5 Myths About What Makes a Great Hire One of the primary reasons that so many companies turn to job recruitment agencies in Australia to find their next great employee is because the tactics used by most companies to uncover a great candidate are outdated. There are a variety of myths about how to hire candidates that companies seem to follow, and by relying on these myths, these organizations run into a trap of hiring lessthanideal applicants. Some of these myths include: •
Experience Over Intelligence
Experience is important. It cuts down on training and ensures that the individual can handle the tasks they are hired for. But intelligence and the ability to learn are arguably more so. Job roles are constantly changing, and just because an employee has experience with a task now, that does not imply they’ll be able to learn the next task easily. •
Outgoingness Over Potential
Confidence is a great quality in a candidate, because it shows they know what they’re doing and they are willing to take charge. But most of today’s careers involve sitting behind a computer, working quietly without much interaction with others. Depending on the job, potential is arguably more important than confidence, because you need the person to do their job well, not do their job confidently. Weighing personality with ability correctly is another reason companies rely on job recruitment agencies in Australia. •
Previous Salary Matters
There was a time that you could learn a lot about a candidate by how much they made in the past. But these days, with the economy as it is, that value is drastically reduced. Many companies cut salaries of great employees. Other employees were forced to take lower salary positions to support their family. Still others never realized they were underpaid, or thought that there would be job growth potential that would make the low pay worth it. Regardless, salary is not as indicative of talent as it once was in the past. •
Management Experience Carries Over
Management experience is certainly useful, and the more supervisory experience someone has, the more likely they will understand their role when they move to a new company. But the ability for someone to manage depends a great deal on how their personality and management style works with current employees. A manager is only as skilled as the employees that respond to them. If the employees do not appreciate the manager’s style or personality, no amount of experience is going to make them a better manager. •
It’s Easy to Spot a Good Resume
These days, open positions receive quite literally hundreds of resumes, depending on the type of job, location, and where it is advertised. Most companies spend less than a few seconds reading each resume in order to find the best candidate. Job recruitment agencies in Australia read each one, because it’s easy to miss a great candidate when you spend less than a few seconds on each resume. Just because you are left with a pile of adequate resumes does not mean you did not miss one that was great for the role. Hiring Correctly at Your Company These myths are extremely common in companies all over Australia. That is why so many industries turn to job recruitment agencies in Australia like Recruit Shop. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you find your next rising superstar.