Abs strategic plan

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Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Updated May 2017

Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Updated May 2017 in line with CIS International Accreditation Protocol 2016 and ABS Experience Model

Key Areas Council of International Schools (CIS) International Accreditation 2016 Protocol Section C: The Curriculum

Sec tio n

B: e, Leadershi anc p a nd ern ov O G

Section A: Purpose & Direction

Section D: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

Section E: The Students’ Leaning and Wellbeing

Section F: Staffing

Section G: Premises and Physical Accommodation

Section H: Community and Home Partnership


ip rsh ne w

A. Purpose and Direction

To maintain a clear identity for the School, a Mission which will be owned by the school community, and a Vision which will excite successful school development and growth


A. Purpose and Direction

To fully review the School’s admissions policy to ensure that it meets the expectations of the School’s Guiding Statements

Principal June 2017 Completed


To successfully implement and monitor the School’s definitions of International Understanding and Arab Heritage as per CIS and IB expectations

VP Arabic June 2017 Completed


To carry out a full review of the School´s Guiding Statements in preparation for the CIS Ten-Year Accreditation Visit

VP Arabic June 2017 Completed



B. Governance, Leadership and Ownership

To create an effective, open and ethical leadership and management at all levels throughout the school that supports the learning and teaching and unites the school community in a powerful collaboration


B. Governance, Leadership and Ownership Principal June 2016 Completed


Principal June 2015 Completed



ABS Board of Trustees 2016 - 2017 B4

To review and update all policies pertaining to governance and leadership in line with CIS accreditation standards

To design and implement a whole school Grievance Policy to ensure that concerns are dealt with appropriately in a timely manner

Principal June 2018 Draft Completed

Principal June 2018

To create a long term financial plan that will support the implementation of the whole school Strategic Plan

To review the roles and responsibilities of the Extended Management Team and all posts of responsibility to ensure effective distributed leadership and the collaborative working of all three schools


C: The Curriculum

To ensure that the School offers an appropriate written and taught curriculum for all students, in line with the School’s Guiding Statements and supported by appropriate curriculum mapping and documentation


C: The Curriculum: Primary School Horizontal Head of PS June 2015 Completed


Deputy Head of PS June 2019


Primary School Grades 1 - 5

To successfully complete the implementation of the IB PYP Standards and Practices in order to achieve full PYP authorisation


Head of PS June 2019

To efficiently and effectively implement the curriculum of all programmes of inquiry, specialist subjects and student wellbeing expectations

To enhance the implementation of the constructivist inquiry-based model for teaching and learning


C: The Curriculum: Middle Years School Horizontal

Head of MYS June 2016 Completed


Head of MYS June 2019


Middle Years School Grades 6 - 10


To successfully implement all IB MYP “Next Chapter� Developments, especially the eAssessments


Head of MYS June 2019

To efficiently and effectively implement the concept-based curriculum and student wellbeing expectations

To enhance the implementation of the constructivist inquiry-based model for teaching and learning

C: The Curriculum: IB College Horizontal

Head of IBC June 2018


Head of IBC June 2019


IB College Grades 11 - 12

To broaden and expand the curriculum provision post-16 through the successful implementation of the IB Career–related Programme


Head of IBC June 2019

To efficiently and effectively implement the concept-based curriculum and wellbeing expectations

To enhance the implementation of the constructivist inquiry–based model for teaching and learning


D: Teaching and Assessing for Learning

To ensure that the learning and progress achieved by all students is secure, facilitated by teaching of a consistently high standard throughout the school


D: Teaching and Assessing for Learning Director of IB Continuum June 2018


To continue to implement the Whole School Learning and Teaching Policy, including whole school, divisions and departmental self–reviews and audits

Director of IB Continuum June 2018



VP English June 2017 Completed

Vertical Curriculum (KG 1-Grade 12) Assistant Principal D4

To ensure effective vertical curriculum articulation through the school, including the introduction of appropriate curriculum mapping software


June 2019

To carry out a feasibility study into class sizes, number of classes per grade level and the appropriateness of the existing school divisional structure in light of continued progress with the ABS Premises Master Plan

To ensure that the school remains at, the cutting edge of best international educational practices with regard to use of technology and incorporates the most innovative educational thinking in its programmes as appropriate


E: The Students’ Learning and Wellbeing

To ensure that students are encouraged and helped to learn effectively and to realise their full potentials as learners and young people


E: The Students’ Learning and Wellbeing


Director of Wellbeing and Student Achievement June 2015 Completed

To fully review and implement all the recommendations of the 2013-14 Pastoral Audit




Director of Wellbeing and Student Achievement June 2018

Assistant Principal (Administration) June 2015 Completed

Director of Wellbeing and Student Achievement June 2018

To broaden student access to individual guidance and support, including academic mentoring

To enhance the medical support services within the school

To review new student induction and existing procedures used to support the transition of students from school to school to ensure transparency and fairness and to maximise student choice and potential within the school


Principal & Director of Wellbeing and Student Achievement June 2017 Completed

To create and implement a whole school “Safeguarding” policy based upon the latest international standards


Assistant Principal (Development) Ongoing

To ensure the school’s health and safety policies meet the highest international standards


F: Staffing

To ensure that Human Resources policies and procedures are comprehensive, clear, consistent and helpful to all employees


F: Staffing


Assistant Principal (Development) June 2017 Completed


VP Arabic June 2018

To investigate ways to provide more opportunities for staff development for teachers, administration and support staff so as to enhance staff professional learning


VP Arabic June 2017 Completed

To investigate the feasibility of enhancing the educational qualifications of new and existing staff through the provision of internationally recognised professional development opportunities


Principal June 2017 Completed

To enhance and develop Human Resource procedures through the development of a cogent and comprehensive HR Handbook for all staff

To continue to recognise staff performance and encourage professional growth through reviewing the performance management and professional development processes


G: Premises and Physical Accommodation

To ensure that the physical and financial resources are developed, maintained and used in an open and effective manner to maximise performance whilst minimising manual process to support learning and teaching


G: Premises and Physical Accommodation




Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal




June 2018

June 2017 Completed

June 2017 Completed

To fully implement a new school information management system to ensure effective and efficient management of information in all areas of school operations

To update the school’s ten year premises Master Plan in light of the completion of the new IB College

To ensure that the school’s support services meet the highest international standards in an environmentally responsible manner


H: Community and Home Partnership

To develop the school’s understanding of its responsibilities to and involvement with the local and international community and to maintain the profile of ABS locally and internationally and to ensure that our “outreach� is positive, lively, accurate and of good quality in order to secure positive student and staff recruitment and retention


H: Community and Home Partnership


Assistant Principal (Development) June 2018

To ensure a mutually supportive home-school partnership with all relevant stakeholders so as to support student learning and welfare


Assistant Principal (Development) June 2017 Completed

To develop a whole school House System that creates an ethos and sense of belonging to the ABS community


Assistant Principal (Development) June 2018

To ensure the effective mapping of all school co-curricular programmes and that they meet the highest international standards


Assistant Principal (Development) June 2019

To ensure that all school “outreach� events, conferences, meetings and media and publication materials are of the highest possible standard in both Arabic and English


Amman Baccalaureate School Al Hijaz Street Dabouq, PO Box 441, Sweileh 11910, Jordan Tel. +962 6 541 1191 Fax.+962 6 541 2603 e-mail: info@abs.edu.jo www.abs.edu.jo

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