The Triple Challenge Dragging Down Solar In India On August 21, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), the premier national body tasked with laying down the roadmap to power for all citizens, and the policy interventions to get there, released a report on India’s solar and wind sector. Titled simply as “ Report of Under Construction Renewable Energy Projects”, the bland title laid bare a shocking truth formally. That India’s renewable sector, especially the solar sector, was in some serious strife. The CEA report has information over 90 projects countrywide, 14 n August 2020 n Saur Energy International
adding up to 39.4GW, which are facing delays due to various reasons. Coupled with data from the MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy), the picture is stark. Of this 39.4 GW of renewable projects, over 28 GW of solar projects are running behind schedule, of which 20 GW have got a 5 month extension as per the rules for Covid impacted projects. The remaining 8 GW are not even getting of the ground anytime soon, as they are missing a formal Power Purchase Agreement(PPA) or a Power Sales Agreement (PSA).