Start Up Weekend Groningen 2014 Day 02

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Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014


Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

STARTUP WEEKEND, A START OF A NEW YOU... You’ll find out that a group of motivated people can do anything, as long as they are willing to work together, to really listen to each other and to give space for the thoughts and characters of the other team members. A good startup needs a good idea, hard work, a great business model and the right people. It’s great to see at the start of the weekend so many enthusiastic motivated persons in the same room packed together with a ton of energy and hardly any focus at all. Alright, so you’re a great designer, an uber techie, or really experienced in business, but how about your team player skills? It’s fascinated to see on the first evening of a Startup Weekend how teams form, get to know one another and then either reach for the sky over the weekend or implode trying. The most difficult ingredient in a successful Startup is getting the right persons at the right time together, with a cooperative mindset and willingness to really interact and listen to each other. At pitching night it is fun to observe the participants. There are a few archetypes that you can spot easily: • The narcissist CEO/GOD type (Hey, it’s my idea and I will decide......) • The sensitive introvert type who has got a lot of ideas, but does not share (nobody asked me) • The control freak who cannot stand the chaos (we will stick to the plan) • The rebel and his constant need of proving himself (These rules apply for the team, but not me) • The creator who doesn’t care for a business model, but just for the creative process.

The greatest journey at Startup Weekend isn’t the birth of your Startup, but the growth you might make as a person. For the coaches it is really great to see somebody who pitched a winning concept be able to let another team member run the show. The designer who get’s out of the building to validate. Or the problem solver who is willing to merely listen. Use the strength of the group to get a grip of the problem you want to solve, validate your solution and then build it. Teams need people who speak up and express their thoughts and ideas clearly, directly, honestly, and with respect for others and for the work of the team. Good listeners are essential for teams to function effectively. Teams need team players who can absorb, understand, and consider ideas and points of view from other people without debating and arguing every point. The leader should understand the importance of relating to each of the member’s as individuals. It isn’t about great ideas, but about great people…

Jeroen Sprangers @jmsprangers

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

I spy • You might need some glasses...

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

LET’S ROCK SOME MORE! We had a quick glance around the Kasteel in the morning and noticed most of the teams in place and getting down to work. The morning kicked off with scenes of furious scribbling with marker pens, postit notes going up all over the place and lots of serious faces hunched over laptops. Overnight we have seen teams built up in a non-traditional process. Each team had found its dynamic through common agreement, leadership, passion for the idea and of course to just have a good time. Some of the groups had joined to form one big super group. A few groups looked smaller but on inquiring we found out that they had gone into the city to research their ideas, interview prospective users and test their ideas out. Omapost had a Facebook page linking instagram and twitter hashtags with #omapost up and running. The group Remember? were trying to figure out the functionality of their app. Nelipot were working on their business model of keeping travelling cheap - for free. Karima

Masala visited a few shops and restaurants that would be interested in buying their fair-traded spices through their social business set up. LightUp Square were colouring tiles in the city centre. Wie is de Wolf ? was still trying to figure out the best way of sleighing wolves. And there was still talk about launching a rocket… Inspite of the competitive nature of this weekend, the spirit of Startup Weekend is evident with every team maintaining an excited curiosity when interacting with each other. This is evident during the lunch (and cigarette break) as teams take some time off their ideas to wind down and network with one another. Day two flew past rather quickly with the addition of the mentor visits. One of the greatest advantages for participants of Startup Weekend are these intimate sessions. A lot teams took full advantage of these visits, one could see the teams eagerly ask questions and get feedback. Other teams seemed captured by their own Startup bubble almost forgetting to ask the mentors for help…

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

BIG IDEAS, LOOKING GREAT! Here you have it. The final Startup Weekend ideas. Swapping, remembering, parachuting, lighting up and catching a wolf are just some of them. And a rocket might still be launched if the rumor mills are to be believed. 1. Baguru It solves the problem of getting out of your comfort zone. Thereby getting to know what you want and need from life. Users get a unique experience and one hell of a backpack. 2. Hindsight Investor A fun and less serious way to link people with an online platform for financial news and analysis. 3. Omapost Connect your online world to your offline grandma. Its basically an Awesome way to surprise your grandma and yourself. 4. Remember? An app that records events from the night before in the form of pictures, sounds and video. You can play it back the next day morning. The app is named for the same reason so you can always remember? 5. Nelipot Nelipot meaning “walking bare-foot”, encourages people to travel and develop themselves by removing financial barriers. 6. LightUp Square Light up your city squares with squares (tiles) that can light up. Light up your city, light up your life. 7. Wie is de Wolf ? Takes the basis of the card game Werewolf and puts it in a real world environment. The app acts a facilitator and focuses the main interaction in the real world. Spice up your work day or a boring vacation with “Wie is de Wolf ?” 8. Cheap Hunt Find best bargains which are curated through this web app. 9. Younion Its a CRM but the other way around. Become a union of customers with a loyalty card. Get bargaining power to save on products you love. POWER TO THE CUSTOMER!!

10. Karima Masala Empowering fair chain for spices. 11. Parachute me Matches candidates not just on the basis of their skills but most importantly their character. Its a tool that bridges the gap between a candidate and businesses. Parachute safely to your dream job. This system is based on self assessment an anonymous job matching. 12. Wham Bam An awesome app for going Dutch. Makes paying the bill with friends less awkward and a fun experience. 13. Assist A simple app like a digital card system that helps people with autism organize their daily lives with notifications and calendars. It helps them to manage their daily tasks in various ways. 14. Swappr. An app that lets you swap your skills locally to learn new ones. Find skills you would like to learn through the app and website and teach something in return. 15. Big Boost Bingo Building the new bingo sensation to facilitate bingo events. Starting off in the Netherlands. 16. SOMEBODY’S BUILDING A ROCKET!! (or so we think). KNO3 (maybe)

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02


Wessel Kooyman CEO of Cole Street Wessel is a technology expert and entrepreneur, who’s been active in the startup world since 1998. He spent 8 years in Silicon Valley, and is a mentor at Le Camping, Seedcamp, and other events and accelerators. Cole Street is a web and mobile development company that specializes in working with startups.

Woohoo! Today is presentation day! Nervous? No problem here are 6 tips on how to make your presentation even better:

MEET THE JURY Jeroen Sprangers Owner/Partner @ Rein Advocaten en Adviseurs Jeroen Sprangers is no ordinary lawyer. He is the owner of REIN Advocaten and as founder of Cannonballs he arranges unusual events and trips for entrepreneurs. As a lawyer he specialises in restructuring organisations, and is expert in the laws of bankruptcy, information technology and intellectual property. As the managing partner of his law firm he is often consultant to companies about corporate and strategic development, he has an interest in the growth of entrepreneurship, new inventions and startups. Above all he is a sharp and pragmatic thinker. This weekend he will not only be a judge, but also a mentor! Make use of his legal knowledge.

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

1. Breathe! Don’t forget to breathe, even though you are nervous… 2. Take it easy… Breaks at the right moment will make your story more powerful 3. Use your body Body language is the most important way of communicating. Use it well and be aware. 4. Who’s listening? Make sure you use the same language as your audience, they have to be interested 5. The common thread Make sure you structure your presentation, so the audience can keep track 6. Believe in your story If you believe your idea is awesome, so will your audience

Lars Evers Co-founder @ Jellow After working in several management positions in the corporate world, Lars started a brand new company Jellow, a game changer in the world of employment services. As a networker ‘pur sang’ and ‘out of the box thinker’ he is bale to connect people and businesses. Next week he is starting his next start up, Goozz. He also loves to play golf in the sun and spend time with his wive and two kids.

Melissa Oudshoorn-Fuller Founder of TEDxGroningen Melissa Oudshoorn-Fuller, American by birth, Dutch by marriage, citizen of the world. Raised in a 5* hotel, the child of an Olympic sportswoman and an eccentric inventor, she has an eye for detail, boundless curiosity and the desire to make things as simple as possible. Her career has evolved from front line staff to Director to lecturer in hospitality, real estate, consultancy and marketing/PR sectors. If there’s anything she could teach you it is the importance of personal integrity and a sharp customer focus throughout all aspects of strategy and operations. She’ll be looking for you to explain the TRUE value of your inventions, products and services bring to the world. Concurrent to her job as lecturer in Marketing and Management, she is the founder of TEDxGroningen and a PhD researcher exploring the nature and value of empathy for communication professionals.

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

MENTOR SOUNDBITES Sebastiaan Hooft It’s all about the learning experience! Stefan Wobben It was great to feel the energy of everyone and to see people working together full of energy in their free weekend. Jeroen Sprangers Focus on who will pay you and for what. Pitch that! Arjan Yspeert Am I getting dumber or are the starters getting smarter? (Don’t answer this question Nick!) Pieter Vissers Passion, energy and progression. I’m inspired and learned a lot from everyone myself. Pieter Billiau This place gives energy. I was excited about the progress, the creativity, the possibilities and the natural process that people feel connected to each other today.


Eelco Bakker What I find surprising is how different people go into the process. They all eventually in their own way of ‘I think’ to ‘I know’ to go.

Maaike van der Post & Irene van der Maar Students Communication and multimedia design NHL Hogeschool Group: Backpack Did you get any sleep last night? Maaike: Yes! I’ve slept for about 5 hours at home in the Westerflat and was even earlier at home than my neighbor Ellen (she is member of the SAUS Press Corner)! But what happened? Where’s your team? At the moment we are doing market research. So half of the team is pitching our idea to potential consumers in the city centre of Groningen. How cool is that? This sunday we want to sell 5 backpacks. It would great to present at the final pre-

sentation that we’ve sold already a bunch of bags? That’s the proof of a good product! What’s in the backpack? It’s literally a bag full of products which helps contribute towards your growth and experience. It will enable you to get out of your comfort zone. Thats what the bag is all about thereby letting you get to know what you want and need out of life. Are you going to win? Last year Maaike has won the second prize at Startup Weekend Groningen 2013. This year she’s going to improve that position. So hell yeah!

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014

SAY WHAT?! Menses: ‘I have an argument with my macbook. I hate Steve Jobs with his little tricks!’ Herman Kopinga: ‘You can push all my buttons. They are laying on the bar.’ Joost Nuijten, our Startup Weekend Photographer: Should I make a photo of you making a photo of her making a photo for the photo?


Nick Stevens, during Bingo: I’m just refreshing permanently. Sahal, during Bingo: Are these even real numbers? Your numbers suck!!

#2 When I wake up, I’m not sure what happened yesterday. I was barely able to sleep with all the ideas in my head. I drink approximately 250 ml water and after that a glass of water with a teaspoon of guarana to clear my head. After a quick shower, I grab a banana and leave for het Kasteel.

Arjan Yspeert “I cannot go home to my wife with a Rollade” A participant “I have a feeling no one is listening to me” (but we did ;) Madeline Prickett, from the group: LightUp Square You guys are awesome!!!!

I arrive around 8.15. There’s people working already, and Nick is preparing his coffee. Smells sweet. However, sweet? More nutty. Or other things Gerben from Black & Bloom would get from this coffee. I like it though, the two coffees are quite different. The breakfast does not work that well for me. I’m used to oats, water, banana, pecan and cinnamon. Apparently, the combination of corn bread with ham, cheese and chocolate does not do the same trick for me. With a terrible bellyache we start the day at my team. About half of my team is there at 9 o’clock, the rest arrive from 9 through 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

We had some groovy tracks been spun in the bar area right next to our press corner. On closer inspection the DJ was our very own Mentor and coach Sebastiaan Hooft.

DJ Hooft in da house!! You don’t need a crowd to rock the house.

What seemed an easy task is not so easy. The logo takes hours, working out the idea also takes quite some time. But then: the developing. Coding, coding, coding. For hours. But towards the start of the afternoon, we are up and running. And then, the fine-tuning. The API of Instagram sucks, so we have to build our way around it. I’m drunk. Fuck you. This column is finished.

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag Saterdag 8th of November 2014

MOODCHART Keep track of how you feel during the weekend. Your mood might swing from feeling like dog shit, to being on the verge of something great, to feeling absolutely fabulous. Fill in how you feel each day and you will have a perfect overview of your ups en down during Startup Weekend 2014, great for your personal journal. Start you chart! What’s your mood? …a baby calf prancing around in a grassy meadow

…I’m right before the drop in a rollercoaster

…a giraffe with a stiff neck

… I’m tied on the train tracks while the train keeps on getting closer …a tree who has just lost all its leaves












INTERVIEW Interview Swappr. The whole team Swappr. When this team told us their name we where a little confused. Which of the 16 pitches that made it through are you? None. The idea didn’t make it through, but we were so convinced of the idea that we have decided to start it up anyway. What is the idea? We want to make an online platform where people can swap skills locally. For example if someone wants to learn to play the guitar he can look for

someone who can teach him to play the guitar. He doesn’t pay the person with money for the lessons, but pays by teaching one of his own skills in return. For who is this platform? For everyone. First we focus on Groningen, then we take over the world! What is on your schedule for today? By all means talking with a mentor!

TODAY’S SCHEDULE 08:00 am Doors open 08:30 am breakfast 10:00 am Mentors become available! 12:00 pm Lunch 01:30 pm Presentation Prep & Check 05:00 pm Dinner 06:00 pm Final Presentations 09:30 pm Winners announced 10:00 pm After Party

Het Kasteel Melkweg 1

Startup Journal Day 02

Saturdag 8th of November 2014


SPY VS. SPY the last page of Startup Journal Day 01 ‘I spy. There hangs a swine but counts not at all beyond 9’. Didn’t she notice a swine earlier?

As you all know there is a SAUS spy among you who gives us all kind of juicy information from the inside. Lunchtime is the perfect time to give your mind a little break from your groups and spy this spy. One of the participants, Trudy Heyne figured who it is. She noticed a little clue on

A couple of minutes later an enthusiastic Trudy dropped by the press corner. By unmasking “the swine” Trudy won (in complete style) a jar of mayonnaise. She can now cross-off the second thing of her bucket list for this weekend: ‘To win something!’. The first thing is of course to participate at Startup Weekend. Let’s all help her with the third thing on her list, ‘1000 follower on her instagram account: @astoldbytrudy’ We still won’t reveal who our spy is yet. Can you also find the swine that gives us all the dirt?

“Yes ladies and gentlemen, in 15 minutes the Big Boost Bingo will start in the Grote Zaal and not a minute later!”, Ype Poortinga yelled out while walking across the the building in a glittering gold hat, a matching jacket and scarf (all in gold). A minute later, Gili from the group, “Nelipot” walks up to the Press Corner and asks us if it was still possible to buy Bingo tickets. We didn’t sell them, but by this we got an idea of how popular this idea might be. In true Startup Spirit we parted with one of our tickets. Gili left the press corner really happy*. So that really made our day. Three Saucers from the press corner went to check out this “Big Boost Bingo”. Armed with 4 bingo cards among us we entered the Grote Zaal. There were coaches, participants, and organizers too - Some with one and others with a winning strategy of upto 6 bingo cards. The atmosphere was great. When there is something to win combined with the simple act of playing a game, who wouldn’t be enthusiastic. Also the Bingo team brought much laughter because of the somewhat gawky way of combining the analogue bingo with presenting the numbers via Twitter. And of course the Bingo master with his microphone, Ype (Twitter appeared to be quicker than our Bingo master but he kept the audience captivated nonetheless). Playing in the Grote Zaal was great. Also because there were two false bingo’s. One of which was caused by our Sausje Liza who made the whole room sing along the ‘De Vlieger’ by Andre Hazes. Singing a song when you have a false bingo, shouting for number twenty two because that will make you a winner and real prizes handed out are things that make Bingo great. But will they also be great when you’re playing Bingo from behind your computer screen all by yourself ? That’s what we wonder and we’ll only find out during the final presentations. * Sadly Gili from “Nelipot” forgot about the Bingo event and didn’t use our ticket.

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