Sayjel Vijay Patel Undergraduate Portfolio

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Sayjel Vijay Patel

Summary Education 2006-11

Sayjel Patel studied at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture and graduated with distinction in 2011. During the period of his undergraduate studies, Sayjel gained professional experience working at variety of offices, including Gensler (Los Angeles), Kohn Pedersen Fox (New York), Brook McIlroy (Toronto), and Coop Himmelb(l)au (Vienna). He was a designer on Sargasso Fields: Responsive Environment, produced for COP:15 climate change summit in 2009, with Philip Beesley and Mette Ramsgard-Thomsen, and assisted with the production of Philip Beesley’s Hylozoic Ground Installation at the 2010 Venice Biennale. Sayjel’s personal work has explored issues concerning computation, custom-manufacturing, performance -based architecture and public space, at venues including Nuit Blanche Toronto and the Toronto Interior Design Show.


Rome Program University of Waterloo School of Architecture, Rome, Italy Instructors: Prof. Lorezo Pignatti (Director), Prof. Tracy Eve Winton


Responsive Architectures Summer School, Center for Interactive Technology and Art, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Copenhagen, Denmark Instructors: Prof. Philip Beesley & Prof. Mette-Ramsgaurd Thomsen


Candidate for Bachelor of Applied Science , Civil Engineering, Cooperative Program, University of Waterloo, Faculty of Engineering, Waterloo, Canada

Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies BAS(Hons) Cooperative Program, with distinction University of Waterloo School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering , Waterloo, Canada

2oo4 Secondary School Diploma - Gifted Program, A.B. Lucas Secondary School, London, Ontario, Canada Select Internships and Professional Experience 2010 Coop Himmelb(l)au, Assistant Architect, Vienna, Austria, Supervisor: Hartmut Hank, Project Partner 3d modelling, parametric studies, production of physical study models: - Central Bank of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan - Congress Center Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan 2009 Brook McIlory , Architectural Assistant, Toronto, Canada, Supervisor: Calvin Brook, Principal visualizations, production of technical drawings, presentation material, concept design: - Thunderbay Waterfront Redevelopment, Thunderbay, Canada - Downsview Park Masterplan, Toronto, Canada 2008.9-.12 Kohn Pedersen Fox, Architectural Assistant, New York, New York, Supervisor: Douglas Hocking, Partner, production of technical drawings, preparation of 2d presentation material, design development: - Methodist Hospital and Research Institute, Houston, Texas - Rosslyn Gateway Mixed-Use Development, Rosslyn Virginia 2008.1-.04 Gensler, Architectural Assistant, Los Angeles, California Supervisor: Kap Malik, Partner, 3d modelling concept design, design development: - Trails Palm Springs Mixed Use-Development, Palm Springs, Nevada 2006.1-.05 PCL Constructors, Junior Field Engineer, Toronto, Canada, coordination of subtrades, construction scheduling, preparation of tenders, site measurements: - Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Toronto, Canada Academic and Organizational Experience 2009 -11 Vice President, Waterloo School of Architecture Student Association 2010 - Student Associate, Ontario Association of Architects, Canada 2009 Student Representative, Waterloo School of Architecture Health & Safety Committee 2009 - 11 Digital Fabrication Laboratory Supervisor, School of Architecture Workshop 2006 - 08 Architecture Committee Member, Waterloo Engineering Endowment Fund, University of Waterloo Workshops 2010 2009 2009

Rethinking Fiori Di Imperiali, Roma Tre University, Rome Italy Processing, Max/MSP and Arduino Workshop, University of Waterloo, Canada Grasshopper Workshop, Studio Mode, University of Waterloo, Canada

Projects, Installations, Exhibitions 2011.08 Interference Path Milling Prototypes *(a), Industrial Design Exhibition Prototypes, 2012 Toronto Interior Design Show 2011.01 Recursive Fractal Wall* (b), Public Space Installation Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Ontario - selected as one of the top 100 products of the 2011 Toronto Interior Design Show by Design Lines Magazine 2010.07 Canadian Pavilion - Hylozoic Ground, Responsive Environment Venice Biennale, Philip Beesley Architect Inc., Venice Italy


2010.01 Concrete Milking Stool* (c), Chair Exhibition, Come Up To My Room, Alternative Design Event, Toronto Ontario 2009 .09 Two Fold* (d), Public Space Installation Nuit Blanche, Toronto Ontario, - Winner of People’s Choice Award for Best Independent Project 2009.08

Climate and Architecture -Sargasso Fields†, Responsive Environment COP 15: Climate Change Summit, Copenhagen, Denmark with Philip Beesley and Mette Ramsgard-Thomsen

2008 .09

KPF Drawing Standards†, office-wide, archival standard for orthographic drawings with partner Douglas Hocking


Chora - The Dream of Dedalus* (e), Mixed-Media Installation, Cambridge Ontario


2007.06 Terminal 01, Interactive Digital Media Exhibition Kiosk, Lester B. Person International Airport, Toronto, Canada with Imola Berczi Select Competitions 2011 .11 Vitreous Field / Champs Vitreux, Garden Proposal* 2012 Metis Garden International Garden Show, Quebec, Canada 2008.07


Canadian National Navy Memorial, with Brook McIlory Inc & Artist Marlene Hilton Moore

Academic Awards & Achievements 2010 Work Integrated Learning Achievement Award 2009 People’s Choice Award, Best Independent Project, Nuit Blanche Toronto 2009 Ontario International Educational Opportunity Scholarship 2007 Dean’s Honours List, University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering 2007 Design Excellence Award, University of Waterloo School of Architecture 2007 H2 Hydrogen International Design Competition Finalist Inter-faculty team Member, University of Waterloo


Websites 2011 UWSA Advanced Modelling Web Resource*, on digital modelling, tooling ( 2009- Grasshopper for Humanity*, parametric experiments, design blog ( Technical Skills

3D - Rhinoceros, Tsplines, Vray, Grasshopper, RhinoScript 2D - AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite CAM - Visual Mill, Rhino CAM Catalyst 3d Rapid Prototyping - 2 1/2 Axis Techno Isel CNC Router, Laser Cutter, Dimension ABS 3d Printer, Z-Corp Starch 3d Printer

Hobbies and Interests

long-distance running, intra-mural basketball, blues guitar

e * self-iniated, director or author † designer

Contact: 1-519-434-5304 328 Grangeover Avenue London, Ontario, Canada N6G 4K5

Vitreous Fields / Champs Vitreux Competition: 2012 Metis Gardens International Garden Festival Completed with Patrick Burke

6 vortices, 30 particles Vortex magnitude: -5x105 to 2.5x105 cutoff: 0 Springs stiffness: 4000 damping constant: 50 rest length: 750 cutoff: 750 Plaw strength: -5

4 vortices, 35 particles Vortex magnitude: -5x105 to 2.5x105 cutoff: -1 Springs stiffness: 4000 damping constant: 50 rest length: 750 cutoff: 750 Plaw strength: -2

6 vortices, 35 particles Vortex magnitude: -5x109 to 2x109 cutoff: -1 Springs stiffness: 7000 damping constant: 10 rest length: 1200 cutoff: 750 Plaw strength: -50

10.11.2011_Vitreous Field / Champs Vitreux Confronted with a suspicion, the Vitreous Field shifts from reflection to superimposition, from projection to distortion. The moments are distant – the image curious. Movement agitates the field, aggravating curiosity while acknowledging the dependency. The ambiguity heightens awareness of a system once logical in motion, now chaotic in arrest. A mathematical model of natural forces is manipulated to create a system of particles – whole only in movement. The system halts, fragmenting into a series of moments manifesting as tenuous glass planes. The distorted position of the glass offers a grotesque image of a previously reasoned system; whereas planting patterns evidence the memory of the once shared logic. The suspension of this system within the natural and social systems of the Jardins de MÊtis offers the opportunity to perceive the familiar through the distorted Vitreous Field.

Column Assembly Detail 1-prefabricated tempered glass element 2-rubber gasket 3-bolt connection 4-steel column plate 5-anchor bolt 6- concrete block

1 2 3

4 5 6





plan - elevation momentary superposition of three particle systems

Screenshot of algorithmically driven physics simulation in Rhinoceros .

Recursive Fractal Wall

Personal Exhibition Come Up To My Room / IDS 2011, Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Ontario Completed with Daniela Leon, Brian Muthaliff, Lily Nourmansouri, Simeon Rivier & Maria Nikolova Photography by Connor O’Grady

31.01.2011_Recursive Fractal Wall Recursive Fractal Wall was produced for the Come Up T0 My Room Design Event, as part of the 2011 Toronto Interior Design Show. The prototype was designed, developed and fabricated in one month and required the intensive coordination of parametric modelling and a fabrication process. Diligent consideration of the tolerances associated with the CNC router and the sheet dimensions of polystyrenefoam was essential to realizing this project. The digital model, measuring 2.4 x 4.8 meters, had to be sliced into 64 individual parts for fabrication using cut planes in three different axis. These 64 panels were the carefully assembled on site into 16, 595 mm x 1195 mm panels. Production required 40 hours of total machine time, using a 2 1/2 axis Techno Isel CNC Router at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture.

595 MM

Recursive Fractal Wall was a collaborative effort, including tasks such as prototyping, parametric design, CAM programming, fabrication, assembly, finishing, mounting and fund-raising. Role:

71 90

177 MM

I was responsible for concept design, developing the parametric model and coordinating CAM - fabrication process. I assisted with installation at the venue and prepatory work in the workshop. I directed the proposal submission in July 2010, and assisted with fundraising and marketing for the project.

1195 MM

parametric modelling - CAM - fabrication

A. input of free-form surface model (tsplines)

B. local curvature analysis, recursive panelization

C. mapping of center points using Vornoi diagram

D. Vornoi points remapped to free-form geometry and used to create facets

E. polysurface split into 64 individual parts to accomodate working tolerences of CNC Router

G. parts cut out with band saw and assembled at the exhibition venue

E. 64 parts nested onto 25 panels and milled out of polystyrene foam insulation

mahogany - serving tray

cherry - cheese tray

walnut - fruit bowl

Interference Path Milling Prototypes

Toronto Interior Design Show : Prototype 2012 Toronto, Ontario Completed with Simeon Rivier Photography by Callan Wilson


10.11.2011_ Interference Path Milling Prototypes A parametric method, involving path-responsive tool-paths, was developed to manipulate the machineimprinted texture of the CNC router. The fabrication of each piece was precarious and required special attention because of the unique characteristics of a given wood species. The orientation of the router pattern was adjusted in order to minimize material tear-out, while maximizing the articulation of the emergent texture.



Plan & Elevation of the mahogany prototype, which measures approximately 900 x 350 x 65 mm, and was finished with walnut oil and beeswax


2 3 4


a. ii. i. iii.


Site Adjacencies

Paperclip Connection Detail

i. furniture store ii. cafe iii. lobby of fitness club a. historical commercial b. new commercial development c. Liberty Village grocery

1 - black snow fencing 2 - paper clip 3 - silicone tubing 4 - synovial joint 5 - bamboo fencing





a nn


r st.






king st.


Twofold is a large-scale aggregate fabric made of iterated, multi-scale components. A simple paperclip connection to bamboo was assembled over 30 000 times to reveal a gentle fabric that rests between the alley way. Density and opacity are achieved and relieved though the inclusion or exclusion of the pieces. Undulating between the walls of the alley, the veil can be read as a canopy from underneath. It swoops down within the reach of the audience creating a perceptible change in scale and intimacy. It was our hope that the audience will engage the veil and attempt to reconfigure it. It was a blanket that gathered people together and created a warm sense of shared space.

It was a blanket that gathered people together and created a warm sense of shared space.

Ministry of Culture

3a design studio - major urban building University of Waterloo School of Architecture coordinated by Philip Beesley

21.04.2009_Ministry of Culture Programmatic thresholds and a vertical street condition are engaged as ways of creating “serendipitous� social activity for the community inhabiting the Ministry of Culture. Double and triple height floor plates, suggesting a flexible range of potential occupations, are sandwiched between more typical speculative and government offices. Adjacent to the south facing curtain wall, the building atrium provides a public interface with the corporate and institutional identities present in the building; this space provides not only multiple paths of vertical circulation, but also cafe and the pre - function areas of the auditorium, and conference center programs.


circulation & reception

vertical street & prefunction areas

curtain wall

The floor plate accommodates several potential configurations.








c d










Porte Museo

4a design studio - Rome University of Waterloo School of Architecture coordinated by Lorenzo Pignatti & Tracy Eve Winton completed with Lily Nourmansouri

07.12.2010_ The river edge is transformed into a place of cultural dialogue where the city of Rome can re-invent itself once again. We developed four buildings in response to the four programmatic components of the museum. Initially each piece responds to its program typologically, creating a unique relationship to the city and the river. Architecture needs strong identities to inherit a diverse and layered narrative. We interpret the project as the narrative of the city, a story that shapes the potential for these buildings.

Masterplan Model 1:2000

Massing Model 1:500

Sectional Model 1:200

Masterplan Model 1:2000

3d printed starch, resin, plywood The model was split in to fragments in order to fit the working area of the 3d printer.

Monte Verde

proposed site of new museum Porte Portese


Using a calibrated series of interventions, the idea of Masterplan was to create an architectural promenade adjacent to the proposed museum.

a new cultural armature is created at Porte Portese

museum of the tiber


new pedestrian bridge

Massing Model 1:500


Basilica Grotto



Grotto Tower Basilica

Via Portuense +15.00 M

Tevere 0.00 M

Section Model 1:200

materials : 3d printed starch & cast resin parts, acrylic, plywood


Basilica Pier Via Portuense +15.00 M


Tevere +0.00 M

Skin Study Models 1:200

Tower Skin

Basilica Soffit

Gallery Ceiling

The 3d printed models were used as negatives to cast rubber moulds. The rubber moulds were then used to cast the final parts in resin.

Plywood Mass Customization Chapel

Cambridge, Ontario 4b Comprehensive Building Design Studio University of Waterloo School of Architecture Coordinated by Andrew Levitt

07.31.2011_ The design of the Plywood Mass Customization Chapel was an opportunity to explore design processes and techniques associated with a systems-based design approach in architecture. The emphasis of the studio on the integration of building science, structure, and detailing provided a unique opportunity to imagine how parametric tools and custom manufacturing concepts could be implemented in actual practice. The experience of the project was one of trial and error, constant redevelopment, and iteration. The material presented here demonstrates how the design fragment became a necessary tool to operate as a designer in this personally unfamiliar territory.

Skylights TPO Membrane



Marine-grade plywood cladding

Profiles A1 Profiles B1

Steam-bent wood interior skin

Profiles A2 + B3

Concrete Foundations

Reciprocal tensile forces hold the profiles together at joint intersections.


Roof Construction:

TPO roofing membrane (white) 250 mm rigid-foam thermal insulation vapour Barrier 50 mm pine plywood 450 mm min. laminated veneer lumber structure 25 mm drop ceiling polyeurathane resin enamel paint

RSI = 7.365 m2 x ยบC/ W

U Value = 0.136 W/ ยบC


aluminium with standing seems seal 18 mm


aluminium cap safety glass

4 displacement ventilation system supply air plenum floor diffuser exhaust


Floor Construction

200 mm reinforced concrete slab vapour barrier 100 mm polystyrene insulation 150 crushed gravel RSI = 7.196 m2 x ยบC/ W U Value = 0.139 W/ ยบC




Basement Wall Assembly

2 x 8 mm laminated safety glass + 16 mm airspace + 8 mm coated toughened glass

drainage board 100 mm polystyrene insulation vapour barrier 250 mm poured concrete wall finish

great hall

bike st

work space


reading area

project room



The interior skin is built with steam-bent red-oak profiles and mechanically fastened to the structural waffle.


Skin : Two layers of 1”” plywood sheathing adds stiffness to the waffle structure


Structural waffle : 5-axis CNC milled 3” plywood profiles. strong in compression diagonal intersections increase surface area of connecting surfaces. grid spacing @ 950 mm, intersection range from - 30 to 30 degrees in two axis. In this section, representing 1/3rd of the chapel there are 1500 profiles & the average size is 1.7 m x .95 m


Interior skin : 3/4”” x 1 1/2” steam bent red oak strips oriented with longitudinal grain parallel to the axis of bending


Metal fasteners: metal plates, bolts, washers, nuts, standardized; drill holes are determined parametrically and are unique to each profile A 5 axis CNC is needed to drill bolt holes at an angle to the material face.


Slab : concrete foundation poured in advance of prefabricated profiles arriving on site from the factory. The foundation & bearing walls provide moment resistance within the building structure. Building services run under the slab.

Construction & Structural Premise :

Kohn Pedersen Fox Internship New York, New York 09.08 - 12.08

Over the course of my internship with Kohn Pederson Fox in New York, I contributed to three projects; redlining construction drawings for the 42nd KPF street office fit out, working on design development drawings and client rendering for the Rosalyn Gateway Development in Rosalyn Virginia, and developed graphic standards for the office in illustrator and AutoCAD while producing the AIA awards package for the Methodist Hospital and Research Institute project in Houston, Texas.

Methodist Hospital AIA Awards Package / KPF Archival Drawing Standards

Brook McIlroy Internship Toronto, Canada 04.09 - 08.09

Brook McIlroy is a planning, architecture and landscape practice with a variety of clients including institutions, municipalities and the development industry. During my work term I contributed to several projects including the Downsview Park Master Plan in Toronto Ontario and the Thunder Bay Waterfront Develoment in Thunder Bay Ontario.

CN Railroad fence; I was responsible for developing the design and producing construction drawings. I also coordinated the tendering process for its construction


CN Rail Fence

Prince Arthur’s Landing: I was responsible for design development and the production of construction drawings and renderings for this particular landscape feature.


Prince Arthur’s Landing, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Central Bank of Azerbaijan Study Models - 1:1000 & 1:500

mdeveloped developed developedfor for forCCB CCB CCBbuilding building buildingSkin Skin Skin

thim developed for CCB building Skin

Algorithmically Generated Building Skin, Congress Center Baku, Coop Himmelblau Internship

parametric building skin development in grasshopper - Congress Center Baku

Algorithmically Algorithmically AlgorithmicallyGenerated Generated GeneratedBuilding Building BuildingSkin, Skin, Skin,Congress Congress CongressCenter Center CenterBaku, Baku, Baku,Coop Coop CoopHimmelblau Himmelblau HimmelblauInternship Internship Internship Coop Himmelb(l)au Vienna, Austria 01.10 - 08.10

At Coop Himmelb(l)au I was a member of the team working on projects in Azerbaijan, including the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Stock Exchange, and the Baku Congress Center. I contributed to the team in two primary ways; preparing physical study models under the direction of the Design Architect for the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, and working on the parametric modelling of concepts for the Baku Congress Center. Other tasks included working drawings, design research, visualization, preparation of presentation material, and photography.

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