Saxum Foundation Annual Report 2017

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INDEX 1. THE SAXUM PROJECT............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 WHAT IS SAXUM INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION?......................................................... 4 1.2 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT........................................................................................................ 5 1.3 EXECUTIVE BOARD................................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 MISSION............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.5 VISION................................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.6 OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................................ 7 2. THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 GOAL................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 INSPIRATION................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.3 INVOLVED ENTITIES.................................................................................................................................. 11 2.4 THE SAXUM PROJECT............................................................................................................................ 12 2.5 ONGOING CONSTRUCTION.............................................................................................................. 14 3. THE EMMAUS TRAIL................................................................................................................... 16 4. FRIENDS OF SAXUM.................................................................................................................. 18 5. VISITOR CENTER.......................................................................................................................... 21 5.1 LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR......................................................................................................... 23 5.2 STAFF................................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.3 ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNICATION........................................................................................... 25 6. END & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................................................................ 29


1.1/ What is Saxum International Foundation?

Saxum International Foundation is a non-profit registered in Italy (Via Torquato Taramelli n.30, 00197 Rome) (CF 97755970585) in accordance with the laws of Italy. Among other projects, the foundation is responsible for the worldwide fundraising campaign for the construction and development of Saxum Conference Center and Saxum Visitor Center, as well as for the establishment of an endowment fund for the current and future needs of the above.

The foundation is responsible for the worldwide fundraising campaign for the construction and development of Saxum Conference Center and Saxum Visitor Center.



1.2/ Letter from the President

“Saxum International Foundation actively works with other Christian and Israeli institutions to develop peace projects in Holy Land.” Alfonso Alegiani, Saxum Foundation President

Dear friends, In this Annual Report of the Saxum International Foundation for 2017, I would like to thank everybody who has generously contributed to this project: with their work, with their prayers and with their donations. Thanks to many people from all over the world, this year we have managed to come very close to fulfilling the dream of St. Josemaria Escriva. Each year we are humbled by the generosity of our donors who have helped us to accomplish the goals and objectives of the project. In 2017 we finished the fundraising campaign for the construction of Saxum, and we owe this to more than 100,000 donors from 50 different countries. We could not be more grateful to them, and we believe that the best way to respond is with our hard work for this project to become what St. Josemaría had envisioned. However, we have many projects still ahead of us, and I feel the need to ask for your trust once more, so that we may move forward together to achieve these goals. In addition to thanking all those who in one way or another have contributed to this project, I would like espe-

cially to thank ACI (Association for Cultural Interchange, Inc.) in the United States and the Cárdenas Rosales Foundation in Spain. Since we began this adventure they have trusted and supported us at every moment. The same goes to the foundations in every country that have helped us economically, and without whose help, none of this would have been possible. This campaign has become a reality because of you. The development of initiatives in this land, the land of Jesus, is also a way of bringing hearts from all over the world closer to Jesus Christ.

A pilgrimage to the Holy Land is a unique experience. Every person visiting the Holy Land we have encountered at Saxum, now nearly completed, has told us how much this place has changed their lives. For this reason we will never tire of saying how incredible the Saxum project is. I encourage you to take this project to more people: to your families and friends and to everyone you know. My own hope is that next year many more people will be motivated to have the personal experience of an encounter with Jesus in His homeland.

Saxum International Foundation actively works with other Christian and Israeli institutions to develop peace projects such as the “Emmaus Trail”, besides other initiatives such as educational courses for tour guides and activities for pilgrims in Holy Land. In 2017 all of these projects were being developed in order to prepare for our upcoming official opening. We are sure that these initiatives will have a great impact on every person who visits the Holy Land.

Thank you for your collaboration,


Alfonso Alegiani President


Visitor Center. Timeline

1.3/ Executive 1.4/ Mission Board From the beginning of operations until November 2017, the Executive Board has been composed of: President / Alfonso Alegiani Vice President / José Fabregat Treasurer / Luis Martín General Secretary / Antonio Quintana From November 2017 onward the Board has been composed of: President / Alfonso Alegiani

Saxum Foundation’s principal mission is to help people around the world to have their personal encounter with God through the Holy Land. To fulfill this goal, it has made itself responsible for obtaining the funds necessary to implement the Saxum Project in the Holy Land and develop initiatives to improve the experience of pilgrims visiting the land of Jesus. Saxum Foundation helps coordinate activities in over 50 countries with over 150,000 donors.

Vice President / Carla Vassallo Treasurer / Luis Martín General Secretary / Rosalinda Corbi Board member / Florencia Carloni Board member / Javier Gazulla Advisor / Antonio Quintana 6

Saxum Foundation is active in over 50 countries with over 150,000 donors.


View of Jerusalem

1.5/ Vision With the goal of $60 million to cover the costs of land purchase, construction, equipment, and the creation of an endowment fund to ensure its sustainability, Saxum Foundation has coordinated the efforts of a fundraising campaign in over 50 countries, in collaboration with existing local foundations that want to help make the Saxum Project a reality.

1.6/ Official documentation

Similarly, our goal is to keep project donors closely connected to the Holy Land through the creation and development of the “Friends of Saxum� program, whose main mission will be to increase the number of pilgrimages to the land of Christ.



Saxum from the sky

The Saxum Project consists of the construction of a conference center and a Visitor Center with multimedia resources where pilgrims will have access to an abundance of information related to the Holy Land.

2.1/ The Project’s Goal Saxum was born out of the need for people to have a deeper knowledge of Jesus in the Holy Land, so that pilgrims will be able to begin, or foster, their relationship with Him, perpetuating the tradition of many pilgrims who have experienced a profound transformation in their lives after being here.


The Saxum Project consists of the construction of a conference center and a Visitor Center with multimedia resources where pilgrims will have access to an abundance of information related to the Holy Land. Saxum is located in the Judean hills, in Abu Ghosh, where the path that Jesus walked with the disciples to Emmaus likely passed through.


St. Josemaría Escrivá

Blessed Álvaro del Portillo and Msgr. Javier Echevarría

“The disciples of Emmaus”. Altarpiece of the chapel of the Visitor Center

2.2/ Inspiration “ANOTHER CHARACTER IN THE SCENE…” St. Josemaría Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, longed to visit the Holy Land during his lifetime to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. This deep desire also extended to all his spiritual children in Opus Dei and their families and friends, all of whom he wished could have the opportunity in their lifetimes “to pray, kneel upon, and kiss the soil which Jesus trod upon,” as Blessed Alvaro del Portillo related.

“SAXUM, THAT’S YOU” In 1939, St. Josemaría started to call Blessed Alvaro del Portillo “Saxum” – Latin for rock – because of his fidelity and fortitude. In naming this conference center after him, the organizers wish to show their gratitude towards Bl. Alvaro for his life of service to the Church. There is more history behind the name: in 1994, Bl. Alvaro del Portillo, the closest collaborator and first successor of St. Josemaría, went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in thanksgiving for his 80th birthday and 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination. On March 23, 1994, just a few hours after having returned 10

to Rome from his pilgrimage, God called Bl. Alvaro to heaven. He had celebrated his last Mass on earth in the Church of the Cenacle (ad Coenaculum) in Jerusalem. That same year, inspired by St. Josemaria’s wish and in memory of Bl. Alvaro del Portillo, the faithful of Opus Dei, together with cooperators and friends, began the search for the land and planning of the future Saxum project.


Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

2.3/ Involved Entities Saxum International Foundation (, headquartered in Italy, also cooperates with ACI in the worldwide campaign for donations and plays an advisory role in the design of the program of activities for Saxum. The Saxum network is the network of local foundations in more than 37 countries that promotes and provides economic support for the Saxum Project.

the impact the Saxum project will have, and with this objective in mind, it has signed agreements with foundations and charitable organizations from several countries. Cรกrdenas Rosales Foundation ( has signed an agreement as co-owner of the Saxum project with ACI and manages promotions and donations for the project in Spain.

ACI: The Association for Cultural Interchange (www.culturalinterchange. org), a non-profit organization registered in the U.S., is the main promoter of this project and is the owner of the land and future headquarters of Saxum. To build it and develop its activities, it relies on the collaboration of all those who understand and appreciate 11


2.4/ The Saxum Project Letter from the General Secretary Dear friends, One could say that the Saxum project has come to an end, and thanks to the grace of God, that all of our goals have been reached. However this is very far from the truth, since now is when the real adventure begins. It has been four years full of joy, and we have always felt the hand of God, through the intercession of Blessed Álvaro del Portillo, alongside the invaluable encouragement of his successor, Mons. Javier Echevarría, and now from Mons. Fernando Ocáriz. During this time it really has been extraordinary to see the generosity of so many people, and I regret that I cannot address each one personally in this letter. However, I wish to use this opportunity to truly thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the support and gifts they have given to Saxum. Also, my gratitude extends to those who have made the project a reality: I would like to say a special word of thanks to everyone involved in the construction of Saxum, as well as to the various foundations and institutions in every country who have made the

fundraising campaign possible. My gratitude also extends to the team of people who, from Jerusalem, have worked day after day in coordinating the entire project. This year we will finish one phase and then a new one will begin. We are eagerly awaiting the completion of the Visitor Center, the Conference Center, the Emmaus Trail, Friends of Saxum, the courses for the tourist guides, Holy Land Dialogues, and many other initiatives that are already being developed by the International Saxum Foundation team. Once again I would like to express my gratitude to each of you, for everything that you have contributed towards this project, and still do in order to support it. May we always be convinced of the immense impact Saxum will have on the lives of people from all over the world.

Antonio Quintana General Secretary 12

Antonio Quintana, General Secretary


Saxum Conference Center

The Conference Center is a place for spiritual retreats and workshops inspired by the teachings of Saint Josemaria Escriva.

Conference Center The first activities of the conference center took place in 2017. The conference center is a place for spiritual retreats and workshops inspired by the teachings of Saint Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei, where faithful from all over the world who desire a renewed encounter with Jesus Christ and the Gospels can experience a new conversion and deepen their desire for holiness.

Saxum Visitor Center The Visitor Center will be an interpretation center for visitors and tour guides in the Holy Land, where interactive multimedia resources will highlight the Christian heritage and the Jewish roots of the faith. The resources aim to foster a deeper knowledge of other faiths and to provide a solid foundation for understanding the Holy Sites. The center will offer visitors: - State-of-the-art technology, touch-screens, a model and map of Jerusalem throughout the ages, as well as videos about the Holy Land, its geography, the Bible, and the main events in the history of salvation that took place in the region. - A chapel where visitors will be able to attend Mass, receive the sacrament of Confession, and pray in a silent, peaceful place.


- An auditorium for presentations, lectures, and special gatherings. In addition to offering services for pilgrims, the Visitor Center also aims to contribute to the ongoing and vitally important education of tour guides, who accompany hundreds of thousands of pilgrims each year to the holy sites and have a significant impact on the pilgrims’ experience. The audio-visual materials of the Visitor Center and the courses for tour guides will be offered in collaboration with Polis, the Jerusalem Institute for Languages and Humanities (www.polisjerusalem. org), which specializes in the ancient and modern languages and studies of the eastern Mediterranean.


Arístides Artal, the artist of the Visitor Center’s altarpiece

Saxum. Visitor Center

2.5/ Ongoing Construction This year we completed the fundraising campaign for the construction. The construction of the Visitor Center advances and we hope that in the next few months we can add the final touches.



Nathan Goldschmidt, architect of Saxum, with some visitors

Commemorative stone honoring Bishop Javier Echevarria

Laying of the Last Stone In December 2017, a stone was laid at the entrance of the Conference Center to honor the former Prelate of Opus Dei, Msgr. Javier Echevarria, nearly a year after he left this earth for heaven. This day was historical for the Saxum project, since although the Visitor Center is not yet finished, it symbolized the placement of the last stone of the construction. The three-part stone, with the text in Arabic, English, and Hebrew, reads: “Since 1994, Javier Echevarria, Prelate of Opus Dei, gave impetus to Saxum in memory of his predecessor, Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, to make the land of Jesus Christ better known, and as a place to encounter God, to foster prayer, peace and mutual understanding. With filial gratitude for his pastoral work and his concern for all souls, we place this last stone.” The ceremony was a simple one, with Msgr. Joaquin Paniello, Vicar of Opus Dei in Jerusalem, blessing the memorial plaque. Representatives of the companies behind the construction of Saxum were present with their families to witness the culmination of their work.

Before the blessing of the stone, some of the leaders and coordinators of the project said a few words of thanks to all the construction teams. One of the representatives of Saxum spoke about Don Javier’s vision and deep interest in the progress of Saxum: “He, and he alone, was the ’motor’ that moved tens, even hundreds of thousands of people around the world to help establish this project. He dreamed of a place where thousands of people would come, for a short time, to get to know the Holy Land better, to study, and to pray, because he knew that this land has a special power to facilitate the encounter between God and man – an opportunity for personal change, and to reflect in peace and quiet about what matters most in our lives”. Later, Ory Shaked, the project manager, delivered a moving speech about the trajectory of the Saxum project. He emphasized Saxum’s uniqueness thanks to the people who, despite religious, cultural, and personal differences, came together to work towards the same ground-breaking ideal. 15

“Saxum is not just a construction project. Saxum is a project of hearts coming together, and that’s what makes it so unique.” With the Conference Center operational since June 2017 and the Visitor Center close to opening, the phase of Saxum’s construction is slowly making way for a new and more exciting stage in which, just as it moved the hearts of those involved in its construction, it will hopefully move the hearts of thousands of people who visit it while discovering the roots of their faith.




The Emmaus Trail

The Emmaus Trail The Emmaus Trail is an 18 km hike for people of all ages through the beautiful and historic wilderness of the Judean Hills

“The Emmaus Trail� is an initiative of the Saxum Foundation which is supported by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and the Jewish National Fund (JNF). It is a hiking trail that passes through the forests and greenery of the Judean Hills. It is about 18 kilometers in length, and can be walked easily, at a slight downhill slope without any difficulty or particular skills required. Pilgrims can stop at Saxum and find a quiet place to pray and reflect, but they can also leave Saxum on foot and have a special experience for their pilgrimage by going along the road to Emmaus. 17

At the Saxum Visitor Center, which is the start and information point of the Emmaus Trail, the pilgrims will receive a guidebook with information, quotes, and points to consider. Saxum Foundation together with Polis, the Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities, are in charge of providing the historical knowledge to map out the way and have drawn up a guide according to the known historical sources.


Friends of Saxum during their visit to the Holy Land

What is a Friend of Saxum? “Friends of Saxum” was born to help the initiatives of the Saxum Project reach every corner of the world. It invites those who helped in the project’s fundraising to continue their support, and also encourages those just learning about Saxum to collaborate with us.

A group of pilgrims in the Garden of Olives

Friends of Saxum is a program of Saxum Foundation to help as many people as possible to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in a spirit of prayer and penance, and to make their stay here an occasion for interior renewal. With a spirit of service, Friends of Saxum wishes to promote visits to the Holy Land for people who want to go deeper while helping and participating with other associations and institutions to develop activities with similar objectives. 19

A Friend of Saxum shares the vision and ideals of the Saxum Project and wishes to collaborate in its development and growth. They are convinced of the great personal impact that a trip to the Holy Land has, and therefore share Saxum with their friends and acquaintances.


Visitor Center. Multimedia space

Mission The main mission of Friends of Saxum is to make the Saxum Project and the Holy Land better known. In this context, Saxum Visitor Center will lend assistance to the organizers of the pilgrimages who share the following fundamental objectives: a) To promote the knowledge and use of the Saxum Visitor Center (and of its spiritual and cultural services) leading to its inclusion in trip programs organized by diverse entities. b) To create and spread media that will help transform a pilgrimage into a personal encounter with Christ: - Selection of the gospel passages related with the Holy Places - Explanatory videos that will help place the visited locations in a historic, cultural, and religious context. They will serve as preparation for pilgrims before they leave for the Holy Land or can be watched at home before visiting each Holy Place.

- Publications with explanations of the Holy Places (such as “In the Footprints of our Faith�), as well as texts for personal prayer. How can I collaborate as a Friend of Saxum? - With prayer, which is the most valuable contribution. - With voluntary donations for the maintenance of Saxum Visitor Center and for helping people with limited resources to visit the Holy Land. - By promoting pilgrimages from every corner of the world. - By spreading news of Saxum Visitor Center to other pilgrimage organizers to make them aware of this new resource. - By spreading and/or producing material (such as texts, videos, etc.) that help give greater meaning to pilgrimages.


The main mission of Friends of Saxum is to make the Saxum Project and the Holy Land better known. - By making friends, families, and coworkers aware of the importance that the Holy Places hold for every believer, as well as the current situation of the Christians in the Holy Land. - By collaborating in social or educational activities created in cooperation with Saxum in favor of the Christians of the Holy Land.


What do Friends of Saxum receive? The Friends of Saxum receive a letter every three months which inform them of the development of the activities and events in which Friends of Saxum participate. They also receive help for organizing pilgrimages or informative reunions about the Holy Land and Saxum. Of course, they can count on our special prayers for them and their families in the Holy Places.

Friends of Saxum: Italy Friends of Saxum in Italy formed the first association of Friends of Saxum, Amici di Saxum, formally constituted on May 4, 2017. In this way, they can coordinate their efforts to make the mission of Friends of Saxum a reality in their country.


The board of Amici di Saxum Italia is composed of: PRESIDENT Aldo Bressi (Rodano, Milan) VICE PRESIDENT Maurizio Pecorilla (Naples) ADVISORS Sofia Caretto (Lecce), Claudia Ceroni (La Spezia), Dino Collevati (Milan), Giorgio Groppo (Sommariva Bosco, Cuneo), Loredana Pezzino (Catania), Laura Poletti (Milan), Alfonso Villa (Monza).


5.1/ Letter from the Visitor Center Director Dear friends, 2017 has been an important year for Saxum Visitor Center. Every day we continue to be amazed by how much this project can impact the lives of those pilgrims visiting the Holy Land. With time we have managed to give shape to this project, which has taken some time due to its profoundly innovative character. This project has been made possible by the help of many people from all over the globe. I want to thank everyone who has supported us and continues to help make this project a reality. Architects, historians, archeologists, guides and pilgrims: each one of them has been an essential component in the realization of this dream. Now that we are open for visits, it is very moving to receive the visit of so many pilgrims who helped in the fundraising campaign. For them it is also a dream come true, and we are delighted that Saxum continues to be a part of their lives. However, their generosity did not end with the campaign. Donors and visitors continue to make small and big sacrifices for Saxum, many of whom do so without drawing attention to themselves. These sacrifices are the foundation of this project, alongside a mission to help many people understand the Holy Land better - since we are convinced that this land can truly change people’s lives. In 2017 we were visited by 2,700 pilgrims: 2,700

people who have met the project and have taken it back to their homelands. Each one of them is a reason for us to keep working. Regarding the progress of the construction, the Visitor Center still has some details to finalize, but we are on the final stretch. We feel the urgency to complete the Visitor Center, due to the growing interest of many guides and travel agencies, who understand that Saxum offers something new and useful for their pilgrimages. They see how pilgrims are able to learn about the Holy Places with better clarity after going through the multimedia tour, and they appreciate the benefit of gaining an understanding of the context of the Gospel. The Emmaus Trail is also of great interest to pilgrims who wish to walk the path where Jesus walked as well as to locals who enjoy hiking in the surrounding area. We hope that during the forthcoming years this project takes its final shape, and truly encourages visitors to the Holy Land to make the most out of their trip.

Almudena Romero Director, Saxum Visitor Center


Almudena Romero explaining the Visitor Center to some pilgrims.

“I want to thank everyone who has supported us and continues to help make this project a reality. Architects, historians, archeologists, guides and pilgrims: each one of them has been an essential component in the realisation of this dream.�


5.2/ Staff


COMMUNICATION TEAM Paulina Silva Elena Panadero Gabriela Kustner


Almudena Romero

Elena McCarthy

Manuel Cimadevilla

Paulina Silva

Elena Panadero

Gabriela Kustner



5.3/ Activities and Communication Although the Visitor Center is still under construction, many people have been excited to come and visit it.


During 2017 we were visited by more than 2,700 pilgrims from: • Spain • USA • Guatemala • Brazil • Mexico • El Salvador • Argentina • Chile • Nicaragua • Philippines

• Germany • Portugal • Colombia • Uruguay • Puerto Rico • Ecuador • Australia • United Kingdom • Palestinian territories • India


• Peru • Israel • South Africa • France • Trinidad • China • Paraguay • Ukraine • Belgium • Italy

Campus Bio-Medico University, Rome, Italy

Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism of Israel

Pilgrims from Germany during their visit to Saxum

In 2017 we had visitors from 38 countries

2017 was a year of preparation for our event Holy Land Dialogues 2018; for the official opening of the Visitor Center; and also for the release of our new webpage. We also welcomed our first pilgrims to the Visitor Center, who could see our huge map of the Holy Land, and, from May onward, the timeline of the Old Testament. We were visited by many families; children celebrating their first communion; college students; and couples celebrating their wedding anniversaries. Although our multimedia tour is not 100% finished, many pilgrims could learn from the panels on the walls and the maps of the Holy Sites.

Here are some of the visits we had in 2017: January Mount St. Mary’s seminary, USA.

FEBRUARY CARF pilgrimage with Mons. Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Apostolic Delegate to Palestine and Apostolic Nuncio to Israel.

JULY Members of 3rd Scholas Chairs International Congress & Interreligious Citizenship Encounter in Jerusalem (Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador).

AUGUST Spanish Center for Syndonology.



Parish of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Ireland.

Campus Bio-Medico University, Italy.



Paref Woodrose School, Philippines.

Catholic Speakers, USA.



St. Josemaria Institute, USA.

Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism of Israel.

Order of the Holy Sepulchre, Barcelona, Spain.



New series of Friends of Saxum videos

It Happened Here In 2017 Saxum signed a contract with the video producer Digito Identidad and the academic institution Polis, the Jerusalem Institute for Languages and Humanities, to create a series of videos explaining the events that happened in each of the Holy Places. They will also explain their significance in the Jewish culture and faith, and its importance for Christianity. The first videos to be released in 2018 will be on Holy Thursday, Pentecost, and the Transfiguration.

From the Holy Land to the World During 2017 we began a campaign in our newsletter and for our social network followers in which we shared news on what happens in Holy Land, as well as how some of the Jewish high feasts are celebrated.


Contest During the first months of 2017 we launched a social media contest to give a name to Saxum’s olive wood donkey. The winner, Maria Grazia (Jo) Formento from Germany, proposed the name “Saxurrito”, a combination of Saxum and burrito, the Spanish word for “little donkey”. In different parts of the world people have continued to organize activities in support of the Saxum project.


Social Media During 2017 we have continued to update our followers with our Facebook page (Saxum Foundation), Twitter accounts (@saxum_en and @saxum_es),

and our monthly newsletter. This year, we joined Instagram (@saxumfoundation)! This has given us the opportunity to connect with

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a younger audience and to share visually all that Saxum and the Holy Land have to offer.


Visitor Center. Multimedia space

Polis. The Jerusalem Institute of Languages and Humanities The audio-visual materials of the Visitor Center and the courses for tour guides will be offered in collaboration with Polis, the Jerusalem Institute for Languages and Humanities (www., which specializes in ancient and modern languages and studies of the eastern Mediterranean.

Arguments The collaboration agreement continued this year between Saxum Foundation and the Spanish association Arguments (www. in order to improve the communications department of Saxum. Arguments is made up of a group of young media professionals who, at Saxum, are responsible for telling Saxum’s story across various media platforms via content creation and strategy.



Foundations around the world Since the beginning of the fundraising campaign in November 2013, we have established agreements with foundations in more than 30 countries that have joined the promotion and economic support of the Saxum project. We would like to thank all these entities, without whom we would not be able to complete the construction. Currently we have agreements with the following:

Spain / Fundación Cárdenas Rosales

Sweden / Stiftelsen Ateneum

Portugal / Cooperativa de Telheiras para a Promoção da Solidariedade e da Cultura CRL

Austria / Österreichische Bildungsförderungsgesellschaft

Switzerland / Fondation du Léman The Netherlands / Stichting de Oude Gracht United Kingdom / Netherhall Educational Association Belgium / ARDEA, Fondation d’Utilité Publique Poland / Fundacja Współpracy Międzynarodowej

Germany / Zwei Brücken Stiftung Ireland / Lismullin Educational Foundation Limited Lithuania / Visuomenės kulturinio ugdymo centras Nigeria / Kuramo Development Trust (KDT) Kenya / Imara Educational Foundation

Italy / Saxum International Foundation


Hong Kong / East Asian Educational Association Philippines / PFCED Foundation Brazil / Associacao Promocoes Culturais Colombia / CORFOMENTO Foundation Mexico / Promec USA / Woodlawn Foundation Canada / Altum Foundation



The Emmaus Trail 32

SAXUM INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Via Torquato Taramelli n. 30 00197 Rome CF 97755970585 /

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