1 minute read
Beautiful and Delicious
While the liliko‘i (passion fruit) is one of the most popular tropical fruits, the striking flower that it stems from gets little of the attention it deserves. Named by Spanish Christian missionaries who arrived in South America in the 1500s and 1600s, the flower has a fascinating structure thought to be a symbol of the Passion of Jesus Christ.
Today, the beautiful specimen is used to treat a variety of medicinal issues from insomnia and anxiety to high blood pressure and seizures. Many herbal supplements contain passionflower extract, but it is commonly sipped on in the form of tea. Look for teas that promote sleepiness and relaxation, and chances are passionflower is listed among the ingredients. The extract is also used as flavoring for foods.

The sweet, juicy fruit is loaded with seeds and is a good source of niacin, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C and is popular in desserts, jellies and juices including cocktails. Liliko‘i is a special fruit indeed—starting as a beautiful, beneficial bloom and maturing into a tasty, tropical treat.