Mohawk: Sense and Sustainability

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Sense & Sustainability Ask Mohawk

1. Meaning and Matter 2. Better Energy 3. Fairer Fiber, Cleaner Water 4. Putting Good to Use 5. Calculating Impact 6. Summing it Up 7. A Part of the Solutions


Meaning & Matter

Sustainability means assuring the long-term survival of our planet by conserving and caring for its resources rather than depleting or permanently damaging them. Paper Making & Paper Use To meet the demands for paper society consumes, we must commit to sustaining the energy, forests, and water used to manufacture paper. A company can demonstrate this commitment by making wise choices and using paper that is made responsibly.

Why It Matters For companies, sustainability and profitability go hand- in-hand. A commitment to environmental sustainability makes for good corporate citizenship, which improves a company’s relationship with customers, investors, regulators, neighbors and suppliers, and improving shareholder value.


Better Energy

Getting Away from Fossil Fuels The fossil fuels traditionally used to generate electricity cause carbon dioxide and green house gas emissions. Energy sources that do not produce harmful emissions include wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and ocean tides. Wind power is the fastest growing energy source in the world, and fastest to build alternative to fossil fuel. Wind turbines help preserve open space, allow for multiple uses of the land, and minimize habitat destruction by using less than 5% of the land where they are sited. Getting to Carbon Neutral “Carbon neutral” are products, operations, 
and activities that have had their carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions calculated, reduced, and “offset” through credits that fund these products. This credit financially supports a company’s shift from fossil fuel to renewable energy.
Organizations can apply these credits to their own emissions and reduce their net carbon impact.

Fairer Fiber, Cleaner Water 3.

Is it Virgin, Recycled, or ECF? Virgin fiber comes directly from wood. If the wood comes from a forest that has been certified under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative or for FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) standards, the paper mill and its customers can be sure that the natural resource has been managed respectfully. The use of recycled fiber reduces pressure on forest land and protects its ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Its production also requires less energy than virgin fiber production. By purchasing paper from mills using virgin fiber, recycled paper, and ECF (elemental chlorine free) bleaching processes, you can prevent clear-cutting and irresponsible forestry. See the Forest and the Trees Clear-cutting and irresponsible forestry cause climate change, flooding and loss of biodiversity. Maintaining a healthy supply of trees is essential in preventing these consequences.


Putting Good to Use

Easy To Specify By steering your clients toward recycled papers manufactured in environmentally responsible ways, you can help them meet their own internal targets and demonstrate their respect for the earth and its resources. With advances in manufacturing technology, today’s recycled papers are as easy to run and comparably priced to their virgin-fiber counterparts. Once you choose the stock, finish, color and basis weight, you’re ready to run the job. Your Demand Affects Supply The more you and your clients specify recycled paper made with greener power, the harder paper makers will work to raise their standards for sustainability. Your level of demand will determine the supply and range of papers manufactured in ways that reflect good environmental stewardship.


Calculating Impact

Saving, Conserving, Reducing Depending on the energy source, level of recycled content, the basis weight and the actual weight of paper used,
your paper choice saves trees and a lot more. It can also conserve water and energy while reducing atmospheric emissions as well as solid and waterborne waste. Taking Credit In many cases you can represent a certified sustainable paper choice on your job through the use of logos and
text provided by the certifying organizations. Your paper merchant and printer can help you determine the language and logos you are entitled to use. Use Mohawk’s interactive online tool, available for downloading at, to calculate the savings achieved when you choose environmentally preferable paper for your job.


Summing it Up

Sustainability is good citizenship and good business: companies that demonstrate a respect for the environment establish a competitive advantage, especially with environmentally aware consumers; enhance their public image; and improve their earnings power. As a print buyer, you can help your clients fulfill their commitment to sustainability by directing them toward paper made from recycled fiber using renewable energy.

Recycled papers are improving in quality while declining in cost, meaning their choice also contributes to operating efficiency. With minimal effort, you can find an environmentally sound paper to achieve excellent results in virtually any job.

A Part of the Solutions


Better Energy Mohawk is one of the first large-scale production facilities in the United States touse renewable, non-polluting, wind-gernerated electricity for manufacturing. Fairer Fiber Mohawk attained certification by the Forest Stewardship Council’s program, allowing them to produce FSC-compliant grades of printing and writing paper. Mohawk also uses post-consumer, recycled fiber. Cleaner Water Although chlorine can make paper appear brighter, its byproducts are environmentally hazardous. As a solution, Mohawk stopped purchasing pulp bleached with elemental chlorine. This brochure is printed on FSC-Certified Mohawk Via Smooth 100% PC Cool White manufactured entirely with wind-generated electricity and contains 100% postconsumer recycled fiber. This paper is certified by Green Seal, and by SmartWood for FSC standards which promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests. Mohawk Fine Papers Inc. For More Information 465 Saratoga Street Call 1 800 the mill or visit Cohoes, New York 12047

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