10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
INTRODUCTION Employee referrals are not only cost effective but employees hired through referrals have been shown to be up to 25% more productive than hires from other sources making them a tool for organizational growth and productivity. There are certain key characteristics that are needed to be present for any employee referral program to provide true business value to an organization.
10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
Here are some of the key features accumulated from industry thought to help you improve your employee referral program :
10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
Keep it Simple Keep the employee referral program simple so it is easy for employees to understand it & act on it. A cumbersome Employee Referral Program can automatically impact participation.
Be Responsive Implement SLAs for program responsiveness. An employee referral program that responds to employees within a defined time frame is the only one that can motivate employees to participate and refer. Too many good referral programs have fallen by the roadside as they have not failed to respond to employee referrals within reasonable time lines. 10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
Reward Management Put in place an effective reward mechanism that seeks to recognize employees for the effort put into the program as well. Rather than seeking to reward only employees whose referrals are successfully hired, put in place a reward mechanism that rewards employees for their contribution as well through small tokens of appreciation.
Prioritize Jobs Prioritize positions and jobs to only invite referrals for openings which are likely to get referrals from employees. • Selectively send job openings to employees most closely associated with the job or position to ensure high quality relevant employee referrals. 10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
Use Technology Use technology to automate repetitive tasks like sending out a mail inviting referrals for current open positions every week, sending reminders for follow up action etc. to ensure the process can run on its own.
Be Responsive Integrate social media capabilities into your referral platform. Employee referral programs thrive on capitalizing on these social connections of employees to gain access to high quality talent which can be hired now or in the future. Ensuring your employee referral tool incorporates features to enable employees to share open positions across their social networks can increase the effectiveness of a referral program manifold. 10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
Go Mobile An estimated 30 million of the workforce works remotely making it imperative for organizations to either design a mobile referral portal or incorporate features into the existing employee referral platform that allows employees to refer candidates through their mobile devices so that all employees irrespective of their physical place of work can participate in the program.
Gamify the program Introduce elements of gamification into the referral program to generate a sense of healthy competitiveness among employees by driving up involvement and excitement levels among employees.
10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
The features recommended above are all time tested features that have helped drive and sustain some of the best employee referral programs.
Keep these above tips in mind while designing your program and you are sure to have a winner in your hands.
10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program
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10 Tips to Improve your Employee Referral Program