You Are Reading Vol. 01 Issue. 02 February 15, 2013 Edition
In Focus
SHaW Act Explained
Election Offences and Controversies Act. CAP 3 Sec 20 » Read more, PG. 2
In this Issue: MEMBER SPOTLIGHT BIZOFFICE System Solution
ARTISANS ATTEND DESIGN CARIBBEAN 2013 To be held at Grand Lucayan, Freeport, Bahama, Bahamas June 20-23, 2013. Interested? Contact Ms. Cora Lowe Design Caribbean 2013 1ST Floor, Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael, BB22026. Tel. +1(246) 436-057
Click Here for Be SMART
10 REASONS Why you should have a busines website
QUICKBOOK FOR Small Business - 2nd Course STARTED - February 14, 2013
1 Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados
STRATEGIC PLANNING For Small Businesses STARTED - February 14, 2013
(246) 228-0162
(246) 228-0613
BizOffice Systems Solutions Inc. (BOSS Inc) is a Sales and Services oriented business which started its operations on February 1 2011 with objectives and goals of providing office stationery products, genuine inks and toner cartridges for some of the leading printer and copier brands in Barbados. This young company was awarded the SBA Wholesale/Retail Award for Sectoral Group Award in 2012. They offer technology products such as HP Inkjet and Laser Printers, HP Scanners, Brother Laser Fax Machines, Multifunctional Printing Devices, Copiers and Projectors, Desktop and Personal Calculators and High Quality Photocopy and Printing Paper. In addition, they provide the Barbados business market, Government and the Small Office Home Office (SOHO) markets with some additional product lines such as Laptops, Desktop Computers and Tablets as well as accessories. With their motto Real Solutions, Real People, BOSS Inc. is committed to providing unparalleled service and support, training and supplies on technology devices while offering the customer peace of mind. They pride themselves on responding quickly to customer needs. They have participated in the SBA Be SME SMART Programme.
BOSS Inc. is one company that was immediately eager to take advantage of the SBA’s Central Bank Sponsored Tech Smart Free Website Program
Excel Secrets & Techniques in Management Reporting The best secrets, tips and techniques to quickly analyse, summarise and present data for senior management. Facilitator Mr. Areef Ali B.Sc, FCCA, CA, MBA Mon. 18th-Wed 20th Mar 2013 8:30 am - 4:30 p.m. Barbados Chamber of Commerce & Industry Building, Braemar Court, Deighton Road, St. Michael, Barbados
Click HERE for the registration form For further information or enquiries: Contact host, Mr. Areef Ali at (868)-788-7538 or E-mail:
Your organisation is under no obligation to compensate employees who are voluntarily participating in election campaigning and/or Election Day activities Employers should familiarise themselves with the provisions of the Election Offences and Controversies Act. CAP 3 Sec 20 which clearly outlines the obligations of employers on polling day. 1. Every employer shall, on polling day, allow to every elector in his employ a reasonable period of not less than one hour for voting and no employer shall make any deduction from the pay or other remuneration of any such elector or impose upon or exact from him any penalty by reason of his absence during such period. 2. Any employer who directly or indirectly refuses or by intimidation, undue influence or in any other way interferes with the granting to an elector in his employ of the period of voting, as provided in this section, is liable on summary conviction to a fine of five hundred dollars or to imprisonment for six months. All employers are required to adhere to the above relevant sections of the Act and the following recommendations are given to assist with the execution of smooth business operations on Election Day: • No monies should be deducted from an employee’s wages/salary for time spent in voting or performing duties authorised by the Electoral and Boundaries Commission. Your organisation is however, under no obligation to compensate employees who are voluntarily participating in
election campaigning and/or Election Day activities, such as: transporting persons to polling stations etc.
Communicate with employees, as early as possible, to establish what time is required and the most suitable allotment for both parties. Where possible a roster should be implemented. Staff should not be penalised if additional time is utilised in the voting process. However, employees should be urged to communicate any unexpected delays they may experience. A contingency plan should be implemented to minimise any disruptions in customer service. To those whom it applies, please be guided accordingly, by the Election Offences and Controversies Act Cap 3. Sec 12. This states, inter alia, that no intoxicating liquor shall be sold, offered, or given away, at any time between the opening and closing of polls on polling day at any premises in any constituency (source BEC)
Walk The Talk
Are you ready to WALK THE TALK? Join forces with the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Barbados Employers Confederation and the Small Business Association in “Walk the Talk.” Walk the Talk challenges participants to engage in a pedometer programme entitled “10,000 Steps to Wellness”. The concept is that 10k steps per day equates to half an hour’s exercise which is widely accepted as the amount of time we should engage in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. From 01 April 2013, we will all engage in more activity. Instead of parking your car closest to the building you work at, park it further away. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk to your colleague’s desk rather than use the intercom. Get moving!
Every employee who engages in the programme will be given a pedometer which will be used to record their movement in steps. The information will then be assessed to see who has recorded the highest number of steps with a report published each week identifying the winner. Get your employees involved TODAY!!
“Persons working from at home carry greater risk of injury than in a larger firm” home businesses to check that all required systems were in place. He emphasised that where two or more people worked SHaW takes effect and “if you take commercial activity to your home, then it becomes a workplace.”
SBA members attending the recently held members meeting on January 29, 2013 benefited from the expert presentations by panelists Mr. Victor Felix, Labour Administrator of the Labour Department, Mr. Harold Oxley, an Occupational Hygiene Specialist with REA Envirohealth International and Ms. Beverley Rouse, Occupational Safety Specialist with Pinnacle Safety Solutions. The SHaW Act was a blanket Act, Mr. Oxley pointed out, and business owners would need to see what regulations were created by the authorities to spell out the details of the Act. He also said that managers must manage and enforce the Act even if employees were reluctant or resistant to the changes. Mr. Oxley further stated that managers above all must set the pace and be willing to show employees the exit if they failed to comply with the provisions of the Act and the regulations. Victor Felix warned that persons who ran businesses from their homes would not escape the Act. In fact he noted that Safety and Health Officers would have the same authority to turn up at these
Since the SBA’s recently offered members a chance to have a FREE website designed for their business many members had questions not only about maintenance but why they needed a website. Here are a few reasons why you SHOULD invest in a website for your business. Marketing: It can complement your existing marketing strategy. Your site can inform customers about your business’ goods and services and it makes word-ofmouth advertising easier and CHEAPER. Educate: Clients want to know what you can do for them. Your website can give them information about you and provide resources to educate them on why they need your services.
Mr. Felix spent some time going through in detail the forms that would be completed by business persons to comply with the Act. Beverley Rouse told the audience that the SHaW Act should be seen as a tool that could have financial benefits to employers. She said that complying with regulations, improving the safety and workplace environment and reducing the incidences of illness and absenteeism could save businesses money. In addition she added companies who rigorously enforced the health and safety standards could petition their insurance providers for reductions in premiums and also saving from the NIS.
The audience was treated to an entertaining puppet show which examined how the ShaW Act impacted the workplace
TOO MANY IMPEDIMENTS TO SME GROWTH I am, like the Barbados Private Sector LAST WORD FROM THE CEO Association (BPSA), gravely concerned about the Government’s indebtedness of approximately $49.6 million in the form of Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds, Corporation Tax refunds, Diesel Rebates or sums owed for the supply of works, goods and services to businesses. Of those companies surveyed 72% are SMEs. Taken in context, 44% of the firms interviewed were micro businesses (1-9 employees) being owed some $21 million
Why do I need a Website?
alone. This is an unacceptable situation in a struggling sector. I understand the numerous challenges that government faces in these very trying times, but the failure to settle its debt to SMEs and other businesses further exacerbates the economic problem. Small businesses already faced with the challenges of shrinking markets, fierce competition, and high production costs cannot also be asked to provide goods and services promptly with no immediate
Competition: Chances are your competitors have one. An online strategy can lead to increased exposure in the global marketplace. Companies that ignore the web run the risk of being left behind. 24/7 Sales & Service: Customers shop and compare prices online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to get answers and information about businesses, even if those businesses are closed for the day. New Clients: Its an immediate resource. Your website gives customers and prospects all the information about your business they need. Connect with Customers: Keep customers coming back by keeping in touch with them. Interact with clients by way of newsletters, polls or surveys, chat rooms and special deals. It shows customers you care. Instant Legitimacy: A well designed website lends legitimacy to your business and leads to increased sales. Poll Your Audience: Find out what customers are looking for and learn what new trends are on the horizon or features you need to add. Look & act bigger: By using multiple e-mail accounts (e.g. Sales@, Info@, etc) even a oneperson business can look like a multi-person or multi-department operation through a company website.
Customers Expect It: Without a web presence, your business risks never being found by prospective customers recourse for compensation. Government’s failure to pay its debts on time will only lead to the other problem of SMEs not being able to meet their statutory obligations to government. It is a vicious cycle SMEs simply do not have the flexibility to maintain huge receivables as some large organisations and therefore I am hopeful that with the BPSA bringing the matter to light this imbalance will be rectified in the new fiscal year.