Annual report 2016

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Photo: Karina Mendoza/Save the Children

Committed to Children’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2016 Annual Report

Content Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children.

Our vision A world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Our mission To inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children in order to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

4 Where we work

Table of contents

3 Introduction

5 Our impact 6 Reach by thematic area 7 Regional priorities: Children on the Move and Opportunities for adolescents 10 Humanitarian responses 16 Tackling Zika 18 Advocacy and the “Every Last Child” global campaign 21 Finance 22 Contact details

Photos: Save the Children


Introduction Working for the most excluded children and adolescents.

Latin America and the Caribbean is a region of contrasts. While economic indicators qualify our countries as middle-income, there are still excluded children who cannot attain their rights. Extreme violence, migration and forced displacement, as well as high rates of adolescent pregnancy are the main issues affecting children and adolescents in our region. In 2016, through our programmes and humanitarian responses, we reached over 13.5 million children and adolescents. Partnerships with governments, civil society organisations, the private sector, and our staff’s daily efforts allow us to reach the most excluded. Victoria Ward Regional Director Latin America and the Caribbean Save the Children


Where we work We work in more than 120 countries to achieve significant progress in the way the world treats children. In Latin America and the Caribbean, we operate in 19 countries.

11 18 7 8 6

9 10 12 17

Regional Office 1. Panama

Country Offices and Members

Save the Children’s Presence through Partners

2. Bolivia

14. Argentina

3. Colombia

15. Brazil

4. Dominican Republic

16. Chile

5. Ecuador

17. Costa Rica

6. El Salvador

18. Cuba

7. Guatemala

19. Paraguay

8. Guatemala

20. Uruguay

9. Haiti

21. Venezuela



21 3 5 15


2 19

10. Honduras 11. Mexico 12. Nicaragua 13. Peru





Our impact In 2016, we reached over 13.5 million children in Latin America and the Caribbean through our health and nutrition, education, protection, Child Rights Governance, and humanitarian aid programmes.

We implemented

213 projects in the region in 2016.

We invested USD

50.9 million

to reach the most vulnerable children.

We responded to

17 emergencies, assisting over

380 thousand children.

26.4% of our

programmes involved effective child



Reach by thematic area

PROTECTION In the area of protection, we reached ll

nearly 4 million children ensuring proper care, protection against the different forms of violence, and working to strengthen the local and national protection systems.


reached over

Almost ll

3 million children



the area of Child Rights Governance, we reached 1.5 million children, focusing our efforts on follow-up actions and demands for Children’s Rights and public investment in children.

with programmes focusing on attending early childhood and regular basic education.

3 million children

gained access to quality health and nutrition services. 30% had ll

access to our breastfeeding and nutrition programmes.

CHILD POVERTY We reached 1.1 ll

million children in the

area of child poverty through initiatives that provide child-friendly livelihoods as well as programmes for adolescents to develop their abilities.

Furthermore, we reached 32.5 million adults who contributed to improving the lives of children and adolescents in the region.


Regional priorities In the framework of the three breakthroughs of the “Ambition for Children 2030” global strategy, in Latin America and the Caribbean we focused our work on Children on the Move and the adolescents who are part of the most excluded groups in the region.

Global priorities SURVIVE



Regional priorities




Children on the move In 2016, more than 200 thousand unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents were detained at the Mexican-US border. In the face of this crisis, which directly affects the countries of the Northern Triangle —El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras— Save the Children developed a regional strategy to respond and look into the reasons that cause forced migration. We supported attention centres for migrants in each country by providing hygiene kits and psychosocial support for the returned children and adolescents. Through humanitarian aid and the different projects fostering a culture of peace and attachment, prevention of violence, and children and adolescent protection, we were able to reach more than 139 thousand children and adolescents. Our intervention focused on: Strengthening the protection systems for the care of children and adolescents in ll

their communities of origin, during the migratory transit, at the destination and during their return so they may enjoy their right to a decent, protected and safe life.

Another important theme of our strategy is the participation in spaces of political ll advocacy, along with other civil society organisations, and in international instances of discussion, such as the United Nations.

120,000 100,000 80,000

Child protection Appropriate care Protection systems

Prevention of violence

Total reach:

199 thousand people, of which over 139 thousand



were children and adolescents

40,000 20,000 0 Children and adolescents 139,228

Adults 60,404

Total 199,632


Opportunities for adolescents In Latin America and the Caribbean, we work with children, adolescents, and youths between the ages of 10 and 24, seeking to strengthen their skills as well as the exercise of their economic, sexual and reproductive rights. We do this through a comprehensive approach with three key components: sexual and reproductive health, empowerment with a rights-based approach, and economic empowerment. We are currently implementing 42 projects regarding adolescents in the region, most of which focus on empowerment with a rights-based approach. In 2016: We promoted the participation of adolescents in discussion and decision-making ll spaces at national and regional level. They were the main spokespersons in the launch of the global report “Every Last Girl�, which presented a petition for authorities to respect and fully enforce their rights.

A political advocacy and resource mobilisation plan was developed in order to ll

guide the countries in the region to strengthen their abilitites, advocacy actions, and resource mobilisation associated with adolescents.

400,000 350,000 300,000

Health and nutrition Child poverty Sexual and reproductive health

Skill development

Total reach:

473 thousand people, of which 175 thousand

250,000 200,000 150,000

were male and female adolescents

100,000 50,000 0 Children and adolescents 175,184

Adults 297,906

Total 473,090


Humanitarian responses We responded to 17 emergencies in the region, reaching over 837 thousand people, of which more than 380 thousand were children and adolescents. Honduras Response to Zika, drought and food security Haiti Hurricane Matthew

Guatemala Food security and landslides

Nicaragua Response to Zika and floods

El Salvador Response to Zika and irregular displacement/ migration Colombia Response to Zika and WASH

Ecuador Earthquake Bolivia Response to Zika and drought


Humanitarian response in Haiti In October 2016, Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti, leaving 1.4 million Haitians, including almost 600 thousand children, in need of humanitarian assistance. Save the Children took part in the humanitarian response providing access to shelter, water and sanitation, healthcare services, nutrition and education, and taking preventive measures to avoid exploitation, abuse, neglect, and violence against children and adolescents.

Total reach:

58 thousand people, including 34 thousand children



We provided support to six ll healthcare centres and so far we have carried out more than 7,500 consultations. Furthermore,

315 ll

children were

examined to rule out malnutrition.

70 healthcare workers were trained.

4,449 ll

members of

communities were trained on child protection.

We carried out sessions to ll

promote hygiene in

order to raise awareness and prevent illnesses such as diarrhea and cholera, reaching 2,500 people from 6 communities.

More than 3,700 ll

children registered in the 19 childfriendly spaces set up to provide psycho-emotional support and for them to be protected.

We trained 70 ll


leaders on safe building techniques and disaster risk reduction.


Humanitarian response in Ecuador On 16th April 2016, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit the Ecuadorian coast—Manabí and Esmeraldas being the two most affected provinces. More than 660 deceased were registered, and more than 28 thousand homeless. Moreover, the damage to school infrastructure affected over 170 thousand children and adolescents. Our response focused on 4 sectors: WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene), housing, protection and education, and we worked in coordination with authorities and community leaders.

Total reach:

13,500 people, including 5 thousand children and adolescents 13


2,500 learning kits for ll school-age children were delivered, and 158 teachers were trained on protection issues.

42 permanent community ll

child-friendly spaces were established, where we reached

3,200 children and adolescents. We trained 250 promoters to encourage these spaces.

400 family latrines were installed, at 30 ll

schools water and sanitation conditions were improved, 1,175 hygiene kits were delivered, 6 thousand people were sensitised on issues of hygiene promotion. A total of more than 15,000 people benefited of our water, sanitation and hygiene promotion programme.

Reinforced tents ll were built for

1,250 families

through our coupon exchange programme.


Through my eyes Photography workshops in friendly spaces Within the framework of our humanitarian response in Ecuador, we organised photography workshops with adolescents of the communities of Manabí and Esmeraldas. The activities allowed the adolescents to re-gain the spaces of their communities and to express their emotions and feelings through photography. A total of 118 children took part in the workshops and the pictures were exhibited in their communities and in an open-air installation on the United Nations Boulevard in Ecuador.

“When you take a camera in your hand, it takes you to another world, to the imagination, where taking a photo takes away the stress. It’s like discovering a world beyond yours”.

Carlos, 16 – Pedro Carbo, Ecuador.


Tackling Zika In 2016, Latin America and the Caribbean experienced a Zika epidemic affecting all the countries within the region and Save the Children was one of the first organizations to respond. The main objective of the regional response was to prevent newborn microcephaly and to guarantee the protection and appropriate care for children who were born with congenital malformations due to the virus. We achieved this by strengthening individual and community capacities for vector control and for self-care, delivering protection materials to the communities and health-related organisations, raising awareness of the use of contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the sexual transmission of the Zika virus, and by strengthening the commitment of decision makers and communities.

Total reach:

1.2 million people, of which over 330 thousand were children and adolescents


Achievements Dominican Republic We forged alliances with the corporate sector to improve health in vulnerable communities.

Haiti We responded to Zika by empowering the communities through education, protection, and mobilisation actions.

El Salvador We developed prevention projects against Zika in more than 70 schools through the creation of school brigades.

Honduras We trained and mobilised community organisations such as the health committees, violence prevention networks, and community medication funds.

Colombia We carried out sanitation and hygiene campaigns to control the vectors in coordination with the communities. We also delivered materials for prevention and protection, such as mosquito nets and educational materials. Nicaragua We created healthcare brigades who visited house by house raising awareness and educating the population.

Bolivia We trained over 27 thousand children and adolescents, and close to one thousand teachers on strategies to prevent Zika.


Advocacy and the “Every Last Child� global campaign

In Bolivia and Peru, we worked in ll

coordination with the governments to

prevent adolescent pregnancies.

In Brazil, Venezuela and Chile, we ll submitted reports, proposals and bills to promote comprehensive child protection.


The Ministry of Education of El ll

Salvador adopted Save the Children’s campaign “My Right to an Education Travels with Me�, committed to participate in the studies to better understand the impact of internal human displacement on education.

In ll


4 local governments

have implemented

investment in child projects, benefitting over 4,900 children.

Save the Children recommended the creation of a ll

special commission within the National Protection System in Mexico to guarantee that public investment in children is fair, of quality, and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, the Commission is operating and has been allocated a budget.

We created an advisory council ll

in Haiti formed by the government, multilateral organisations, and civil society organisations to position the issue of domestic child labour, and to promote assistance and prevention mechanisms on the public agenda.

In Paraguay, the law ll

banning physical and humiliating punishment was passed, and in Guatemala,

we carried out advocacy actions in order to implement the existing legislation against this type of violence.


#EveryLastGirl Our “Every Last Girl” campaign highlights the barriers faced by girls and adolescents which prevent the exercise of their rights such as gender violence, poor access to quality health and reproductive services, economic exclusion and the education gap. We work to empower girls and adolescents to make their voices heard and they are able to enjoy their full rights.

“I dream of a world where the rights of all children and adolescents are acknowledged and respected” Yarith – Perú.


Finance In 2016, the net income at regional level* was US$ 50.9 million.

Funds by thematic area Area








Child Rights Governance








Cross-cutting Themes




Fundraising TOTAL

* For country offices and the Regional Office. Source: Country Annual Report (CAR)

655 50,954


Contact details Our global movement comprises Save the Children International and 30 members. In Latin America and the Caribbean, we have the following country offices and members: Save the Children International Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Country Offices

Members Save the Children Dominican Republic Save the Children Honduras Save the Children Mexico

Bolivia Colombia El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Nicaragua Peru Sub-Office Ecuador


Published by Save the Children International. Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. August 2017.

The statistics are based on the last available figures of Save the Children’s programmes and reports.

We would like to thank all of the people who participated in developing this annual report.


Save the Children City of Knowledge Calle Gustavo Lara, Building #141 Panama City, Panama. Tel: + (507) 301-5780 Email:

Follow us: SavetheChildrenLAC @savechildrenLAC @savethechildrenlac


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