2 minute read

Event Speaker: Shawn Burcham, PFSbrands




Do you want to be a “Top Shelf” wholesaler as it pertains to offering foodservice programs? For those wholesalers that are “Top Shelf,” there are four key things that they have in common. They have built and dedicated adequate warehouse space, they hire the right people, they take advantage of technology, and they are always committed to their retailer’s success. Focusing on these key initiatives can propel any Wholesaler to become a leader in foodservice offerings.

To compete with large broad liners like Sysco, US Foods, and others, your team must be truly committed to foodservice. Management must dedicate adequate freezer, cooler, and dry storage space to these programs. Foodservice programs designed to make retailers more successful will have requirements for their products and management’s commitment is a critical first step. In addition to space, it’s important that trucks are equipped to handle these items.

This level of commitment will then rely heavily on a group of employees dedicated to foodservice. To start, this group does not have to be large, but the group does need to be 100% focused on driving foodservice volume. Hiring a toplevel leader will ensure that the team has the tools to succeed and this leader needs to be a disruptor that is willing to push to reach their goals.

In addition to committing to a strong foodservice team, management must embrace technology as an avenue to gain more business and encourage this with their retailers.

Technology has advanced quickly over the last decade and foodservice is no exception. Retailers are able to utilize order management systems, digital menus, order kiosks, and mobile apps which can provide them with a competitive advantage in the quick service restaurant space. Working with a foodservice program that values the advancement and utilization of technology will ensure more success as changes happen. As Wholesalers, you need to be the visionaries for your retail customers.

“Top Shelf” foodservice offerings are extremely impactful to your drop sizes and overall success. As you focus on distributing these quality foodservice brands, you provide opportunities to help your retailers be more successful. We all know that when your retailers are more successful, it leads to your wholesale success. Wholesalers that are willing to take the steps to implement successful foodservice programs will ultimately be positioned to thrive in our ever-changing environment. n

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