Rig-n-Dig October 2011
In This Issue Part Two Rig 655 Profile CCIS Update What’s Happening?
Message from Management
10 Year Anniversary Address An excerpt from the address given by Dwayne LaMontagne, Executive VP and CDO, at the 10th Anniversary Celebration in Toowoomba, Australia on October 12. We are here to celebrate Savanna’s ten year anniversary. In celebrating the last ten years we also must focus on the next ten years with a Vision of delivering to our employees, customers and shareholders everything that is expected from us. I believe the sky is the limit for what Savanna can accomplish during the next ten years. Over the last 18 months or so, we have developed a very powerful tool that I believe will be instrumental in reaching our full potential—our Vision and Values. I am sure by now everyone is aware of our Vision and Values. They are displayed prominently in every office. But how many of you have thought about what they mean to Savanna and what they mean to you personally? How many have really thought about how they can make Savanna a better company and a better place to work? Over the last few days as I was preparing for my trip to Australia and for this evening, I spent some time answering these questions myself. I would like to share some of my thoughts on our Vision and Values with you this evening.
the company rather than just focusing on managing; not the leadership that has been prevalent in the oilfield industry in past decades, but a leadership that fosters people, focuses on mentoring, safety and our Values. Global: We are no longer an Alberta company, or a Canadian company, or a North American company. We are global. We must change our systems and processes to reflect our size, the customers we work for, and the countries we are working in. I know over the last year we have had frustrations here in Toowoomba and we have struggled to implement the systems and processes required to run Australia smoothly. In fact, you must now know what it is like to be a guinea pig as new systems are constantly being tested right here. I will tell you that these frustrations are also being felt in Calgary, Houston and Nisku, as everyone is working very hard to get this right. I do have full confidence that we will get it right. And won’t it feel awesome for each of us to look back on what we have created and be able to say “I had a big part in building this”? The next set of words “people, innovation, and technology”— these words were chosen carefully and the order of these words is extremely important to us.
The right “ people are our
Our Vision “Defining leadership in global energy services through people, innovation and technology—The path for others to follow.” I am sure this Vision may have different meanings to each of you and there may be some who haven’t really thought much about it. What I would like to challenge each of you with, is to look at this Vision every day and think of what this statement means to you and how you as an individual and as a team can help Savanna fulfill this Vision. There are a few key words that give direction for me in this Vision. Redefining leadership: To me, this means we need to focus on leadership throughout
greatest asset
People: Everything starts here. The right people are our greatest asset and the wrong people can be our greatest liability. We cannot accomplish our Vision without the right people. They are needed to be innovative, to implement technology and systems, to teach, to mentor, and to lead. Everything happens through our people— both good and bad. This is why we need to be vigilant with who we hire for every position and how we mentor individuals
October 2011
Dwayne LaMontagne, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer
1800, 311 6th Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 3H2 Phone: 403 503 9990 Fax: 403 267 6749 info@savannaenergy.com Savanna Energy Services Corp. is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:SVY) For current stock information, visit tsx.com or savannaenergy.com
Rig-n-Dig October 2011
Rig-n-Dig is published by Savanna Energy Services Corp. as an information vehicle for our employees and for our community. Suggestions and contributions are welcome and encouraged. Editor/Publisher: Janine Tannahill 403 267 6739 jtannahill@savannaenergy.com Managing Editor: John Bayko 403 781 9999 jbayko@savannaenergy.com
In This Issue
Message from Mgt. Rig 655 Profile (part 2) What’s Happening? Canadian Benefits CCIS Update D & D Profile Last Page
page 2 page 5 page 7 page 11 page 12 page 14 page 15
Message from Management
Innovation: Innovation was an important part of the birth and growth of Savanna. It was the innovative minds of our drilling folks who thought of building a drilling rig that could drill with coil and drill pipe on the same platform. It was our well servicing people who thought to implement PLC controls on our workover rigs. It was our people who were able to think of ways to package these ideas for work in Australia which, as you all know, has not been an easy task. Innovation will be just as important to the future of Savanna, here in Australia and anywhere else we decide to work, as we continually improve every part of our company. Technology: All you have to do is take a look at our equipment and you can see we know how to use technology to benefit Savanna and our customers. We have designed and are operating some of the most advanced oilfield equipment in Australia. Our challenge will be to adapt to new technologies and continuously improve. And finally, “the path for others to follow”. We have seen in Canada, the US and now in Australia, how our competition is watching us very closely to see what we are doing and how we are doing it. Our customers are watching anxiously, waiting to see our performance and evaluate how we can help them save time and money. As a company we are committed to blazing new trails that will continue to help our
customers succeed, help our employees grow, and our shareholders profit. “Defining leadership in global oilfield service through people, innovation and technology—The path for others to follow” is our Vision and what we hope to achieve during the next ten years, but more important than what we are going to do is how we are going to do it. This is where our Values come into play. These Values are our guide to making day to day decisions that will ultimately lead us to fulfilling our Vision. Integrity, Relationships, Excellence and Sustainability. This is how we are going accomplish our Vision. These Values are non-negotiable and are not to be taken half heartedly. I know there will be times when we may slip up and do or say something that does not embody our Values. It will be the responsibility of each of us to hold ourselves and each other accountable when these times happen and for each of us to take the appropriate corrective action.
• not sending scathing e-mails and copying everyone you can think of when a simple phone call would be a better solution It is just about being decent and doing the right thing. And when we do this good things will happen, I promise you. Relationships: Build collaborative partnerships. This is an extremely important Value and one many of us struggle with. Not because we are not good people, but because many of us get wrapped up in the day to day grind and are so focused on “getting the job done”, we forget about the human side and the next thing we know, there is a wake of bodies behind us. This has to change for the sake of Savanna’s future. If we could embrace this Value, I mean truly embrace this Value; it would make us all the more effective together. It would make everyone want to come to work everyday and it would make everyone work hard everyday in accomplishing our goals. To be more effective together, means we have to work together as committed partners. This partnership has to be between everyone: • drilling and well servicing • accounting and operations • trucking, maintenance and equipment rentals • human resources • Canada, the US and Australia • IT and procurement. • everybody! We all need to work together and eliminate silos that keep us from working together in committed partnerships. Remember, if just one of the groups I mentioned fails—we all fail. Our challenge is not how to drive a truck, or drill a well, or run a work over rig. We have proven we are excellent at this work and we have proven we can build and operate the best equipment in the world. Our challenge is in how we work together in committed partnerships—together, to help us create “the path for others to follow.”
Our challenge “ is in how we work together in committed partnerships
for the future. This is why each of us should ask ourselves at the start of the day “what am I going to do today to help us accomplish our Vision?” and at the end of the day “what did I do today to help us accomplish our Vision?” I would also go one step further and ask myself “did I do anything today to hinder us in achieving our Vision?” and if the answer is yes, then “what am I going to do to fix it?”
Our Values Integrity: Demonstrate the courage to do the right thing. This is the single most important Value that trumps all other Values—and it is so simple. An important part of my own personal credo is “the ethical way is just as important as the legal way”. In other words, just do the right thing. Here are a few examples of what demonstrating Integrity means: • not cutting corners that risk safety or quality for the sake of a few bucks or a few hours • not reaming out one of the administrative people because a mistake might have been made or you were inconvenienced • not sweeping issues or problems under the carpet
October 2011
Message from Management There are two questions I pulled from a book called Fearless Leadership which I think will help all of us reflect on how we can do this. 1. How do we create an environment where people feel good about HOW we get the job done? and 2. How do we engage people to make them want to do it again? I certainly don’t have the answers but I am making a commitment to all of you to work hard at finding those answers. I ask you, regardless of whether you are the most senior person in Australia or if you are starting in an introductory role, that we all act as leaders and we all continuously search for the answers. Now, before we go off and say yeah, yeah, this is easy, let’s stop and think to ourselves about how we have behaved. Have we snapped at a co worker? Have we sent an e-mail that was a little sarcastic, grating or might have been better communicated via a phone or Skype call? I am guessing for many of us we might have to answer yes and that’s ok. We are all people and we all make mistakes. It is how we move forward from those mistakes that dictate our success. All I ask is we make the effort to work with people, be decent to each other, communicate and build collaborative partnerships. If we can do this and keep the Integrity Value in mind, the final two Values will come easy and our Vision will be within reach.
Excellence: Set the industry standard. I believe the majority of people at Savanna live this Value everyday. Our people strive to be the best they can be everyday. As a result I am confident saying we have one of the best fleets of equipment in the world. We do have to constantly be on guard to not become complacent or sit back and be too satisfied with what we have accomplished. Remember if we are creating “the path for others to follow”, there will be someone on that path following close behind and waiting for the opportunity to pass us. The Value of “Excellence” is always interesting and can be a little tricky. It is easier to see the immediate results and therefore people will focus on it much more. We always have to be cautious in our relentless pursuit of excellence that we do not put in jeopardy the Value of Integrity or Relationships. Sustainability: Drive short and long term success Create value for all, be adaptive, value diversity, be profitable, be environmentally responsible, develop and empower people.
October 2011
This Value is all about being a good corporate citizen and being responsible to employees, shareholders, customers, the environment, and the communities we work in. In doing so we must be cognizant of being successful in both the short and long term. You will note that in this Value we mention “develop and empower people”. The theme of people and leadership has been prevalent throughout our Vision and Values and is the absolute key to our future success. Thank you all very much for giving me your attention and allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings on our Vision and Values. I found it to be a tremendous experience writing this over the last few days. It gave me the opportunity to reflect on what the Vision and Values mean to me personally and it gave me more insight to what a powerful tool they can be to the success of Savanna and the people that make up Savanna. I want to challenge each of you to take a moment to revisit the Vision and Values and give them some honest reflection. Think about times when you did a bang-up job living our Values and think about times when there may have been an opportunity to use our Values to guide your behaviour in a different direction and to a potentially better result. Share your thoughts with a co-worker, family member or friend. I do believe you will find it to be a powerful experience as well. Thank you again to everyone for being here on this special 10th anniversary celebration. You are all a very important part of Savanna and will be a key to its success over the next ten years.
Rig Profile
A Rig that Walks
Part Two
Welcome to Part Two of ‘A Rig that Walks’ profiling the design, construction and transportation of Rig 655E. Destined for the Marcellus Play in Pennsylvania, Rig 655E will be working for EQT and represents the pinnacle of technology and innovation for Savanna. To meet load and transportation requirements in the US, all rig buildings had to be less than 45 feet long, 12 feet wide and 10 feet high. This created a challenge for the rig layout. It also changed the design of the Doghouse. Designed to be lowered into the water tank, the Doghouse needed to sit below the 10 foot level. A chain system was created by The Rig Shop to raise and lower the Doghouse. This system was not only a first for Savanna, but also a first for The Rig Shop. “It works well,” says Beniuk, who also sees the system and the smaller sized buildings being used by Savanna in the future. “When you’re forced to think outside the box you find ways to make it happen,” he continues. Another first for Savanna was the inclusion of the walking system. Driven by both EQT and the direction of the industry, the walking system decreases non-productive time and increases efficiency. Hoogendoorn says he sees ‘pad work’ becoming more prevalent due to environmental concerns and the need for a smaller footprint. “We didn’t see pad work even five years ago. We’re seeing a lot more pad work with shale gas plays.” Pad work uses rig mats as a base on which all the rig’s buildings are placed. The pads allow the centerpiece or rig floor to walk efficiently. Now I’m sure the burning question on all your minds is how does the rig walk? Well, according to Hoogendoorn, “it’s a very simple concept that works well.” The rig doesn’t so much get up on four legs and walk itself to the next well head, but more so efficiently ‘rolls’ itself along the ground—almost in a similar manner to an Army tank. Two wide rails supporting the rig floor are lifted (jacked up) and extended in the direction the rig needs to move. They are then lowered back onto the mats; the rig floor is raised
and then moved using two Hillman rollers that roll along the rails. The floor is then set back down on the mats, the rails are scoped back in and the process starts again. The rig can move about six feet at a time—but that’s not all! It can also turn and move laterally. There are limitations to turning the rig, so it won’t be doing any tight 360s, but the direction of movement can be altered by a few degrees to line the rig up with the next well head. Walking the rig is the responsibility of the Driller or the Tool Push and it can be controlled either remotely, or by controls on the base of the platform. The rig floor (or centerpiece), which comprises of the drawworks, sub, derrick, doghouse, accumulator and BOP, are the only components that move via the walking system. The Doghouse moves also, but is pulled by a truck and winch. All the other buildings, including the generators, motors and mud tanks, stay where they are. All the moving parts of the rig are connected to the power supply by the Cable Crawler 8000, which was another first for Savanna. The Cable Crawler, which in the old days was called a suitcase, carries all the electrical wiring and power supply to the Doghouse and rig floor. The length of the Cable Crawler is 75 feet, which limits the travelling of the rig to 75 feet. The length of the Cable Crawler was set by EQT and will allow for drilling up to five wells spaced 15 feet apart before having to move any other rig components. After being hauled to Pennsylvania on 34 transportation trucks, Rig 655 has almost reached its final destination. Taking 16 months from initial planning to finished construction, Rig 655’s total cost ran just under the estimated $14.6 million and will pay for itself within six years at the current contract terms. So what is next for the team in Nisku? Well, the first job might be to replenish the tissue stocks.
Rig 655E in the yard at Nisku Operating the walking system from the platform controls
Close up of walking system and the Hillman rollers used to move the rig along
Visit Savanna’s You Tube channel (http://www.youtube. com/SavannaEnergy) to see footage of Rig 655E walking!
October 2011
Photos courtesy of Ernie Langridge
Rig Profile
On location in Pennsylvania, USA
Many Savanna people have been involved with the design, construction and implementation of Rig 655. Hoogendoorn says a lot of credit must be given to Rick Beniuk, Darcy Knorr, Barry Little, Keith Wachter and all the Rig Managers who helped put everything together. “Some really good ideas came out of the group,” says Hoogendoorn. “They’re young, they’re ambitious and a lot of credit goes to that group. They take a lot of ownership in building these rigs—a lot of pride,” and that is evident in the workmanship of the rigs. Pride, care and innovation are all evident in the final product and it is clear the construction of Rigs 652, 653, 654 and especially 655 have solidified Savanna as a leader in innovation.
Photo courtesy of Ernie Langridge
After spending so much time planning, designing, constructing and tweaking Rig 655, it is a bittersweet ending for the team. “It’s a little bit sad for all of us [seeing the rig go],” says Hoogendoorn. “You build the rig and you put in a lot of effort for a year or more and then it goes, but it’s good to see it go and I’m sure it will be looked after properly by people in the US.” On the other end of the delivery are Rig Managers Al Little and Ernie Langridge. Toby Parrill is the Driller for Rig 655 and has been involved with the rig build, along with Little and Langridge. He is looking forward to the rig arriving in Pennsylvania and says “it’s going to be a lot to learn but I’m sure it’s going to be a real nice rig to run”. Working with Savanna since 2002, Parrill is excited about the new technology and safety features on Rig 655. Touch screens in the doghouse make rig operation and monitoring easier. Topdrive rotations can be programmed and the block can also be set with upper and lower limits—all at the touch of the screen. The joystick control system also makes operation more effective and all controls are within arm’s reach from the Edmonton Oilers clad ‘Cyber Chair’. Video cameras are located in various positions on the rig, all with feeds back to the doghouse. As Parrill describes, the monkey board, pumps and catwalk can all be viewed without leaving the doghouse. The Driller can see where the members of his crew are and know if any of them are in harms way. Crew members can also communicate via an intercom system. Parrill says “it’s even got a horn!”
October 2011
Toby Parrill in the Driller’s ‘Cyber’ chair
What’s Happening?
What’s Happening? Congratulations
Big congratulations to Steve Seghers and his wife Tamara on the birth of their son, Titan Brian Seghers. Titan was born October 10 at 3:29pm and weighed seven pounds. He is the second child for Steve and Tamara who also have a daughter, Samara. Steve is the Rig Manager for Rig 39.
Samara with baby brother Titan
Safety Meeting
On October 06, the Senior HSE Team got together to discuss safety matters. Involved in the meetings were Shaun Orom, HSE Manager SD Canada; Dave St. Pierre, HSE Supervisor D&D; Kent Gjerlaug, Senior HSE Coordinator; Todd Carstairs, HSE Manager USA; Brandon Orom, HSE Manager SWS Canada; Eric Thompson, Global HSE Director and Stephen Gray, HSE Manager Australia.
Back row L-R: Shaun Orom, Dave St. Pierre, Kent Gjerlaug and Todd Carstairs. Front row L-R: Stephen Gray, Eric Thompson and Brandon Orom.
Photo Contest Winners
Fall Fun
Thanks to Bruce Nash, Sales and Marketing Manager for Savanna Well Servicing, for sending in the photo of his kids playing in the leaves. Left is Jack who is two years old and Charlie, right, is five years old.
Congratulations to this year’s photo contest winners! In first place was Vlad Bilkun from the Leduc office, with his photo of the speedy rabbit. Second place was Darcy Knorr from the Nisku office with his spectacular night shot of Rig 655E and third place was Rig Manager Aaron St. Pierre with his lightning shot over Rig 401. Thank you to all who entered this year’s competition!
October 2011
What’s Happening? Five Year Rings
Congratulations to TJ Wald, Accounts Representative for Savanna Well Servicing and Bruce Nash, Sales and Marketing Manager for Savanna Well Servicing, for receiving their five year rings. Both are pictured with Brad Kingston, VP and General Manager for Savanna Well Servicing.
Bruce Nash
Congratulations to Avery Goldade, Shipper/receiver for Savanna Drilling in Redcliff and Jamie Prednichuk, Technician for Savanna Drilling in Redcliff, for receiving their five year rings. Both are pictured with Gary Sutton, Maintenance Supervisor.
TJ Wald
Avery Goldade
Shawn Myers
Dwight Price
And more congratulations to Adam Webb, Purchasing Shipper/Receiver for Savanna Drilling in Nisku; Dwight Price, Driller for Rig 624; Shawn Myers, Derrick Hand for Rig 633 and Dallas Furseth, Top Drive Hand for Rig 629. All employees were presented with their ring by Dave Hoogendoorn, Field Operations Manager for Savanna Drilling.
Jamie Prednichuk
Adam Webb
Dallas Furseth
October 2011
What’s Happening? Pumpkin Decorating
Photo courtesy of Diana Tucker
Getting ready for Halloween, Rebecca Sue (left) and Paulette Carr (right) decorated a pumpkin for the Savanna office in Woodlands, Texas. Looking a little like Mr. Potato Head’s cousin, Mr. Squash (aka Tom), the ladies are all ready for the Halloween ‘trick or treaters’! Did you know? Vegetable carving began during the 1800s in Scotland and Ireland when turnips or swedes were carved into lanterns. During the Irish Potato Famine in 1845-1850, many people left Scotland and Ireland and moved to North America, taking their vegetable carving traditions with them. Immigrants soon replaced their carved turnips with carved pumpkins and thus the jack-o’-lantern was born!
CAODC Safety Awards
At the recent Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC) Awards ceremony, Savanna was presented with two awards for the 2010 period. Savanna Drilling Rig 441 received the Land-Based Drilling Rig Division Safety Excellence Award and Silverstar Well Servicing Rigs 1 and 15 (now Savanna Well Servicing Rigs 111 and 125) received a Safety Excellence Award. Congratulations to all crew members for their outstanding safety achievement.
Double Whammy
Savanna Well Servicing rigs 117 and 123 were recently set up side-by-side on a lease near Rocky Mountain House in Alberta. There to ready two wells for fracing, the rigs were tripping in 73mm frac strings on the day the photos were taken. The client was Suncor, who also arranged for a model aeroplane to take some overhead photos of the two rigs. The crews working that day were: Rig 117 (single): Woody Pasman, Rig Manager; Stuart Elder, Driller; Jeremy Sears, Derrickhand; Jesse Hills, Floorhand and Colin Terkelsen, Floorhand. Rig 123: Hans Pasman, Rig Manager; Craig Hewlett, Driller; Justin Burke, Derrickhand; Cody Overton, Floorhand and Pat Dube, Floorhand.
October 2011
What’s Happening? October 06 saw the celebration of Savanna Energy Services Corp.’s 10th anniversary. Held in Calgary, a fantastic night was had by all who attended. (More photos can be found on http:// www.facebook.com/ SavannaEnergy)
Party Pics!
October 2011
CCIS Update
Round Four & Still Going! Twelve months on and Savanna Well Servicing has just completed their fourth round of CCIS training. Helping to ease the current labour shortage, the program is helping many immigrants find full time work in Canada. graduates from all around the world with In November of 2010, Savanna Energy different cultural norms, work attitudes, Services Corp. in conjunction with the and levels of proficiency with the English Calgary Catholic Immigration Society language, Berg agrees with Labelle and (CCIS) implemented a unique well admits the cultural differences made servicing training program aimed at training a little more difficult than usual. providing new immigrants to Canada “[All the graduates] have an excellent with on-the-job skills and employment attitude–[they] clearly opportunities. want to be here–but it I see [Savanna’s The first round of has been hard trainingtraining saw over 140 initiative] going beyond wise” says Berg. applicants with 15 “You just have to be corporate responsibility. chosen to complete patient” he continues. Savanna’s extensive They’re not only training Not a manager to and specialized well us to work, but they’re put any member of servicing course which was designed teaching us to look after his crew in danger, Berg has carefully to include safety ourselves orientation, hazard monitored skill and assessment, and competency levels before advancing any of his new recruits. technical proficiency. All participants “Just like any green hand, if I don’t think graduated and began working for Savanna they can do the job I’ll keep them out Well Servicing on November 22, 2010. This year, Savanna Well Servicing and of the area” says Berg. But despite any CCIS continued with the innovative training difficulties, Berg’s international training program offering the graduates recruits are still with his crew and are very from three separate programs full time employment with Savanna Well Servicing. From the 2010 group of trainees, Kelly Labelle, Senior Crew Coordinator for Savanna Well Servicing says one of the initial concerns faced by the Rig Managers was effectively communicating with and training their new recruits. Communication barriers such as language and cultural backgrounds posed new challenges for Rig Managers; all of whom sufficiently prevailed over these differences. With subsequent training sessions now complete, greater emphasis was placed on mentorship and communication. Rob Berg, Rig Manager for Savanna Well Servicing Rig 9, was responsible for training and integrating graduates from the 2010 training session. Having
October 2011
happy to be there. On the other side of the coin, Berg says he has learnt a tremendous amount of information from the program graduates. Berg admits to having imagined himself in their position and the adjustment required to live in Canada. Working on the rigs is a hard job for anyone—fitness level aside—but when you include a limited knowledge of English, limited experience working in extreme weather conditions, and having to work for weeks at a time away from your family, working on the rigs is a very hard job for new immigrants, but the CCIS Well Servicing training graduates have stuck it out. Labelle describes the first group of trainees as definitely committed and a very eager group of participants. Employee retention can traditionally be low, but for the CCIS trainees, retention is well above average. Almost 12 months down the road, Savanna is currently conducting its fourth training session with CCIS—a huge step
CCIS Update from where we were this time last year! With 15 graduates per training group, the program has offered many new immigrants life long career opportunities as well as assisting Savanna with recruitment. Honoured to be part of the training program, graduates of the program have nothing but praise and enthusiasm for Savanna. Kevin Landry, a graduate from the third group of trainees was told by a friend about the program with CCIS and from there he learnt more about Savanna. “If you follow the market and the news, it’s a name (Savanna) that keeps coming up. [Savanna] wants to grow and they want to push forward. This is a company I can be confident working with for a long time,” says Landry. Pride Muma, another graduate from the program, was born in Cameroon. He was living with his wife in Belgium before immigrating to Canada. He is greatful for the connections he has made through CCIS and cannot commend Savanna enough for their initiation. “I see [Savanna’s initiative] going beyond corporate responsibility,” comments Muma. “They’re not only training us to work, but they’re teaching us to look after ourselves. And this not only affects us on the job site but we will take this home to our family and friends. [The program is] an asset to us and it’s commendable.” Going forward, Savanna is continually improving the training program and opportunities available to new Canadian immigrants. With a current labor shortage in the oil and gas sector, Calgary’s immigrant community is a largely untapped employee resource. Savanna is a strong believer in diversity, employing it as one of their core company values and is committed to long-term development and providing new recruits with a future in the oil and gas sector. However, none of this could be possible without the tremendous support from the Well Servicing leadership, recruiting, the CCIS, Enform and the recruits themselves.
October 2011
D & D Profile
D&D Five Year Rings This month saw the presentation of quite a few five year rings to employees of D&D Oilfield Services. Ken Goldade, General Manager for D&D, presented employees with their rings.
Ernie St. Goddard, Shop Hand
Group Photo Back L-R: Ernie St. Goddard, Ken Lippert, Tim Logan and Darren Zeller Front L-R: Tammy Wagner and Ed LeBlanc
Ken Lippert, Driver (it was an engagement of the Kens! Ken G was pleased Ken L accepted his proposal.)
Tim Logan, Driver
Darren Zeller, Operations Manager
Tammy Wagner, Invoicing
Ed LeBlanc, Mechanic
All photos courtesy of Mary Haberlack
October 2011
Last Page
Find the Hazards Competition
How many hazards can you identify in the photo? Identify as many hazards as you can and send your list to jtannahill@savannaenergy.com or complete the ‘Spot the Hazards’ survey on Savanna’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/SavannaEnergy). You could win $200 worth of Savanna merchandise! Don’t forget to include your name and Rig number (if applicable) in your e-mail. The competition is open to all Savanna employees. All entries must be received by 5:00pm MST on November 30 to be valid.
October 2011
Peace Area Riding for the Disabled Society (PARDS) has provided vital animal assisted therapeutic services in the Grande Prairie area since 1984. Each year, over 300 children and adults living with personal challenges or unique needs benefit from participating in PARDS Therapeutic Programming. Lessons consisting of equine assisted riding therapy, grooming programs, Equicizer therapy or Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW) are individually designed to best benefit the client. The PARDS organization has been able to accomplish this through a variety of initiatives including annual fundraising events, donor relationship building and development, grant seeking, bingo and casino events and various community partnerships along with internally generated income from public programming. PARDS relies on the support of individuals and corporations within Grande Prairie and surrounding areas to provide these services in our community. For information on how you can become involved or learn more, please call 780-538-3211 visit PARDS www.pards.ca or email: info@pards.ca