Who is Denis Savage? My name is Denis and I want to be your Students' Union Welfare Officer for 2015/2016. I'm a twenty year old, final year, History and English student. I’m from Charleville, and before you ask, yes that is where the cheese is made. I believe I have the perfect balance of experience, training and knowledge to best serve the welfare of students for the next academic year! Why do I want to be your Welfare Officer? I have had a first-hand experience with many of the areas that encompass Welfare. I myself and many of those around me have experienced issues with mental health. It’s because of this experience, that I feel I can improve on the role of the Welfare officer in UCC. Furthermore, from my involvement in clubs and societies I want to become more involved within UCC, and hopefully give back to a college that has given me so much. What is a Welfare Officer and why should I care? Each year, when election time comes around, everyone asks what is the Student Union, who is in it and what do they do? The Welfare Officer is your go to person for everything non-academic during your time here at UCC! The role of Welfare Officer covers: accommodation; finances and issues regarding grants and mental, physical and sexual well-being. No matter how large or small your issue is, your Welfare Officer is here for YOU! From pointing you in the direction of the services in UCC, to contacting people on your behalf, to listening to any issues you may have, this is all in the job description! As Welfare Officer, the work load can be divided into three main categories: 1. Caseload- seeing students in a confidential, one to one basis. 2. Campaigns- SHAG Week, Mental Health Week, being the most well-known. 3. Condom Shop- Safe Sex! My Experience Societies in UCC One year on the UCC Musical Society committee (OCM) Two years on the committee for UCC Powerlifting (Treasure & Equipment Officer) Experience Relating to my Degree Class Rep Voluntary Work & Campaigns • Heavily involved in St. Josephs Foundation School for those with intellectual disabilities in Charleville. • Involved in the Student Union protests against the increase in fees in 2012. Other Experience • Registered with the Disability Support Service • Bar work • Farm work Achievements • National Champion and record holder in powerlifting.
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Improved the equipment in the Mardyke. Tait Cup winner with Charleville Rugby. Achieved level 7 in Recorder Manifesto Sexual Health
The Motley Sex survey revealed the startling statistic that over 10% of students in UCC have had an STI and even more worryingly, only 18% have had a STI check. • • •
For many people, there is a large degree of myth and shame associated with getting regular STI checks. I want to get rid of this stigma, by promoting better awareness of what getting a test involves and where one can get it. I wish to remove the charge on getting an STI check, and if this is not feasible have a free day of testing every month. I would also like to see the introduction of free condom dispensers throughout campus, so that they are more readily available, thus ensuring more safe sex.
Mental Health • • • • • •
Cork has the highest rate of suicide in Ireland, at 18.8 people per 100,000. I want to promote not only greater awareness, but I want greater action to curb this. I will fight any of the proposed cuts against the mental health services in UCC. The Mental health services are reliant on external backing. To counter this, I will set up a fund, in which all money will go towards the mental health services in UCC and get the university to match the donations. There has been extensive coverage of the role sport has in Mental Health, from studies showcasing this to sporting figures speaking out. I want to get all the clubs in UCC involved, so that we can help fight the stigma attached to mental health. Men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide. I want to partner with Pieta House in their Mind our Men campaign. Increased awareness of the services available such as Niteline. In each fresher pack, students will be given a booklet of what services are available to them. Peer Support
I want to improve the peer support system so that there is greater interaction between leaders and students. Accommodation In the next academic year, there will be a significant shortfall in houses available to students.
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I will campaign for more accommodation options to become available and accessible to UCC students. I will also against rogue landlords charging exorbitant prices. Students need to be aware of their rights as tenants and I will work to provide tenancy rights publications to all students over the summer via email and social media. For First Years, I will include Tenancy Rights booklets in the Fresher’s packs. For those in UCC Accommodations, I will set up an online questionnaire in which students will fill out,
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ensuring that they can be paired with roommates of similar interests. Thus ensuring a happier experience. For those on placement, I will set up a service in which they can easily find someone to move into their house, when they leave for placement. I will improve on the existing UCC Accommodation site, in which all student houses will be available on one page. Taking stress and difficulty in finding a student house. Case Work
Casework is what Welfare is all about. When my life was at its darkest, I felt as if I had no one to turn to. If elected, I don’t want anyone to feel the way I felt. I want people to know that hey have someone to turn to. • •
I will extend the office hours, so that no matter what, if someone needs me, I will be there. Each week, I will go to the satellite campuses, so that if they need someone to talk to, I will be there. Student Union
I will publish weekly updates on what I have been doing as Welfare officer so that the students of UCC, will always be informed. Finance
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I will Provide further assistance for those who receive the grant I will fight against any more cuts to the grant. Redefining the Welfare Role
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We have seen how successful the rebranding of the UCC Ents has been. I wish to set up a similar initiative for Welfare, so that that Welfare has a greater role and presence in UCC. Set up a Welfare team, so that the various Welfare orientated events can become far bigger.