1 minute read
Gentle Giant
If you are unfamiliar with a whale shark, you might shudder at the thought of a colossal shark possibly lurking nearby—but, fear not. Fortunately for swimmers, this slow-moving, gentle giant won’t bite. The whale shark is a filter feeding shark and not an uncommon creature to encounter in the warm tropical waters surrounding the Hawaiian Islands. The species, believed to have originated approximately 60 million years ago, is not a cetacean, so the “whale” part of its title is a bit of a misnomer. Instead, it is the sole member of the genus Rhincodon. This shark, however, is the biggest “fish” in the sea, and has been known to reach over 40 feet long and weigh in around 47,000 lbs. The whale shark poses little threat to humans with a diet consisting primarily of plankton. If you are lucky enough to spot a whale shark swimming lazily in the ocean with its giant mouth open wide, don’t panic—just keep your distance, and enjoy the show.