Kids are incredible. A newborn can play with almost anything from the very beginning. However, why not choose toys that are appropriate for the youngster in your life based on their skills and interests? Here’s how:
1. Ages 0 to 1: Your baby can only do so much during the first three months of life, which is mostly just observation. As your child gets older, they will like toys that squeak, crinkle, have a nubby texture, or are soft and cuddly.

2. Ages 1 to 2: Any toy that uses their developing motor skills and responds to their actions will be cherished by your baby, who is captivated by causeand-effect. Toys that allow children to smash a ball with a hammer, play music, or display characters will be adored by young children.
3. Ages 2 to 3: Your child's play has become more intentional, and they have the fine motor skills necessary to finish a puzzle or construct a structure out of Legos on their own. They'll begin to take pleasure in pretend play that mimics the behaviours of those around them.

4. Ages 4 to 5: It's an excellent time to introduce interactive educational devices that teach maths and verbal abilities, such as grammar boards or tablets with parent-approved games, because there is a significant boom in learning power at this age.
5. Ages 6 to 7: Kids at this age frequently develop a deep love for video games, but they also enjoy having friends around to play board games, sports, and construct stuff. Some children enjoy conducting scientific research (with assistance), while others enjoy painting crafts, beading jewellery, or playing with dolls.
We hope this guide helps you in picking out the perfect toy for your little ones! If you ’ re looking for a place to purchase kid’s toys online, check out FunCorp at www.funcorp.in!