94TH ANNUAL MEETING Sheraton New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA June 13-16, 2017 • (Event Dates June 15 and 16)
2017 VENDOR PROGRAM Inside… 16 Connecting with People 20 2016/2017 Award Winners 30 FSMA Questions Answered
64 Daytona Convention Wrap-Up 70 2016 SAWD College Scholarship Winners
36 Schedule of Events
71 Seven Elements that Lead to Repeat Business
60 Officers & Directors Elected/Installed
72 Advertisers Directory
www.the-southern.org • Phone/Text/Fax:770-932-3263
Table of Contents Letter from the Governor of Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Letter from the Mayor of New Orleans, LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letter from the SAWD President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Letter from the SLD President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Hospitality Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 First Lady’s Social Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Letter from the CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Connecting with People in a Gadget-Crazy World . 16-17 Award Winners 2016 / 2017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22 20th Annual Silent Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FSMA: Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 SLD Business Resource in Pittsburgh, PA . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-37 Education Fund Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Council of Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 A Note About Anti-Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Welcome New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SAWD Executive Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 SAWD State Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 46 At-Large Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 SAWD Board Broker Rep, SLD Rep, Legislative Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Manufacturer Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 SLD Officers & Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 New Vendor Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Officers & Directors Elected and Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61 2016 Daytona Convention Wrap-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65 Mid-Year BOD Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ . . . . . . . . . . 66-67 2016 SAWD College Scholarship Winners . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Award-Winning Essay: Seven Elements that Lead to Repeat Business . . . . . . 71 Advertisers Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Good friends make a world of difference. And that’s how we see our great partnership with the SAWD. Thanks from all of us for making this business a success and a real pleasure.
Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors Building relationships. Building growth.
SAWD 2017
CITY OF NEW ORLEANS Welcome! As Mayor of New Orleans, it is my pleasure to welcome the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors 94th Annual Meeting. Thank you for choosing New Orleans for your annual meeting. You will experience the warm hospitality and unique culture that New Orleans has to offer. I am certain that New Orleans will serve as the perfect destination for the meeting and trade show and will provide the best opportunities for the group. While you are here, take some time to relax and explore the City. Dine in our incomparable restaurants; enjoy some of the great music we have to offer, tour historic neighborhoods like the French Quarter and Treme, and shop in our antique and specialty shops throughout New Orleans, including the bustling Magazine Street corridor. It is my hope that your stay will be memorable and that you leave with new knowledge and relationships. I extend my best wishes to the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors and those partaking in the festivities. Sincerely,
Mitchell J. Landrieu, Mayor City of New Orleans
1300 PERDIDO STREET | SUITE 2E04 | NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA | 70112 PHONE 504-658-4900|FAX 504-558-4938
SAWD 2017
g n i c u d o r Int é l t s e N m fro
dulgent n i w e n , y t l et and sa orm! t e s w y s b f o y r e o c g n bala olate cate c o h c e The perfect h t g re takin a s e x i m k c sna
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of adults snack to satisfy a craving1
Source: 1) Mintel Snacking Motivations and Attitudes (US, April 2015), 2) Nielsen xAOC + Conv. choc peg L52 Ending 7/16/16
in sales of chocolate branded snack mixes2
growth of chocolate peg segment due to snack mixes2
All trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland
From the President’s Corner
lbert Einstein usually receives the credit as the one who defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Well this year, the SAWD is NOT doing the same thing for our 94th Annual Meeting, and we expect even better results. We heard our members loud and clear, planned strategically, and moved forward making bold changes. While we have had successful meetings in the past, it is time to try new methods and ideas to keep pace with our evolving industry. All stakeholders in our industry are changing. Our suppliers emerge and consolidate; our customers build, sell, and lease stores at a frantic pace; and our competitors, e.g., clubs, cash & carry operations, and dollar stores, are affecting consumer habits. To put on a show and meeting the size of SAWD vendors and attendees cost a lot of money. We believe this new format will enhance the value relative to each of our incurred costs. There are three major changes: 1. Ten-2-Profit (1:30 til 5:00 Thursday) brings buyers and sellers together for structured one-on-one meetings. Though similar to some other industry events, this format will be unique and addresses some of the exhausting and inefficient negatives in other formats. 2. House of Deals (8:15 til Noon Friday) at the House of Blues creates a similar traditional show experience but tighter and more energized in this famous venue. Don’t miss the Second Line Parade to the show, which starts at 8:15 AM. 6
3. On Line Show Deals for the first time ever will be available to all registered members for two weeks before and after the show. Members have asked for this for years, and this year the SAWD found a way to make it happen with the help of some of our wonderful member partners. One change not made was to continue offering high quality educational opportunities. Thom Singer, Bryan Dodge, and a panel discussion of our own members will inspire, challenge and enlighten us all. One other change was a “downer” when we learned of the resignation of Karen (and Larry) Glass in April. Karen has been a tremendous key staff member for SAWD for over 18 years. With an ever-present, cheerful, fun loving attitude, Karen has made sure we had great shows, meetings and FUN. I know I speak for all of us — “Karen, we love you and will miss you!” It has been my privilege to serve as SAWD President this past year. I think I may hold the record for the shortest tenure ever. The Board of Directors reduced the officer track from 10 years to 5 years and now the President only serves a one year term (another change). To the membership, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, staff and, of course, Greg Martin, who I believe to be the best association executive I have ever worked alongside, I am deeply grateful for the honor to have served as SAWD President. Laissez les bons temps rouler! Let the good times roll!
Randy Long SAWD 2017
CoreMark takes pride in bringing you the very best fresh foods and beverages for your health-conscious consumers. All while making it profitable for you. The demands of Fresh have soared. 43% of retailers say that they have added more fresh fruit or vegetables this year; 39% have added more packaged salads; and 30% have added more cut fruits and vegetables. Overall, 85% of retailers say they sell fresh fruit or vegetables, an 8-point increase over last year.* Our Category Management, Focused Marketing Initiative and Technology Ordering Solutions make it easy for you to keep your shelves stocked with the right amount of products at the right time. And we are always developing strategies and solutions customized for you to further increase foot traffic and profit margins. Start growing your business today! Come visit us at: www.core-mark.com or contact your local Core-Mark representative. Atlanta Eric Meyer 4820 North Church Ln. Smyrna, GA 30080 (404) 792-2000
Forrest City Brad Blumenstock 3400 Commerce Rd. Forrest City, AR 72335 (870) 633-2044
Ft. Worth Chris Hughes 6401 Will Rogers Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76134 (817) 293-5558
Kentucky Matt Ashley 1055 Salt River Rd. Leitchfield, KY 42754 (270) 259-9341
Carolina Michael Davenport 1144 Broadway Rd. Sanford, NC 27332 (919) 774-9444
Tampa Mark Dryden 9020 King Palm Dr. Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 664-0474
*NACS 2016
A Letter from the SLD President SAWD SLD Business Resource Meeting is a time for members to get educated on industry topics, share ideas and challenges, and network with peers. I look forward to this meeting every year. The learning experience from the education sessions and the knowledge gained from other members makes the meeting valuable to me. Every year the SLD tries to focus on a hot topic for the educational piece of the meeting to drive attendance and be of value to members. One of the topics that continues to get discussed is Food Service and how to implement successful programs in the c-store environment. SLD members wanted a real experience, not just listening to another speaker on the topic so the Southern organization decided to reach out to Randy Emanualson and Rob Sincavich, owners of TeamSledd. They generously offered to give SLD members a rare opportunity by allowing us to take a look behind the curtain at TeamSledd. Last November the SAWD Southern Leadership Division headed north to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for our annual business resource meeting. Located just an hour’s bus ride from Pittsburgh in Wheeling West Virginia, is Team Sledd’s warehouse which was newly renovated in 2014. Once inside the front doors you realize this is not just another distributor warehouse, in fact you might even mistake it for a convenience store. The Convenience Learning Center serves as a retail location where their employees can purchase products but also where TeamSledd can test new programs, products, planograms, store setup and much more. Randy and Rob gave a warehouse tour followed by a Q&A session in a classroom environment. The group was then served lunch consisting of products offered as part of their food service offerings. Lastly we were shown a mock customer proposal presentation to get an idea of how they go to market and differentiate themselves from their competition. What an incredibly valuable experience the SLD members received that day, thanks to Team Sledd. A true look inside the operations of a Southern Distributor member made for a great meeting. The SLD just keeps getting better every year and this November we are headed to Hershey, Pennsylvania. Come be a part of this great group of leaders, and join us in Hershey!
Leanne Jennings
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
HOSPITALITY SUITE Be sure to drop by our “Southern Hospitality Suite” during the day for a cup of coffee or a soft drink and in the evening, a hosted bar. It’s a great place to meet, make plans with friends, or just relax. Adjacent to the Hospitality Suite will be the Silent Auction to benefit our Education Fund. This Silent Auction features over $15,000 worth of items contributed by the members of the Board of Directors, vendors, and others. Hours Open: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Wednesday After Dinner (About 10:00 p.m.) - Until — Wednesday evening 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Thursday After Dinner (About 10:00 p.m.) - Until — Thursday evening Waterbury Room, 2nd Floor of the Sheraton New Orleans The “Southern Hospitality Suite” is provided to all convention delegates by the Manufacturer & Broker Representatives on your Southern Board of Directors: Altria Group Distribution Company American Snuff Company Burdette Beckmann Creative Data Research Dot Foods ITG Brands Jack Link’s Protein Snacks Lil’ Drug Store Products Matrix Brokerage
National Tobacco Nestlé USA ProCat Distribution Technologies RAI Trade Marketing Services Republic Tobacco Company Swedish Match Swisher International The Hershey Company
SAWD 2016
Trusted iconic brands and expert category management delivering sustainable growth. The Hershey Company is proud to support the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors. hersheys.com
SAWD 2017
First Lady Penny Long wishes to extend an invitation to all spouses and guests attending the Annual Meeting, to join her for the First Lady’s Social which will be held on Thursday, June 15th from 10:00 am until 11:30 am This is an ideal opportunity to meet some of the other attendees while enjoying the Brunch. This Social is also a great meeting place to gather with friends prior to going out for the day. Please check your onsite schedule for location.
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
From the Chief Executive Officer… The Friction of Leadership Last year the Board of Directors conducted a deep dive into the value of the trade show hours at our Annual Meeting. In addition, we re-thought the basis upon which dues are based, the economics of our Annual Meeting, as well as the pathway to leadership in the Southern. The resulting changes were significant and the rationale for the changes really cannot be over communicated. Here’s the view from 20,000 feet:
The “Show” Re-Imagined After extensive surveying, conversations, focus groups, and committee meetings it became apparent that the traditional pipe and drape trade show format was no longer effective at meeting the needs of buyers or sellers in today’s environment. The Board of Directors approved two events to take the place of the traditional trade show: Ten-2-Profit and House of Deals.
Ten-2-Profit One-on-one appointments in a “speed dating” format allows guaranteed face-time with buyers. This event will be held in the headquarters hotel ballroom on Thursday of the meeting. This event is all business and highly structured with strictly timed 10-minute appointments. Buyers are stationary for this event. Each company will have their own table(s).
House of Deals Buyers wanted to meet in a unique environment, and in a more relaxed atmosphere than a hotel ballroom. This event will be held on Friday of the meeting at the New Orleans House of Blues. At this event the vendors will be stationary. Each vendor will have one high-top cocktail table and a banner stand with their logo on it. They will be able to bring whatever they can carry in a carry-on suitcase to display.
Virtual Show / Online Deals Buyers wanted more and better quality deals. Deals will be available online to buyers registered for the show from June 1 to June 30. This increases the buying window from 6 hours to a max of thirty days. It allows buyers to review and place orders ahead of the meeting which will allow buyers to: clear the time at the meeting for more strategic conversations to take place, to see more products than they could see in a few hours, and to explore those products / services that require some amount of customer education to understand. 14
Pay-One-Price / Family Friendly Destinations Ask anyone about our unique selling point as an organization and two words will always come up: “relationships” and “family”. Changing our registration pricing to include immediate family members, and making a commitment to booking meetings in family friendly destinations undergirds what we are known for and what we value .
Revised Dues Basis All readers of this article have had to manage through the tension caused by price increases. After an exhaustive review of financial trends it was obvious that, in order to remain viable, we needed to adjust both our dues rates, and the basis upon which those dues were based.
Pathway to Leadership It is a fact that volunteerism is on the decline in all organizations. Look at your own churches, non-profits, community service organizations etc. Two-year terms for officers—which is what we have had for decades— meant a 10+year path through the “chairs.” Asking a business owner to commit themselves or their key employees to 10 years of volunteer services was simply too much. Moving to 1 year terms for officers cuts the path in half and is in alignment with best practices in associations. Change means movement and movement causes friction. That said, I am grateful to serve alongside a group of leaders willing to attempt change when warranted, and members and vendors willing to give those changes a fair chance to succeed. The Southern’s Board, Committee Members, and staff are optimistic that these changes will position the organization to face the future head-on. We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans! Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Greg Martin Chief Executive Officer SAWD 2017
Altria Group Distribution Company salutes The Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors. We salute you on another successful meeting and we thank you for your continued support!
To learn more, visit Insightsc3m.com.
Altria Group, Inc. 2016; For trade purposes only.
he last few years everyone has been crazy about “social media.” The past decade has seen rapid changes in how people create and cultivate relationships, and smart phones and other mobile tools have ignited a connection revolution. The tools we use to communicate have forever changed and now people can have access to unlimited numbers of people at their fingertips. In this age of technology, have we created more meaningful relationships or are we just substituting “likes,” “links,” “shares,” and “follows” for real humanto-human connections? Are the digital gadgets making it easier to network when we attend live events and beyond? People are experiential beings and we bond with others through shared experiences. The problem in this current social media focused world is that people can feel a false sense of security in developing relationships only to find there is little value in their network. This disconnect is never more evident than at live inperson events. People are hiding behind their technology instead of talking with the people seated next to them. It is not uncommon to see a line of people waiting for coffee during a networking break all with their attention 16
focused on their phones and tablets. People zone out at meals, when talking around the table could be a key time to share ideas with other attendees, and instead they check Facebook, email, and other online venues to see what is happening to people who are not in the room. Social media and our digital devices are wonderful tools that can assist everyone in being better connected and more productive, but they also can be a distraction that leaves people more isolated and cause them to miss out on making the meaningful connections that they desire. A main reason that people cite for attending a conference, trade show, conventions or seminar is often the “networking opportunities,” but once present they fail to take the actions necessary to meet new people and instigate the beginnings of long-term and mutually beneficial relationships. If connecting is the purpose that drives people to be present for these gatherings, we all must be committed to finding ways to engage with each other. Our current society is allowing the detached (and some say rude) behavior of people checking their phones while engaged in face-to-face conversations. I recently attended a lunch with two other professionals; one of SAWD 2017
them had their phone out and was reviewing emails and texts the whole time we dined. The other put his phone away. It was clear who was more engaged in our discussion. A conference is a mini-society and societies have cultural norms. When you are at an event you should talk to the other participants. When you take the lead in starting conversations, others will follow. It is often the impromptu “hallway conversations” with peers that are pointed to as the highlight of an event, and thus these
chats make a difference in how everyone will rate the experience of the whole conference. While social media and mobile technology are great, do not fall into the trap of feeling that reading a Facebook update is equal to having a conversation. When you attend a live event, remember that the power is in the people. Most will be happy that you say “hello” and one never knows where that initial meeting will lead. All opportunities come from people, so take charge in being engaged with those around you. n
Thom Singer, a keynote speaker at The Southern’s 2017 Annual Meeting, is a professional master of ceremonies and motivational speaker. He is known as “The Conference Catalyst” as he sets the tone when he speaks at a conference and encourages people to be more engaged while on site and beyond. Singer is also the host of the “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do Podcast.” He can be reached at (512) 970-0398 or thom@thomsinger.com. www.ConferenceCatalyst.com.
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Our ongoing commitment to customer service and consumer satisfaction make Swedish Match your #1 choice for growing your OTP profits.
Please call 1-800-367-3677 or visit swedishmatch.com ©2017 SWEDISH MATCH NORTH AMERICA LLC
SAWD 2017
The Southern Awards 2016 Outgoing SAWD President, Paula Glidewell with Glidewell Distributing, receiving the Hershey Leadership Award from Hershey’s Michael Hughes.
April Garver with Southco Distributing receives her 2016 Southern Leader of the Year Award from SAWD President, Paula Glidewell with Glidewell Distributing.
2016 SAWD ALLIED PRODUCTS REP OF THE YEAR AWARD The 2016 SAWD Allied Products Representative of the Year Award went to Trey Williams with Thomas M. Williams and Associates. Trey is shown with Tom Brice with Lil’ Drug Store, the 2014 winner.
2016 SAWD LIBERTY AWARD The 2016 SAWD Liberty Award was awarded to Jack Casanova with Church Point Wholesale. Jack received his award from Greg Martin with The Southern.
2016 SAWD SERVICE AWARD The 2016 SAWD Service Award was awarded to Marty Howell with The H.T. Hackney Company. Marty is shown accepting his award from Scott McPherson with Core-Mark, the 2015 winner.
2016 SAWD CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD A SAWD 2016 Career Achievement Award was awarded to Dick Dunham with Stephenson Wholesale by Jimmy Stewart with Stewart Distribution, the 2013 winner.
2016 SAWD CAREER ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Congratulations to Bob Klein with ITG Brands for being awarded the SAWD 2016 Career Achievement Award. Bob received his award from Ricky Jones of Andalusia Distributing Company, the 2015 winner.
2016 SAWD SNACK REP OF THE YEAR AWARD Tony Berryhill with Turkey Creek Snacks received the SAWD 2016 Snack Representative of the Year Award from the 2012 winner, Michael Hughes with The Hershey Company.
SAWD 2017
Meetings with a Mission Meetings with a Mission was designed to encourage connections between our attendees and those in the community of our host city. In 2016, we partnered with Halifax Urban Ministries (www.halifaxurbanministries.org). We are proud to announce that we assembled 300+ toiletry kits (items donated by BIC, Lil’ Drug Store, National Tobacco, Atlantic Dominion, Lyons Specialty, Core-Mark and The Southern), 150+ snack bags, and collected over $2,200 in cash (and that was in addition to the $1,000 check from The Southern). Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, money and items!
SAWD 2017
The Southern Awards 2017
Michael Hughes 2017 SAWD SERVICE AWARD
Butch DiChiara 2017 LIBERTY AWARD
Charlie Casper
Ron Leitner
Randy Long
Fort Smith, AR
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
5173 Pioneer Drive • Meridian, MS 39301 P.O. Box 667 • Marion, MS 39342 (601) 482-3144 • (800) 828-5664 • Fax (601) 482-3109
201 North Fulton Drive • Corinth, MS 38834 P.O. Box 250 • Corinth, MS 38835-0250 (662) 287-2421 • (800) 822-5664 • Fax (662) 287-6689
MERIDIAN Kenny Coghlan Ray Long, Jr. Sam E. Long, III Trey Long
CORINTH Rusty Boone Colby Carmichiel Tracy Dye Jeff Johnson Randy Long Tommy Stine
SAWD 2017
230 South 22nd Avenue • Durant, OK 74701 Phone 580-920-0110 • Fax 580-920-1323 • Toll Free 800-442-2880
Durant • Norman • Lawton
SAWD 2017
Merchants Grocery coMpany, Inc. A Company You Can Count On
WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS 800 Maddox Drive Culpeper, VA 22701 Phone: 540.825.0786 Fax: 540.825.9016
www.merchants-grocery.com 26
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
20th Annual
Representative items only
SILENT AUCTION to Benefit the Education Fund
The Southern’s Education Fund was established a number of years ago to provide educational opportunities for members, their employees and family members. The Silent Auction, which will be held throughout the convention, will raise money for the fund. Our Education and Convention 28
Committees last year were successful in raising over $15,000 for our Education Fund through the Silent Auction. With your support and participation, we hope to exceed that figure this year. Items are offered through the generosity of Southern members and vendors. SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
FSMA: Frequently Asked Questions What is FSMA? The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law January 2011 with the intention of ensuring the safety of the food supply in the United States and establishing procedures to execute food recalls when needed. The Act requires mandatory safety standards and preventative controls to be in place for all food processing and distribution facilities. There are five key sections in the FSMA regulations that impact food handling facilities. 1. Prevention—Facilities must establish and implement a food safety plan that includes an analysis of potential hazards in their facility along with preventive controls. Preventive controls include a food safety plan, documented processes and sanitation measures.
Does FSMA apply to me? If your company distributes food product of any kind you need to comply with FSMA by September 17, 2017. 2. Inspection and Compliance—All food processing and distribution companies will be inspected by the FDA for compliance with FSMA. To comply with the FSMA requirements companies need to establish food safety plans and maintain records that are easily accessible for FDA inspectors. High risk companies will be inspected on a more frequent basis by the FDA. A company is considered to be “high risk” if they process or distribute raw products such as fish, produce, or poultry. 3. Imports— Importers will be responsible and liable for their suppliers’ compliance with the FSMA regulations. An importer must be able to show that the products they are importing comply with FSMA and the associated food safety preventive controls. There are third-party certification programs that can be used for this purpose. 30
4. Response—The U.S. Food & Drug Administration is requiring manufacturers and distributors to enhance their record keeping for all food products they have had custody of. They recommend that records be accumulated by technology that can capture and maintain product information including lot numbers, expiration dates, manufacturing codes, and temperatures. FSMA requires manufacturers and distributors to keep three years of records for all products they have handled in their facility and have the ability to notify all end users of a recall within 24 hours. 5. Enhanced Partnerships— Enhanced Partnerships allow for the various food safety agencies to work together to implement the FSMA regulations. The cooperation of all Federal agencies working to ensure the safety of the food supply is necessary for the goals of the legislation to be accomplished. Who should care about FSMA? Any company that manufactures, distributes, stores, or transports dry and/or temperature controlled food products is subject to the FSMA requirements.
Does FSMA Apply to me? My warehouse only distributes produce? FSMA has a section dedicated to produce safety. The FDA established minimum standards for the safe harvest of fruits and vegetables. Proper product storage and temperature controls play a big role in ensuring produce does not contain or become exposed to unwanted bacteria, mold, or spoilage. Produce processors and distributors are required to keep temperature logs of SAWD 2017
products as they move through the supply chain. This data needs to be available for the FDA when they are researching a recall. My warehouse only distributes refrigerated product? FSMA has a section that addresses temperature sensitive products. FSMA requires product temperatures and lots to be captured and recorded at time of receiving, and monitored as products move through the supply chain to the end user. Item temperatures and lots should be recorded for products at key touch points including receiving, picking, loading and delivery. These procedures are intended to document that products have been stored properly and were not subject to spoilage or contamination. My warehouse only distributes non-refrigerated product? FSMA requires track and trace capabilities for all companies that handle food items that can be subject to a recall. This includes dry products that contain ingredients such as nuts, cocoa, or eggs because they have the potential to be recalled. FSMA requires all companies to have the ability to recall products they have handled, if needed.
What is a Food Safety Plan? A Food Safety Plan is the document that contains the policies and procedures a company uses to ensure the safety of the food products they distribute. The key components of a food safety plan are a hazard analysis, the preventative controls and a recall plan. The hazard analysis has every item listed and categorized on how it will be stored within your facility along with the preventative measures you will take to ensure it stays at temperature and what the product’s spoilage temperature is. The preventative controls portion correlates with the hazard analysis and details how the facility will prevent cross-contamination. The recall plan outlines how a company will notify affected parties of a product recall. Every company is required to have a Food Safety Plan in place and train its employees on how to use it.
What role does technology play in FSMA? Technology can: • Enable distributors to automate processes including receiving, picking, replenishment and delivery • Eliminate the need for paper records • Capture and store product information including lot numbers and expiration dates SAWD 2017
• Provide information and reporting to support recall requirements • Provide information and reporting about products that are in a building • Provide information and reporting about products that have been delivered over the past three years
What type of record keeping do I need to have?
Companies that are subject to FSMA need to maintain three years of records on all shipments for recall purposes. FSMA authorizes the FDA to have access to all company food safety records including food safety plans and product track and trace records. FDA inspectors will have authority to review all track and trace records which will explain how products were stored. This will be of particular interest to an inspector if they suspect food has been compromised in a facility. For more information on the FDA Guidelines and the Food Safety Modernization Act please go to: http://www. fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA
Procat will be hosting a lunch and learn session on FSMA from 12:15 pm to 1:15pm on Thursday, June 15 at the Annual Meeting. If your company distributes any type of food product, you are subject to new regulations. In this session, ProCat breaks FSMA down to the basics. Learn how it affects our industry and what distributors need to be doing. 31
SLD Business Resource Meeting 2016
Sheraton Pittsburgh at Station Square
he 2016 SLD Business Resource Meeting was held at the Sheraton Pittsburgh at Station Square. Members of the Southern Leadership Division participated in a three-day conference focusing on topics specific to the convenience products industry. As a trade association, the most valuable thing that we can offer is creating an environment where competitors cooperate for the benefit of each other, their customers and the industry they serve. Getting a “peek behind the curtain” to see the inner workings of another business is an incredibly valuable and increasing rare opportunity. The owners of Team Sledd graciously gave the attendees of the 2016 SLD Meeting this golden opportunity! After a one-hour bus ride through the beautiful Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia countryside, we arrived at the totally renovated 200,000 square foot warehouse. While at Team Sledd, everyone enjoyed a warehouse tour, treated to lunch in the Team Sledd Convenience Center and listened to Team Sledd employees explain how and why Team Sledd is so successful. A special thank
you to Rob Sincavich and Randy Emanuelson and the entire Team Sledd for a great day. SLD attendees were able to benefit from a very enlightening presentation on Food Safety led by Bill Bremer with Krestel Management. Attendees also participated in a very informative roundtable discussion that was led by some of The Southern’s own distributors. As always, these discussions offered many new and different ideas for those in attendance to take back to their own businesses. This continues to be one of the most valuable events of the meeting. The attendees “gave back” to Pittsburgh by lending a hand to Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership and raked leaves in one of the many city parks that Pittsburgh residences enjoy. The SLD Group also participated in a geocaching team building adventure through popular Station Square. The group also enjoyed a relaxing dinner cruise on the Gateway Clipper and a couple of evenings networking in the hospitality suite, hosted by ITG Brands. Much was accomplished and a great time was had by all!
A very special thanks goes to our sponsors for their generous assistance in making this meeting a success!
Platinum Sponsors RAI Trade Marketing Services SAWD Education Fund Gold Sponsors ITG Brands Altria Sales & Distribution Swedish Match Swisher International Scandinavian Tobacco Group Silver Sponsors Creative Data Research National Tobacco The Hershey Company Bronze Sponsors Jack Link’s Protein Snacks Republic Tobacco
SAWD Education Fund
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
SLD Business Resource Meeting Hershey, Pennsylvania November 6-8, 2017
is a sweet smoke and a quick sell. With more cigar sales per store, per week than all other major large cigar manufacturers, Swisher Sweets should always be a staple in your store. Keep them on your shelf…if you can. *As reported by MSAi - 52 weeks ending 1/21/2017
SWISHERSWEETS.COM | 800.874.9720 SAWD 2017
SAWD 94th Annual Meeti Note: This is a tentative schedule of events. All details subject to change. www.the-Southern.org will always have the latest information. The on-site program supersedes all pre-printed materials.
TUESDAY, June 13 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM Registration Desk Open 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM Chair/Vice Chair Meeting 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Committee Meetings 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Finance & Budget Committee 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM Chairman’s Reception & Dinner Antoine’s For members of the Board of Directors and Past Presidents.
service organization, allowing us to roll-up our sleeves and work alongside one another for a worthy cause. Join us for a different kind of experience at the Southern’s 94th Annual Meeting. 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM SAWD Board of Directors’ Meeting 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM SLD Board Meeting 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM New Vendor Reception All Buyers and First-time Vendors 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Welcome Reception All invited
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Golf Tournament Lakewood Golf Club http://www.lakewoodgolf.com/ Register for golf via online registration.
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Desk Open
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration Desk Open
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM Education Sessions
Meetings with a Mission is a Southern initiative designed to encourage connections between attendees and those in the community for the purpose of doing good. We will be partnering with a local charitable
9:20 AM – 10:30 AM Session 2 “Safeguarding Your People and Your Stuff”
After Dinner – Until Hospitality Suite - Open to All
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM SAWD Meetings with a Mission
Thom Singer, CSP, has more than 25 years of sales and marketing experience with firms such as RR Donnelley, Brobeck Phleger & Harrison LLP, Andrews Kurth LLP, Marsh Inc., and Wells Fargo Bank. He is an expert in human engagement and has trained thousands of professionals in the art of building professional contacts that lead to increased business.
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM Dinner & Industry Awards Dinner and awards done “Nawlin’s style.”
9:45 AM - 2:00 PM Cooking Creole Cooking Creole is one of the hottest rages in the country. Enjoy a guided tour through some of the oldest streets in the United States as you make your way to and from delicious New Orleans Cooking. You’ll stroll through romantic courtyards, past charming antique shops, galleries and elegant homes. Once at the cooking school, you will enjoy a blend of comedy and cooking when the chef prepares several delicacies such as jambalaya and bread pudding in front of your very eyes— and lets you be the judge—you’ll get to eat everything that is prepared.
successful human engagement, cross-selling, and other skills to help everyone in your organization reach their highest potential.
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Kick-Off Breakfast (Continental)
8:00 AM – 9:10 AM Session 1 “The Paradox of Potential” Thom Singer, CSP Having “high potential” does not mean performing at maximum capability. While many believe they are doing all they can, a huge number of professionals are frustrated because they are coming up short of their personal expectations (and the expectations of others). Beyond excuses and finger pointing, this interactive presentation gets to the heart of how people can accomplish more and enjoy their work. As more organizations focus on the “future of work,” this is about more than telecommuting and stand up desks. It is about getting excited about goal setting, realistic assessments, teamwork,
Facilitated Panel Discussion Risk reduction often takes a back seat to profit generating activities, yet millions of dollars are lost each year – in our region alone – from illegal activities such as: • Cyber-attacks hijacking companies’ AR and demanding ransom payments, • Sophisticated warehouse break-ins or simple hijacking of trucks to steal cigarettes, • “Trusted” employees caught keeping a second set of books, or • Drivers using company gas cards to fill up their personal vehicles. Not only can inventories and profits be put at risk but often your most valuable asset—your employees—can find themselves in harm’s way as well. We will discuss a variety of real-life examples from Southern members and industry friends that touch on fleet, facility, data, personnel, and inventory safety and security and explore: • What happened? • How did it happen? • How was it discovered? • How was it handled initially? Ultimately? • What changes were put in place to avoid it happening again?
SAWD 2017
ing — Schedule of Events 10:45 AM – Noon General Session
8:15 AM – 8:50 AM Second Line Parade to “House of Deals”
“Cooperative Significance: Being an Influential Leader at Work (and Beyond)” Thom Singer, CSP
9:00 AM – Noon “House of Deals” (Includes Brunch) Hightop table show being held at the New Orleans House of Blues.
Most people want to feel significant: at home, at work, in their community, etc. But you cannot feel significant alone in a field. You need others. A person can fake success, but they cannot fake significance. Discovering what is important and interesting to other people is more important now than ever before. This program is designed to educate and inspire anyone to make relationships a priority while learning to lead and influence others. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM First Lady’s Social Open to All Spouses and Guests 12:15–1:15 PM ProCat Lunch and Learn Procat will be hosting a lunch and learn session on FSMA. If your company distributes any type of food product, you are subject to new regulations. In this session, ProCat breaks FSMA down to the basics. Learn how it affects our industry and what distributors need to be doing. 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM State Association Executives & Political Affairs Luncheon 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Ten-2-Profit Individual appointments between buyers and sellers 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM “Get Acquainted Reception” 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Awards Banquet This evening is an opportunity to recognize some of the Southern’s award recipients… people who have each demonstrated extensive commitment to service and achievement in the industry. After Dinner – Until Hospitality Suite - Open to All
FRIDAY, JUNE 16 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Registration Desk Open 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM Industry Breakfast (Continental) SAWD 2017
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Keynote Address Bryan Dodge Owner Dodge Development, Inc. “Taking Your Business to the Next Level” Bryan Dodge is one of the nation’s leading educators. Dedicated to empowering companies and people to be their best, Bryan is an expert on the topics of upward career growth, awakening potential, building loyal and committed teams, developing sales savvy, win-win negotiating, and balancing work and family. This keynote session is customized specifically for The Southern and will include the best of the best of Byan’s material including:
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Distributors Forum Representatives of All Distribution Companies are encouraged to attend. This meeting is open to Distributors only. 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Vendors Forum Representatives of all vendor companies are encouraged to attend. 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM SLD Social “Party at Pat O’Brien’s” (Open to All) Join us for a private party at a location that is world renowned as the hospitality spot of New Orleans—Pat O’Brien’s! Established in the early 1900’s, Pat O’Brien’s is known the world over as the most popular and fun-filled establishment anywhere. We will enjoy our party in a private room, located on the second floor complete with full bar, dinner, copper grand piano and a private Bourbon Street balcony where some beads will be thrown! A piano player will entertain us on the baby grand piano as we enjoy plentiful drinks as well as an authentic New Orleans style dinner.
• Winning in a Competitive Market • Details That Set You Apart • Time Control • Enemies That Take Away Opportunity • Responsive Goal Setting and • How to Expand Your Market Bryan’s engaging personality and masterful delivery make this a must see program! Bryan Dodge’s 27 years of experience teaching and inspiring people of all walks of life to reach their full potential has made him one of the nation’s leading choices as a professional speaker/trainer for corporate events, conferences, and conventions. He incorporates experiences from his professional and personal life into each one of his presentations. Bryan has authored multiple books, hosted a weekly radio program for 8 years and includes as a part of his client list: 7-11 Corporation, Allstate Insurance, American Airlines, Bank of America, Hilton, Kraft Foods, and more. Bryan has been happily married for over 30 years and a dedicated father for 35 years of three wonderful children and definitely understands the need for professional and personal life balance.
Pre-purchase your raffle tickets for a chance to win one of two $1,000 cash prizes. Proceeds will go to support the Education Fund. For your convenience, we have included a space for you to order your tickets right on the convention registration form. SAWD members have been sent tickets to pre-sell and tickets will be sold on-site as well. = Ticket Required The Southern 3459 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road Suite C Suwanee, GA 30024-6427 Ph) 770-932-3263 Fax) 770-932-3263 www.the-southern.org
Education Fund Contributors 2017 Allison Wholesale
Jack Link's Protein Snacks
Altria Group Distribution
Jackson Wholesale Co.
Amcon Distributing Company
King III Solutions
Andalusia Distributing
Long Distribution
Ashland Specialty Company
Lyons Specialty Co.
Atlantic Dominion Dist.
M.R. Williams
Burdette Beckmann
McLane Company, Inc.
C&B Distributors
Merchants Grocery Company
Caldwell Wholesale
National Tobacco Company
Charles C. Parks Co.
Cheyenne International
Penguin Ice
Church Point Wholesale
Premier Manufacturing
City Wholesale Grocery
ProCat Distribution Technologies
Claude Williams Brokerage LC
RAI Trade Marketing Services Company
Core-Mark International
Renfro Supply Co.
Corso, Inc.
Red Smith Foods, Inc.
Creative Data Research
Republic Tobacco
Davison Fuel & Oil
Scandinavian Tobacco Group-Lane
Dot Foods
Smith Wholesale Co.
Douglas Companies
Southco Distributing Company
Eby-Brown Company
Standard Distributing Co.
Farner-Bocken Co.
Stephenson Wholesale
Franklin Supply, Inc.
Stewart Distribution Co.
Swedish Match of North America
Great Midwest Tube
Swisher International
Grocery Supply Company
Team Sledd
Home Folks Wholesale
The Hershey Company
Imperial Trading Company
Thomas Williams & Associates
Inter-Continental Cigar Corporation
Turkey Creek Snacks
ITG Brands
UniPro Foodservice, Inc
J.C. Maintenance
W.L. Petrey Wholesale
J.F. Johnson, Inc.
Warren Oil Co.
J.L. Gaddy Wholesale 38
SAWD 2017
James F. “Bucky” Johnson, President 225 Summerland Avenue Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29006 P.O. Box 2499 Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070-2499
(803) 532-6341 1(800) 821-9744 Fax (803) 532-9552 www.JFJohnsonInc.com SAWD 2017
Council of Presidents
Dick Dunham
Board Chairman Stephenson Wholesale Co. Durant, OK 2012-2014
Steve Shing
Grocery Supply Co. Sulphur Springs, TX 2002-2004
Scott Fisher
Spartan Automatic Retailers Memphis, TN 1990 - 1992
Ricky Jones
Andalusia Distributing Co., Inc. Andalusia, AL 2010-2012
Mike Jones
Andalusia Distributing Co., Inc. Andalusia, AL 2000-2002
Dick Bray
Premier Beverage & Equipment Franklin, TN 1989 - 1990
Jimmy Stewart Stewart Distribution Waycross, GA 2008-2010
Bob Pierpoint
Imperial Trading Co., Inc. Elmwood, LA 1998-2000
Grady Smith
TVC Wholesale, Inc. Florence, AL 1988 - 1989
Mark Davenport
J. T. Davenport & Sons, Inc Sanford, NC 2006-2008
Duane Schneider
DUSA Distribution Center, Inc. Melbourne, FL 1996 - 1998
John Head
Head Distributing Company Smyrna, GA 1986 - 1988
Jack Cofer
James D. Cofer, Inc. Atlanta, GA 1994 - 1996
A.C. May
Pelican Cigar Co. Lake Charles, LA 1985 - 1986
Sherwin Herring
Southco Distributing Company Goldsboro, NC 2004-2006
Ken Caldwell
Caldwell Wholesale Tobacco Co. Shreveport, LA 1992 - 1994
John Green
P.M. Green & Sons Cleveland, TN 1979 - 1980
SAWD 2017
A Note About Anti-Trust… As this meeting begins, we must remind you of certain essential ground rules which must be respected, not only at this meeting, but on every occasion, social or otherwise, during any meeting of The Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors. There can be absolutely no discussion between or among competitors at any time concerning prices you charge or propose to charge your customers… the price you pay or propose to pay your suppliers… or the terms and conditions under which you buy and sell the products in which you deal. The antitrust laws are designed to encourage competition at all levels of production and distribution. The Southern Association of Whole sale Distributors is committed to adherence to those laws. Please keep these principles in mind for the benefit of us all.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! On behalf of the members, directors, and officers of The Southern, we would like to welcome the following new members:
BTC Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Alabaster, AL North South Wholesale Lancaster, SC Zuma & Sons Distribution Corp. Medley, FL SAWD 2017
2017 SAWD Executive Committee
Randy Long President Long Wholesale Corinth, MS
Scott McPherson Vice President Core-Mark Colleyville, TX
Randy Emanuelson Vice President/Comptroller Team Sledd Wheeling, WV
Paula Glidewell
Board Chairman Glidewell Distributing Co. Fort Smith, AR
Steve Douglas Vice President Douglas Companies Conway, AR
Greg Martin
Chief Executive Officer SAWD Suwanee, GA
SAWD 2017
Committed to Service, Delivering Success!
As a leading supplier of convenience store products for more than 40 years, Douglas Companies has been committed to delivering success for our customers. When our trucks roll, our customers are ensured they will get the best possible products and pricing. From candy and snacks to coffee and food programs, Douglas can deliver success to your door.
Steve Douglas and Susie Douglas Munson
Conway, Arkansas 501-329-6866
Carthage, Missouri 417-358-9303
SAWD 2017
2017 SAWD State Directors
Nick Zaden
Marty Howell
City Wholesale Grocery Birmingham, AL
H.T. Hackney Opp, AL
Sam Stewart
Don Childers
Tony Shubert
Charlie Casper
Stewart Distribution Waycross, GA
Home Folks Wholesale Augusta, GA
Eby-Brown Rockmart, GA
Hardec’s Elizabethtown, KY
Dan McIntyre
Keith Landen
Emile Cantrell
Liz Joachim
Jackson Wholesale Jackson, KY
Franklin Supply Franklin, LA
Imperial Trading Elmwood, LA
Corso, Inc. Biloxi, MS
SAWD 2017
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2017 SAWD State Directors
Lawson Williams M. R. Williams Henderson, NC
Jim Naifeh
Carter Adair
Standard Distributing Co. Sapulpa, OK
Stephenson Wholesale Durant, OK
Chad Pickel
Bill Wilkerson
Amcon Distributing. Crossville, TN
J. L. Gaddy Wholesale Hickory Grove, SC
John Prickette
Robin Ray
Grocery Supply Company Sulphur Springs, TX
Atlantic Dominion Distributors Virginia Beach, VA
James “Bucky” Johnson J.F. Johnson, Inc. Batesburg-Leesville, SC
Chris Smythers Merchants Grocery Co., Inc. Culpeper, VA
Chad Gummer Gummer Wholesale Heath, OH
SAWD 2017
Excelling in Customer Service Since 1956
“Easy to Do Business With.”
2540 South Dixie • Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701 Phone 270-765-5113 • Fax 270-737-2280
College Scholarships $15,000 to be Awarded This is a wonderful opportunity for students in college or technical school to help defray their school expenses. The deadline for the 2017 college scholarship applications was December 15, 2016, and we had 36 students apply for the scholarships. Over $15,000 in scholarships will be given away at the show! Thanks to contributions from members into the Southern’s Education Fund, we are able to fund all of the education functions at the convention as well as give away over $15,000 in scholarships to our members, employees and family members. Scholarships are selected from applications from dues paid members. Contact the SAWD office if you would like an application for 2018! 770-932-3263.
SAWD 2017
Plus These Great Brands:
2017 At-Large Directors
Nelson Parker
George Naumann
Allison Wholesale, Inc. Paint Rock, AL
Renfro Supply Company Williamsburg, KY
Jack Casanova
Hugh Raetzsch
Churchpoint Wholesale Churchpoint, LA
Lyons Specialty Port Allen, LA
2017 SAWD Board Broker Rep, SLD Rep, Legislative Liaison
Jack Anderson Broker Representative Burdette Beckmann, Inc. Hollywood, FL
Leanne Jennings SLD Representative J.L Gaddy Wholesale Hickory Grove, SC
Bennett Roberts Broker Representative Matrix Brokerage Chapel Hill, NC
Sean Collins Legislative Liaison Altria Client Services Milton, GA
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Manufacturer Representatives
Jebb Maginnis
Dave Bowersock
Altria Group Distribution
Michael Hughes
Creative Data Research
Scott Hill
The Hershey Company
Jack Link’s Protein Snacks
Clark Sturdivant
Dave Johnson
National Tobacco
Brent Sabo
Nestlé USA
RAI Trade Marketing Services
Joel Palmer Swedish Match
Devin Fogleman Dot Foods
Tom Brice
Craig Leiker
Steve Stomel
Andrew Panagoplos
ITG Brands
Lil’ Drug Store
ProCat Distribution Technologies
Republic Tobacco
Bill Dunn
Swisher International, Inc.
SAWD 2017
Since 1938
Home Folks Wholesale Distributors of convenience grocery, candy, tobacco, and general merchandise
Our Goals: • Help maximize YOUR gross profit • On time, consistent, and convenient delivery • Merchandising Sets keeping your stores fresh with new trends and items • Quick response and solutions to ongoing needs 2001 Westside Dr., Augusta, GA 30907 706-868-0055 • 800-762-7588 • Fax: 706-868-1154
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SAWD 2017
Providing what you need, when you need it
SLD 2016–2017 SLD Officers and Directors Officers Leanne Jennings, J. L. Gaddy Wholesale, Hickory Grove, NC, President Jake Stewart, Stewart Distribution, Waycross, GA, SLD 1st Vice President Morgan Blanchard, Franklin Supply, Franklin, LA, SLD 2nd Vice President Mark Tuck, Swedish Match, Atlanta, GA, SLD Treasurer Miles Anderson, ITG Brands, Atlanta, GA, SLD Secretary April Garver, Southco Distributing, Goldsboro, SC, Board Chairman
Directors Brandon Mohr, Altria Group Distribution Co., Charlotte, NC Jeff Thompson, Douglas Companies, Conway, AR Michelle Glidewell, Glidewell Distributing, Fort Smith, AR Brad Brown, Halpern Import Co., Atlanta, GA Colby Carmichael, Long Wholesale Dist., Corinth, MS Robbie Surratt, Merchants Grocery, Culpeper, VA Mike Thorner, National Tobacco, Louisville, KY Erin Inman, ProCat Technologies, West Berlin, NJ Ron Leitner, RAI Trade Marketing Services, Winston-Salem, NC Maria Miro-Narlock, Spotlight Innovations, Brandon, MS Mark Rollins, Swisher International, Duffield, VA Steve Winkle, The Corr Williams Co/TVC Wholesale, Florence, AL Trey Williams, Thomas Williams & Assoc., Atlanta, GA
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
New Vendor Spotlight We would like to extend a warm Southern Welcome to the following Vendors who are joining us for the first time (or who have not been with us in several years)…
SAWD 2017
Alec Bradley Cigars
Pocas International
Red Smith Foods
Selection Unlimited
Mrs. Wheat’s Foods
Snee Chemical
Big city service with small southern town manners
It’s the Glidewell difference. As a proud member of the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors, we feel a sense of duty and gratitude to our cherished relationships, without whom our celebration of 71 successful years in business just wouldn’t be possible. From our humble beginnings in the living room of J.W. and Cleo Glidewell to today’s cavernous 2 acre-long storage facility, we still provide speed, value and downhome service to the region’s best convenience stores. We extend the warmest thank you from our family business to yours!
5705 Steep Hill Rd, Fort Smith, AR • 800-733-4408 • GlidewellDistributing.com 58
SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Officers & Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President VP/Comptroller Vice President Vice President Board Chairman
Randy Long Randy Emanuelson Steve Douglas Scott McPherson Paula Glidewell
Long Wholesale Team Sledd Douglas Companies Core-Mark Glidewell Distribution
STATE DIRECTORS STATE DIRECTORS COMPANY Alabama Marty Howell H. T. Hackney Alabama Nick Zaden City Wholesale Arkansas Steve Douglas* Douglas Companies Florida Sam Stewart Stewart Distribution Georgia Don Childers Home Folks Wholesale Georgia Tony Shubert Eby-Brown Company Kentucky Charlie Casper Hardec’s Kentucky Dan McIntyre Jackson Wholesale Louisiana Keith Landen Franklin Supply Louisiana Emile Cantrell Imperial Trading Mississippi Liz Joachim Corso, Co. Mississippi Randy Long* Long Wholesale North Carolina Lawson Williams M. R. Williams, Inc. Oklahoma Jimmy Naifeh Standard Distributing Co. Oklahoma Carter Adair Stephenson Wholesale South Carolina Bill Wilkerson J.L. Gaddy South Carolina James “Bucky” Johnson J.F. Johnson, Inc. Tennessee Chad Pickel Amcon Distributing Texas Scott McPherson* Core-Mark Texas John Prickette Grocery Supply Company Virginia Robin Ray Atlantic Dominion Distributors Virginia Chris Smythers Merchants Grocery Co., Inc. West Virginia Chad Gummer Gummer Wholesale West Virginia Randy Emanuelson* Team Sledd *Currently seated member of the Executive Committee AT-LARGE DIRECTORS NAME COMPANY Nelson Parker Allison Wholesale (AL) Hugh Raetzsch Lyons Specialty (LA) George Naumann Renfro Supply (KY) Jack Casanova Churchpoint Wholesale (LA)
SAWD 2017
Elected and Installed BROKER & SLD REPRESENTATIVES/LEGISLATIVE LIAISON NAME Jack Anderson Bennett Roberts Leanne Jennings Sean Collins
COMPANY BROKER/SLD Burdette Beckmann Broker Representative Matrix Brokerage Broker Representative J.L Gaddy SLD Representative Altria Client Services Legislative Liaison MANUFACTURER REPRESENTATIVES
NAME COMPANY Dave Bowersock Altria Group Distribution Company Jebb Maginnis Creative Data Research Devin Fogleman Dot Foods Craig Leiker ITG Brands Scott Hill Jack Link’s Protein Snacks Tom Brice Lil’ Drug Store Products Clark Sturdivant National Tobacco David Johnson Nestlé USA Steve Stomel ProCat Distribution Technologies Brent Sabo RAI Trade Marketing Services Andrew Panagoplos Republic Tobacco Joel Palmer Swedish Match Bill Dunn Swisher International, Inc. Michael Hughes The Hershey Company COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS NAME Dick Dunham Ricky Jones Jimmy Stewart Mark Davenport Sherwin Herring Steve Shing Mike Jones Robert Pierpoint Duane Schneider Jack Cofer Ken Caldwell Scott Fisher Dick Bray Grady Smith John Head A. C. May John Green Bert Trompeter
SAWD 2017
YEAR(S) SERVED 2012-2014 2010-2012 2008-2010 2006-2008 2004-2006 2002-2004 2000-2002 1998-2000 1996-1998 1994-1996 1992-1994 1990-1992 1989-1990 1988-1989 1986-1988 1985-1986 1979-1980 1973-1976
COMPANY Stephenson Wholesale Andalusia Distributing Stewart Distribution J. T. Davenport & Sons, Inc. Southco Distributing Grocery Supply Company Andalusia Distributing Company Imperial Trading Company DUSA Distribution Center James D. Cofer, Inc. Caldwell Wholesale Spartan Automatic Retailers Premier Beverage & Equipment TVC Wholesale Head Distributing Pelican Cigar P.M. Green and Sons John F. Trompeter Company
A Full Service Convenience Store Supplier
Since 1937 (256) 776-3268 • 1-800-239-5173 Fax: (256) 776-4717 Highway 72 East Paint Rock, Alabama 35764 www.allisonwholesale.com 62
SAWD 2017
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Daytona Wrap-Up 2016 T
he Southern’s 2016 Annual Meeting and Trade Show was held at the Hilton Daytona Beach/Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL. The meeting featured the 2nd largest trade show for convenience wholesalers in the country: Southern Showcase 2016. In addition, attendees received outstanding industry-specific educational sessions, updates on industry and
legislative issues and a host of networking opportunities including: golf at LPGA International Golf Course, awards dinners on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the Silent Auction that benefits the SAWD Education Fund, the Hospitality Suite with some local flavor for entertainment, a Meeting With a Mission event, an optional outing luncheon with wine glass painting, and
an evening out that included the SLD Social, “Raising the Roof at Joe’s”! While in Daytona Beach, the Southern Board of Directors and Committees of the association met to carry on the business of the organization. We would like to extend a sincere debt of gratitude to our sponsors for their part in making this meeting such a tremendous success.
SAWD Education Fund 64
SAWD 2017
2016 Annual Meeting Sponsors Altria Group Distribution Company American Snuff Company Burdette Beckmann Creative Data Research Dot Foods The Hershey Company ITG Brands
SAWD 2017
Jack Link’s Protein Snacks Lil’ Drug Store Matrix Brokerage National Tobacco Co. Nestlé USA ProCat Distribution Technologies RAI Trade Marketing Services
Republic Tobacco SAWD Education Fund Scandinavian Tobacco SICPA Smokey Mountain Snuff Swedish Match Swisher International
Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch, Scottsdale, AZ
he Southern’s Midyear Meeting of the Board of Director’s was held at the fabulous Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch on January 26th – 28th, 2017. This meeting usually sets the direction of the organization for the coming year and this year was no exception. Thanks to this meeting, we feel that the 94th SAWD Annual Meeting set for New Orleans, LA on June 13-16th, 2017 will be another successful event not to be missed- especially with all the exciting changes planned! All of the Southern’s committees met, including Finance & Budget, Education, Conventions & Meetings, Industry/Government Affairs, Membership and the Executive Committee. A full report of committee activities will be made during the Annual Meeting in New Orleans. 66
We would like to extend a sincere debt of gratitude to all of the members of the Board who were able to make the meeting in Scottsdale. For those of us that did make it to the Hyatt Regency at Gainey Ranch- WOW, what a great venue to plan for the future and network with fellow Board Members! In addition to the work that was accomplished at this meeting, lots of fun and networking continued on the golf outing and on the wine tasting/ bottling optional adventure. The Hyatt Regency was a perfect venue to enjoy working, sharing, brainstorming and of course managing to find time for some fun in that wonderfully sunny Arizona weather. We would certainly like to express our thanks to our sponsors for their part in making this meeting such a success!
Platinum Sponsors Altria Group Distribution Company RAI Trade Marketing Services Gold Sponsors ITG Brands Jack Link’s Protein Snacks Lil’ Drug Store Products Matrix Brokerage National Tobacco Nestlé USA ProCat Distribution Technologies Swedish Match Swisher International The Hershey Company Silver Sponsors Burdette Beckmann Creative Data Research Dot Foods Republic Tobacco SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Wholesale Distributors Serving Kentucky, West Virginia and Ohio with candy, tobacco products, groceries, paper goods and institutional items. We Sell The Old Fashioned Way‌ We Show It! Ashland Specialty Co.
Wholesale Distributors 125 29th Street • Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Bud Copley President 68
Lisa Smith Vice President SAWD 2017
SAWD 2017
Congratulations to Madeline Wagnon, winner of a 2016 SAWD Scholarship. Madeline attends the University of Arkansas and is the daughter of Michael Wagnon with Caldwell Wholesale.
Scholarship winner, Alex Robinette, son of Leonard Robinette with The H.T. Hackney Company, accepts his SAWD scholarship check from Marty Howell, who also works for The H.T. Hackney Company, and is the Chairman of the SAWD Education Committee.
Lawson Williams with M.R. Williams presents William Rudolph a SAWD Scholarship check. Will attends Denison University and is the son of Rohan Rudolph of M.R. Williams.
Mark Rollins, Zone Manager for Swisher International presents a $2,000 Technical School Scholarship check to his son, Kyle Rollins, who attends Northeast State Community College.
2016 SAWD College Scholarship Winners
hanks to the support of the SAWD Education Fund and the Annual Silent Auction, the Southern has been able to provide college scholarships for Southern Member employees and their families. The Southern was pleased to announce at the 2016 Southern Showcase and Annual Meeting the winners of the 2016 SAWD College Scholarships. For 2016, the applicants were asked to write an essay on the topic, “What drives your purchase decisions in convenience stores today? What trends do you see coming that will impact the convenience store industry?” We had 34 applicants in 2016, all with creative and very interesting essays. Choosing just three was not an easy task for the SAWD Scholarship Jury! The three $5,000 scholarships were won by William
Rudolph, who attends Denison University and is the son of Rohan Rudolph with M.R. Williams Inc.; Alexander Robinette at The University of Tennessee Knoxville whose father is Leonard Robinette with The H.T. Hackney Company; and Madeline Wagnon who attends the University of Arkansas and is the daughter of Michael Wagnon with Caldwell Wholesale. We want to congratulate these scholarship winners and wish them the very best! The Southern will be announcing the 2017 winners at the Southern meeting in New Orleans, LA this June. Best of luck to all who applied writing an essay on the topic, “How does technology affect your purchase decisions in Convenience Stores? i.e.: apps, websites, loyalty programs, promotions, etc.?” SAWD 2017
One of our 2016 Scholarship Winning Essays “What drives your purchase decisions in convenience stores today?” As a ‘Generation Z’ graduate, there are many important factors that I look for when making a purchase decision. Most of these are fairly obvious but essential. A quick, informal poll of my friends on what influences their spending in convenience stores reinforced my thoughts. Quality products, cleanliness, safety and friendly staff are key purchase drivers for me. All of these elements are building blocks to the number one driver, which is my overall (customer) experience. Bottom line… if I have a great overall experience, I am coming back to spend more money! Quality of products – When I walk into a store and see high quality, unique products, I naturally consider making an impulse purchase. In addition, if I see low quality items, a purchase decision will never cross my mind. Cleanliness – This is vital! The cleanliness of a store, primarily its restrooms, will force me to favor that chain every time. I think that most people feel the same way and consider this closely when deciding where to spend their dollars. Safety – When visiting convenience stores I want to feel comfortable with the environment. I want to know that I can have a positive experience and not have to look over my shoulder. Well designed/well-lit stores are often associated with a safe environment which is critical, especially at travel SAWD 2017
stops, where customers may be in an unfamiliar area. Personally, I have taken my business elsewhere when I felt a strong sense of uneasiness. Friendly Staff – I always feel comfortable when an employee greets me with a cheerful “Hello” and “How are you?” Chick-fil-A is a prime example of this. They drill their employees to have a smile on their face 24/6 and say things like “My pleasure” and “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”. This positive outlook makes me want to go there and spend money versus someplace else where the employees are less optimistic. “What trends do you see coming that will impact the convenience store industry?” – Convenience stores today have the tools to progress if they are willing to stay current with upcoming trends. In the poll I conducted, we also discussed which specific trends we thought were coming that would change the convenience store industry in the future. The main points that kept recurring in our conversation were Targeted Marketing, Loyalty Programs and Sponsorship of Events. I believe that these trending elements are crucial to the success of the industry in the long term. Targeted marketing – Through email, direct mail or social media, highly specific marketing to a defined audience will entice those people into the store. Chains like Target and Harris Teeter do this well, by keeping track of what customers spend their money on and sending them
notifications about those items. These “push notifications” are essential to the concept of targeted marketing by speeding up the process of distributing information to potential buyers. Loyalty Programs – While a somewhat dated concept, there are still ways for convenience stores to further capitalize on this trend. These are programs that are offered by a company to people who frequently make purchases. Once customers buy enough products, they will be given special discounts, coupons or even free merchandise. These benefits make the customer want to purchase more, therefore granting the convenience store greater sales and profits. Sponsorship of Events – My family frequently attends running and triathlon events and many of these are for charity. I feel that if I attended an event that I was really passionate about and saw sponsorship by a convenience store chain, then I would be inclined to use that chain. There are literally thousands of events that need financial assistance. I believe that a small investment in these events can reap big rewards. In conclusion, I have listed seven elements that tie into the overall customer experience. It is a proven fact that businesses with great customer satisfaction always have high levels of repeat business. This is a never-ending process and should not be taken lightly; I am convinced that all of these features contribute to having a happy customer, which in turn will result in more sales. n 71
Advertisers Directory A Special Thanks To All Listed Below Who Make Our Convention Magazine Possible! Allison Wholesale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Altria Group Distribution Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Merchant’s Grocery Company, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 National Tobacco Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Andalusia Distributing Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Nestlé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ashland Specialty Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Atlantic Dominion Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Burdette Beckmann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 City Wholesale Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Novex Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Premier Manufacturing Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 RAI Trade Marketing Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Core-Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Corso, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Republic Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
Creative Data Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Scandinavian Tobacco Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Douglas Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Smokey Mountain Snuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49, 63
GSC Enterprises, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Standard Distributing Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Glidewell Distributing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Hardec’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Home Folks Wholesale Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ImageWorks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Stephenson Wholesale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Swedish Match.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 59 Swisher International, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Inter-Continental Cigar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Team Sledd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 J. F. Johnson, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Jack Link’s Protein Snacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Long Wholesale Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 72
The Hershey Company USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Velociti Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover SAWD 2017