Rig-n-Dig March 2014

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MARCH 2014


VERY CLOSE TO THE WORST KIND OF FAIL by Ken Mullen, President & Chief Executive Officer


t has been a long time since I last contributed to the Rig-n-Dig. In my editorial absence, however, we have had some excellent submissions from many of our managers and directors on a range of issues. These submissions are sometimes reflective and sometimes humorous, but they always demonstrate a deep passion for making Savanna a better place to work. Savanna is a big company. We are approaching 3000 employees, operate on two continents, three countries, and eight time zones. We succeed because of the skill and dedication of our people. As we grow, the passion of our employees at all levels presents us with our greatest opportunity as well as one of our greatest challenges as an organization. With size and complexity, the potential for conflicting needs and strategies amongst our various divisions is huge. When we effectively manage this creative tension, Savanna realizes tremendous benefits in the form of innovation and robust solutions. When we do not effectively manage conflicting approaches, it overrides our ability to execute, and the results can be literally fatal. When we started Savanna, we had few employees and a much leaner corporate structure. It was easy to work together. Most of us were in a couple of locations and we had known each other for many years. The “plan” was simple, and execution was streamlined by the fact that all of us wore many hats. But we also always had a plan to make Savanna much more; we wanted to build a global energy services leader that did things differently, and better, than those we compete with. We knew then as we know now, that the organization would have to grow in size and complexity to achieve that. We knew we had to find and train strong people to fulfill Savanna’s vision. We do our utmost to hire the best and brightest for every position and we have some fantastic talent in Savanna. Our people have 2


expertise in their particular area and have achieved success with prior employers or in prior positions. Most of us believe we have the best ideas on how to make our function or division succeed based on our perspective, training, or experience. We see those which report to us as our “team” and ensuring they succeed as our number one priority. We are wrong The connection to our team, division, or country often results in us committing to the goals and approach of our team, frequently promoting that team and its plans at the

expense of, and often in conflict with, those of other teams at Savanna. When the commitment to “our” team results in us failing to make sure our efforts are the best for Savanna, the end result is, at best, inertia, and at worst, failure. What’s worse is that failure is not isolated to our division or group, it impacts others as well. To succeed, all parts of Savanna must work together toward a common goal, focusing the efforts of all of our teams on what they we can do to achieve those goals, and recognizing that we cannot achieve success in isolation. We win together and we lose together because we are Savanna.




Message from Management............ 2 How Did This Happen?.................. 4 Talking Points on Safety................ 4 Referral Program Heats Up............ 5 What’s Happening.....................6–7 Canadian Benefits....................... 8 Australiana............................... 9 D&D on the Go.........................10 The Last Page...........................11 Rig-n-Dig is published by Savanna Energy Services Corp. as an information vehicle for our employees and for our community. Suggestions and contributions are welcome and encouraged. Editor & Publisher: Patrick Brooks (403-718-2885, pbrooks@savannaenergy.com)

ON THE COVER: Luke Pachla, Rig Manager at Rig 445, submitted this photo of a well site south of Fort McMurray that appears to be on fire, but it’s just rig lighting as seen through verrry cold air.

Managing Editor: John Bayko (403-781-9999, jbayko@savannaenergy.com) Savanna Energy Services Corp. 800, 311–6th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3H2 P: 403-503-9990 F: 403-267-6749 E: info@savannaenergy.com Savanna Energy Services Corp. is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX:SVY). For current stock information, visit tsx.com or savannaenergy.com.


MESSAGE FROM MANAGEMENT In large measure, it was the early recognition of this growing issue that drove us to put Savanna’s Vision & Values down in writing four years ago. Those statements were developed by about 30 of our managers and leaders from every part of the organization and then reviewed by roughly two-thirds of our entire employee base before they were

Despite these initiatives, we still are struggling with this connection to Savanna overall. This is not unique and is a problem that plagues most organizations at some level. The difference is that at Savanna we will not accept what others might. Striving to be better means striving to be better at everything. As a result, we are renewing our commitment

“ When the commitment to ‘our’ team results in us failing to make sure our efforts are the best for Savanna, the end result is, at best, inertia, and at worst, failure.” adopted. They still represent the most important expression of what Savanna is, and will be, and still are excellent tools to help everyone make decisions. Importantly, we were pleased that the Vision & Values ended up being a codification of the largely unwritten vision of us as founders. One Savanna The One Savanna communication plan followed a few years later. This undertaking was directed at bringing awareness to the importance of working together and simply stating our expectation that everyone would work towards the betterment of Savanna as a whole, above all else. It was initially directed at ensuring our shallow and deep drilling groups in Canada operated effectively together. I am pleased with the progress those “teams” have made to become the Canadian Drilling Business Unit. One Savanna has gained traction in other pockets as well and is a hallmark of how we want to operate as a company.

to helping all of our leaders identify first with Savanna, and then with their division and support teams with the sole focus on using their expertise together with that of others to achieve a result that is best for Savanna. We know we have areas that require immediate focus and will be working directly with those leaders to help them re-align priorities and position initiatives to move forward to support Savanna’s vision. This problem exists at all levels in the organization, so here is a checklist to help you assess if you’re acting as a part of One Savanna or not: 1. In meetings with senior leaders or peers, the potential for your team to benefit is your first thought or argument. 2. When your team receives requests, timelines or workload from other groups, you do not give appropriate priority to providing the information or effort required. 3. You allow or even sometimes support an “us versus them” point of view that pits

your team against another department, or even the organization as a whole. 4. After allowing time for discussion and sharing of information, you tolerate bad attitudes or resistance from your team. 5. You or your team make decisions or take actions without considering the impact on others, or simply assume that “you know better.” 6. You allow a productivity gap to continue in your department because you don’t want to offend anyone or possibly damage a relationship. 7. You don’t speak directly with your colleagues to proactively address issues as they arise and instead escalate these issues to more senior staff to resolve. Savanna will never be an organization where leadership is ruthless and our people are treated as mere cogs in the wheel of producing profit. That is not sustainable. Neither is the existence of silos or independent teams not committed to Savanna overall. Starting immediately, a significant and explicit part of our evaluation (including promotion and compensation) of our employees — especially those charged with leadership positions — will be dependent on how they manage their actions, plans, and teams toward the best interests of Savanna. While this has always been an implied component of leadership at Savanna, it will now be discussed, supported, and tracked more thoroughly. We owe it to our team of 3000 employees to ensure that we create an environment where we all work effectively together to reach our goal of “Defining leadership in global energy services through people, innovation and technology – The path for others to follow.” n

Bleed for a good cause. Savanna Calgary is participating in the Blood Donor Challenge this year. Starting April 3, you can donate individually at any clinic, or you can join other Savanna employees on any of these three Life Buses to the main CBS clinic.

• April 24 at 11:50 a.m. • June 26 at 11:30 a.m. • August 28 at 11:30 a.m. Please contact Doug Fields at dfields@savannaenergy.com to register for a bus. Non-Calgary staff donating for the first-time are also eligible for the gift certificate draw...just show us your donor card or sticker!


First-time donors*!


500 enter to win a

gift certificate to our global e-store RIG-N-DIG • MARCH 2014



how did this happen?


PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IS KEY On January 8, 2007 near Ft. McMurray, Alberta, this fellow was trying to adjust jammed slip dies that were Andre Vandusen sustained a power tongs injury the day after he refused work on a non-Savanna rig.


too big for their slot. He thought if he took a grinder and cut a groove the dies would slide out.

by laura koronko, diversity coordinator

s a mom I have always taught my kids to be safe. When they were young it was: look both ways before crossing the road, be careful closing the car door. As they got older I taught stuff like don’t text and drive, don’t drink and drive, and now I find myself telling my eighteen year old son, Andre, as he heads out to work each day you have the right to refuse unsafe work, be safe and have a safe day, come home with all your fingers. I was quickly reminded of how much I have taught my son when he told me the other day he refused unsafe work and for that was told to get off the worksite. I was so proud of my son for taking the stand many workers feel afraid to especially our young inexperienced new workers. Nonetheless, I have always told my son that safety is number one and it is his responsibility to look out for himself and his coworkers. As a mother, however, one of my fears came true the other day when Andre phoned me from the hospital to tell me he had been hurt at work. He had gotten his finger stuck in power tongs and was now getting the tip of his left index finger sewn back on. I had so many emotions and thoughts running through my head, starting with how badly I wanted to be there with my little boy. When he was stitched up, I then thought 4

Talking Points on Safety

about all those other parents who have had similar phone calls, and those who have had the one call all parents hope they never receive. However, the thought that stuck with me most was: how did this happen? My son works in the very industry I do; I recruit young men and women just like him. I say the same things to new recruits that I have told my son. Following my son’s incident I started questioning if what I am telling them is enough. As a mother, as an employee, as a representative of Savanna — am doing enough to help keep our employees safe? Then it struck me…this isn’t just something I have to do alone, this is a team effort; not just a Savanna team but also an industry team. Although my son does not work for Savanna, these incidents affect us all individually, as a company, and as an industry. I just want to remind everyone that safety is not something we should take lightly. It affects us, our loved ones, our employers, and our industry. So I encourage you to take the time to talk about safety with your family and friends, and when you see someone doing something unsafe that you will take a stand to let them know what they are doing is unsafe. May my son’s image here remind you to take the time to address safety with those around you, as it will be a reminder to me. n

Grinding lengthwise using a hand grinder without its guard, and looking under his face shield for a better view, he cut through the die and the die’s metal collapsed on itself pinching the grinding disc and stopping it immediately. The disc’s abrupt stop — from 11,000 rpm to 0 rpm — caused it to explode, and a fragment of the disc flew up under his face shield cutting his throat. The wound required six stitches.

Remember — PPE is not limited to what you wear. PPE includes safety devices on machinery and equipment you use.



Referral Program Heats Up










ecruiting staff is a costly and time-consuming endeavour for any large organization seeking qualified help. Factor in ad121 148 148 121 vertising costs, administrative time, and even basic training 348 348 325 325 128 128 for new employees, it could cost a company a few thousand dol33 33 12 4 12 4 lars to find an applicant with the right “fit.” 128 128 2013 2014 20122011 20132012 2014 2010 20112010 20122011 20132012 20142013 2014 But what happens when your company is competing against 2010 20112010 33 33 other employers for industry workers with the same skills and 12 12 4 4 experience? Lately, many companies have been relying on2010 20112010 20122011 20132012 20142013 2014 2010 20112010 20122011 20132012 20142013 2014 their own employee pool to help find qualified personnel. This $362K $362K referral model assumes current employees are probably a good $210K $210K judge of their friends’ abilities and can help fast-track a comTOTAL TOTAL PAYOUT TO PAYOUT TO TOTAL TOTAL pany’s search for qualified applicants, not to mention vouch $362K $362K REFERRALS REFERRALS PAYOUT PAYOUT $210K $210K for Savanna’s culture. SINCE SINCE $136K TOTAL $136K TOTAL 2010 As early as 2008, Savanna had a bonus referral program which 2010 TOTAL PAYOUT TO $119K PAYOUT$119K TO TOTAL REFERRALS REFERRALS PAYOUT PAYOUT gave participating employees a chance to win a vacation for two. SINCE SINCE $125K $125K $136K $136K But it was in late 2010 that the referral program hit its stride by 2010 2010 $119K $119K promising payouts of $500 for standard jobs and $1,000 for hot $33K $33K jobs such as rig managers, drillers, or other difficult-to-fill posi$125K $125K $13K $13K $2K $2K tions due to competition in the industry. SWS SD 20122011 20132012 2014 Corp/D&DCorp/D&D SWS SD $33K $33K2013 2014 In December 2013, successful referrals for hot jobs was in- 2010 20112010 $13K $13K creased to $1,500 as a result of even more pressure on employers $2K The current $2K referral program started in Dec 2010 and gained in popularity to find qualified rig workers in a highly competitive market. n 2010 fairly quickly. To2012 date, more2014 than $500,000Corp/D&D has beenCorp/D&D paid SD 20112010 20122011 2013 20142013 SWSout. SWS SD 348

Savanna Energy Services Corp. has established Key Accounts with Kal Tire for Savanna Drilling and Savanna Well Servicing. These accounts have been set up to provide consistency in product selection, preferred pricing and standardized billing practices for Savanna Energy throughout Kal Tire’s extensive network. Kal Tire can provide tires and related services for all types of equipment in Savanna’s operations. From light truck tires, to service rig tires and loader tires, Kal Tire has an extensive selection of tire products available for all applications and is here to assist with tire related issues 24/7, year round. Kal Tire is also a preferred vendor for PH&H and Foss and can provide both tires and mechanical services through our fleet card program for our light duty fleet. Savanna Energy Services Corp. also has VIP accounts established with Kal Tire for Savanna employees to purchase tires or mechanical services for their personal vehicles at reduced pricing. Just bring the appropriate account number (see below) into any Kal Tire location, tell them you are a Savanna employee up front, and they will get you looked after.

Savanna Well Servicing VIP – 001VK00001 WWW.SAVANNAENERGY.COM

Savanna Drilling VIP – 001VK00002 RIG-N-DIG • MARCH 2014



Carl Wade, Field Superintendent in Midland, Texas presents Rig 415 driller, Juan Garza (right) with his five-year ring.

Field Superintendent Mark Heasman (right) presents Michael Wurz (left) with his five-year ring.

Trent Hagel (left) receives his five-year ring from Billy Wilson.



Tammy Gudmundson, Field Administrator (left) receives her five-year ring from Billy Wilson, SWS Area Manager in Carlyle, Saskatchewan.

A short-haired Pat Dube receives his five-year ring from Mark Heasman.

Billy Wilson presents Raymond Knockhaert with his five-year ring.



Outstanding job, Rig 655! They recently drilled to a depth of 19,660 feet; a respectable achievement under any condition. But what makes this landmark moment even better is that it came with no incidents! From spud to release, it took 192.5 hours (15 days) of rotating to reach that depth. But this West Virginia rig can actually boast two years of accident-free operation and they celebrated the milestone with a catered lunch. At the same time, they held their Safety Stand Down with both crews.

Dustin Dunn, HSE advisor for the Waynesburg, PA office was recently on Rig 640 conducting a quarterly audit.

Savanna sponsors the Cochrane Challengers Club, a bowling club which offers recreational opportunities for persons with disabilities who are unable to participate in a structured league. Across: 3) be safe, 7) yup yit, 8) sly lack, 9) bockshty, 11) fart, 13) extremely hungover, 14) slabber, 16) shuck water, 17) snogged, 21) extremely intoxicated, 24) waylay, 25) throw da head in, 27) giblet, 30) Paris Nun, 31) piped telly, 33) fack aff, 34) drunk. Down: 1) ganch, 2) ugly, 4) scrabe, 5) big teeth, 6) scummer, 10) your arse and parsley, 12) knackered, 15) score a goal, 18) pregnant, 19) moby, 20) skaggin balls, 22) COWEN, 23) shrapnel, 26) plike, 27) go away, 28) chin wag, 29) peeler, 32) idiot CROSSWORD ANSWERS: WWW.SAVANNAENERGY.COM






Improving Your P hysical Fitness We already know that when our vehicles have dirty filters, old spark plugs, and are running on empty with low grade gas, they do not perform well.

The same is true for our bodies. Without adequate sleep and efficient fuel sources, day by day, week by week, and year by year they too will break down. The problem is, that unlike a vehicle, we can’t just get another body which is why it is so important to fuel and maintain our bodies with premium.

We are not going to talk about diets, as we know only 2 % of diets have a lasting effect, but the good choices and habits we maintain on a daily basis do. Chances are good that one of your New Year’s resolutions was to work on your physical fitness. And if you are like most people. you probably made the same utting the right fuel in our bodies every 3 ½ hours satisfies hunger andbefore, maintains without resolution last year, and the year andour the energy year before that.the highs lows throughout the day. This promotes the brain chemistry control over our appetite, and changes us from tional eating.

The evidence is in. Exercise is associated with more health benefits than anything else. It reduces stress, strengthens the heart and lungs, improves energy levels, helps you maintain and achieve a healthy body weight, reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, and ughout the day depends on keeping the fibre, your outlook on life. In short, exercise keeps you healthy, and makes you look improves lin, proteins, and good carbs balanced:and feel better.

aintaining energy

e — keeps you full Next is to realize that fitness involves integrating physical ts— keep your energy levels up and gives you activity into every day life and doing something you enjoy. It does not need to be about mental alertness running a marathon or spending hours at a gym. You can choose sports, exercise ein — gives you energy equipment, walking, running, aerobics, weight lifting, dancing, yoga, and much more. d carbs (green carbs) — keep up serotonin The best thing is to do some combination of activities. ttle Fat — turns off hunger

asy way to remember is:

akfast like a King ch like a Prince er like a Pauper

unds simple, and it is.

You don’t want to end up sore and uninspired. Remember that everyone has different levels of physical fitness. Don’t compete with someone else or you’ll set yourself up for failure. Instead, challenge yourself to do better. If you start walking 15 minutes a day, add more time until you are up to 30 minutes. Then work on walking further in that 30-minute time period. It’s best to to schedule your exercise times on your calendar as if they were any other important appointment. This way you will be able to balance your exercise program with family, work, and social activities. If possible, schedule your workouts for the morning — you get it done and out of the way and feel energized all day.

Make a life time decision to fuel your body If you feel like skipping a efficiently each day.

workout, do some kind of physical activity for at least 10 to 15 feel like doing do more once you’veFuel Just as our vehicle minutes, doesn’tand runyou on may empty, neither our bodies. started. If you are feeling bored with your routine, yourself with premium choices for optimum running performance. try doing something new and different such as Homewood Human Solutions is Pilates all about providing resources to often you to class. Local recreation centres assist you in making the healthyoffer choices for optimum health. Related a variety of classes that will help you articles, podcasts and videos can be found on the website improve your fitness.

www.homewoodhumansolutions.com including: • Health e-Podcasts • Health e-videos • Health Library • Life line

Bon Appetite! 8


fit e n e B dian ent a n a C The Departm WWW.SAVANNAENERGY.COM



Congratulations Rig 65! Our client, Origin, recently awarded Savanna Energy’s Rig 65 the “Best Overall Performing Award for 2013.” This is the second award this rig has received. Scott Andreas of Origin presented this award to their rig manager, Peter Mills. Well done, Rig 65! n

Training Manager, Savanna Australia Q: What brought you to Savanna Energy? A: The role attracted me, particularly working with a smaller team with lots to do. I felt I could add value and help achieve results with my background and experience. Didn’t mind the idea of getting out of the big city and into the Toowoomba lifestyle! Q: Where have you worked previously in this industry? A: I did some contract work with QGC (BG) last year and have many years working in mining/energy industry in similar roles. Q: What was your first job? A: A nurse. Q: What do you like to do when you are not working? A: Make food and eat food, entertain, read, walk and put together photobooks and family history. Also play a bit of piano, Sudoku and online Scrabble! Lots more, depend on my mood! But always love some music in the background. Q: What is your favourite colour? A: I have many favourites, depends on what the colour is being used for! I have a retro lounge suite in deep orange, I love that colour for that lounge! Q: What is the best book that you have every read? A: The Bourne Identity (better than the movie!) Q: What excites you about your role at Savanna Energy ? A: The opportunity for Savanna Australia to grow and lead the way in this industry over here. I can see us looking back in three years and going wow, look how far we have come (which some people here can already do by the way)! WWW.SAVANNAENERGY.COM

Ken Mullen and John Cooper visiting with some of the crew. During the month of March, Savanna Energy sponsored a fight at Smithy’s Gym. Savanna Energy’s driller, Scott Johnson, had his third fight in which he won in the third round. Scott is currently undefeated. Congratulations Scott. The picture to the left shows Steve Kitzel, Drilling and Completions Manager, awarding the Savanna-sponsored trophy to a junior participant in one of the fights.




D&D on the go with retooled web site


he Operations side of drilling and well servicing aren’t typically made up of comfortable office jobs, so D&D Oilfield Rentals decided to go to where the customer is — on the road and in the field. The result is a retooled web site that automatically recognizes when a user is on a mobile device and reformats the screen display accordingly. While not a true mobile app, per se, it’s awfully close in look and feel; at least enough to get D&D customers conveniently booking equipment and tools when they’re away from a traditional laptop or desktop computer. The development of a new interface actually began in November 2013 and was propelled along by D&D’s purchase of Deranway



In early March 2014, the new D&D web site was launched with an improved user interface and automatic mobile device detection. The D&D brand also got an update courtesy of orange being added to its historically green palette; and a new slogan, “Exceptional Performance.”

Enterprises months earlier. Their inventory of well site units increased substantially so a new web site was needed to reflect this merger.

With Savanna/D&D’s new partnership with the Fort McKay First Nation, there is a new page highlighting the new Fort McKay rental location, which is also hyperlinked from the Fort McKay First Nation web site. n



3 Keep ‘er between the hedges 7 ‘Are you up yet?’ 8 The girlfriend that no one knows of 9 A potato cake made from grated potato 11 Air biscuit 13 Melted wellie 14 Someone who can’t keep a secret 16 Term for Guinness 17 Kissed 21 Stoven 24 To hit 25 To try and kiss a member of the opposite sex 27 Child 30 Nun in Belfast 31 Cable TV 33 Go away 34 Three sheets in the wind


(Answers on page 7)


1 Person who talks too much 2 Like a bulldog chewin a wasp 4 To scrape and grab at the same time 5 Choppers 6 Scumbag 10 You’ve got that one wrong 12 Exhausted 15 Stick it in the back of the onion bag 18 Up Da Duff! 19 The act of vomiting 20 In great need for something 22 Came from Offaly and Wrecked an Entire Nation 23 Loose change 26 Fool 27 Tear your hole off the haggart 28 To have a chat or conversation 29 Policeman 32 Gobdaw




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