SBA Outlook Newsletter May 31

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You Are Reading Vol. 01 Issue. 08 May 31, 2013 Edition

SMART Marketing for SMEs The Small Business Association (SBA) members now have some innovative ways to help push their businesses starting July 2013. The SBA is in the process of producing three products which will be used to assist members in getting their messages out to the public at an affordable price. The Business Lead, the SBA’s flagship publication will be printed in July and will offer both members and strategic business partners attractive advertising rates in an exciting and professionally designed publication. It will feature a range of articles that are geared to enhance the business intelligence of members and the general public. These free publications will be distributed in hard copy and will also be available

marketing arsenal is being redesigned and repositioned as a consumer discount publication. In the past the booklet was mainly used to offer discounts to members. However in light of the focus of Be SME Smart, the SBA thought now was the best time to widen the field and invite the general public to patronise local SMEs thereby supporting local entrepreneurs,

for download from the SBA’s website. The SME SMART Discount Booklet, the marketing powerhouse of the SBA


ARE YOU BRAZIL READY? She went on to say that the SBA “recognised an increasing audience of persons seeking information for research purposes as well as tips on starting a business. Naturally as the premier SME advocate, we thought it was time to refresh our web presence and provide the information our audience was demanding”

Ms. Taylor stated also that “with the Tech SMART Website, programme we set about to give a web presence to 50 of our members, and with the proposed SME Smart Market Place we felt it was indeed necessary to convert the SBA’s site into a portal that could effectively highlight the members consume quality local goods of the association”. and services and above help the local economy. SBA’s Business Operations Manager, Ms. Andrea Taylor noted that one of the exciting features of the publication will be that all of the ads in the booklet will be available online for one year. “Members will have the opportunity to change the ad free of cost at least once per year” she added. The final gem in the trilogy is the revamping of the Association’s website which will be revealed on July 15, 2013. The site has been redesigned to provide more information to the general public, international donors and of course members.



In Focus

Read more, pg 2

To date response has been extremely positive and members have been calling to secure their place in the publications and online. “No one wants to be left out”she added. SBA members who advertise across all three platforms will benefit from additional discounts and concessions. Non-members can also secure space in The Business Lead and on the SBA website by calling 228-0162 or emailing



Participants in the Walk the Talk programme will soon be able to post their Walk the Talk “mileage” online. A website has been set up to promote the Walk the Talk initiative which is a collaboration among the SBA, Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Barbados Employers Confederation. The website will be used to promote walk activities, milestones, various facets of healthy living and above


all keep track of companies and individuals with the largest number of steps. Very soon information on prizes and other useful tips will be posted for participants. If you wish to have your information listed on the site please send an excel spreadsheet file to You can also send photos of your various activities for the gallery. Until then, keep walking




1 Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados Phone:

(246) 228-0162


(246) 228-0613



All Eyes on Brazil? economy in the world and has a The SBA is currently examining its social programme that to date has options with regard to a proposed trade lifted over 40 million people out mission to Brazil in September 2013. of poverty into the middle class.

But what does this translate to for Barbados and the SME sector?

Already Barbados has been making advances in tourism through GOL airlines. There are also possibilities This is against the backdrop of a It is the world’s largest producer of for the trade of goods and services mandate from Cabinet in 2010 that juice oranges and has well-developed particularly in the rum Barbados should “seek industry . Other industries to boost the exports in that are being eyed for three Latin American possible trade possibilities countries”, including Costa include music and Rica, Panama and Brazil. culture, pharmaceuticals, ethanol, sauces and beer. The SBA took part in the trade mission to Panama Of course we need to and Costa Rica and now all first ascertain what are eyes have turned to Brazil. the standards that will be required by the Brazilian It is interesting to note that government before we can Brazil was the last stop proceed. The Barbados on the six day tour for government is therefore American Vice President Joe Biden agricultural, mining, manufacturing, looking to a possible trade mission after meeting with CARICOM heads and service sectors. “Brazil’s exports between September 14 - 21,2013 to São in Trinidad on Tuesday May 28. include transportation equipment, Paulo . Funding for this mission will be iron ore, soybeans, footwear, motor In Brazil Joe Biden noted that the a major issue but hopefully members vehicles, concentrated orange juice, country was no longer a developing of the SME community who have the beef, and tropical hardwoods. nation but one that has developed and wherewithal can take advantage of this. Machinery, electrical and transportation a powerhouse within Latin America. SBA at equipment, chemical products, oil, Please contact the Brazil is the largest economic power in and electronics are major imports” 228-0162 if you are interested Lain America and the seventh largest in going to this trade mission

BOOK LINE READY FOR GUATEMALA Social Entrepreneur award winner in the recent Caribbean Innovation Challenge 2013, Book Line has been hard at work fine

The team has been groomed by Business Operations Manager, Andrea Taylor and Ms. Selma Green, Manager of the Youth



Paul Clarke Holdings is a privately owned Barbados management investment company with interests in a number of strategic sectors including media, entertainment, tourism, sports, merchandising and distribution. The company’s policy is to be actively involved in the management of the companies in which it develops and invests. We also act as consultants to a number of businesses and organisations Worldwide. Paul Clarke Holdings offers a myriad of business related services with a focus on business management and business optimisation. The company prides itself on providing the missing piece to create the BIG PICTURE.

Hard at work from left Chenika Moore , Book Line, Selma Green, YES, , Ivan Cox, Book Line, Andrea Taylor, SBA, Kevin Bishop and Rochelle Waldron, Book Line

tuning their presentation for the upcoming Talent & Innovation Challenge Americas which will be held in Guatemala from June 2-3, 2013.

SBA Outlook Newsletter

May 31, 2013

Entrepreneurship Scheme on presentation, business plan, feasibility and viability. The SBA Outlook wishes them much success in the challenge


The Company also has a strong presence in the consultancy of trade in services in the Caribbean region. It also offers, marketing and sales, property development, business management, media strategies, entertainment, tourism, publishing and sports management. One of its companies, PK Events & Media is responsible for the very successful and popular Girlfriend’s Expo and the more recently the television series Entrepreneurs Annoymous.


They can be contacted by SKYPE: paulpclarke, email:paulclarke@caribsurf .com or at 262-7668 or 255-444

MORE CAPACITY BUILDING SUPPORT FOR SMEs The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) is looking to do more projects jointly with the SBA and the Ministry of Tourism. This was the word from Ms Ruth Houliston, Consultant with the IADB.

noted that discussions had already started on what more could be done to continue the work that was started.

The showcase mounted in Pelican Industrial Park, featured the Intimate Hotels, C & G Star Trading, Choos Enterprises, Bird’s nest Foods who all received technical support under the project as well as showcased the works of noted Barbadian craft from Medford Mahogany and Onkphra IADB Consultant, Ruth Houliston and Andrea Wells.

Speaking at a special showcase of products and companies who benefited from the most recent IADB/Ministry of Tourism project under the Multilateral Investment Fund, Ms. Houliston

SBA CEO, Lynette Holder in addressing the gathering of IADB consultants and partners said she was eager to continue the work started and to be able to continue to build the capacity of the

The debate rages on . . .


As the CEO of a representative body, sometimes you have a take a position which is diametrically opposed to LAST WORD the prevailing thoughts of your peers. FROM THE CEO It is well known that I do not avoid the tough issues so naturally when my last column was reviewed by my counterparts in the business community I was prepared for some critical feed back. And it came. I will say this, as we have said in the past, the SBA will continue to advocate and educate our constituents, in the interest of all and always in a responsible and independent manner. We should never feel threatened by the proffering of independent or diverse views on any subject matter, and we should never seek to dismiss the message simply because of the messenger. I have also noted in the media since my comments were published, a range of views quite similar to mine being put into the public. Our Honourable Minister, Donville Inniss, has previously advised the business community to seek to conquer new markets, his counterpart the Honourable Richard Sealy has so stated that we have to “go where the business is” . The reality is there for all who wish to see, the rules have changed and we need to get our businesses to become more sophisticated and aggressive in pursuing new markets. As I write, plans are afoot to pursue a trade/political mission to Brazil, one of the largest and most sophisticated markets in Latin America. I can bet however that many business persons will not readily see the opportunities

SBA CEO, Lynette Holder

SBA members.

The gathering was part of the IADB’s two day Annual Retreat of Caribbean Civil Society Consultative Groups. Other Speakers included Ms. Francia Jordan, Director of Research and Planning with the Ministry of Tourism, Tracy Harris of Intimate Hotels, Glendine Greaves of C&G Star Trading and Dr. Glyne Williams of C&G International Inc


that are possible and will probably show no interest. As I have pointed out just recently, macro businesses in particular, should be encouraged to develop competitive goods and services to trade at international levels, export and earn foreign exchange. The interventionist role of government must be in creating the policy and administrative environment to facilitate growth and not to protect industry from competition. There is opportunity in agriculture but this requires a technological and scientific approach to development. With people as our only asset the strategy should be on the knowledge economy and cultural industries for exports. We also have a number of firms who seem contented to stay on shore and simply cry out for protection against competition. Too many firms are not becoming sophisticated enough for the global stage and worst yet, seem not to understand the urgency in getting there. We are signatory to several international conventions governing world trade and cannot have protectionist policies that flout the tenets of such agreements. This is a reality I fear not understood by many. Government must continue to protect the vulnerable in the society such as women, youth, differently-able and micro businesses to name a few. It must also, through its legislative process and trade vehicles, encourage businesses to look beyond these shores, be internationally viable and export. A greater percentage of industry must expand their operations to become foreign exchange earners. Micro businesses will continue to operate in the ‘life-style’ sector but the greater emphasis has to be on legislation that stimulates growth through exports not reliance on protection. Sadly, this debate will continue until the hand holding ceases and business take that leap of faith


The Small Business Association (SBA) is the island’s non-governmental, non-profit representative body for micro, small and medium enterprises. The SBA seeks to expand business opportunities for its members, provide educational and developmental services and lobby to ensure an enabling environment for the growth and sustainability of the SME sector. For more information on the work of the Small Business Association, please visit our website: SBA Outlook Newsletter

May 31, 2013

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