Social networks of care Dr. Sawad Thotathil Care Coordinates
Providers and social platforms
Social platforms provide numerous ways to connect providers and/or patients
Provider collaboration using online groups are a powerful new way to help patients as it can overcome the hurdles in conventional forms of engagement.
Here we discuss 3 different use cases
Platforms used – Salesforce, Facebook
Identities have been blackened out where necessary
Patient centered Groups ď‚—
Healthcare workers caring for a patient in the community maybe located at different sites/organizations
They would want to update each other about what is happening with the patient
The next 2 slides demonstrate how different members of a hospitalist post discharge team collaborated using Salesforce
Multi-team collaboration ď‚—
There are often multiple teams collaborating to achieve seamless care
These teams are often different businesses located at different sites, and may never even meet each other
The next slide demonstrates how 2 teams, one in the hospital and a practice in the community collaborate using Salesforce to hand-off care
Knowledge sharing by providers ď‚—
Closed provider groups can be used for knowledge sharing and problem solving
Members can bring up clinical and scientific issues as well as specific problems they come across while treating patients
The next 2 slides are from the largest and most active forum of doctors (7000 plus members) on Facebook that was started by Dr.Abha Majumdar, a leading IVF practitioner in India