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Letter from the SAWD President
After almost 30 years in this industry (that feels as strange to type as it does to say) I am very thankful for what this industry has provided for my family and me. As crazy as this industry can be at times, it has to be one of the most resilient. Whether it’s natural disasters, tax increases, regulation, pandemics, or most recently, the current war between Russia and Ukraine, this industry and the businesses that make it up continue to fight and, in many cases, get stronger. I believe much of that is due to associations like The Southern, CDA, and NACS. Our industry does an incredible job providing “essential” products and services, at times under extreme conditions, and we all should be very proud of who we are and what we do.
I remember attending my first association meetings after graduating from college (Geaux Tigers!) and wondering how the older generation spent so much of their time away from their offices engaged in different industry events. Today, looking back, I can’t imagine where I would be or my business would be had I not become involved. The friendships, education, networking opportunities, and business relationships formed over the years have had a huge impact on me and my business.
I think one of the unique aspects of The Southern is that at Southern events, everyone puts competitive differences aside and just enjoys being together and celebrating what we all work so hard to protect. People truly care about each other and are there to lend support whenever needed. During more than one natural disaster (Louisiana tends to have its fair share) I was contacted by countless industry friends from all over asking how they could help. I have always worked in this industry, so I can’t speak for other industries, but I believe there is something special about our industry, particularly The Southern. I tell people all the time, the best competitors are those involved in our industry association events. They understand and know what it takes to be successful and how to compete in a professional and respectful way. There is a mutual respect that makes us all better competitors. Now that I am one of the “older” guys in the industry, I am excited about the future generations entering our businesses. My oldest son began working for us full time in May after graduating from college (Geaux Tigers!). He, along with my two other sons currently in college, represent the 4th generation to work in our business that will have it’s 100-year anniversary next year. We share that anniversary with The Southern and both have much to celebrate in 2023.
I attended my first SLD meeting in quite a while this past November and I was very impressed with the quality of the meeting and the commitment of our future leaders. Morgan Allain and the entire SLD Board are doing a tremendous job creating an exceptional experience and I encourage all member companies to get their young leaders involved in SLD. I saw the same qualities which make The Southern so special within the SLD. The friendships and business relationships being formed today will last a lifetime.
I am looking forward seeing everyone in June in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. VJ, Betsy, and the entire team at ASG have done a great job this year and I know our 99th Annual Convention will be a huge success. I want to thank the executive team, Marty Howell, Chad Pickel, Sam Stewart, and Jack Casanova, and the entire Southern Board of Directors for all their hard work this year. The Southern is as strong as it has ever been and in very good hands for future success. Thank you for all of the support this year. It has been an honor to serve as President of this fantastic association.