aquavit with beer.