CLASS W AUTUMN TERM 2011: ICT THE INFORMATION AROUND US For Resources for this Unit Click this link: Unit 1C The purpose of this unit is to familiarise children with different types of information which they will be able to use when finding out about an area of interest. For instance, if this is linked with D&T Unit 1D Homes, children might think about where they can find about homes. Digital photos, Estate Agents websites and leaflets, a local survey and books can tell us about different homes but we could ask questions or look at a TV programme or video. A reference book or CD ROM will also give us information about animal homes. Children need to be aware of how we can listen to and record sounds and what information pictures give us. Lesson 1 I can record sounds and say what they are telling us (SEE B SQUARED) Introduction (10 minutes) Use a tape of sounds around the home. Ask children to listen to the sounds and say what they are telling us. Some examples might be: • The microwave has finished cooking • The washing machine has finished its programme • The television program has finished • There is someone at the door. Now ask children to record information about the types of homes in the local area and the building materials used. They could complete this following a walk of the local area and use some photographs or digital images as a source of information. The could structure the work by asking a series of questions and record the answers. • What type of house is it? • Does it have a chimney? • What is the roof made from? • What are the walls made from? • What shapes can you see? Main lesson (20 minutes) Children record their questions and answers using the pictures to remind them. They need to listen to their recordings so that they can be played back to give the class information about the houses. Plenary (10 minutes) The recordings and photographs can be used to review what we know about the type of homes and building materials in the local area.
Lesson 2 I can talk about information from pictures SEE B SQUARED) This can be used for the first lesson in D&T Unit 1D Homes where children investigate the main features of homes. Introduction (10 minutes) Discuss the different types of information about homes that we can find out from pictures. Use images of homes, estate agent’s websites, diagrams with parts labelled, pictures with basic mathematical shapes labelled, children’s drawings, local maps and pictures with annotations of building materials. Main lesson (15 minutes) Group the children and ask each group to record the information they know from looking at a particular picture Plenary (10 minutes) Review what information the pictures tell us Lesson 3 I can sort information into text, pictures and sounds SEE B SQUARED) The lesson could be part of Science unit 1A Ourselves where children compare baby and adult animals maybe following a farm visit. Show children a variety of information about animals which could include the following: • • • • • • • •
The Lost Cygnet big book by Sebastian Swan. Use the images or print pages for children to label. Use Clicker grids for mother and baby Text books about animals CD ROMs with animal sounds Photographs Videos Digital images or photos Stories
Introduction (10 minutes) Show children the different resources and talk about whether they are pictures, text or sounds. Main lesson (15 minutes) As a whole class activity, sort the resources into pictures, text and sound and record on a word processor, each group as a list. Draw attention to using the ENTER key to start a new line and how to make the title stand out. Plenary (5 minutes) For homework, consider how information is shown in the wider world and draw examples.
Lesson 4 I can talk about different forms of information SEE B SQUARED) Using the homework from the last lesson and a variety of pictures ask children to consider the different forms of information that they can see. Pictures should include: • Books and leaflets –text • Computer programs – icons • Social signs – symbols • Warning signs – pictures • Magazines and newspapers – text and pictures • CD ROMs – sounds • Sebastian Swan big books – text, pictures and sounds Introduction (5 minutes) Remind children about the list of different types of information we made last lesson and introduce the idea of sorting the pictures to show different sorts of information Main lesson (15 minutes) Sort the pictures and name the type of information. A variety of methods could be used: • Word processed labels matched to pictures • Scribed labels • Ready made labels • Children’s written labels Plenary (10 minutes) Review the different forms of information and what it tells us. Include warning signs and sounds and revise what it is telling us. Lesson 5 I can say what information computer icons tell me SEE B SQUARED) In this lesson children look specifically at a multimedia package to see what information or instruction is given by the symbols. They check if they knew what the symbols meant. Introduction (10 minutes) Demonstate one of Sebastian Swan’s big books and compare it with a paper book. Ask children to suggest how to find the following information: • How the icon changes over a “hot spot” • How to open the book • How to turn the page • How to go back a page • How to go back to the start • How to click on a “hot spot” and go back to the story
Main lesson (15 minutes) Explore the big book thinking about the “icons and hot spots” so that the story can be re-told. Plenary (5 minutes) Use display cards of the icons and ask children what they mean. This could be extended to icons in paint programs or word processors. Lesson 6 I can change my writing on the computer SEE B SQUARED) This could be linked with Science Unit 1A Ourselves and mothers and babies from the lost cygnets could be displayed on the wall as pairs. Less able children could use a Clicker grid for their display and more able could add a caption to pictures pasted from the book. Introduction (10 minutes) Show children a variety of printed material and discuss how it is presented. Draw attention to the use of different font size and colour. Demonstrate how how to make writing bigger in Clicker. Main lesson (15 minutes) Explain that the animals from “The Lost Cygnet “ are to be displayed on the wall. Children are to add information to the pictures of the animals taken from “The Lost Cygnet”. They need to make sure the writing is big enough to be seen on the wall. They print out their work. Plenary (5 minutes) Review the finished work as it is displayed. Discuss how font size and colour has been used. Lesson 7 I can find out about adults and their young SEE B SQUARED) In this unit children will collect information from a range of sources and think about how they will present it. This lesson is beginning the process of learning how to learn. This could be linked with Science Unit 1A Ourselves with a focus on matching adults and their young. Introduction (10 minutes) Revise last lesson where adults and young were linked from the “Lost Cygnet Story” and ask how we could find out about other adults and their young. Have a variety of resources available to supplement children’s suggestions: • • • • • •
Non fiction books Websites CD ROMS Pictures and photographs from a farm or Zoo visit Brochures Models
Main lesson (20 minutes) Ask children to think about which animals they will find out about using the resources that are available, and how they will present their information
Plenary (5 minutes) Review progress. Check if all children have questions which can be answered from the materials and their ideas on presentation Lesson 8 Introduction (5 minutes) Review the last lesson to check that all children understand the task and have the resources they need Main lesson (20 minutes) Children collect information from a variety of sources and create a display. Some ideas are: • Pictures of adult and young • List of adults and young • Labelled pictures • Books • Photographs • CD ROMs Plenary (5 minutes) Revise the different ways that we can find information. Stress the use of non fiction texts in literacy as part of the range of information sources. The last two lessons would fit with many areas of the curriculum and would probably need to be repeated in a variety of contexts for children to really understand that we can find and present information in many different ways.