2011 Southern Annual Meeting Magazine

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SAWD 88th Annual Meeting & Trade Show June 14-17, 2011 Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center Orlando, Florida

Inside… 22   2010 Award Winners 34   Southern Showcase Schedule of Events

54   Officers and Directors Elected and Installed


60   Savannah Convention Wrap-Up

F ive Common Pitfalls of Inventory Replenishment


Advertisers Directory

The Southern…Home to 46% of all C-Stores in the USA

Best Wishes for a Successful Convention!

Welcome to Orlando!

Table of Contents Letter from the Governor of Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Letter from the Mayor of Orlando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Letter from the SAWD President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 First Lady’s Social Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Letter from the SLD President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hospitality Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Letter from the Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Award Winners 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 2010 Education Fund Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 New Exhibitor Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 14th Annual Silent Auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 A Note About Anti-Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Welcome New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 SLD Business Resource 2010 in Williamsburg, VA . . . . . 36 Council of Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SAWD Executive Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 2011 SAWD State Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 44 2011 At-Large Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2011 SAWD Board Broker Rep,     SLD Rep, Legislative Liaison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Manufacturer Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2010 - 2011 SLD Officers & Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Five Common Pitfalls of Inventory Replenishment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53 2010 - 2011 Officers & Directors    Elected and Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 Mid-Year BOD Meeting in Puerto Rico . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 2010 Savannah Convention Wrap-Up . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61 Advertisers Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 SAWD 2011



SAWD 2011




SAWD 2011



SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


A Letter from the President

Relationships Key to Leadership and Success This year, ADC is enjoying our 55th year of serving its customers and community. As an organization, the Southern is enjoying its 89th year of serving its members and industry. Companies and organizations have to do a lot of things right to weather the storms of change as we have. As a new grandfather this year, and having grown up in the family business, I have a renewed appreciation for relationships and the value they bring to life and business. No organization develops and maintains relationships as well as the Southern. Any success I have enjoyed as a business owner, as well as our success as a company, can be tied directly back to the friends we have made in this industry, largely through the Southern. The Southern has continued to thrive as an organization because its leadership and members are willing to embrace change. The leadership, in the early stages of the InfoMetrics program, was key in launching it into the national spotlight. Our hosting of the first InfoMetrics Users Group this past November in conjunction with the Southern Leadership Division’s meeting in Williamsburg, and again at our annual meeting in Orlando, has been essential in helping stakeholders make full use of this powerful technology. The Southern has assumed a leadership role in the legislative and regulatory arenas in a number of states, assisting wholesalers and manufacturers alike in defending the industry against threats from lawmaking bodies. We have worked diligently to help defeat increases in state excise taxes and efforts to reduce stamping allowances. Also, we have been successful in keeping encrypted stamping initiatives from gaining traction in states where that technology is not needed. 6

When regulatory agencies sought to demand ­onerous and unnecessary reporting from distributors, we successfully fought to get the requirements changed so that they were much more acceptable to wholesalers. The Southern’s leadership in education has allowed us to consistently bring topquality, industry-specific education to our members—both at our annual meeting and in conjunction with the Southern Leadership Division’s midyear meeting. The sessions being offered at this year’s meeting in Orlando on cultural diversity in the marketplace and Al Bates’ session on customer profitability both promise to challenge the status quo. Chris Smythers is doing a great job of heading the Southern Leadership Division. I encourage every member company of the Southern to have at least one representative in the SLD. This is a great training ground for developing company personnel. I would like to thank all of the members of the Southern’s Board of Directors who continually give their time and talents to support our organization. In particular, I would like to thank our Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs, and the Executive Committee who go beyond anything reasonable to expect to help us to exceed our goals. Finally, if you have not yet registered for the Southern’s Annual Meeting and Trade Show in June, I encourage you to do so today. This gathering is the place to be if you are in the convenience distribution business. Don’t miss it! I look forward to seeing you in Orlando in June. Sincerely,

Ricky Jones President

SAWD 2011

College Scholarships $15,OOO to be Awarded This is a wonderful opportunity for students in college or technical school to help defray their school expenses. The deadline for college scholarship applications was April 30, 2011, and we had over 30 students apply for the scholarships. Over $15,000 in scholarships will be given away at the show! Thanks to contributions from members into the Southern’s Education Fund, we are able to fund all of the education functions at the convention as well as give away over $15,000 in scholarships to our members, employees and family members. Scholarships are selected from applications from dues paid members. Contact the SAWD office if you would like an application for 2012!! 770-932-5810.


SAWD 2011

First Lady’s Social First Lady Nancy Jones wishes to extend an invitation to all spouses and guests attending the Annual Meeting, to join her for the First Lady’s Social which will be held on Thursday, June 16th from 10:00 am until 11:30 am in the President’s Suite. This is an ideal opportunity to meet some of the other attendees while enjoying the Brunch. This Social is also a great meeting place to gather with friends prior to going out for the day.

SAWD 2011


A Letter from the SLD President Welcome to the 88th Annual Meeting and Trade Show of the Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors in Orlando, Florida. We are excited about the opportunities this year’s show will bring to our members. The 2010 SLD Midyear Meeting held at the Williamsburg Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia was fantastic. We had great attendance and participation from both our wholesale and manufacturer members. Thanks to our manufacturer sponsors we were able to put on an excellent meeting with industry specific speakers and training. Doug MacKay was outstanding and has strong ties to our industry through AWMA and the STEPS programs. We were also very privileged to have the staff from InfoRhythm with us explaining in detail the opportunities that exist by utilizing their real-time store level data metrics. The training was excellent. Participants came away with a much better understanding of the capabilities of the Infometrics software and how it can enhance profitability. The panel discussion we conducted was thought provoking and packed full of the relevant hot topics in today’s environment. Our members were able to exchange thoughts and ideas in handling issues that we all are facing. I am very excited to be the SLD president at this time. The Southern has had such a huge impact on my life both on a professional and a personal level. It is an outstanding opportunity for members to form lasting relationships with friends in the wholesale and manufacturing communities. These friendships are the networks that we can depend on when we need advice, help, insight, and encouragement. It is a priceless resource! I strongly encourage each wholesale member to select someone from their company to be a member of the SLD. Start by bringing them to the 2011 SLD Business Resource Meeting. The schedule for this meeting will be set soon and I know it would be well worth your time to attend. The SLD is committed to adding value to this association by developing those leaders in your organizations so they can be of greater value to you. The exposure they will receive can give them the ability to be confident in themselves, make sound decisions, and bring back positive ideas and solutions to increase your company’s effectiveness and bottom line. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president of the SLD. Sincerely,

Chris Smythers


SAWD 2011

America’s #1 All Natural Cigars

Over 100 Years of Tradition

Americas #1 Natural Wrapped Cigars

Nob o d y els e even c ome s c lo s e. 12

SAWD 2011

Hospitality Suite Be sure to drop by our “Southern Hospitality Suite”…during the day for a cup of coffee or a soft drink… and in the evening, a hosted bar. It’s a great place to meet, make plans with friends, or just relax. Adjacent to the Hospitality Suite will be the Silent Auction to benefit our Education Fund. This Silent Auction features over $15,000 worth of items contributed by the members of the Board of Directors, exhibitors, and others. Hours Open: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Wednesday After Dinner (About 10:00 p.m.) - Until — Wednesday evening 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. — Thursday After Dinner (About 10:00 p.m.) - Until — Thursday evening 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. — Friday Check onsite schedule for room name The “Southern Hospitality Suite” is provided to all convention delegates by the Manufacturer & Broker Representatives on your Southern Board of Directors: Altadis, USA Altria Sales and Distribution American Snuff Company Burdette Beckmann Commonwealth Brands Creative Data Research Dot Foods Jack Links Beef Jerky Lorillard Tobacco Company

SAWD 2011

Matrix Brokerage National Tobacco Nestlé USA R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Republic Tobacco Company Swedish Match Swisher International The Hershey Company




GREEN SWEETS CIGARILLOS The first ever Green Sweets cigar only from White Owl. Made with green candela leaf for that sweet, slow burning experience your customers want. Get more Green from your Sweets cigar sales with new White Owl Green Sweets. White Owl keeps coming up with Fresh ideas! FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT YOUR SWEDISH MATCH REPRESENTATIVE. 800-367-3677 CUSTOMER.SERVICE@SMNA.COM

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SAWD 2011



ARS 15 YE King Maker introduces new packaging for its entire line of premium-quality, value-priced cigarettes. Same 100% American blend tobaccos—considered best in the world. Always 100% guaranteed. MSA signatory and 50-state certified. Supported by a full range of free FDA compliant POS and merchandising materials.


FOR A REASON ■ Partnering with retailers for more than a decade.

Paramus, NJ SAWD 2011


www.kmm-inc.com 15

From the Executive Director…


hrough our meeting we strive to provide a forum to increase the knowledge and skill of our members. Regardless of your class of trade, your opportunities to succeed will be enhanced by attendance at this meeting. Distributors – have the opportunity to attend the Exposition where you can meet and conduct business. Exhibiting companies are encouraged to have show deals available to those wholesale distributors attending the Southern’s Trade Show. For each order that you place on the show floor, you will “earn back” up to 50% of your registration fee in cash at the show! What other show do you attend that pays you for placing orders? (Full details on the Distributor Rebate Program may be found in the on-site program) Several years ago, we established a Distributors Forum to allow distributors an opportunity to discuss issues of common concern. If you have a business issue that you would like placed on the agenda, send us an e-mail at info@the-southern.org. Manufacturers and Brokers – have the opportunity to conduct business with wholesale distributors from the Southern’s region in one place at one time. Similar to the Distributors Forum we host an Exhibitors Forum to allow manufacturers an opportunity to address issues of common concern. If you have a business issue that you would like placed on the agenda, send us an e-mail at info@the-southern.org. The meeting kicks off on Wednesday with the InfoMetrics User’s Group which is the place to be to learn more about the features and functionality of the data aggregation program that a large number of Southern distributors are participating in. The opening keynote presentation by Drayton McLane promises to be one of the highlights of the meeting. The Chairman of the McLane Group and Owner of the Houston Astros will be speaking on “From Distribution to Dugout: Lessons Learned From Business and Baseball.” In addition, 16

the workshop sessions on Thursday, June 16 will allow you to learn from some of the industry’s experts as well as network with distributors from all over the South to find out the best ways to solve your latest problems, learn about new products and services, and discuss pending legislation affecting our businesses. Topics include: a facilitated panel discussion entitled “Ball Caps and Turbans: Doing Business in a Culturally Diverse Environment” and Dr. Al Bates with the Profit Planning Group conducting a session on “Loving Some Customers More Than Others – How to Increase Profits From Problem Customers Without Alienating Them.” The Industry Breakfast on Friday is the place to be for updates on all of the challenges and opportunities Southern members face. Dave Riser, VP External Relations Trade Marketing with RJR, Ron Tully, VP New Projects at National Tobacco, and Tom Briant – Executive Director of NATO will all be on hand to provide up-to-the-minute information on industry trends and changes in legislation that can impact your business. Golf Tournament at the Celebration Golf Club; the Southern Soirée on Wednesday night; the Awards Banquet on Thursday; the Silent Auction; Hospitality Suite; “Winter Park City Tour;” and the “Blue Man Group Experience” …put all of this together and you have a formula for increased profits, entertainment, education and excellence that you won’t want to miss! Please take a minute to review the information enclosed, and join us for the meeting. Sincerely,

Greg Martin SAWD 2011

We’ve sealed in


so you can seal up THE PROFITS.

SwiSher iS out to freShen up your profitability with a whole new way to seal in freshness. Due to popular demand, all Swisher Sweets Cigarillos now come in our Sealed-fresh™ individual foil wrappers. the flavor will stay fresher for your customers. and profits can be higher for you because of the greater potential for individual Cigarillo sales. first launched with our wine Cigarillos, Sealed-fresh™ wrapping was a huge hit. and now it’s available on all of our popular Cigarillos. So get fresh—order yours today!

800-874-9720 • w w w.swisher.com


SAWD 2011

2010 Award Winners

SAWD sa 2010 Awar

2010 SAWD Service Award

Ricky Jones presented Don Childers with Home Folks Wholesale the 2010 SAWD Service Award

2010 Liberty Award

2010 Career Achievement Award

Randy Spell with Lorillard Tobacco was selected to receive the 2010 SAWD Career Acheivement Award presented here by the 2009 winner, Elvin Smythers with Merchants Grocery.

Congratulations to one of The Southern’s 2010 Liberty Award winners, Dave Riser with R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

2010 Liberty Award

2010 Lou Gordon Humanitarian Award

Steve Douglas with the Douglas Companies also received a 2010 SAWD Liberty Award. Jeff Eldridge with Lorillard Tobacco presented the 2010 Lou Gordon Humanitarian Award to Bucky Johnson with J.F. Johnson, Inc. Bucky’s daughters, Melanie Lorick and Laurie Boozer were on hand to accept Bucky’s award for him.


SAWD 2011

2010 Award Winners 2010 Southern Leader of the Year Award

alutes our rd Winners! Congratulations to Trey Williams with Thomas M. Williams and Associates who received the 2010 Southern Leader of the Year Award. He is presented the award here by Sam Stewart with Stewart Distribution, the 2009 recipient.

2010 Allied Products Representative of the Year Award

Jebb Maginnis with Creative Data Research receives the 2010 Allied Products Representative of the Year Award from Claude Williams with Claude’s Candy Brokerage.

2010 Hershey Leadership Award Congratulations to Tony Barone with Altadis USA for receiving the 2010 Tobacco Representative of the Year Award. Tony is presented the award by Bob Klein with Lorillard Tobacco.

2010 Tobacco Rep of the Year Award

Michael Hughes with The Hershey Company presented the 2010 Hershey Leadership Award to the outgoing SAWD President, Jimmy Stewart with Stewart Distribution. Jimmy is shown with his wife, Julie Stewart.

SAWD 2011


Education Fund Contributors 2011 A.G. Farais & Associstes

Grocery Supply Company

Renfro Supply Co.

Acosta Sale & Marketing

Gummer Wholesale

Republic Tobacco

Allison Wholesale

H. T. Hackney Co.

Altadis, USA


Altria Sales & Distribution

Harrison Company

Andalusia Distributing

Home Folks Wholesale

Ashland Specialty Company

Imperial Trading Company

Sledd Co.

Atlantic Dominion Dist.

Inter-Continental Cigar Corporation

Smith Wholesale Co.

B&W Wholesale Distributors

J.F. Johnson, Inc.

Smokey Mountain Chew

Baton Rouge Tobacco

J.L. Gaddy Wholesale

Southco Distributing Company

Burdette Beckmann

J.T. Davenport & Sons

Caldwell Wholesale

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky

CAO International

Jackson Wholesale Co.

Charles C. Parks Co.

John F. Trompeter Company

Church Point Wholesale

Joshen Paper

Standard Distributing Co.

Cigarette Sales

Kelloggs Keebler

Stephenson Wholesale

City Wholesale Grocery

King III Solutions

Stewart Candy Manufacturing Co.

Claude’s Candy Brokerage Co.

L.P. Shanks Company

Stewart Distribution Co.

Coastal Wholesale Grocery

Lag Inc. dba Jay Bee Co.

Commonwealth Brands

Long Distribution

Core-Mark, International

Lorillard Tobacco Company

Corso, Inc.

Lyons Specialty Co.

Creative Data Research

M. R. Williams, Inc.

The Hershey Company

Dot Foods

Management Science Associates

Thomas & Howard Comapny

Douglas Companies

Matrix Brokerage

Thomas Williams & Associates

Eby-Brown Company

McLane Company, Inc.

Forrest City Grocery

Merchants Grocery Company

Franklin Supply, Inc.

National Tobacco Company

G.A. Andron & Co.

Nestlé USA

General Tobacco

Pelican Cigar

Glidewell Distributing Company

Penguin Ice


Red Smith Foods, iNC


Retalix SCM, Inc. SellEthics Marketing Group Seneca Southeast Wholesale

Southern Wholesale Supply Spotlight Innovations SRP Sales & Marketing LLC

Swedish Match of North America Swisher International The Corr-Williams Company

Topicz Turkey Creek Snacks UniPro Foodservice, Inc US Roasterie Venture Sales

SAWD 2011

Long Wholesale, Inc. 5173 Pioneer Drive • Meridian, MS 39301 P.O. Box 667 • Marion, MS 39342 (601) 482-3144 • (800) 828-5664 • Fax (601) 482-3109

Long Wholesale Distributors, Inc. 201 North Fulton Drive • Corinth, MS 38834 P.O. Box 250 • Corinth, MS 38835-0250 (662) 287-2421 • (800) 822-5664 • Fax (662) 287-6689

Meridian Kenny Coghlan Ray Long, Jr. Sam E. Long, III Trey Long Barnes Marshall

Corinth Travis Abney Rusty Boone Tracy Dye Jeff Johnson Randy Long Tommy Stine



SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


New Exhibitor Spotlight We would like to extend a warm Southern Welcome to the following exhibitors who are showing for the first time (or who have not been with us in several years)‌

Belcorp of America

Hearthside Foods Solutions

Calloway Consulting, LLC

Jamison Computer Services

D & R Tobacco

Kraft Foods

Dyer Packaging, Inc.

Oberto Brands

East Carolina RYO

Retail Network


SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


14th Annual Silent Auction to Benefit the Education Fund The Southern’s Education Fund was established several years ago to provide educational opportunities for members, their employees and family members. The Silent Auction, which will be held throughout the convention, will raise money for the fund. Our Education and Convention Committees last year were successful in raising over $15,000 for our Education Fund through the Silent Auction. With your support and participation we hope to exceed that figure this year. Items are offered through the generosity of Southern members and exhibitors. Some of the items already committed for this year include: Prize

Donated By

NAPOLEON CANNON – Detailed .50 caliber smoothbore model cannon. These sophisticated cannons are popular with muzzle loading enthusiasts but are decorative pieces of furniture for home or office. Nickel-plated with dished wood wheels, the barrel is 7 ½ inches with a overall length of 14 inches. Includes Black Powder and 10 shots.

National Tobacco



Montecristo Knife Selection

Altadis USA Premium Cigars



1 Box of Punch Magnum Cigars

Swedish Match



IPad w/ WiFi & 3G, Verizon, 32GB, Black

CDR, Inc.



Necklace – Sterling w/Multi Quartz Gems

Burdette Beckmann, Inc.



Ring – Sterling w/Multi Quartz Gems

Burdette Beckmann, Inc.



IPOD Touch

Lorillard Tobacco



Montecristo Cup Invitation, including Spouse (transportation not included)

Altadis USA Premium Cigars



Gold Earrings

Atlantic Dominion Dist.



10” Clarion Waterford Vase

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco



4 Tickets to Game of Your Choice – Pittsburgh Penguins Regular Season 2011-12, Captain Morgan Club Level Seating

Sledd Co.



Garmin GPS- NUVI 28 SNT

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco



Spring 2012 Turkey Hunt at Sherwin Herring Farms for 2 people includes 3 Days/3 Nights, Lodging, all meals & Hunting Licenses

Southco Distributing Co.



Montecristo Cutlery Selection

Altadis USA Premium Cigars



Beatriz Ball Metalware Platter

Home Folks Wholesale



Beatriz Ball Metalware Bowl

Home Folks Wholesale



Greg Maddux Package (Autographed Ball, Helmet, Cap, Picture)

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco



1 Box of Partagas Serie S Preferidos Cigars

Swedish Match



Beatriz Ball Metalware Bowl

Home Folks Wholesale



APPLE IPAD ACCESSORY KIT. Everything you really need to have a great usable IPAD on the road: Logitech Metal Bluetooth Keyboard Case Cover – Digital Camera Connection Kit – Targus Slipcase–Griffin 12 V Vehicle/Airplane Charger

Jack Link’s Beef Jerky



2 Nights in New Orleans at the JW Marriott on Canal St. on Dec. 2-4, 2011 (Fri-Sun) w/ 2 Club Level Seats for Saints vs. Lions @ noon on Sunday.

Lyons Specialty Co.



Charles Fazzino Romeo y Julieta Museum Edition Atre de la Buena Vida Humidor w/Cigars

Altadis USA Premium Cigars



Lots of surprises purchased by Staff with your generous contributions!!!!!!!

Various Companies, too numerous to name here!!!!!





$ SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


A Note About Anti-Trust… As this meeting begins, we must remind you of ­certain essential ground rules which must be respected, not only at this meeting, but on every occasion, social or otherwise, during any meeting of The Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors. There can be absolutely no discussion between or among competitors at any time concerning prices you charge or propose to charge your customers… the price you pay or propose to pay your suppliers… or the terms and conditions under which you buy and sell the products in which you deal. The antitrust laws are designed to encour­ age competition at all levels of production and ­distribution. The Southern Association of Whole­ sale Distributors is committed to a­ d­herence to those laws. Please keep these principles in mind for the benefit of us all.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! On behalf of the members, directors, and officers of The Southern, we would like to welcome the following new members:

Central Sales Corp., Nate Adkins, Huntington, WV Oberto Brands, Ian Davis, Red Oak, TX Quik Trip Corp., Thomas Van Buren, Belton, MO


SAWD 2011

Proud to Support The Southern Association of Wholesale Distributors

Category Advisor www.hersheys.com Š2011 The Hershey Company

SAWD 2011


SAWD 88th Annual Meeting and T Note: This is a tentative schedule of events. All details subject to change. WWW.the-Southern.org will always have the latest information. The on-site program supersedes all pre-printed materials.

TUESDAY, JUNE 14 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM Registration Desk Open 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Chair/Vice Chair Meeting 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Committee Meetings 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Finance & Budget Committee 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting 6:45 PM – 9:30 PM Chairman’s Dinner For members of the Board of Directors and Past Presidents.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 8:00 AM Start Time for Golf Tournament at Celebration Golf Club www.celebrationgolf.com See insert for registration form. 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Desk Open 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Optional Tour and Luncheon “Winter Park City Tour” Winter Park is as beautiful as it is unique. “The City of Culture and Heritage,” Winter Park is known for its abundance of upscale shopping, dining, history and culture. Often called “Little Europe,” Winter Park is home to one-of-a-kind boutiques and well-known shops, sidewalk cafés, as well as worldrenowned art collections in the area’s museums. After a bit of shopping on Park Avenue, you will be treated to lunch at Chez Vincent. Chez Vincent is located in the recently renovated artsy Hannibal Square of Winter Park. Chef Vincent and his wife, Teri, opened the restaurant in July 1997 and it’s one of “the” places to dine in the Winter Park and Orlando areas. After lunch you will enjoy a one of a kind scenic boat tour. The relaxing,


narrated, one hour cruise through the beautiful lakes and canals of historic Winter Park makes it a must on every person’s list. It’s really the only way to see the true beauty of Winter Park which includes Rollins College, Kraft Azalea Gardens, Isle of Sicily, tropical birds, plants, flowers and magnificent mansions. This optional event in Winter Park, Florida will definitely be a day to remember and should not be missed!

Drayton McLane, Jr., started his career in distribution at age nine, when he went to work at his father’s wholesale grocery distribution center. Fast forward a few years and you will find him listed in Wikipedia as “… largely responsible for expanding the family business from a three million dollar a year operation into a 19 billion dollar enterprise.” He sold the family business to tennis partner Sam Walton for cash and Wal-Mart shares in 1990. He invested much of the profits in pro baseball’s Houston Astros. Drayton McLane has enjoyed a level of success in the distribution business that is unmatched by any of his competitors…and he started out loading trucks on the night shift. Come and hear about lessons learned about business and baseball from an industry icon.

1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Infometrics User’s Group

9:00 AM – 12:20 PM Education Sessions

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM SAWD Board of Directors’ Meeting

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Session 1

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM SLD Board Meeting

“Ball Caps and Turbans: Doing Business in a Culturally Diverse Environment”

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Welcome Reception All delegates invited

Facilitated Panel Discussion Panelists TBA

7:15 PM - 10:00 PM Southern Soirée Dinner and awards done “Southern style.” Hospitality Suite - Open to All Delegates

THURSDAY, JUNE 16 7:15 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Desk Open 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM Kick-Off Breakfast (Continental) 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM General Session – Keynote Speaker “From Distribution to Dugout: Lessons Learned from Business and Baseball” Drayton McLane, Jr. Chairman, McLane Group Owner, Houston Astros

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” – Henry Ford “What kind of a deal do you have for me?” seems to be the first and loudest question voiced by many retailers today. This is a direct affront to the wholesaler who offers a myriad of services to help their retail customers grow their businesses. Of course price is important. Is it the only determinant of value? Absolutely not. The manner in which two parties conduct business has its roots deeply embedded in the cultures the parties come from. Join us for this open, honest, transparent exploration of what drives disagreements (and agreements) in the marketplace. This will be a facilitated panel discussion featuring wholesalers and retailers from different cultural backgrounds discussing what it means to do business in today’s marketplace.

SAWD 2011

Trade Show — Schedule of Events 10:45 AM - 12:15 AM Session 2 “Loving Some Customers More Than Others” Dr. Albert D. Bates Profit Planning Group SAWD members make good profit on some customers, make a little on most customers and lose money on more customers than they would like to admit. This session is designed to help companies know which are which and what to do about it. The challenge is to develop an easy-to-use method to evaluate customers and a procedure for increasing profits from the problem customers without alienating them. This session will show you how to do both. Dr. Albert D. Bates is founder and Chairman of the Profit Planning Group, a research and executive education firm headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. The firm works exclusively in the area of corporate financial planning. He makes approximately 100 presentations each year on topics such as Improving the Bottom Line, Getting Serious About Profit, Doing More with Less, and Pricing for Profit. He also provides strategic direction for the firm’s investigation into profitability research for over seventy different trade associations. 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM First Lady’s Social Open to All Spouses and Guests 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM State Association Executives & Political Affairs Luncheon 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Grand Opening of Exposition 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM “Get Acquainted Reception” 7:15 PM - 10:00 PM Awards Banquet This evening is an opportunity to recognize some of the Southern’s award recipients... people who have each demonstrated extensive commitment to service and achievement in the industry. Hospitality Suite - Open to All Delegates

SAWD 2011

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 7:00 AM - Noon Registration Desk Open

6:00 PM - 10:00 PM SLD Social “Blue Man Group Experience!!”

7:00 AM - 8:30 AM Industry Breakfast (Continental) 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM General Membership Meeting Receive updates on our national association as well as state and federal legislation. “Governmental Affairs Update” Dave Riser VP External Relations Trade Marketing R. J. Reynolds Ron Tully Vice President New Projects at National Tobacco Tom Briant Executive Director NATO

Legislative Liaison to the Southern’s Board of Directors, Dave Riser, will be joined by Ron Tully and Tom Briant in a powerpacked panel to bring you the latest developments in Tom Briant state and federal legislation and regulation including the latest from the FDA. 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM Distributors Forum Representatives of All Distribution Companies are Encouraged to Attend. This meeting is open to Distributors only. 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM Exhibitors Forum Representatives of All Exhibiting Companies are Encouraged to Attend. 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Board of Directors Meeting 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Executive Committee Meeting 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Exposition Open

A “Blue Man Group” Experience!!! The Blue Man Group’s unique form of entertainment combines music, comedy and multi­media theatrics creating a blissful party atmosphere that all people agree is a totally outrageous experience! We will be transported to Universal City Walk where we will enjoy an outstanding culinary experience right there in the VIP room at the Blue Man Group Theater. After dinner, drinks, and some lively conversation, we will step over to the theater and enjoy the phenomenon known as the Blue Man Group at the AQUOS Theater. Your ticket includes transportation, dinner, drinks, and the Blue Man Group show. (Enjoy complimentary CityWalk club admission with your Blue Man Group show ticket!)

Pre-purchase your raffle tickets for a chance to win either the latest generation Ipad or one of $500 cash prizes. Proceeds will go to support the Education Fund. For your convenience, we have included a space for you to order your tickets right on the convention registration form. Tickets will be sold on-site as well.

= Ticket Required The Southern 3459 Lawrenceville Suwanee Road Suite C Suwanee, GA 30024-6427 Ph) 770-932-5810 Fax) 770-932-3276 www.the-southern.org



SAWD 2011

35 Conway, Arkansas

Texarkana, Arkansas

SLD Meeting in Williamsburg

The SLD Meeting for 2010 was held at the Williamsburg Lodge in Willamsburg, Virginia. Members of the Southern Leadership Division participated in a two-day conference focusing on topics specific to the convenience products industry. Informative and interactive sessions were well received on topics such as “ReStore: Real-time Store Level Data Metrics” facilitated by Bill Casey with InfoRhythm, “Good to Great; Time to Make the Move,” and “Leadership: Stand Up and Be Counted” both lead by Doug MacKay, president of The Glen Douglas Group A panel discussion on “Best Practices in 36

Wholesale Distribution” was lead by some of The Southern’s own distributors. This discussion offered many ideas and added much knowledge to the meeting. The SLD group was also entertained with a genuine fife and drum corps leading the way to dinner at a historic 18th century dining tavern. Special thanks goes to our sponsors for their generous assistance in making this meeting a success! Platinum Sponsors Lorillard Tobacco R. J. Reynolds Tobacco SAWD Education Fund

Gold Sponsors Altadis USA Altria Sales & Distribution Swedish Match Swisher International Silver Sponsors American Snuff Company Creative Data Research National Tobacco The Hershey Company Bronze Sponsors CAO Commonwealth Brands Jack Link’s Beef Jerky SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


Council of Presidents

Mark Davenport

J. T. Davenport & Sons, Inc Sanford, NC 2006-2008

Sherwin Herring

Southco Distributing Company Goldsboro, NC 2004-2006

Duane Schneider

DUSA Distribution Center, Inc. Melbourne, FL 1996 - 1998

Dick Bray

Premier Beverage & Equipment Franklin, TN 1989 - 1990

Jack Cofer

James D. Cofer, Inc. Atlanta, GA 1994 - 1996

Grady Smith

TVC Wholesale, Inc. Florence, AL 1988 - 1989


Steve Shing

Grocery Supply Co. Sulphur Springs, TX 2002-2004

Mike Jones

Andalusia Distributing Co., Inc. Andalusia, AL 2000-2002

Ken Caldwell

Caldwell Wholesale Tobacco Co. Shreveport, LA 1992 - 1994

John Head

Head Distributing Company Smyrna, GA 1986 - 1988

A.C. May

Pelican Cigar Co. Lake Charles, LA 1985 - 1986

Bob Pierpoint

Imperial Trading Co., Inc. Elmwood, LA 1998-2000

Scott Fisher

Spartan Automatic Retailers Memphis, TN 1990 - 1992

John Green

P.M. Green & Sons Cleveland, TN 1979 - 1980

SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


2011 SAWD Executive Committee

Ricky Jones

Dick Dunham

President Andalusia Distributing Co., Inc. Andalusia, AL

Vice President Stephenson Wholesale Co. Durant, OK

Randy Long

Jimmy Stewart

Vice President Long Wholesale Corinth, MS


Board Chairman Stewart Distribution Waycross, GA

Paula Glidewell

Vice President/Comptroller Glidewell Distributing Co. Fort Smith, AR

Greg Martin

Chief Executive Officer SAWD Suwanee, GA

SAWD 2011


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NEW 2.0 oz. Jumbo Steaks! • Oven Roasted Turkey Strip • Steakhouse Recipe Beef Steak PROUD MEMBER OF THE SAWD Link Snacks, Inc. One Snack Food Lane Minong, Wi 54859 715-466-2234 Jacklinks.com

2011 SAWD State Directors

Butch Youmans H.T. Hackney Opp, AL

Nelson Parker

Allison Wholesale, Inc. Paint Rock, AL

Don Childers

Home Folks Wholesale Augusta, GA

Keith Landen Franklin Supply Franklin, LA


Steve Douglas

Danny Austin

Douglas Companies Texarkana, AR

Anthony Gardner LAG, Inc. Tucker, GA

Dan McIntyre

Jackson Wholesale Jackson, KY

McLane Kissimmee, FL

Charlie Casper Hardec’s Elizabethtown, KY

Liz Joachim Corso, Inc. Biloxi, MS

SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


2011 SAWD State Directors

Lee Farrell

Imperial Trading Elmwood, LA

Bucky Johnson

J.F. Johnson, Inc. Batesburg-Leesville, SC

Scott McPherson Core-Mark Fort Worth, TX


Lawson Williams

Gordon Munden

M.R. Williams Henderson, NC

Atlantic Dominion Distributors Hope Mills, NC

Jeff Leischner

Scot Shanks

Thomas & Howard Co. Columbia, SC

Robin Ray

Atlantic Dominion Distributors Virginia Beach, VA

Jim Naifeh

Standard Distributing Co. Sapulpa, OK

Charlie Smith

L.P. Shanks Co. Crossville, TN

Smith Wholesale Co., Inc. Johnson City, TN

Elvin Smythers

Randy Emanuelson

Merchants Grocery Co., Inc. Culpepper, VA

Sledd Co. Wheeling, WV

SAWD 2011

Old Dominion Tobacco Co. A.T.C. Wholesale Trading as

Headquarters Virginia Beach, VA Hope Mills, NC Since 1875

SAWD 2011


2011 At-Large Directors

Corey Cooper

Stephenson Wholesale Durant, OK

Hugh Raetzsch Lyons Specialty Port Allen, LA

David Edwards Coastal Wholesale Kinston, NC

Steve Shehane

Baton Rouge Tobacco Baton Rouge, LA

Charles Enoch

B&W Wholesale Distributors Murfreesboro, TN

Bill Wilkerson

J. L. Gaddy Wholesale Hickory Grove, SC

Sam Stewart

Steward Distribution Waycross, GA

Nick Zaden

City Wholesale Grocery Birmingham, AL

2011 SAWD Board Broker Rep, SLD Rep, Legislative Liaison

Bob Taylor, Sr.

Broker Representative Burdette Beckmann, Inc. Hollywood, FL


Bennett Roberts

Broker Representative Matrix Brokerage Chapel Hill, NC

Chris Smythers SLD Representative Merchants Grocery Culpepper, VA

Dave Riser

Legislative Liaison R.J. Reynolds Winston-Salem, NC

SAWD 2011


Manufacturer Representatives

Tony Barone Altadis, USA

Russ Mancuso

Jim Colucci

April Drummond

Altadis, USA

Altria Sales & Distribution

John Giese CAO

Carter Adair

Commonwealth Brands

Creative Data Research

Jebb Maginnis

Devin Fogleman Dot Foods

Jack Links Beef Jerky

Bob Klein

Clark Sturdivant

Dave Johnson

Victoria Person-Goral

Lorillard Tobacco Company

Dave Riser

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

National Tobacco

Steve Sandman Republic Tobacco


Todd Ebeling Swedish Match


R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Bill Dunn

Swisher International, Inc.

Michael Hughes

The Hershey Company

SAWD 2011

Home Folks Wholesale Co., Inc. Since 1938 Distributors of convenience grocery, candy, tobacco, and general merchandise.

Visit us on the Web at www.homefolksdist.com 2001 Westside Dr., Augusta, GA 30907 706-868-0055 • 800-762-7588 Fax: 706-868-1154 SAWD 2011


SLD 2010 – 2011 SLD Officers and Directors Officers Chris Smythers, Merchant’s Grocery, Culpeper, VA, President Mickey McDaniel, Imperial Trading, New Orleans, LA, Vice President Barry Krebs, Keebler Company, Mableton, GA, Treasurer Jeff Eldridge, Lorillard Tobacco Company, Jacksonville, FL, Secretary Sam Stewart, Stewart Distribution, Waycross, GA, Board Chairman

Directors Chris Herbert, Altria Sales & Distribution, Charlotte, NC Chris Jones, Andalusia Distributing Co., Andalusia, AL Marc Margolis, Creative Data Research, Ann Arbor, MI Marty Howell, H.T. Hackney, Opp, AL Donnie Childers, Home Folks Wholesale, Augusta, GA Trey Long, Long Distribution, Marion, MS Mike Thorner, National Tobacco, Louisville, KY Ron Leitner, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco, Winston-Salem, NC April Garver, Southco Distributing, Goldsboro, NC Chris Wise, Southco Distributing, Goldsboro, NC Victor Blanco, Swisher International, Ponte Vedra, FL Jere Loggins, Thomas & Howell, Columbia, SC Trey Williams, Thomas Williams & Assoc., New Orleans, LA


SAWD 2011

Focused on C-Store Wholesalers and C-Store Retailers. Our focus is “Your Business” in the following markets: FL, N & S Carolina, VA, MD, TN, AL & GA

Corporate Office

5851 Johnson Street, Hollywood, FL 33021 Phone 954-983-4360 Fax 954-983-4405

Additional Offices: Burdette Beckmann, Inc.

12830 W. Creek Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23238 Phone 804-346-4949 Fax 804-346-4977

Burdette Beckmann, Inc.

116 Associate Lane, Indian Trail, NC 28079 Phone 704-821-4677 Fax 704-821-4654

Burdette Beckmann, Inc.

516 Douglas Ave., Ste. 1102, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone 407-869-0797 Fax 407-869-0059

SAWD 2011


Five Common Pitfalls of Inventory Replenishment In addition, unless buyers know just how much those items fluctuate in demand, there is no way they can possibly place accurate orders when it comes to safety stock. One product could be very stable, requiring very little safety stock, while another is very erratic and requires significantly more. If all your buyers have is a straight average, they will never know this. Their head’s in the freezer…feet in the fire.

by Dan Kiefer Director of Marketing King III Solutions


here’s a saying in purchasing that when the inventory in the warehouse is lean, sales is doing a great job. When the warehouse is overstocked, there must be a problem with purchasing. That’s the world we live in. Running a profitable company in this economy is as much about keeping inventory lean as it is about boosting sales. But as everyone knows, that’s easier said than done. With demand fluctuations, supplier issues and tightening wallets, keeping the right balance of inventory is tricky to say the least. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet that will keep your inventory perfect all the time. However, the first step in fixing any problem is identifying its causes. In this article, we will talk about 5 of the most common mistakes buyers make when placing orders. Once identified, we can put a few simple practices in place that will help us become more accurate in our orders, increase our fill rates, and reduce our inventory.

Blinded by Averages Someone once told me that if you have your head in a freezer and your feet in a fire, on average, your body temperature is about right…but you definitely will not be comfortable. Most buyers have some kind of system that tells them the average movement for their products by the day, week or month. Nearly every order is based off of these averages, and they should be. However, there are a couple reasons why this can be dangerous. First, we all know that products can experience large unexplained drops or spikes in demand for one period. If your calculations do not have a way to filter those periods, they can cause a large swing in the overall average. A large change in your average would lead to a dramatic change in the future order quantity. If this spike or dip in demand does not continue in the future, you will either have way too much stock or worse…not enough. 52

Lead-Time Forecasting So you’re all set! You’ve got a good, solid average for your product demand. Now you can place your orders with confidence, right? Well, not quite. You still have the minor issue of the suppliers. How dependable are your suppliers when they tell you they have a 14-day lead-time on orders? If you’re like most of our customers, your suppliers are probably not very reliable. Just like your product demand can vary from one period to the next, so too can supplier lead times. One of our customers on the west coast imports tires from over seas. Their suppliers told them to plan on a 6-month lead-time on all of the tires, and they took the supplier at their word. When they actually started looking at the recorded lead times, however, they found that on one of their lines, the lead time was more like 7 weeks! They had an extra 4 months of safety stock! Contrast that with another customer where a supplier quoted a 14-day lead-time. When they looked at real POs, the actual lead time averaged 30 days. They could not figure out why they kept running out of stock on their items. If you take your suppliers for their word, it can have a hugely detrimental impact on your inventory levels and fill-rates.

Seasonality Now that we have uncovered the danger of averages and have a firm grasp on lead-times, your inventory should start to make a lot more sense. But there are still a few more pieces to look at. SAWD 2011

Next, it’s important for you to identify products that show a seasonal tendency. On the surface, seasonality is a simple concept. It makes sense that you would sell more chicken soup in the winter, and Gatorade in the summer. The challenge comes with those products that are not so obvious. Typically, our customers see about 20% of their products with a seasonal profile (although, like product demand, this can vary greatly from one customer to the next). Working around the country, we have found markets where products like Pepto-Bismol, Vienna Sausages, and even condoms had a distinct season. By identifying these items and knowing when they will peak (or experience their off-season), you can account for the increase and decrease in demand when needed.

Order Cycle Analysis How often you order from a vendor is just as important to you as how much you order. If your minimum order from a vendor is $500, should you order as soon as you can meet the minimum? Maybe, but maybe not. There is a cost associated with every order. Suppliers may have an order cost or shipping cost. And of course there is some cost associated with receiving a shipment at your dock to unload the truck and put it on your shelves. Ordering too

SAWD 2011

often can end up costing you a significant amount of money in the long run. On the other hand, if you order too infrequently, there are the carrying costs. Depending on the items in your warehouse, your carrying cost on your inventory is probably about 25% of the total inventory. That means it costs you about $250,000 per year for every $1,000,000 of inventory in your warehouse. Ordering too infrequently means carrying more inventory. More inventory means more carryingcosts. What’s a buyer to do? The answer is to find the right balance. There are formulas out there that will give you some guidance on this issue. In general, the best answer is to have a well thought out plan and stick to it.

Time Supply Ordering In a perfect world, when we sit down to order we would look at our solid, well thought out demand forecasts and based on our order cycles build an order that will meet our minimums every time. The reality is that inventory does not always cooperate. You may build an order and realize that you have not met your minimum order. Then what? Do you just add a little extra on your fastest movers? Or, maybe you have exceeded your maximum order. What do you do? Do you trim your slow movers? The problem is either of these scenarios is time supply. If you add your fast movers to meet your minimum, what will happen on your next order? You’ll have an excess supply of your fast moving products and need some of your slower ones…and still won’t meet your minimum. In the second scenario, you will frequently run out of your slower moving products long before you can justify placing another order. The answer to this dilemma is time supply ordering. When you need to add to an order or trim an order, make sure you do it based on days worth of stock across the entire order. By doing so you will avoid the final major pitfall in inventory replenishment and make your buyers lives a lot easier. Although inventory replenishment will never be an exact science and demand forecasts will never be perfect, it is important to make sure your buyers have a well thought out plan when they sit down to place their orders. If not, you risk allowing inventory costs to get out of control costing you millions of dollars each year. Getting a handle on product averages, lead times, seasonality, order cycle analysis and time supply ordering will by no means fix every problem you will encounter in inventory replenishment. These five factors will, however, make a huge impact on your order accuracy, inventory levels and your fill rates. n 53

Officers & Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Vice President VP/Compt. Vice President Board Chairman

Ricky Jones Dick Dunham Paula Glidewell Randy Long Jimmy Stewart

Andalusia Distributing Stephenson Wholesale Glidewell Distribution Long Wholesale Stewart Distribution

STATE DIRECTORS STATE Alabama Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Georgia Kentucky Kentucky Louisiana Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Tennessee Texas Virginia Virginia West Virginia

DIRECTORS COMPANY Butch Youmans H. T. Hackney Nelson Parker Allison Wholesale Steve Douglas Douglas Companies Danny Austin McLane Don Childers Home Folks Wholesale Anthony Garner Lag Inc. Charlie Casper Hardec’s Dan McIntyre Jackson Wholesale Keith Landen Franklin Supply Lee Farrell Imperial Trading Liz Joachim Corso, Co. Gordon Munden Atlantic Dominion Dist. Lawson Williams M. R. Williams, Inc. Jimmy Naifeh Standard Distributing Co. Bucky Johnson J. F. Johnson, Inc. Jeff Leischner Thomas & Howard Co. Charlie Smith Smith Wholesale Scot Shanks L. P. Shanks Co. Scott McPherson Core-Mark Robin Ray Atlantic Dominion Distributors Elvin Smythers Merchants Grocery Co., Inc. Randy Emanuelson Sledd Company

AT-LARGE DIRECTORS NAME COMPANY Steve Shehane Baton Rouge Tobacco (LA) Sam Stewart Stewart Distribution (GA) Charles Enoch B & W Wholesale Distributors (TN) Bill Wilkerson J. L. Gaddy (SC) David Edwards Coastal Wholesale (NC) Nick Zaden City Wholesale Grocery (AL) Hugh Raetzsch Lyons Specialty (LA) Corey Cooper Stephenson Wholesale (OK)


SAWD 2011

Elected and Installed BROKER & SLD REPRESENTATIVES/LEGISLATIVE LIAISON NAME Bob Taylor Bennett Roberts Chris Smythers Dave Riser

COMPANY BROKER/SLD Burdette Beckmann Broker Representative Matrix Brokerage Broker Representative Merchants Grocery SLD Representative R.J. Reynolds Legislative Liaison MANUFACTURER REPRESENTATIVES

NAME COMPANY April Drummond Altria Sales and Distribution Jim Colucci Altadis, USA Tony Barone Altadis, USA John Giese CAO Russ Mancuso Commonwealth Brands Jebb Maginnis Creative Data Research Devin Fogleman Dot Foods Carter Adair Jack Links Beef Jerky Bob Klein Lorillard Tobacco Clark Sturdivant National Tobacco David Johnson NestlĂŠ USA Dave Riser R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Victoria Person-Goral R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Steve Sandman Republic Tobacco Todd Ebeling Swedish Match Bill Dunn Swisher International, Inc. Michael Hughes The Hershey Company COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS NAME Mark Davenport Sherwin Herring Steve Shing Mike Jones Robert Pierpoint Duane Schneider Jack Cofer Ken Caldwell Scott Fisher Dick Bray Grady Smith John Head A. C. May John Green Bert Trompeter

SAWD 2011

YEAR(S) SERVED 2006-2008 2004-2006 2002-2004 2000-2002 1998-2000 1996-1998 1994-1996 1992-1994 1990-1992 1989-1990 1988-1989 1986-1988 1985-1986 1979-1980 1973-1976

COMPANY J.T. Davenport & Sons, Inc. Southco Distributing Grocery Supply Company Andalusia Distributing Company Imperial Trading Company DUSA Distribution Center James D. Cofer, Inc. Caldwell Wholesale Spartan Automatic Retailers Premier Beverage & Equipment TVC Wholesale Head Distributing Pelican Cigar P.M. Green and Sons John F. Trompeter Company


James F. “Bucky” Johnson, President 225 Summerland Avenue Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29006 P.O. Box 2499 Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29070-2499

(803) 532-6341 1(800) 821-9744 Fax (803) 532-9552 www.JFJohnsonInc.com 56

SAWD 2011

Save the Date! NATO Trade Show April 24-26, 2012 Paris Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, Nevada

SAWD 2011


Midyear Board of Directors Meeting

The El Conquistador Resort and Spa

The Southern’s Midyear Meeting of the Board of Directors was held at The El Conquistador Resort & Spa, in Fajardo, Puerto Rico in February of 2011. The meeting typically sets the direction of the organization for the coming year, and this meeting was no exception. Thanks to this meeting, we feel that the 2011 SAWD Annual Meeting in June will be the best! All of the Southern’s committees met including, Finance & Budget, Education, Conventions & Meetings, Government Affairs, Industry Affairs, and the Executive Committee. A full report of committee activities will be made during the Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. We would like to extend a sincere debt of gratitude to all the members 58

of the Board who were in attendance at this meeting. What a beautiful venue we had in Puerto Rico to enjoy working, sharing, brainstorming and networking—we even managed to have a great time with perfect weather! We would also like to express our thanks to our sponsors for their big part in making this meeting such a success!! 2011 SAWD Midyear Sponsors: Platinum R.J. Reynolds Tobacco/ American Snuff Company Altadis USA Altria Sales & Distribution Lorillard Tobacco

Gold Sponsors National Tobacco Nestlé USA The Hershey Company Commonwealth Brands Creative Data Research Jack Links Beef Jerky Swedish Match Swisher International Silver Sponsors Burdette Beckmann Dot Foods Matrix Brokerage Republic Tobacco

SAWD 2011

A Full Service Convenience Store Supplier

Since 1937 (256) 776-3268 • 1-800-239-5173 Fax: (256) 776-4717 Highway 72 East Paint Rock, Alabama 35764 www.allisonwholesale.com SAWD 2011


Savannah Wrap-Up 2010

The Southern’s 2010 Annual Meeting and Trade Show was held at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center/Westin Savannah Harbor in Savannah, Georgia. The meeting featured the 2nd largest trade show for convenience wholesalers in the country: Southern Showcase 2010. In addition, attendees received outstanding industry-specific educational sessions, updates on industry and legislative issues and a host of networking opportunities including: golf at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Club, awards dinners on 60

Thursday and Friday evenings, the Silent Auction, Hospitality Suite,” a “Paula Deen” Experience optional tour and an evening in Savannah including dinner on River Street and our very own “Southern” Historic District Pub Crawl. The Board of Directors and Committees of the association met to carry on the business of the organization. We would like to extend a sincere debt of gratitude to our sponsors for their part in making this meeting a success. SAWD 2011

2010 Annual Meeting Sponsors Altadis USA Altria Sales & Distribution American Snuff Co. Associated Distributors Burdette Beckmann CAO Commonwealth Brands Creative Data Research SAWD 2011

Dot Food The Hershey Company Jack Links Beef Jerky Lorillard Tobacco Matrix Brokerage National Tobacco Co. NestlĂŠ USA

R.J. Reynolds Republic Tobacco SAWD Education Fund Smokey Mountain Snuff Swedish Match Swisher International Tantus Tobacco


Ashland Specialty Co. Wholesale Distributors

Serving Kentucky, West Virginia and Ohio with candy, tobacco products, groceries, paper goods and institutional items. We Sell The Old Fashioned Way… We Show It! Ashland Specialty Co.

Wholesale Distributors 125 29th Street • Ashland, Kentucky 41101 Gobel Copley, Jr. President 62

Bud Copley Vice President SAWD 2011

SAWD 2011


Advertisers Directory A Special Thanks To All Listed Below Who Make Our Convention Magazine Possible! Allison Wholesale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

J.T. Davenport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Altadis USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Jack Links Beef Jerky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Altria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover

King Maker Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

American Snuff Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

Long Wholesale Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Andalusia Distributing Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Merchant’s Grocery Company, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Ashland Specialty Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

National Tobacco Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Atlantic Dominion Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

NATO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Bic Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Nestlé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Burdette Beckmann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Pure Smoke, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

City Wholesale Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Commonwealth Brands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Republic Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover

Corso, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Sledd Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Creative Data Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Southco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Douglas Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Standard Distributing Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

GSC Enterprises, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Stephenson Wholesale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

H.T. Hackney Co.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Stewart Candy Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Hardec’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Swedish Match.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Hershey USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Swisher International, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Home Folks Wholesale Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

J.F. Johnson, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


SAWD 2011



The moist snuff category is growing at more than 7%, and Grizzly is driving that increase. Grizzly has become one of America’s best-selling smokeless brands—making up 52% of the price value segment today. Grizzly accounts for 42% volume of all Long Cut Wintergreen, the most popular moist smokeless flavor in the industry. Plus, Grizzly has the best-selling Wintergreen Pouches in the industry with 36% of all Wintergreen Pouch volume.* ®


WARNING: This product can cause mouth cancer. *CSIP Wholesale Shipments to Retail-Jan to Jun 2010 *Jan - Jun 2010 vs. YAGO Period ©2011 American Snuff Company, LLC.

25574_GrizzlyAD_SAWD.indd 1

2/23/11 9:21 AM

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