1 minute read

Honu, Green Sea Turtles, are more than beloved sea creatures. In Hawai‘i, honu are sacred symbols of longevity, safety and mana (spiritual power). To see a honu is thought to be a bringer of good luck but their sea habitat continues to be threatened by the continuous dumping of plastic into our waters. Annually, around 10 million tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean resulting in the death of millions of sea creatures. To combat this fight, the Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute has created its Honu Hero program where residents and visitors can take a hands-on approach to battle plastics in our ocean. To participate, sign up with the Marine Institute and coordinate a pick up of your beach cleanup kit which will include a bucket, datasheet, clipboard, pencils and gloves. Then, head to your favorite beach and have fun while you clean the beach of harmful debris. After you return your cleanup kit and the datasheet, don’t forget to post your pictures to Instagram using the hashtag #HonuHero and share how you helped to keep the islands we love as clean as possible.
Honu Hero at the Maui Ocean Center; 192 Mā‘alaea Road
Wailuku, HI 96793; (808) 286-2549; mocmarineinstitute.org/ honuhero; 72-hours notice is required for cleanup kits. Pickup of kits are available on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.