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Small Business ASSOCIATION
Vol. 02 Issue. 5 May, 2014 Edition
Building Networks; Creating Wealth
International Enterprise Partnerships Made Easier
The Small Business Association (SBA) recently signed a 2-year agreement with The Foundation for Entrepreneurial Participation (TFEP) to promote a match-making service to enterprises in Barbados and the United Kingdom.
In Focus MEMBERS Read more, pg2
guidance to ensure an effective and producTFEP tive partnership, along with other "Partneractivities in the Caribbean ship Support Organisations". because of the interest in supporting small businesses by Barbados Government enterAbout TFEP prise agencies, the UK Government and enterTFEP is a new not-for-profit organisation prise support agencies. It is expected that the (part of The Foundation for European Initia- venture will help achieve closer ties between One of the events emanating from the tives) whose major objective is to develop and small businesses in the European Union and MOU was the launch of the Euro- implement a support infrastructure in the the Caribbean. Caribbean Enterprise Partnership Service Caribbean to assist entrepreneurs to develop, (ECEPS). innovate and partner with other enterprises The launch was hosted by the British High in the European Union and business Commissioner, Mrs. Victoria Dean, at her About ECEPS support agencies in the Caribbean. official residence. In today’s global economic climate it is vital for enterprises, more specifically, The foundation indicated that Barbados had Interested persons can visit the website small and medium sized enterprises been chosen as the pilot country for the for more information. (SMEs), to expand their horizons and develop relationships in other countries to facilitate and expand their export potential. The ECEPS is a place where enterprises can register their request/offer for partnership at NO COST with the intention of securing a partnership with a suitable organisation in order for them to develop a productive relationship. Once a “Partnership Match” is found the Small Business Association in Barbados and Pathway Caribbean in the UK will be on hand to offer practical support and Officials at the ECEPS Launch
As is the mandate of any government, the Government of Barbados seeks to ensure future advancement of the country. Many strategies have been put in place to do such; one of which is under Pillar 5 of the Barbados Human Resource Development Strategy. The rationale of Pillar 5 of the Strategy is to use research to assist with entrepreneurial growth and innovation. Creating a research culture will inform new industries, strengthen product development and compile critical data on the sector to inform policies and programming. Such a decision stems from the Government recognising that innovation has a beneficial impact on both national economic growth and on corporate performance. Furthermore, a large IMPORTANT DATES 2014
number of studies have found a positive relationship between research and development and growth in output. It is also abundantly clear to the Government, that entrepreneurship is important for economic growth, productivity, innovation, and employment.
2.) The creation of opportunities for the development of innovative goods and services. This includes encouraging an innovation driven entrepreneurial culture through the intensification of research and development. Also, there is to be provision for enhanced opportunities for training and professional development in specialised Pillar 5 consists of a number of core activities occupations in agriculture and the cultural including training, incubator programmes, industries. capacity building for key sectors and research projects. 3.) The enhancement of opportunities for entrepreneurship. Within this activity there Some of these activities include: will be the creation of employment opportunities through education, training, and 1.) Promotion of a strong research culture other incentives for small business developwhere there will be dissemination of informa- ment. The activities also provide for the tion on science and technology to all Barbadi- growth of innovative ideas and the reviewans and the organisation of technical confer- ing of the fiscal and legislative framework ences for the sharing of information. currently in place for the development of SMEs.
June 18 Youth Symposium Enterprise in Action The Hilton Hotel COMING SOON...
HEAD OFFICE 1 Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados Phone: (246) 228-0162 Fax: (246) 228-0613 Email: Website:
Small Business ASSOCIATION
Miracle Balm is a 100% Bajan business with amazing Natural products. The company officially started in January 2013 with an aim to provide a cost effective line of products that will travel the globe and contribute to the health and well being of people of all color and races, by the use of natural oils and herbs. They believe that the things for our healing exist in mother nature - that’s why the As a young child growing up around big business incorporated grandma’s old-time ten wheeler trucks, Duane Griffith discov- remedies into its’ products. ered a passion for trucking. His first stop on leaving secondary school was for a The product line includes: heavy-duty license and he was able to Miracle Balm Oil & Rub: Excellent external further develop on that passion when he products if you are suffering from aching joined the team at C.O.Williams. This joints and muscles, arthritis, backaches, headearned him the opportunity to gain experi- aches, muscle spasms, nerve pains and poor ence driving trucks of various sizes. circulation or menstrual cramps.
Lil Griff‛s Freighting Services
However, he laments that although this experience was a fascinating one, the idea of starting his own trucking company was rapidly becoming a priority and he ventured out and purchased his first truck. In April 2008, out of that initial love and passion for trucks, Lil Griff ’s Freighting Services was born. Lil Griff ’s offers general freighting services and has contracts with some of Barbados’ biggest companies. This work involves delivery and removal of debris in some instances. With his continued passion for trucking, it is his intention to improve the business both in assets and service, thereby making Lil Griff ’s Freighting Services a small business making a big impact.
ANtelcom (Barbados) Ltd. began operations in 2013, with a strong focus in the Information Communication Technolgy Sector (ICT). Developing on the regional success of sister company ANtel Trinidad together with a strong long-term relationships with leading manufactures in the ICT industry, ANtelcom is shaping their local Bajan business to offer customers the highest Quality of Experience when conducting business. ANtelcom has gained recognition as a premier supplier of Telecom and Networking Solutions offering both Legacy and Next Generation access solutions over Copper, Fibre and Wireless.
Teaming up with APC, RAD and RADWIN the business model has been accepted by all the major Carriers, ISPs, Fixed line, Cellular Operators and Enterprise Customers Miracle Balm Hair Growth & Scalp Oils: throughout the region. Natural formulation rich in Horsetail, Rosemary, Tea Tree and other essential oils and With 20 years expereince serving the indusherbs. try, ANtelcom has developed into a responsive, technically strong, flexible and Miracle Balm Sinus Rub: With Thymol, solutions oriented business. Peppermint and Chamomile gives a more natural approach to those who experience For more on the services of ANtelcom Ltd. runny nose and eyes, sinus, nasal & chest give them a call at 239-5811 or email congestion, headaches or minor aches and pains. Miracle Balm Healing Therapy Oil: This Oil is rich in calendula and it’s excellent for the healing of minor cuts, scrapes and burns. Miracle Balm Natural Insect Repellent: This repellent is a wonderful formulation with a natural lemongrass base and is DEET-free.
You can reach Lil Griff ’s Freighting at For more information on Miracle Balm you (246) 266-2934 or by email: can contact them at (246) 252-7183 or email
Members at the Members Meeting & Networking Forum
As always the Small Business Association seeks to provide a means of development for its members and its meeting on Tuesday May 27th was no exception.
It is for this reason that the SBA brought the Cherry Tree Trust (a financial institution), Cave Shepherd Company Limited (a department store) and LIME (a telecommunications company) to make presentations to the SBA The association held its Members Meeting members. and Networking Forum where attendees were provided with presentations geared Each representative gave insight to their towards providing business opportunities. organisation and ways in which small business owners could benefit from them. Chief Executive Officer of the SBA Ms Lynette Holder said in her opening remarks If you missed the event, be sure to keep an that, “In light of all that was happening in eye out on the SBA’s social networking sites the economy, there must be opportunities and website for the video coverage. that our small firms can access.” SBA Outlook Newsletter May 2014
Ms. Ronda Smith-Jordan Corporate Sales Support Supervisor Lime Barbados
EDUCATION IS AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE CEO of First Citizens Bank, Mr. Glyne Harrison, believes that investment in higher education is an investment into the continued development of Barbados. Noting that there is a direct relationship between high rates of participation in tertiary education and the economic growth and development of a country, Mr. Harrison emphasised that despite the current economic challenges being faced at the country, sectoral and family levels, prospective and continuing students should not give up their aspirations of attaining their university education.
Citing that tertiary-level education provides a viable avenue for upward social mobility, increases the opportunities for gaining and maintaining meaningful careers for graduates and provides the stimulation required for new business start-ups he noted that these can all positively contribute to societal improvements.
tion. With specific reference to bank financing, Mr. Harrison acknowledged that while students may have concerns about using a loan to finance their education, the benefits of doing so far outweigh the disadvantages of and a repayment grace period following graduation all worked together to allow persons to afford higher education.
In light of the recent developments which transferred the responsibility of financing the economic cost of tertiary education onto students, Mr. Harrison recommended that scholarships, grants, educational financing and other legitimate funding opportunities be fully explored by those seeking higher educa-
According to Mr. Harrison “First Citizens Bank believes that students, both current and prospective, should have the opportunity to pursue their educational goals and First Citizens will work with parents and students alike to help them to achieve that dream”.
WELCOME TO THE FAMILY “The association is yours.” These words from Ms. Andrea Taylor, Business Operations Manager of the SBA, as she welcomed new members during a recent orientation meeting. The 11 businesses went through their orientation on Thursday 22nd of May where one message prevailed; “the SBA belongs to you.” Ms Taylor elaborated on exactly what the new members had within their possession. She mentioned the business assistance the SBA provided from the business tool kit firms received on membership, to workshops and educational seminars.
The Newcomers say… After the orientation, new members shared their reasons for joining the SBA. Indira Samlal of Antelcom Barbados Limited said she was drawn to the association after visiting their website. She said, “I thought what they offered was good for the development of a young business. It is a great place to get assistance and advice to survive as a small business in today’s economy.”
Crystal Barker said she joined out of curiosity. “I wanted to know if they lived up to their name and after today, I see that they do. The owner of a teaching business, Music Angels stated that after joining she was now ready to She stated that small businesses contrib- dive into being an entrepreneur; “I’m Business Operations Manager - Ms Andrea Taylor uted greatly to the Barbadian economy and enthused and freshly motivated.” New members confirmed that they would make the SBA was there to ensure that they strived. She said, “We must ensure that we Make use of what’s yours! Ms. Taylor pointed use of the courses, website development and have an enabling environment. If that does out to the group that the SBA “was very happy networking opportunities that came with being not happen, we stand the chance of to bring training and development sessions for a SBA member. becoming obsolete.” members.” The orientation closed with the new members Ms. Taylor also ensured that the newcomers She said, “Utilize the opportunities. We have receiving their certificates and networking were fully abreast on what they now had to free concurrent workshops. I want you to amongst themselves. call their own. She also spoke on what the participate, if you cannot make it send an SBA did not do. “We do not give loans employee whom the workshop would benefit however, we advocate for better conditions or assist.” for members” Ms Taylor added.
Membership at the recent Orientation session with BOM, Andrea Taylor (6th from the left) SBA Outlook Newsletter May 2014