WORK EXPERIENCE 0 3 .2 0 1 2 - 0 7 . 2 0 1 2
D KD E l e c t ric, L LC A s s i s t a n t Pro je ct M ana ge r - A lbuque rque, N ew M exico - Analyzed specs and drawings for clear coordination of construction requirements - Purchased material for job sites and followed up with foreman and suppliers to assure delivery - Assisted estimates in bidding process with through count and drawing evaluations
0 9 .2 0 1 0 - 0 6 . 2 0 1 1
Fl a d A rch i te cts C on s t r u c t io n A dminis trato r - M adis o n, Wis co ns in - Managed and organized communication between Flad’s design staff and contractors through submittals, transmittals, RFIs and construction bulletins - Supported project management with maintenance of construction documents
In t e r i or D es ig n I nte r n - M adis o n, Wis co ns in - Designed signage for University of Wisconsin - Madison’s three-buidling biochemistry addition and renovation - Developed interior finishes scheme for projects: University of Wisconsin Children’s Hospital play room renovation and Center for Disease Control new research facility
0 9 .2 0 0 6 - 1 0 . 2 0 1 0
C en t er for A dvance d Studie s in Bus ine s s U n ive r s i t y o f Wis co ns in Bus ine s s Scho o l P r o g ra m C o o rdinatio n I nte r n - M adis o n, Wis co ns in - Assisted in conference and course coordination and course material development - Assembled marketing analysis and databases
E D U C AT I O N 2012 - 2014
M a s t er of A rchite cture U n iver s i t y o f N ew M exico
2010 - 2011
M a s t er of A rchite cture U n iver s i t y o f O re go n - transferred to University of New Mexico
2006 - 2010
B a ch e l or o f Scie nce - I nte rio r D e s ig n U n iver s i t y o f Wis co ns in - M adis o n
Aw a rd s P r o g ram I nv ite d Stude nt Juro r A m e r i c a n I ns titute o f A rchite cts - N ew M exico Chapte r
C h a r l es E . and Kathe rine M . Brow n Endow e d Scho lars hip U n ive r s i t y o f N ew M exico
2009 - 2010
S t u d e n t Repre s e ntative to Scho o l Faculty Rev iew Bo ard U n ive r s i t y o f Wis co ns in - M adis o n Scho o l o f Human Eco lo g y
2009 - 2010
D ea n’s H ono rs and Hig h Ho no rs L is t U n ive r s i t y o f Wis co ns in - M adis o n Scho o l o f Human Eco lo g y
TECHNICAL SKILLS Au t od es k - Revit, AutoCAD
M i c r os oft O f f ice A d ob e C reative Suite - Acrobat Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
3 D M od e l i n g + Re nde ring - Google Sketchup, Rhinoceros
Vi s u a l i z a t io n M e dia - Hand sketching, hand rendering, model construction
RESEARCH 2 0 1 3 Leav i n g R i o de Jane rio a s us tainable le g acy : A co mparative analysis b e t w ee n t he ‘Barce lo na M o de l’ and the 2014 Wo rld Cup and 2016 Olympic p r op os ed plans - Written after a ten day trip to Rio de Janerio with onsite observation and conversations with locals as
well as interviews with professors from Universidade Federal Fluminense - Summary of previous mega-event, spefically the 1992 Barcelona Games and analysis of Rio’s proposed plans
2 0 1 3 S h i ft i n g v iew s, pro pe r ty value s + the co s t o f the car : How public transport a t i on w i l l impact the large r A me rican city - Examines how the interaction of public transportation, economic and ecological health influences the urban design of larger American cities - Uses five case studies: Phoneix, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and Minneapolis
2 0 1 2 Rec on s i d e ring the e ducatio n o f archite cts : The co llabo rative lab proposal