Winter Events and Activity programe 2015 - Bled

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Winter spend with us

z nami v zimske dni Events and activity programe Program dogodkov in aktivnosti



Winter spend with us

z nami v zimske dni

Z nami v zimske dni 2015 – 2016 Program dogodkov in aktivnosti

Vsebina in kreativna zasnova knjižice, organizacija programa v SHB: Špela Hartman, Sava Hoteli Bled Prevodi: Prevajalska agencija Julija, Ljubljana Foto: arhiv Sava Hotels & Resorts, arhiv Turizem Bled, arhiv Slovenska Turistična organizacija, LTO Bled Oblikovanje: Ajda Kalamar, Sava Hotels & Resorts Izdajatelj: Sava Hoteli Bled, Sava Hotels & Resorts Tisk: Tisk 24, Aleš Pretnar s.p. Leto izida in leto natisa 2015, prva izdaja Število natisnjenih izvodov: 10.000


INDEX KAZALO The Bled Ice rink with a view and Festive winter village Blejsko drsališče z razgledom in Praznična zimska vas

4 - 13

Calender of events »Festive December in Bled« Koledar dogodkov »Praznični december na Bledu«

14 -27

New Year`s celebrations Silvestrovanja

28 - 29

Calender of events »Winter in Bled« Koledar dogodkov »Zima na Bledu«

30 - 39

Culinary experiences with chef Simon Bertoncelj Kulinarična doživetja s šefom Simonom Bertoncljem

33 - 35

Winter activity program and excursions Zimske aktivnosti in izleti

40 - 41

Skiing in Bled Smučanje na Bledu

42 - 49

Information from everywhere Informacije od vsepovsod

50 - 65

Map of Bled Zemljevid Bleda

66 - 67



THE BLED ICE RINK WITH A VIEW Blejsko Drsališče Z Razgledom

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park 15.11.2015 – 28.2.2016

9.00 – 21.00

Free skating for kids up to 12 years. Brezplačno drsanje za otroke do 12. leta. Ice skating (adults) - drsanje (odrasli) 2 € Skate rental - najem drsalk 3 € Helmet rental - Najem čelade 2 €. Seal rental for children ice skating (30 min) 3 €. Izposoja tjulnja za otroško drsanje (30 min) 3 €. We offer the opportunity to purchase children’s skates. Nudimo možnost nakupa otroških drsalk.



THE BLED ICE RINK WITH A VIEW Blejsko Drsališče Z Razgledom Park Caffe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

15.11.2015 - 28.2.2016


20.00 – 21.00

Get moving in hot rhythm on ice. No previous knowledge needed. Zamigajte v vročih ritmih na ledu. Predznanje ni potrebno. ICE SKATING TO THE RITHM OF DJ MUSIC DRSANJE V RITMIH DJ GLASBE Every Saturday and Sunday Vsako soboto in nedeljo

18.00 – 21.00

CHILDREN’S SKATING with Zaki and Rozi the Swans OTROŠKO DRSANJE z labodkoma Zakijem in Rozi Every Saturday Vsako soboto

11.00 – 12.00

For information and booking please contact our team at Park Caffe. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje Kavarne Park. 7


THE BLED ICE RINK WITH A VIEW Blejsko Drsališče Z Razgledom

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park Every Wednesday Vsako sredo 15.11.2015 - 30.1.2016 18.00 – 21.00 Game of curling Igra curlinga Duration: 55 minutes, minimum number of players: 4 Trajanje: 55 minut, minimalno število igralcev: 4 Price 5 EUR per person Cena 5 EUR na osebo Curling is a team game on ice suitable for all: children and adults. The team consists of 4 players. You do not need prior knowledge. Our animators will help you with learning about the rules and playing the game. Please, wear suitable footwear. Curling je družabna igra na ledu primerna za vse: otroke in odrasle. Ekipo sestavljajo 4 igralci. Za igro ne potrebujete predznanja. Pri spoznavanju pravil igre, vam bodo pomagali naši animatorji. Pozorni bodite le na primerno obutev. For information and booking please contact our team at Park Caffe. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje Kavarne Park. 9



Meeting point: Park Cafe Terrace Dobimo se: Terasa Kavarne Park Sunday Nedelja 6.12.2015 Thursday Četrtek 24.12.2015



Saturday Sobota 2.1.2016


Tuesday Torek 5.1.2016


Every Friday Vsak petek 8.1.2016 – 28.2.2016




Public lido Bled Grajsko kopališče Bled 18.12.2015 – 09.01.2016

16.00 – 20.00

Entrance fee: adults 6 EUR, children 3 EUR Vstopnina: odrasli 6 EUR, otroci 3 EUR Children up to 3 yrs accompanied by their parents Gratis. Otroci do 3. leta v spremstvu staršev Gratis.



Bled Promenade Promenada Bled 4.12.2015 – 17.1.2016 Monday – Friday 14.00 -20.00 Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays 10.00 – 21.00 Ponedeljek – Petek 14.00 -20.00 Sobote, Nedelje, Prazniki 10.00 – 21.00 SANTA`S POST OFFICE BOŽIČKOV URAD Children find us on Promenade Bled Otroci poiščite nas na Promenadi Bled Write a letter to Santa Claus and entertainment activities for children and surprises in between. Napišimo pismo Božičku in animacijske aktivnosti za otroke – zvrhan koš za vsak dan, pa še kakšno presenečenje vmes.


Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Saturday Advent Wreath Exhibition Sobota, Razstava adventnih venčkov 28.11. 10.00 - 19.00 20:00 Bid Bang concert: In the Mood Koncert Bid bang: in the mood

Location Lokacija Bled Festival Hall Festivalna dvorana Bled Bled Festival Hall Festivalna dvorana Bled

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 29.11. 9.00 - 18.00

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

Sunday Advent Wreath Exhibition Nedelja, Razstava adventnih venčkov 29.11. 10.00 - 16.00

Bled Festival Hall Festivalna dvorana Bled

Thursday Pre-New Year’s Meetings Četrtek, Prednovoletna srečanja 3.12. 20.00 Friday Petek, 4.12. 17.00


Switching on the lights and opening of the Holiday Winter Village Concert: Neisha & the band Prižig lučk in otvoritev Praznične zimske vasi Koncert: Neisha s skupino

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

20.00 Pre-New Year’s Meetings Prednovoletna srečanja

Saturday Sobota, 5.12. 16.00

Children’s play and visit by St. Nicholas Predstava za otroke in obisk Miklavža

17.00 Manca Špik featuring children’s programe and musical concert Manca špik z otroškim programom in glasbenim koncertom

Location Lokacija Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Visit by St. Nicholas with company and performance by the Bled Folklore Group Obisk Miklavža s spremstvom in nastop folklorne skupine Bled Dance night and pre-new year’s 20.00 meetings Plesni večer in prednovoletna srečanja Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 6.12. 9.00 - 16.00

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park


Lords of the Bled castle І Graščaki z Blejskega gradu 16 6.12.2015 & 25.12.2015 & 2.1.2016 - 16.00 Park Cafe Terrace

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

16.00 Visit by the lords of the Bled castle Park Cafe Terrace featuring Medieval dancing and Terasa Kavarne fencing Park Obisk graščakov z blejskega gradu s srednjeveškimi plesi in mečevanjem 16.30 Torchlight walk around the lake Sprehod z baklami ob jezeru

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

17.00 Concert of Osminka Musical Studio Bled Promenade Koncert glasbeni studio Osminka Promenada Bled Monday Performance by the Bled Folklore Ponedeljek, Group 7.12. Nastop folklorne skupine Bled 20.30 Thursday Pre-New Year’s Meetings Četrtek, Prednovoletna srečanja 10.12. 20.00 Friday Petek, 11.12. 17.00

Koncert Lada Leskovarja z gipsy swing kvintetom Koncert Lado Leskovar z gipsy swing kvintetom

18.00 - 20.00 Ice Flirting (for singles) SpogLEDovalnica (za samske)

Hotel Park, lobby

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park 17

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

20.00 Pre-New Year’s Meetings Prednovoletna srečanja

Saturday Fairy tail path to the Bled Castle Sobota, Pravljična pot na blejski grad 12.12. 14.00

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Path to the Bled castle from Public lido Bled Pot na Blejski grad iz Grajskega kopališča

17.00 Performance by the Pletna women`s singing choir Nastop ženskega pevskega zbora pletna.

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

20.00 Dance evening Plesni večer

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 13.12. 9.00 - 18.00 17.00 Party with the Arrow band Zabava z glasbeno skupino Arrow


Location Lokacija

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Thursday Pre-New Year’s Meetings Četrtek, Prednovoletna srečanja 17.12. 20.00 Friday Petek, 18.12. 17.00

Concert of the Anton Tomaž Linhart Choir from Radovljica Koncert pevskega zbora Antona Tomaža Linharta iz Radovljice

20.00 Pre-New Year’s Meetings Prednovoletna srečanja

Saturday Sobota, 19.12. 10.00

Children at the Bled castle: children`s choir DO RE MI Otroci na Blejskem gradu: otroški pevski zbor DO RE MI

15.00 - 18.00 Children’s creative workshop for making Revell plastic models Suitable for children aged 6-12 Otroška kreativna delavnica izdelave plastičnih maket Revell Primerno za otroke od 6 - 12 let 17.00 Concert: Oto Pestner Koncert: Oto Pestner

Location Lokacija Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama Bled castle Blejski grad

Park Cafe Kavarna Park

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled


Popular Christmas and New Year`s songs Popularne BoĹžiÄ?ne in Novoletne pesmi 24.12.2015 & 26.12.2015 & 1.1.2015 - 16.00 Park Cafe Terrace 20

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

20.00 Biathlon party Biathlon party

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 20.12. 9.00 - 18.00

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park

17.00 Performance by the “Slovenski pozdravi trio” and dance performance by “Moj klub Bled” Nastop tria Slovenski pozdravi in plesni nastop Mojega kluba Bled. Wednesday Performance by the Folklore Sreda, Group Bled 23.12. Nastop folklorne skupine Bled 20.30 Thursday Christmas ice skating Četrtek, Božično drsanje 24.12. 9.00 - 16.00 16.00 Popular Christmas and New Year carols with young singers from the Osminka Musical Studio Popularne božično-novoletne pesmi z mladimi pevkami glasbenega studia osminka

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Hotel Park, lobby

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park


Christmas concert І Božični koncert 22 25.12.2015 - 20.30 Grand Hotel Toplice

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

17.00 Christmas torchlight walk around the lake Božični sprehod z baklami ob jezeru

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

17.00 Santa Claus collects Christmas letters and visits children Božiček prevzame božično pošto in obišče otroke

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Friday Christmas ice skating Petek, Božično drsanje 25.12. 9.00 - 16.00

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

16.00 Christmas performance by the lords of the Bled Castle featuring Medieval dances and fencing Božični nastop graščakov z blejskega gradu s srednjeveškimi plesi in mečevanjem

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

17.00 Legend of the Sunken bell Legenda o potopljenem zvonu

Public lido Bled Grajsko kopališče Bled

20.30 Christmas concert of the acapella vocal group Cantemus with friends Božični koncert a capella vokalne skupine Cantemus s prijatelji

Grand Hotel Toplice, Grand Hall Grand Hotel Toplice, dvorana Grand


Ballet show for children and adults Christmas tree Baletna predstava za otroke in odrasle Novoletna jelka 26.12.2015 - 20.30 Grand Hotel Toplice & 9.1.2016 - 20.30 Hotel Golf 24

Date Datum Saturday Sobota, 26.12. 16.00

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

Christmas musical & ice skating Park Cafe Terrace performance with young singers Terasa Kavarne from the Osminka Musical Studio Park and ice skaters group Labod Božični glasbeno-drsalni nastop z mladimi pevkami Glasbenega studia Osminka in drsalci iz društva Labod Bled

17.00 Performance by the Zala Folklore Group from Žirovski vrh Nastop folklorne skupine Zala iz Žirovskega vrha

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

18.00 Concert of the Gorje brass band Koncert Godbe Gorje

Bled Festival Hall Festivalna dvorana Bled

20.00 Dance evening Plesni večer

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama

20.30 Ballet show for children and adults: CHRISTMAS TREE Baletna predstava za otroke in odrasle: novoletna jelka

Grand Hotel Toplice, Grand Hall Grand Hotel Toplice, dvorana Grand


Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 27.12. 9.00 - 18.00 17.00 Children’s programe: Ježek on Christmas night Otroški program: Ježek v Božični noči Monday Renaissance performance by Ponedeljek, castle lords 28.12. Renesančni nastop graščakov 17.00 Tuesday Evening with zither Torek, Večer s citrami 29.12. 17.00 20.00 Merrily with our folk musicians “Veselo po domače” “Veselo po domače” s folklornim društvom Bled Wednesday Recreational skating Sreda, Rekreacijsko drsanje 30.12. 9.00 - 17.00


Location Lokacija Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park Bled Promenade Promenada Bled Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Bled Festival Hall Festivaln dvorana Bled Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

12.00 Olympic Circle of Safety - Circle of Friendship at Bled Olimpijski krog varnosti - krog prijateljstva na Bledu

Bled lake Blejsko jezero

20.00 New Year’s concert: Magical night of love stories Novoletni koncert: Čarobna noč zgodb o ljubezni

Bled Festival Hall Festivaln dvorana Bled

20.30 Concert of instrumental music for two guitars Koncert instrumentalne glasbe za dve kitari

Grand Hotel Toplice, Lake Saloon Grand Hotel Toplice, Jezerski salon

Thursday Recreational skating Četrtek, Rekreacijsko drsanje 31.12. 9.00 - 21.00

Park Coffee House Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park

11.00 Reception by the lord of the Bled castle Sprejem pri graščaku na Blejskem gradu

Bled castle Blejski grad

15.00 New Year’s party for children Silvestrovanje za otroke

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled



NEW YEAR`S CELEBRATIONS IN HOTELS SILVESTROVANJE PO HOTELIH Thursday І Četrtek 31.12.2015 Festive New Year `s celebration with dance music by the Sunset band Veselo Silvestrovanje in zabava s plesno glasbo z ansamblom Sunset

Panorama Restaurant

New Year `s celebration with Ana Soklič and ŠOK Band Silvestrovanje z ansamblom ŠOK in Ano Soklič

Grand Hotel Toplice 180€ 20:00

70 €


Hotel Golf New Year `s celebration with Gala 20:00 Dance Orchestra Silvestrovanje z Gala Dance Orchestra


New Year `s celebration with group Zabava »Party« Silvestrovanje s skupino Zabava

Hotel Park 20:00


New Year `s celebration with piano music Silvestrovanje ob zvokih pianina

Lake Saloon 45 € 21:00

Outdoor New Year`s celebration with group Arrow Silvestrovanje na prostem s skupino Arrow

Promenade Promenada 22:00

Fireworks Ognjemet


Information and reservations )040 655 340 Informacije in rezervacije * mail: 29

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

22.00 Outdoor New Year’s party for adults with fireworks Silvestrovanje za odrasle na prostem z ognjemetom Friday Recreational skating Petek, Rekreacijsko drsanje 1.1. 9.00 - 16.00

Location Lokacija Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

Bled castle 11.00 New year`s reception by the lord Blejski grad of the Bled castle Novoletni sprejem pri graščaku na Blejskem gradu Park Cafe Terrace 16.00 New year`s musical & ice skating Terasa Kavarna performance with young singers from the Osminka Musical Studio Park and ice skaters group Labod Novoletni glasbeno-drsalni nastop z mladimi pevkami Glasbenega studia Osminka in drsalci iz društva Labod Bled


17.00 Open concert: “Prifarski muzikanti” Koncert: Prifarski muzikanti

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

20.00 New Year’s ball Novoletni ples

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama

Date Datum Saturday Sobota, 2.1. 16.00

Event Dogodek

Location Lokacija

New Year’s performance by the lords of the Bled Castle featuring dances and fencing Novoletni nastop graščakov z blejskega gradu s plesi in mečevanjem

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

16.30 New year`s torchlight walk around the lake Novoletni sprehod z baklami ob jezeru

Meeting point: Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

17.00 Concert: “Honzentregerji” Koncert: Honzentregerji

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

20.00 Dance evening Plesni večer

Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama

20.30 Concert of classical and popular music for piano and violin Koncert klasične in popularne glasbe za violino in klavir

Grand Hotel Toplice, Lake Saloon Grand Hotel Toplice, Jezerski salon

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 3.1. 9.00 - 18.00

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park


Date Datum

Event Dogodek

17.00 Children’s programe: Winter Fairy Tail Otroški program: Zimska pravljica

Location Lokacija Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Tuesday Torchlight walk around the lake Torek, Sprehod z baklami ob jezeru 5.1. 17.00

Meeting point: Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park

Friday Swinšnite: swing dance perforPetek, mance 8.1. Swinšnite: swing plesni nastop 17.00

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Saturday Sobota, 9.1. 11.00


Reception by the lord of the Bled castle Sprejem pri graščaku na Blejskem gradu

Bled castle Blejski grad

17.00 Folklore performance by the Ribno folklore group Folklorni nastop Folklorne skupine Ribno

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Ballet show for children and adults: 20.30 CHRISTMAS TREE Baletna predstava za otroke in odrasle: novoletna jelka

Golf Hotel, Concordia Hall Hotel Golf, Concordia

Culinary experiences with chef Simon Bertoncelj KulinariÄ?na doĹživetja s chefom Simonom Bertoncljem


CULINARY EXPERIENCES WITH CHEF SIMON BERTONCELJ KULINARIČNA DOŽIVETJA S CHEFOM SIMONOM BERTONCLJEM Grand Hotel Toplice, Restaurant Julijana 9.1.2016 – 27.2.2016 Saturdays І Sobote 20:00 Saturday Sobota 9.1.2016 Unusual fish on Simon`s plate Neobičajne ribe na Simonovem krožniku 4 course menu with selection of vines 4-hodni meni z izbranimi vini

45 €

Saturday Sobota 16.1.2016 Hamburgers: from cold to sweet hamburger Hamburgerji: od hladnega do sladkega hamburgerja 5 course menu with a glass of special beer with each hamburger 5-hodni meni vključuje kozarec specialnega piva ob vsakem hamburgerju

50 €

Saturday Sobota 23.1.2016 Risotto: hundred and one way Rižote na 101 način 5 course menu with selection of vines 5-hodni meni z izbranimi vini 34

50 €

Saturday Sobota 30.1.2016 Beef rules! Govedina je zakon! 5 course menu with selection of vines 5-hodni meni z izbranimi vini

60 €

Saturday Sobota 20.2.2016 Research of flavors: local ingredients in a modern way Raziskujmo okuse: lokalne sestavine na moderen način 4 course menu with selection of vines 4-hodni meni z izbranimi vini

45 €

Saturday Sobota 27.2.2016 Slovenian stews Slovenske enolončnice 40 € 5 course menu with warm home-made bread and selection of vines 5-hodni meni vključuje topel domač kruh in izbrana vina Each culinary event will be organized with a minimum number of 10 guests per event. Your Reservations may be made at: ) 040 655 340 * Posamezen kulinarični dogodek bo organiziran pri minimalnem številu 10 gostov na dogodek. Vaše rezervacije sprejemamo na: ) 040 655 340 *


Happy carnival party І Veselo pustovanje 36 6.2.2016 - 20.00 Panorama Restaurant

Date Datum

Event Dogodek

Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 10.1. 9.00 - 18.00 17.00 Concert of singing choir DU Bled Koncert pevskega zbora du Bled Saturday Sobota, 16.1. 11.00

Reception by the lord of the Bled castle Sprejem pri graščaku na Blejskem gradu

17.00 Party with the Arrow band Zabava z glasbeno skupino Arrow Sunday Recreational skating Nedelja, Rekreacijsko drsanje 17.1. 9.00 - 18.00 17.00 Concert of children`s choir DO RE MI Koncert otroškega pevskega zbora DO RE MI Saturday Bled Carnival Sobota, Pustni karneval bled 6.2. 15.00 18.00 - Carnival masks on ice 21.00 Pustne maske na ledu

Location Lokacija Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park Bled Promenade Promenada Bled Bled castle Blejski grad

Bled Promenade Promenada Bled Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarna Park Bled Promenade Promenada Bled Bled Promenade Promenada Bled

Park Cafe Terrace Terasa Kavarne Park 37

Romantic Valentine`s Day dinner І Romantična Valentinova večerja 38 13.2.2015 - 20.00 Grand Hotel Tolpice

Date Datum Saturday Sobota, 6.2. 20.00 Saturday Sobota, 13.2. 18.00 - 21.00

Event Dogodek Happy CARNIVAL PARTY with valuable prizes Veselo pustovanje z bogatimi nagradami

Location Lokacija Panorama Restaurant Restavracija Panorama

Romantic valentine’s day on ice - Park Cafe Terrace special surprise for couples in love Terasa Kavarne Romantično valentinovo na Park ledu - posebno presenečenje za zaljubljence

20.00 Romantic Valentine’s Day dinner with culinary specialities of chef Simon Bertoncelj Romantična valentinova večerja s kulinaričnimi presežki chefa Simona Bertonclja Saturday Bled Winter Swimming Cup Sobota, Pokal Bleda v zimskem plavanju 20.2 11.00

Grand Hotel Toplice, Grand Restaurant Grand Hotel Toplice, restavracija Grand Outdoor swimming facility of the Grand Hotel Toplice Zunanje kopališče Grand Hotela Toplice







Ful day 7:00

76 EUR

3 hours***

29 EUR

3 hours***

40 EUR/adults 35 EUR/chd

Snow shoe walk Dog sledding**

in the morning

in the morning

(7-13,99 yrs)



Ljubljana 3.1.2016 – 15.3.2016

Half day 14:00

31 EUR

Ljubljana by night 19.12.2015 – 2.1.2016

Half day 17:00

31 EUR

Postojna caves 3.1.2016 – 15.3.2016

Half day 13:00

54 EUR

Postojna caves 19.12.2015 – 2.1.2016

Half day 10:00

54 EUR

Night sledding

2,5 hours 17:15

26 EUR/adults Chd (0 – 5,99 yrs) free

*water bus not included **this activity is not suitable for children under 7 years ***exact time of departute will be given by our hotel reception team Children up to and including 13 years are entitled to a discount of 50% on the price.

For information and booking please contact our hotel reception team. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje na recepciji vašega hotela.


SNOWSHOEING We invite you to spend a beautiful winter day in the nature with us. Snowshoes, a traditional wooden device that the locals have used for centuries will be used for our hiking across the meadows covered in snow. Activity is suitable for everybody, no previous experience expected. DOG SLEDDING We will take a ride in the company of friendly huskies with a dog sledge along a track of approximately 2 km through the snow covered landscape near the village of Rateče near Kranjska Gora. On the way home, we will stop at Planica valley to see the world famous ski jumps on which ski jumpers have set a number of world records. NIGHT SLEDDING We guarantee a fun sledding descent on the slopes of Kranjska Gora suitable for all lovers of adrenaline and winter fun. Dress warm clothes and footwear. We will provide the sledge, warm tea and transport to the toboggan run and transport up the slope by chairlift. POSTOJNA CAVE Postojna cave is probably the most well-known tourist cave in the world. It is the largest tourist attraction in Slovenia and one of the largest karst sites in the world. A major part of the cave tour comprises a ride with an electric train, enabling carefree viewing of the stalactites and underground chambers. A portion of the route through the cave involves a walk, and shortly before reaching the end, you will be able to view the aquarium, the home of proteus. LJUBLJANA Together we will walk through one of the most cute capitals of Europe. The tour includes a walk past main attractions in the old town, which boasts a unique architecture marked by the Baroque and Secession eras as well as the creations of the famous achitect Jožef Plečnik. The tour will be followed by free time for independent sightseeing and shopping.




Adults Odrasli

Children up to 14,99 yrs Otroci do 15. leta starosti

Students (15 – 23,99) Adults up to 60 yrs

2 3 4 5 6 7

62 € 95 € 116 € 139 € 161 € 183 €

37 € 61 € 74 € 89 € 103 € 114 €

52 € 81 € 99 € 118 € 138 € 153 €

Dijaki, študentje (15 - 23,99)

odrasli nad 60 let

Ski passes can be purchased at reception desk of Golf hotel. Nakup smučarskih kart: na recepciji hotela Golf. TIMETABLE SKI BUS 20.12.2015 – 15.3.2016 Bled – Vogel 8.30 Bled – Krvavec 9.00

Vogel – Bled 16.00 Krvavec – Bled 16.00

For information and booking please contact our hotel reception team. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje na recepciji vašega hotela. 43



Children from 6 - 14 yrs Otroci od 6 – 14 let

Students Adults up to 65 yrs Dijaki, študentje Odrasli nad 65 let

One ride Enkraten prevoz




Daily ski pass Dnevna karta

17 €


16 €

3 hours daily ski pass 3 urna dnevna karta

11 €

6,5 €

10 €

4 hours daily ski pass 4 urna dnevna karta

13 €


12 €

Evening ski pass Večerna karta

14 €

8,5 €

13 €

Children snow park Otroški snežni park


SCHEDULE URNIK 19.12.2015 -17.1.2016 Every day Vsak dan 9.00 – 16.00 & 17.00 – 20.00 18.1.2016 – 12.2.2016 Every day evening skiing Vsak dan nočna smuka 17.00 – 20.00 Saturday & Sunday Sobota & Nedelja 9.00 – 16.00 & 17.00 – 20.00 8.2.2016

9.00 – 16.00 & 17.00 – 20.00

13.2.2016 – 28.2.2016

Every day Vsak dan 9.00 – 16.00 & 17.00 – 20.00



SKI COURSES FOR CHILDREN SMUČARSKI TEČAJI ZA OTROKE Ski slope Jelka, Pokljuka Smučišče Jelka, Pokljuka Period Termin

Price for ski course Transportation Cena smučarskega price tečaja Cena za prevoz

28.12. – 30.12. 23.2. – 25.2.2016

72 EUR 3 days course 3-dnevni tečaj

5 EUR one direction ena smer

19.12. – 20.12. 26.12. – 27.12. 2.1. – 3.1. 2016 9.1. – 10.1.2016 23.1. – 24.1.2016 30.1. – 31.1.2016

50 EUR 2 days course 2-dnevni tečaj

5 EUR one direction ena smer

125 EUR 5 days course 5-dnevni tečaj

included in price of ski course vključeno v ceno tečaja

15.2. – 19.2.

Ski bus for childen І Ski bus Za otroke Bled – Pokljuka 8.15 Pokljuka – Bled 12.15 Start of the course І Začetek tečaja 9.00 – 12.00 (20 min odmor І break) Price for ski course includes: ski teacher, ski pass. With the 5 days course you also get snack, medal, transportation. Cena tečaja vključuje: smučarski učitelj, smučarska karta. Pri 5 dnevnem tečaju pa še malica, medalja in prevoz. For information and booking please contact our hotel reception team. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje na recepciji vašega hotela.




Ski center Pokljuka

15.12.2015 - 30.3.2016

9.00 - 17.00

Use of the cross-country trail Uporaba tekaške proge

free brezplačno

Cross-country ski rental Izposoja tekaške opreme

½ day 15 € 1 day 20 €

Cross-country individual course 1p/1h 30 € Individualni tečaji teka na smučeh 2p/1h 40 € For information and booking please contact our hotel reception team. Za informacije in rezervacije vam je na voljo osebje na recepciji vašega hotela.



BLEJSKI OTOK І BLED ISLAND )386 4 576 7979 * STARI FAROVŽ І OLD PARISH HOUSE ) +386 70 865 738 * 51

V Kavarni hotela Jelovica Vas pričakujemo z odličnimi dnevno svežimi sladicami, specialnimi kavami, otroškimi napitki in več kot 50 vrstami hladnih in toplih koktajlov. Dobrodošli.



Poiščite svojo najljubšo blagovno znamko / Find your favorite fashion brand

Darilni BON / Gift Voucher

ob nakupu nad 40 € on any purchase of 40 € or more

Popusti veljajo od 1. 12. 2015 do 29. 2. 2016 le s tem bonom, ki se ga ob nakupu pokaže na blagajni. Ne velja na novo kolekcijo pomlad in poletje 2016. / Discounts apply for the period from 1st November 2015 to 29th February 2016 only with this voucher which should be presented at the cashier’s desk. Does not apply on new collection


Spring/Summer 2016.


Vabljeni v Casino Tivoli Lesce

Invito al Casinò Tivoli Lesce / Herzlichst Eingeladen in das Casino Tivoli Lesce / Invited to the Casino Tivoli Lesce

Zabava na najmodernejših avtomatih Divertimento alle slotmachines più moderne / Viel Spaß an modernsten Spielautomaten / Big fun on most modern play devices

0dprto 24 ur Aperto 24 ore su 24 / 24 Stunden geöffnet / Open 24 hours

Kontakt / Contatti / Kontakt / Contact Casino Tivoli, P&P Marketing d.o.o., Hraška cesta 21, 4248 Lesce, Slovenia, T: +386 4 532 55 60

Kupon velja za eno osebo za prvi obisk.

Odrežite in izkoristite kupon v vrednosti

10 €

Taglia e utilizza il coupon del valore di 10 € / Das Coupon im Wert von 10 € abschneiden und verwerten / Cut-off and take advantage of the 10 € coupon



–10 %

Popust velja ob predložitvi tega oglasa ob nakupu. To redeem, present this advertisement upon purchase.

Odprto vsak dan / Open every day L’OCCITANE, Cesta svobode 10, Bled Akcija velja do 29. 2. 2016 ob predložitvi tega oglasa na blagajni v trgovini L’OCCITANE, Bled. Ne velja za pravne osebe. Popusti se ne seštevajo. Offer valid until February 29th, 2016 at L’OCCITANE Bled. To redeem, present this advertisement upon purchase. Non-cumulative with other promotions or discounts.


We have a large and best range of Slovene souvenirs, postcards, gifts, female and male T-Shirts, hats, caps, a big selection of bags, backpacks, travel suitcases, leather wallets, umbrellas, toys, sun glasses and fashion accessories so that you can do all of your gift shopping for loved ones in one great location. We provide a wide range of beach accessories (inflatable program, towels, flip-flops, beach sport games etc). We offer very competitive prices and over 50 items on -50% sale. Location: PikPok store is located in Hotel Park between Devil Pub and Gorenjska Banka.

Whether you are here for a family reunion, holiday or business, you will find our store interesting to visit. Pik Pok Bled Cesta svobode 15 (Hotel Park Bled) 4260 Bled Phone: +3864/576 80 30 Fax: +3864/576 80 31 Email:


V ponudbi imamo širok asortiman slovenskih spominkov, razglednic, daril, ženskih in moških majic, klobukov, kap, veliko izbiro raznih torbic, nahrbtnikov, potovalnih kovčkov, denarnic, dežnikov, igrač, sončnih očal in bižuterije, tako, da lahko na enem mestu vedno najdete spominek ali darilo za svoje najbližje. Ponujamo tudi široko paleto izdelkov za plažo (napihljiv program, brisače, natikače, igre za plažo itd.). Naše cene so konkurenčne, vedno je več kot 50 izdelkov v akcijski ponudbi znižano za 50%. Lokacija: Trgovino PikPok najdete v Hotelu Park na blejski Promenadi med Devil pubom in Gorenjsko banko.

Veselimo se vašega obiska! Opening hours / Delovni čas Monday-Saturday / pon. - sob. 9.00-19.00 July - August / julij - avgust 9.00-20.00 Sundays and Holidays / nedelje in prazniki 10.30-18.00

Café Devil

izjemen, v Gotskem stilu opremljen lokal s čudovitim pogledom na jezero amazing, Gothic style place with stunning view on the lake

•glasba "by" DJ Grobovšek •odličen kraj za obisk, ki je primeren tudi za večje skupine •music by DJ Grobovšek •great place to visit, also perfect for larger parties

•koktajli, prigrizki, cigare… •preko 70 različnih vrst vina •35+ sort piva •pester izbor: viskijev, vodk, tekil, ginov, rumov ...

•cocktails, snacks, cigars… •over 70 wine etiquettes •35+ different beers •extensive selection of premium : whiskeys, vodkas, tequilas, gins, rums…

…vljudno vabljeni v osupljivi Café Devil! …kindly invited to enjoy astonishing atmosphere at Café Devil!

odprto vsak dan od 8:00 do 3:00 opening hours: daily from 8:00 a.m. `till 3:00 a.m. 59 t.: 00386 (0)4 574 21 10

JAVE kolekcija Kandi • Kandi collection ročno barvana keramika · handpainted pottery v pritličju hotela Park – jezerska stran on the ground floor of Park hotel – lake side

ART & CRAFT Unikatna darila • Unique gifts vintage nakit · vintage jevellery šali · scarves volneno milo · wooly soap ptičje hišice · bird houses lesena kuhinjska deska · wooden kitchen board Jakob Ribnikar s.p. poslovna enota MIKAME Cesta svobode 15 4260 Bled, Slovenija

Vljudno vabljeni na kulinarično doživetje v Restavracijo 1906 s pogledom na Blejsko jezero.

You are welcome to visit us on culinary adventure in Restaurant 1906 with the view of the lake.


T: 04 575 26 10

Stores with fashionable clothes, jewellery, and novelties.

Promenada & TC Bled

Zakladi Slovenije, trgovina, ki navdušuje. The one shop who won the hearts of all. v pritličju hotela Park – jezerska stran / on the ground floor of Park hotel – lake side


• • • • •

tajske masaže / Thai massages vrhunsko usposobljene tajske maserke / highly qualified Thai masseuses tajski ambient / Thai ambience osebni pristop / personal approach DARILNI BONI / GIFT CERTIFICATES

THAI center Bled

Park hotel Bled, Cesta svobode 15, Bled ) 04 579 18 19, 031 42 11 22 8 • odprto vse dni v tednu od 9-22 • open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.


s Thai_zima_SHB_2210 15.indd 1

23/10/15 13


Športna trgovina

pri Hotelu Park in Gorenjski Banki na Bledu

Odprto | Open: Ponedeljek – Petek | Monday – Friday: 9.00 - 12.00 & 15.00 – 19.00 Sobota | Saturday: 9.00 - 13.00

Sport shop

next to Park Hotel and Gorenjska Banka, Bled

) +386 (4) 576 72 22 8 62

Otroško obdarovanje na Blejskem drsališču z razgledom Gifts for children at Bled Ice Rink with a View

z Božičkom ali Dedkom Mrazom with Santa Claus or Father Frost Za manjša podjetja in zaključene družbe; do 30 otrok For small companies and closed groups; up to 30 children • v izvedbi Eventplus, prireditve in turizem: od 300 EUR dalje carried out by the Eventplus company: from EUR 300 • s skupino Lucky Lookers on Ice: od 650 EUR dalje with the Lucky Lookers on Ice group: from EUR 650

Informacije in rezervacije: ) 040 655 340 * 63

Blejsko drsališče z razgledom The Bled ice rink with a view

• Poslovni zaključki in prednovoletna druženja na ledu Team building and private parties at Bled Ice Rink with a View • sestavite ekipo, izberite aktivnost in si privoščite zabavo na ledu form a team, choose an activity, and have fun on ice • zabavajte se ob curlingu z likalniki, hokeju z metlami, igrah na ledu, salsa zmigovanju, ... have fun playing curling with irons or hockey with brooms, enjoy playing ice games or dancing salsa, etc. • podjetniška curling liga ob sredah business curling league every Wednesday


* ) +386 40 655 340

Poslovni zaključki in prednovoletna druženja End-of-year business events and social gatherings ob edinstveni kulinarični ponudbi in z najlepšim razgledom na blejsko panoramo with a unique culinary offer and a breath-taking view of the Bled landscape

• ponudba menijev že od 15,00 € /osebo offer of menus from 15.00 € per person • tudi za večje skupine also for large groups • večeri z živo glasbo live music nights



• sproščeno in aktivno druženje relaxed and active socialising • dodatna zimska kulinarična ponudba additional winter culinary offer * ) +386 40 655 340




Hotel Park


Hotel Astoria


Hotel Golf


Hotel Jelovica


Hotel Savica


Cafe Devil


Grand Hotel Toplice


L’occitane Bled


Kavarna Park


Piranske soline

Bled ice rink with a view Blejsko drsališče z razgledom



Traditional sea solt


Restavracija Panorama

Fashion shops



Bistro Rikli


Restavracija Veranda


Restavracija Julijana


Hotel Trst


Hotel Jadran


Blejski otok Bled island


Pik Pok

Papershop, gifts, toys






7 6

9 4



Casino Tivoli Lesce



6 3 2



Vogel Ski Resort


Doživite blejsko zimsko pravljico! Experience a winter fairy-tale in Bled!

Pobegnite za 1 dan … prid’te na Bled! • smučarska karta na Smučišču Straža (3-urna) Ski-pass for Straža ski field (3 hours) • kosilo v Restavraciji Veranda Lunch in Veranda Restaurant • celodnevno kopanje v Wellnessu Živa Daily pass for the pools in Wellness Živa 55,80 € (za dva | for two) 62,80 € (3-članska družina, otroci stari do 6 let | for a family with 1 child up to 6 years)

Informacije, več možnosti in nakup. | Information, more options and purchase. Na voljo tudi v obliki darilnih bonov. | Also available in form of gift vauchers.


Wellness Živa (Hotel Golf) 8 ) 04 5769 16 00

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