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1.1 What is Saxum International Foundation?

Saxum International Foundation is a non-profit registered in Italy (Via Torquato Taramelli n.30, 00197 Rome) (CF 97755970585) in accordance with the laws of Italy. The foundation was responsible for the worldwide fundraising campaign for the construction and development of Saxum Conference Center and Saxum Visitor Center, as well as for the endowment for the current and future needs of the above.


1.2 Letter from the President

Alfonso Alegiani President, Saxum Foundation

Dear friends,

We did it!

This has been an exciting year in which we completed the construction of the Visitor Center, launched the new webpage, hosted Holy Land Dialogues 2018, and prepared for everything that will come in this new adventure that Saxum has proved to be. We couldn’t thank our donors and benefactors enough: it is they, over 150,000 people around the world, who are the protagonists of this achievement. Our greatest dream is that, little by little, thanks to your donations and our work, Saxum becomes what St. Josemaria dreamed. I would also like to thank everyone who has collaborated with the Foundation on this project. I would especially like to thank ACI (the Association for Cultural Interchange Inc.) in the USA. Since we started this project, they have trusted and supported us in every moment. The same goes for the foundations in many countries that made the fundraising campaign possible. Without their help, none of this would have been possible.

This year we welcomed many pilgrims for Holy Land Dialogues. Therefore, I must also thank the Social Trends Institute (STI), who was responsible for the cultural content of the conferences at HLD. They helped ensure the high intellectual level of the event, which made HLD 2018 a great success and helped many people understand the importance of visiting and learning more about the Holy Land.

In closing, every year that passes only motivates us to continue creating initiatives and opportunities so that more and more people can partake in this transforming experience that is the Holy Land. That is why we want to keep asking for your help: now is when the adventure really begins. The Holy Land is a one-of-a-kind experience. That is what everyone who visits Saxum, now completed, tells us. That is why we do not tire of spreading the word about this wonderful project. I encourage you to tell more and more people about Saxum: your family, friends, and acquaintances.

Thank you, from our hearts, for your collaboration.

1.3 Executive Board

President / Alfonso Alegiani Vice President / Carla Vassallo Treasurer / Luis Martín International Coordinator / Rosalinda Corbi Board member / Florencia Carloni Board member / Javier Gazulla Advisor / Antonio Quintana

1.4 Mission

Saxum Foundation, based in Rome, helps people from all over the world to have a personal encounter with God by visiting the Holy Land. To walk in the footsteps of Jesus; to pray, kneel, and kiss the ground He walked on is an experience unlike any other. It is an experience that Saint Josemaria – who with Blessed Alvaro, inspired the Saxum project – wanted everyone to experience. For this reason, he advised people to make a “virtual” pilgrimage each day; reading the Gospel and imagining themselves as another character in the narrative. Saxum not only helps pilgrims in the Holy Land to go deeper into the roots of their faith, but also encourages dialogue between people of different religions and cultures.

Visitor Center. Timeline

1.5 Vision

Having been responsible for Saxum’s construction and endowment fund, the Saxum International Foundation’s goal is now to help every pilgrim make the most out of their oncein-a-lifetime trip to the Holy Land. This goal will be achieved through:

1. Saxum Conference Center, which welcomes people from all over the world who want to dedicate time to improve their knowledge of their faith. It is ideally suited so that attendees may rest and reflect on what they have seen and lived in the Holy Land, while they participate in courses on archeology, history, and theology, among other topics.

2. Saxum Visitor Center, whose goal is to facilitate the understanding of the complexity of the Holy Land through technological tools that provide explanations of Biblical history and the Holy Places. Likewise, in order to keep donors and friends of Saxum close to the Holy Land, Saxum Foundation has created and developed the Friends of Saxum association.

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